Hex Omega
03-13-2007, 05:05 PM
Simple, nominate a maximum of 8 bands. I havent decided to have 64 or 128 in. Also, im going to see if I can get someone else to run it with me *coughTrentcough*.

Of course, long-standing members and regular posters in the music forum choices will take priority. Pick what you want, band, single artist, composer, you name it.

also: if your choices are obscure, you should be prepared to upload a song or two, or something in which people can get an idea of what they're voting for(or against)

My 8 are:

The Mars Volta
Dream Theater
The Frames
Faith No More
Yoko Kanno
Super Furry Animals

03-13-2007, 05:12 PM
Green day
My chemical romance
Linkin Park
Robin Williams
tenachis D (is that spelt right?)
Liza menelli
Whitney Houstan

may come up with more later and edit this post so check it every now and again Diablo.

03-13-2007, 05:15 PM
Snow Patrol
The Fratellis
Colin Hay
James Brown
The Beatles

JFTR, can we nominate "older bands", or is it just bands areound at the moment. Also, nominations from all countries or just american ones.

Hex Omega
03-13-2007, 05:18 PM
anything you like.

also D: @ Killa 7's choices.

03-13-2007, 05:21 PM
anything you like.

also D: @ Killa 7's choices.

:( why you no like?

Pimp Daddy McSnake
03-13-2007, 05:22 PM
* Jazzanova
* Morcheeba
* Tokyo Jihen
* Jamiroquai
* The Underwolves
* The Babys
* Sambo Master
* David Bowie

03-13-2007, 05:57 PM
Iron Maiden
The Black Mages
Jeremy Soule
Steven Lynch
Pink Floyd
Jimi Hendrix Experience

EDIT: Are you going to demand that this is a non spam thread? If not your going to get alot of Rock Vs. Rap shit...

03-13-2007, 06:05 PM
The Unicorns/Islands (I don't if you would want to do them as one or seprately since Islands was spawned from the Unicorns but doesn't contain all the members)
Tegan and Sara
David Bowie
Elliott Emith
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!
Modest Mouse
Architecture in Helesinki
Mates of State

edit: ok tha's actually nine/ten depending on how you look at it, so I am going to pull Bowie in the expectation that enough people like him that he will nominated by someone else.

edit2: I can upload as needed I suppose as well, people give some shout outs to what you haven't heard if anything.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
03-13-2007, 06:11 PM
I will replace my Norah Jones with David Bowie. Someone will nominate Norah anyhoo.

Also, choosing only 8 is killing me. Therefore I have chosen to only pick contemporary artists and not our heroes from the past like Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix or The Beatles.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
03-13-2007, 06:30 PM
Whoa lots of good choices already

will add:

The Ramones
be your own PET
The Flaming Lips
PJ Harvey
Madonna :D

I'm sure others will add most of the rest of the stuff I'd want in, and others probably would have listed these as well

FAO Rapture - Since I nominate The Flaming Lips will you put Weird Al in for me. If not, someone else that wanted one I said do that plx thx sexpot

03-13-2007, 07:10 PM
Green Day
My Chemical Romance
Tenacious D

Guess what, I'm seconding these, if that's allowed.

And adding:

The Ataris
Our Lady Peace
Fall Out Boy
Less Than Jake ;) C'mon Diablo please :puppydog:

Hex Omega
03-13-2007, 07:36 PM
I love LTJ :)

you've ruined the list by including FOB though. get out of my universe.

also, to answer your question Albel, of course there can be discussion.

03-13-2007, 07:37 PM
I love LTJ :)

you've ruined the list by including FOB though. get out of my universe

Fair enough :D

fastidious percolator
03-13-2007, 07:59 PM
- Norah Jones

- Radiohead

- Nat King Cole

- The Andrews Sisters

- Django Reinhardt

- Frank Zappa

- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

- Iggy Pop & The Stooges


Top Cat
03-13-2007, 08:13 PM
Belle & Sebastian
The Velvet Underground
John Cale
British Sea Power
Neutral Milk Hotel
The National

03-13-2007, 08:59 PM
Just wondering if anyone has heard of these:
-Three Days Grace
I also support GreenDay.

the guy watching you
03-13-2007, 09:17 PM
nine inch nails
led zeppelin
rage against the machine
alice in chains
the doors

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
03-14-2007, 12:30 AM
guy watching you, you can trade mars volta for something else, bryan already has them in

Swedish Fish
03-14-2007, 12:34 AM
I can only think of six seven right now.
Judas Priest
Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden

03-14-2007, 01:38 AM
KoRn (seconded)
Killswitch Engage
Iced Earth
Pain of Salvation
Wednesday 13 (In my opinion; His [Wednesday 13's] music and lyrics got better with every new band)
Trivium ...replacement pending.

I know I should have a few non-metal bands, but I can't bring myself to do it.

03-14-2007, 01:42 AM


(teranoid & MC Natsack too)

03-14-2007, 01:59 AM
Queen has already been nominated.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
03-14-2007, 02:01 AM

03-14-2007, 02:08 AM
-Spice Girls.
-Depeche Mode.
-Gwen Stefani.
-Hot Hot Heat.
-Snoop Dogg.
-[insert crazy japanese bands/artists that no one cares about]

Yoko Kanno and Bjork were already nominated. Also, if My Chemical Romance gets a spot, fuck you guys, bad enough FoB and Green Day are getting nominated. Then you have Tenacious D which is basically just a bunch of shit written songs designed to make you laugh, hardly a viable group.

Swedish Fish
03-14-2007, 02:32 AM
Killswitch Engage
Iced Earth

These are all good bands, but they haven't brought anything new to their respective genres. It seems a waste to name bands that are just good rather than bands that have really innovated or created new types of music. And I downright detest Trivium.

03-14-2007, 04:05 AM
These are all good bands, but they haven't brought anything new to their respective genres. It seems a waste to name bands that are just good rather than bands that have really innovated or created new types of music. And I downright detest Trivium.

You may be right, but these bands are great for different reasons.

First of all; none of them have ever made a shitty album.

KsE are an extremely talented band; each one of there songs is moving and awesome!

Iced Earth play very well, and have great vocals. I usually despise covers (with a few exceptions) but listening to the Tribute to the Gods album... they almost made those songs better.

As for Disturbed; each one of their albums has been completely different from the last. David Draimen has a great singing voice (he would do well, even if he wasn't in a metal band, and I would still listen to whatever music he made) and can also pull off those growls he does, and definitely does that different than anyone I have ever heard (most vocalists growls are deeper and... darker).

I like all of Trivium's music, apart from their Metallica covers... they are a great band but I'm actually thinking of replacing them (don't know who with, though).

03-14-2007, 07:40 AM
I would participate but what I listen to would lose~
can we nominate composers?
I might as well nominate 8 bands/stuff because I can

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-14-2007, 10:09 AM
Miles Davis
John Coltrane
Aphex Twin
Brian Eno
Jeff Buckley

Hex Omega
03-14-2007, 01:26 PM
can we nominate composers?

i did say you could ~

03-14-2007, 03:31 PM
-Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
-David Bowie
-Leonard Cohen

They are just a few that i pretty much adore.

03-14-2007, 04:43 PM
Also, if My Chemical Romance gets a spot, fuck you guys, bad enough FoB and Green Day are getting nominated. Then you have Tenacious D which is basically just a bunch of shit written songs designed to make you laugh, hardly a viable group.

I thought we agreed that my and The Master's submissions weren't being considered.

03-14-2007, 05:03 PM
I thought we agreed that my and Killa 7's submissions weren't being considered.

:smrt: Fix'd

03-14-2007, 08:30 PM
:smrt: Fix'd

Alright, let me make something clear, Killa. It doesn't matter if you're actually The Master, because YOU ARE THE MASTER. You act exactly the same, even if you are a different person. It's your behavior, not the name that is being addressed.

I was only trying to clean up the mess I made in this thread. I am not going to post in here anymore. If you keep junking it up, it falls on your head.

My sincere apologies to Diablo and Mailbox.

Tidus 66
03-14-2007, 09:12 PM
Screeching Weasel
Azure Ray
Flaming Lips
Lawrence Arms
Postal Service
Agaisnt Me!
The Lillingtons

03-15-2007, 04:09 PM
Yngwie Malmsteen
Alice Cooper

It'd be easier if my most favourites weren't already nominated.

03-15-2007, 08:50 PM

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-16-2007, 12:00 AM
I know that I've had my 8, but I just want to put down some else just so that I know that he's got a place, and I expect I'll get little complaint for asking that Bob Marley be added to the list.

Hex Omega
03-16-2007, 01:34 AM
np tchocky. :)

ok, im waiting for the likes of Ndi, Lewis, Duo(if he sees this D: ) to put some names foward before i do something.

Memento Mori
03-16-2007, 05:27 AM
Blue October
The Spill Canvas
Spock's Beard

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
03-16-2007, 07:27 AM
np tchocky. :)

ok, im waiting for the likes of Ndi, Lewis, Duo(if he sees this D: ) to put some names foward before i do something.

PM thems

03-16-2007, 07:39 AM
Willy Mason
Cat Power
Justin Timberlake
Brand New
Kings of Leon
The Blood Brothers
At The Drive-In
Bob Dylan

Hex Omega
03-16-2007, 03:08 PM
ok, we have well over 128 now. ill try and get the ball rolling asap.

03-16-2007, 04:06 PM
most excellent

Hex Omega
03-16-2007, 07:10 PM
Alright, here's the 128 and who nominated them(ive had to add in a few wild cards as some were nominated more then once)


1. Primus
2. Dream Theater
3. The Mars Volta
4. The Frames
5. Portishead
6. Faith No More
7. Yoko Kanno
8. Super Furry Animals


9. Orson
10. Snow Patrol
11. The Fratellis
12. Elvis
13. Colin Hay
14. James Brown
15. Queen
16. The Beattles


17. Jazzanova
18. Morcheeba
19. Toyko Jihen
20. Jamiroquai
21. The Underwolves
22. The Babys
23. Sambo Master
24. David Bowie


25. Iron Maiden
26. AC/DC
27. Miyavi
28. The Black Mages
29. Jeremy Soule
30. Steven Lynch
31. Pink Floyd
32. Jimi Hendrix


33. The Unicorns
34. Tegan and Sara
35. Atomesphere
36. Elliott Emith
37. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!
38. Modest Mouse
39. Architecture in Helsinki
40. Mates of State


41. The Ramones
42. Be Your Own Pet
43. The Flaming Lips
44. Metallica
45. Squarepusher
46. PJ Harvey
47. Bjork
48. Madonna


49. Norah Jones
50. Radiohead
51. Nat King Cole
52. The Andrews Sisters
53. Django Reinhardt
54. Frank Zappa
55. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
56. Iggy Pop and the Stooges


57. Belle & Sebastian
58. The Velvet Underground
59. John Cale
60. Grandaddy
61. British Sea Power
62. Neutral Milk Hotel
63. XTC
64. The National

the guy watching you:

65. Tool
66. Nine Inch Nails
67. Led Zeppelin
68. Rage Against the Machine
69. Mastodon
70. Alice in Chains
71. Rammstein
72. The Doors


73. Judas Priest
74. Slayer
75: Korn
76. Megadeath
77. Black Sabbath
78. Pantera


79. Spice Girls(lol)
80. Cher
81. Depeche Mode
82. Gwen Stefani
83. Hot Hot Heat
84. Snopp Dogg
85. The Pillows


86. Opeth
87. Miles Davis
88. Nile
89. John Coltrane
90. Aphex Twin
91. Brian Eno
92. Death
93. Jeff Buckley


94. Screaching Weasel
95. Azure Ray
96. Lawrence Arms
97. Postal Service
98. Dredg
99. Against Me
100. The Lillingtons


101. Muse
102. Blue October
103. The Spill Canvas
104. Enchant
105. Spocks Beard


106. Willy Mason
107. Cat Power
108. Justin Timberlake
109. Brand New
110. Kings of Leon
111. The Blood Brothers
112. At the Drive-In
113. Bob Dylan

Ghost of Freedom:

114. Killswitch Engage
115. Iced Earth
116. Disturbed
117. Pain of Salvation
118. Gojira
119. Trivium


120. Less then Jake
121. Bloc Party
122. The Pixies
123. The Strokes
124. Intepol
125. Weird Al Yankovic
126. 30 Seconds to Mars
127. The Flower Kings
128. Ayreon

i have too much free time D:

a seperate thread will be made for the battles either later, or some time next week(St.Patricks weekend, ill be too pissed to do anything properly for a few days D: )

03-16-2007, 07:24 PM
alright!!! I didn't think you'd do mine, because lack of senoirity...=)

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
03-16-2007, 07:45 PM
No Weird Al ftl

and there are some others I'd like on there but oh well, there's plenty of music out there, we could always have another go if this is successful enough.

Hex Omega
03-16-2007, 07:52 PM
ive edited Weird Al in, he deserves to be in there for lol factor alone :)

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
03-17-2007, 07:32 PM
Oh happy day! I love the Irish

Swedish Fish
03-17-2007, 07:35 PM
This is shaping up to be pretty very cool.

03-18-2007, 02:29 AM
As a suggestion, how about you separate rumbles into divisions of genres? It might help things out a little bit.

03-19-2007, 12:41 AM
Oh man, I wished I'd decided to get in on this sooner! Just for kicks I would have chosen:

-The Kinks
-The Libertines
-Ben Folds
-Pearl Jam
-The Stone Roses
-The Jam

and yeah. I'm pretty sure some of these might have already been chosen BUT DOESN'T MATTER NOW ANYWAY /cut ;_____;

04-01-2007, 10:50 PM
When is this rumble going to get started?

Swedish Fish
04-01-2007, 11:09 PM
Thread 38009

04-04-2007, 11:51 PM
i second:
My Chemical Romance
Fallout Boy

other 8
Coheed and Cambria
Taking Back Sunday
Panic! at the Disco
Blue October

All American Rejects
Head automatica
& Thursday

04-04-2007, 11:52 PM
aww dang.

04-05-2007, 09:30 AM
Thank god nominations closed when they did.

04-05-2007, 02:26 PM

04-06-2007, 06:16 PM
wtf my nominations were good, you queers.

04-06-2007, 09:51 PM
Yes but Sciz_Biskets were terrible so terrible that they outweighed your nominations making it a good thing that nominations were closed.

04-07-2007, 01:12 AM
=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)=) =) =) =)

04-08-2007, 08:20 PM
Incubus are okay ;x