03-14-2007, 06:03 AM

Cory Barlog has confirmed that God of War is coming to PS3, complete with 1080p, tilt and vibration.

The God of War 2 launch event took place last night over in the US and Cory Barlog, the game's director, also had a few words to say about the franchise's first next-gen appearance.

According to a live blog report by 1UP, Barlog revealed that a future God of War game will feature 1080p visuals and will include Sixaxis and vibration functions - maybe he knows something we don't about a new PS3 controller.

Barlog, a big fan of co-op in Gears of War, is also interested in bringing co-op to a future God of War game, although believes it mustn't simply be tacked on.

"Does co-op have a place in God of War? If we can do something unique with it, yeah, but it is really an early exploration of that in my head really. It's not even a discussion with the team. We're not even moving on to do the game yet. I'm thinking how can we incorporate this without damaging what happens in the game -- without having it feel silly," said Barlog.

Fcuk yeah!!!

03-14-2007, 06:10 AM
I haven't even played the first one. I'm downloading it right now though :D!

03-14-2007, 06:13 AM
For people who dont know, vibration is back for ps3

03-14-2007, 07:04 AM
I haven't even played the first one. I'm downloading it right now though :D!

Oh, let me tell you. It's a blast. Great game play and plenty of violence, fire and blood. I still need to get the second one, I only have the demo.

03-14-2007, 07:05 AM
Immersion has settled with Sony - that hardly means that they'll put vibration in the SIXAXIS straight way.

Although ironically, David Jaffe said there will be vibration in GoW3, which means that there probably will be vibration by the time GoW3 is released - which is likely to be at least a year.

As for the game series itself, I think i'm the only person who didn't think God of War was anything that special - I guess that "OMFG VIOLENCE AND BOOBIES" doesn't necessarily equal a good game for me.

03-14-2007, 07:10 AM
Now I know who you remind me of! You remind me of that Debbie Downer character from the SNL skit.

the guy watching you
03-14-2007, 07:22 AM
didnt someone say there was gonna be a GOW for psp too? (cant remember name right now)

EDIT:turns out it was Barlog (

Atom Narmor
03-14-2007, 07:43 AM
good news indeed.

03-14-2007, 04:49 PM
Now I know who you remind me of! You remind me of that Debbie Downer character from the SNL skit.

Way to quote an american cultural reference to a foreigner.


By the way, you remind me of the little annoying kid who won't shut up. You know the one - it was you.

03-14-2007, 07:21 PM
I'm glad the vibration is/will be back. I thought that whole sixaxis thing was pretty irrelevant.

And did I hear BOOBIES!?!?

03-14-2007, 07:26 PM
Wonder what god(s) you will fight? - Hades?

And did I hear BOOBIES!?!?

you sure did!

03-14-2007, 07:54 PM
hmmm i didnt even enjoy the first one.

03-14-2007, 08:20 PM
boobies = good. :D

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-14-2007, 08:56 PM
Immersion has settled with Sony - that hardly means that they'll put vibration in the SIXAXIS straight way.

Although ironically, David Jaffe said there will be vibration in GoW3, which means that there probably will be vibration by the time GoW3 is released - which is likely to be at least a year.

As for the game series itself, I think i'm the only person who didn't think God of War was anything that special - I guess that "OMFG VIOLENCE AND BOOBIES" doesn't necessarily equal a good game for me.

Right, because fighting to break a curse that a god put on the character that made him slaughter his own family (by fighting your way through pretty much every famous Greek/Roman mythological monster in order to do it) both to get revenge and to free himself from the nightmares he has every time he sleeps of the looks on his wife and daughter's faces as he killed them in no way makes for a good back drop for a good action/adventure game.

I mean, it was nice to play that kind of story with a stone-cold brutal son of a bitch that didn't pretend to have some kind of moral superiority compared to his enemies.

03-14-2007, 09:40 PM
^^Odin just became my own personal savior Jesus Christ. Awesome comeback!

03-14-2007, 10:30 PM
^^Odin just became my own personal savior Jesus Christ. Awesome comeback!
Touch� :D

03-14-2007, 11:56 PM
:laugh: Nice comeback Odin! :cool:

03-15-2007, 12:57 AM
Right, because fighting to break a curse that a god put on the character that made him slaughter his own family (by fighting your way through pretty much every famous Greek/Roman mythological monster in order to do it) both to get revenge and to free himself from the nightmares he has every time he sleeps of the looks on his wife and daughter's faces as he killed them in no way makes for a good back drop for a good action/adventure game.

I mean, it was nice to play that kind of story with a stone-cold brutal son of a bitch that didn't pretend to have some kind of moral superiority compared to his enemies.

Hey, i'm glad you got that out of it. Call me shallow if you like, and I admit this is a personal short-coming, but I never really got the 'thrill' of playing the bad guy in video games. I like playing characters that I can respect.

Even so, a well told anti-hero story can draw me in - Richard III is my favourite Shakespeare play, for instance. I found the scripting in God of War to be sub-par. The whole experience felt like a 'video game' - and with cinematic game experiences like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy that tell complex stories in a much better way, the story in God of War just ended up feeling like a complex story shallowed out for the MTV generation. It's been a long time since I played the game, so I can only remember a few examples. The random sexual elements, for example, were not fleshed out (pun unintended) in any way - although I would like to believe that Kratos is trying to combat his loneliness with lust, that is never explored. Instead. you just get a PlayStation 2 jaggified version of a Playboy model. Also, the violence just seemed over the top - every enemy, you rip their head off, or brutally stab them in the face. It's games like God of War that the public sees and it sets off the "WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" crowd; it's the equivalent of the 70s slasher films. And while there is a place for that in the movie system, and a subset of people who enjoy it, I think it's dangerous for the future of the video game industry that that sort of thing is acceptable as a mainstream production.


03-15-2007, 01:30 AM
Hey Raidenex, i see you dont go out that much, its all about VIOLENCE AND BOOBIES!. :cool:

Swedish Fish
03-15-2007, 01:46 AM
Raidenex presents some very good points. The story was shallow (even for an adventure game, it was nearly inadequate), but even more importantly, the battle system was pretty annoying. I repeatedly found myself (especially during boss sequences) just doing the attack that shoots the fire column up from the ground, grappling the enemy, and finally doing some over-the-top finishing move. As far as battle animations go, I have no complaints, but they just got repetitive. I have high hopes for GoW II because of the appearance of a lot of timeless mythological beasts, but it too could be plagued by the story and battle system issue.

03-15-2007, 01:56 AM
Raidenex presents some very good points. The story was shallow (even for an adventure game, it was nearly inadequate), but even more importantly, the battle system was pretty annoying. I repeatedly found myself (especially during boss sequences) just doing the attack that shoots the fire column up from the ground, grappling the enemy, and finally doing some over-the-top finishing move. As far as battle animations go, I have no complaints, but they just got repetitive. I have high hopes for GoW II because of the appearance of a lot of timeless mythological beasts, but it too could be plagued by the story and battle system issue.

I hate to tell you this but, YOU SUCK!

Swedish Fish
03-15-2007, 01:58 AM
Lets not turn this into a flame war.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-15-2007, 02:08 AM
Hey, i'm glad you got that out of it. Call me shallow if you like, and I admit this is a personal short-coming, but I never really got the 'thrill' of playing the bad guy in video games. I like playing characters that I can respect.

Even so, a well told anti-hero story can draw me in - Richard III is my favourite Shakespeare play, for instance. I found the scripting in God of War to be sub-par. The whole experience felt like a 'video game' - and with cinematic game experiences like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy that tell complex stories in a much better way, the story in God of War just ended up feeling like a complex story shallowed out for the MTV generation. It's been a long time since I played the game, so I can only remember a few examples. The random sexual elements, for example, were not fleshed out (pun unintended) in any way - although I would like to believe that Kratos is trying to combat his loneliness with lust, that is never explored. Instead. you just get a PlayStation 2 jaggified version of a Playboy model. Also, the violence just seemed over the top - every enemy, you rip their head off, or brutally stab them in the face. It's games like God of War that the public sees and it sets off the "WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" crowd; it's the equivalent of the 70s slasher films. And while there is a place for that in the movie system, and a subset of people who enjoy it, I think it's dangerous for the future of the video game industry that that sort of thing is acceptable as a mainstream production.


It wasn't just ripping their head off or stabbing them in the face.

Some of them you ripped their arm off and beat them to death with it. :)

And the morons protesting games are ignoring games like God of War because they are blatantly set in a fantasy realm.

Now, if Kratos was, say, storming modern city streets while curbstomping niggers and raping women then I'm sure it would get more attention.

Griffins and Minotaurs, though? That's all fair game.

Also: The Legacy of Kain games were that level of violence and gore for years and nobody said anything about them. Again, blatant fantasy realms.

That said, you're full of shit on the sub-par presentation. It's Greek/Roman mythology--as far as that set of myths is concerned it did an excellent job of weaving an anti-hero story out of it. It beats the shit out of the story surrounding Achilles (for example) at any rate.

03-15-2007, 02:49 AM
Hey Raidenex, i see you dont go out that much, its all about VIOLENCE AND BOOBIES!. :cool:

No, I just stopped acting like I was twelve when I you know, grew up. It will happen to you one day, too.


That said, you're full of shit on the sub-par presentation. It's Greek/Roman mythology--as far as that set of myths is concerned it did an excellent job of weaving an anti-hero story out of it. It beats the shit out of the story surrounding Achilles (for example) at any rate.

I guess we'll just have to put it down to taste in particular brands of Greco-Roman culture. I grew up reading the Odyssey and the Illiad, and David Jaffe is no Homer.

Atom Narmor
03-15-2007, 03:40 AM
For some of you it may be sad, but depending on how this one does they plan on making yet another one.

03-15-2007, 04:52 AM
No, I just stopped acting like I was twelve when I you know, grew up. It will happen to you one day, too.


Well mate i did not get raised by some kangaroos like you did so SoOoOorRry!
I hereby declare Raidenex GAY for not loving VIOLENCE AND BOOBIES!

03-15-2007, 05:10 AM
I don't really go by if something is repetitive, but more if the repetitiveness is flashy. Take the game Ghost Rider for instance, some people think it's stupid, but I find it fun. It reminds me of the Devil May Cry franchise for some reason along with some Matrix stunts (doing acrobats while whipping your chain around). I find that to be some eye candy. It's all in good fun.

Most video games resort to some sort of violence (blood and gore isn't considered as violent in general), but put some boobs in the mix and I'm sure you'll come out a happy camper :D.

03-15-2007, 06:20 AM
I've played the first God of War and really enjoyed it. Not my favourite game, but amogst the blood and gore, there is a story that is engaging and unique if you like greek mythology. However if you don't, then this game will not interest you outside the hack and slash.

As for God of War 3, sounds wicked.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-15-2007, 04:19 PM
No, I just stopped acting like I was twelve when I you know, grew up. It will happen to you one day, too.


I guess we'll just have to put it down to taste in particular brands of Greco-Roman culture. I grew up reading the Odyssey and the Illiad, and David Jaffe is no Homer.

You say that as if Homer actually wrote any of those stories you read. :rolleyes:

Homer was a bard, and he didn't actually write the english versions of the myths you probably read. He's credited as being the one that thought them up, but the real credit for how good or bad the translation you read may have been belongs to the person who re-wrote them in English. :smrt:

03-15-2007, 06:22 PM
You say that as if Homer actually wrote any of those stories you read. :rolleyes:

Homer was a bard, and he didn't actually write the english versions of the myths you probably read. He's credited as being the one that thought them up, but the real credit for how good or bad the translation you read may have been belongs to the person who re-wrote them in English. :smrt:

Oh, right in the juggular. Now work the body, Odin! WORK THE BODY!!!

03-15-2007, 10:06 PM
so since i could care less about the ramblings of people with "higher" standards and the games they like and don't like (/me just STARES AT RAIDENX -_-)

i'm suddenly reminded of the fact that i have not yet beaten god mode. O_o when i first played the game i said "alright, i ain't even gonna touch easy or medium, HARD ALL THE WAY" and man was i fucking satisifed and content when i beat it all like that. but now in god mode. i'm like..."mummy?" and then i got bored too cause it's pretty much all the same and i do NOT want to relive the frustrating annoying parts. :(

but yah i'm just wondering how many of you guys COMPLETED God mode. :p

03-16-2007, 02:49 AM
You know what, fuck you all. You know who you are.

I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as you are. I didn't think God of War was anything special, and I stated my reasons. You may disagree; that's fine. But instead of being a bunch of pussies, maybe you could come up with your own arguments, instead of acting like a bunch of little girls.

If you want to see how real people discuss a subject, look at the discussion Odin and I are having. He's not "getting me" - he's replying to my claims with arguments of his own. I respect his opinions, and he's respecting mine - we just happen to disagree.

So anyone else who feels the need to get personal, get the fuck out of this forum. I've had enough of all of you dickweed prepubescent bastards.

03-16-2007, 03:13 AM
Then why don't you leave if you don't like it so much?

03-16-2007, 03:20 AM
el oh el god of war is teh sux0rz!

03-16-2007, 04:06 AM
You know what, fuck you all. You know who you are.

I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as you are. I didn't think God of War was anything special, and I stated my reasons. You may disagree; that's fine. But instead of being a bunch of pussies, maybe you could come up with your own arguments, instead of acting like a bunch of little girls.

If you want to see how real people discuss a subject, look at the discussion Odin and I are having. He's not "getting me" - he's replying to my claims with arguments of his own. I respect his opinions, and he's respecting mine - we just happen to disagree.

So anyone else who feels the need to get personal, get the fuck out of this forum. I've had enough of all of you dickweed prepubescent bastards.

Then what are you waiting for, leave already! :notgood:

03-16-2007, 07:35 AM
You know what, fuck you all. You know who you are.

I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as you are. I didn't think God of War was anything special, and I stated my reasons. You may disagree; that's fine. But instead of being a bunch of pussies, maybe you could come up with your own arguments, instead of acting like a bunch of little girls.

If you want to see how real people discuss a subject, look at the discussion Odin and I are having. He's not "getting me" - he's replying to my claims with arguments of his own. I respect his opinions, and he's respecting mine - we just happen to disagree.

So anyone else who feels the need to get personal, get the fuck out of this forum. I've had enough of all of you dickweed prepubescent bastards.

I hope that doesn't include me. I simply stated a general fact and my feelings of the game, not pointing anything at anyone.

03-16-2007, 09:05 AM
haha i was the one that finally broke him. :D

/me high fives some shriners

now if you'll excuse me. i have opinions too and i'm about to go rail on kingdom hearts in the "who loves kh" forum. :D

i'm just messing. haha

/me is the king of instigation! watch me start a war! haha

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-16-2007, 11:37 AM
You know what, fuck you all. You know who you are.

I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as you are. I didn't think God of War was anything special, and I stated my reasons. You may disagree; that's fine. But instead of being a bunch of pussies, maybe you could come up with your own arguments, instead of acting like a bunch of little girls.

If you want to see how real people discuss a subject, look at the discussion Odin and I are having. He's not "getting me" - he's replying to my claims with arguments of his own. I respect his opinions, and he's respecting mine - we just happen to disagree.

So anyone else who feels the need to get personal, get the fuck out of this forum. I've had enough of all of you dickweed prepubescent bastards.

The cheerleading was getting a pretty big :rolleyes: from me, but I didn't care enough about it to say anything.

03-16-2007, 11:44 AM
Then why don't you leave if you don't like it so much?

Then what are you waiting for, leave already!

I'd ban you long before I left.

One of the perks of being an administrator of this jungle gym.

03-16-2007, 08:29 PM
Shows your level of maturity if you did that.

03-16-2007, 08:53 PM
Just shut up all of you, discuss GOW3 please, I will repeat my earlier question, "what god do you think you will battle in GOD3?" maybe Hades.

03-16-2007, 09:32 PM
yah! none of you noobs answered my question. i bet all of you played it on easy like some pussies! haha. :p ;)

i unlocked everything except the last message you get when you beat god mode. i wonder what it is.

03-16-2007, 11:31 PM
Just shut up all of you, discuss GOW3 please, I will repeat my earlier question, "what god do you think you will battle in GOD3?" maybe Hades.

yah! none of you noobs answered my question. i bet all of you played it on easy like some pussies! haha. :p ;)

i unlocked everything except the last message you get when you beat god mode. i wonder what it is.

Sorry dudes :laugh: but it seems like we got a pest that says we are imature. Dont you hate when someone calls you are imature?
Oh well, RaideX whatever the f**k your name is with your Super Hiro self, i thought you had left already but it seems you keep messing with us, well that really shows how mature you are REALLY! (sacarstic :notgood:)

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-17-2007, 02:12 AM
Just shut up all of you, discuss GOW3 please, I will repeat my earlier question, "what god do you think you will battle in GOD3?" maybe Hades.

Considering that you're pretty much battling the minions of all of them in 2, I'd say it continues in 3.

03-17-2007, 03:33 AM
I like combination pizza. That's just me.

Safer Sephiroth
04-02-2007, 04:44 PM
Immersion has settled with Sony - that hardly means that they'll put vibration in the SIXAXIS straight way.

Although ironically, David Jaffe said there will be vibration in GoW3, which means that there probably will be vibration by the time GoW3 is released - which is likely to be at least a year.

As for the game series itself, I think i'm the only person who didn't think God of War was anything that special - I guess that "OMFG VIOLENCE AND BOOBIES" doesn't necessarily equal a good game for me.

I guess not and great gameplay, story telling and some of the best Boss fights of all time don't matter either for you apparently.

04-02-2007, 05:16 PM
Learn how to read a thread before commenting, douchebag.

I've explained earlier my reasons for disliking God of War; in a nutshell, I think the gameplay is repetitive and relies on shock value, and the story telling is sub-par.

The boss fights are neat, but hardly the best of all time. Shadow of the Colossus has every game beat in that regard.

04-02-2007, 09:06 PM
I got bored of that game pretty fast. Wasn't my cup of tea for some reason and I honestly don't even know why.

04-02-2007, 11:58 PM

04-04-2007, 11:13 AM
Just shut up all of you, discuss GOW3 please, I will repeat my earlier question, "what god do you think you will battle in GOD3?" maybe Hades.

By the look of things he might wind up fighting hades and a couple of other gods as well. can't wait.

04-06-2007, 01:00 AM
You know it is funny because by the looks ( I have not played any of the games) I can see where Raidenex is coming from. There are many games like GOW and some are good and some are bad.
My friend and I were discussing this and he brought up the point that since everyone wants GOW2 because they all saw the movie 300. I found it mainly funny but there is some truth in it.