03-12-2007, 09:12 AM
do you think that laguna is really squall's and ellone's father?

i don't think so, because u see, it really is simple maths.

u see, u go to any biodata of the characters, and they will say that squall is 17 while laguna is 27.Well, i've made my point. i mean, u see, take 17 away from 27, leaves u with ten, so if u say laguna is squall's father, well, squall was born when laguna was 10, minus 9 months for the contraption period? okay he was nine when squall was a "fertillised egg". okay, ellone is squall's sister. so is she older or younger? haha...this seems really mind-boggling does it?

but please leave your comments, coz i think this is a really interesting topic, does it?

J. Peterman
03-12-2007, 09:20 AM
i agree laguna is an alien who gave birth to a monster

03-12-2007, 09:59 AM
haha! good one! i feel that laguna is a little underaged to be a father

03-12-2007, 10:56 AM
Laguna is 27 during the flashback sequences, during which Squall has not even been born yet, therefore making Laguna at least 27 when Squall was conceived.

Ellone and Squall aren't biological siblings, as Ellone was adopted. Ellone is as much Squall's sister as she is Zell's or Irvine's or Seifer's.

03-12-2007, 02:28 PM
Laguna is 27 during the flashback sequences, during which Squall has not even been born yet, therefore making Laguna at least 27 when Squall was conceived.

Ellone and Squall aren't biological siblings, as Ellone was adopted. Ellone is as much Squall's sister as she is Zell's or Irvine's or Seifer's.

yes, your totaly right. in that flashy backy sequences is true.
And when you meet laguna kiros and ward in ragnarok when you'r done talking with laguna, before you leave talk to kiros and he wil tell you: "Well, Atleast you'r not like your father"......so that means that maybe he's squalls father..but im not quiet sure..what do you guys think ??

03-12-2007, 02:33 PM
well lets look at it this way.

Everyone was an orphan.

So if Squall and Ellone were Laguna's children, he would be a real asshole to give them up.

But who knows. Ellone has her fathers card "Laguna" and Laguna has his sons card "squall". So maybe they could be connected somehow?

very confusing topic.

Rikimaru the shadow
03-12-2007, 09:09 PM
I'm sure he's. There is note in game that Lagune left Rayne pregnant and begun his journey to Esthar to save Elle. And Rayne died soon after child's birth that may explain that Squall grew up in orphanage. There is only few clues for example in Winhill or somewhere else (I just can't remember). Mostly it isn't proving enough but...I think I even found picture of Laguna's family (not clear enough again) somewhere in Winhill and there is also gossips. And age of characters in manual? Doesn't matter. Some japanese games is showing wrong age for a purpose (tekken- jin is nearly same age like his mother). And Ellone is of course adopted...

03-12-2007, 09:20 PM
First off, Laguna is Squall's father, but he's in no way related to Ellone by blood. So there goes your theory. :D

03-12-2007, 09:28 PM
I'm pretty positive that Laguna is Squall's father. The points about the Kiros' comment, Raine dying in childbirth after Laguna leaves for Esthar, Ellone's adopted status, etc. are all correct from what I saw in the game. Lastly, in the flashbacks that Ellone controls, Squall is always placed in Laguna's roll, whereas anyone else from the Orphanage can be placed in either Ward or Kiros. Just another strategically placed hint that Laguna is Squall's father.

Also, I always thought they kinda looked alike?

03-12-2007, 10:59 PM
Laguna is 27 during the flashback sequences, during which Squall has not even been born yet, therefore making Laguna at least 27 when Squall was conceived.
My first thought the second I saw the argument this thread was using.

Some of this has already been brought up, but let's review:

- In the Ragnarok, if you talk to Kiros he comments that "You look a lot like your father." If you talk to Ward, Kiros comments "Ward says it's a good thing you don't look like your father."

- Squall always fills the role of Laguna in the "dream sequences"

- Laguna carries Squall's Triple Triad card

- Possibly the most important hint and I'm very surprised nobody has mentioned it yet --- Moombas identify people by the smell of their blood. When the moombas rescue Squall in the Desert Prison, they shout "Laguna! Laguna!"

- Everything that has already been said about the timeline fitting

Laguna = Squall's father has been discussed in detail in this section. The consensus by far has been yes, yes, yes. I think at this point, the burden of evidence is so great that it would fall to anyone saying that he isn't Squall's father to bring some seriously compelling evidence of that.

03-12-2007, 11:58 PM
another thing...in the Laguna dream sequence in winhill, and when you go back to winhill as Squall, there is a picture on one of the tables...supposedly this is a picture of Laguna, Raine, Ellone, and Squall...

03-13-2007, 12:16 AM
Never noticed that one, but it seems interesting enough for me to check it out. But remember, just because Ellone is in there doesn't mean that it's Laguna's daughter. It's just a family photo (if the picture is indeed of them) and has no relevance regarding if Ellone is Laguna's child. If you pay attention, you would understand everything about this issue.

03-13-2007, 12:31 AM
Ellone is most certainly not Laguna's child. First of all, it doesn't make sense. Secondly, if she was, she would be born before Laguna and Raine were married, and just no...

And thirdly, she calls him "Uncle Laguna," and that's only as a term of affection.

03-13-2007, 01:58 AM
- Possibly the most important hint and I'm very surprised nobody has mentioned it yet --- Moombas identify people by the smell of their blood. When the moombas rescue Squall in the Desert Prison, they shout "Laguna! Laguna!"

Ah yeah! How could I forget about that part? I love when the Moombas do that!

03-13-2007, 02:36 AM
Ok im retarcting my previous statement, because what i have heard here and because:

When Squall makes an appearance as "Leon" in Kingdom Hearts, he is twenty-five years old and his hair has grown out, so that resembles Laguna at the age of twenty-seven.

Squalls eyes are grey and so are Raines.

Also the "sis" thing squall always says.

And im thinking. When Raine died. Squall somehow remember Ellone before he was taken to the orphanage.

Also after the scene with kiros and ward talking about Raine and Laguna on the Ragnorak, Laguna says "Let's talk when it's all done. I have a lot to tell you... well, if you don't want to hear it, I'll understand."

So im saying Yes, Laguna is the father.

03-13-2007, 02:44 AM
I would definetley have to agree to that, too...

03-13-2007, 02:53 AM
Ok im retarcting my previous statement, because what i have heard here and because:

When Squall makes an appearance as "Leon" in Kingdom Hearts, he is twenty-five years old and his hair has grown out, so that resembles Laguna at the age of twenty-seven.

Squalls eyes are grey and so are Raines.

Also the "sis" thing squall always says.

And im thinking. When Raine died. Squall somehow remember Ellone before he was taken to the orphanage.

Also after the scene with kiros and ward talking about Raine and Laguna on the Ragnorak, Laguna says "Let's talk when it's all done. I have a lot to tell you... well, if you don't want to hear it, I'll understand."

So im saying Yes, Laguna is the father.
Glad you finally agree :) that Laguna is Squall's father (even though it's mentioned in the game).

Atom Narmor
03-13-2007, 03:00 AM
I shoulda known..

03-13-2007, 03:10 AM
Regarding the "sis" thing --- "Sis" was only a term of affectation given to Ellone by all the kids in the orphanage. "Sis" Elle. The two are not actually related as sister's, again, Laguna is Squall's father, but it not Ellone's.

Squalls eyes are grey and so are Raines.
Heh! "Except for your eyes. You have your mother's eyes."

03-13-2007, 03:28 PM
I thought Squall has light blue eyes?

03-13-2007, 03:41 PM
I think they're more grey than blue. Kind of like a stormy sky.

And his hair is messy, like it's wind-blown.

Hence the name Squall :)

03-13-2007, 03:51 PM
Oh, yeah, good point, while we're on the topic of obvious hints --- Squall, Raine, Laguna

03-13-2007, 03:55 PM
Aw, poor Ellone was left out because she had a different Daddy, lol. Unless there's some weather term that I'm not familiar with...

03-13-2007, 05:42 PM
not sure of that one...I think poor Ellone did get left out...

03-13-2007, 06:34 PM
Not that I'm aware of, unless it's some permutation of cyclone. But the point is made, Ellone doesn't have a weather-related name, further proof that she isn't actually related by blood to Laguna.

03-14-2007, 01:08 AM
do you think that laguna is really squall's and ellone's father?

i don't think so, because u see, it really is simple maths.

u see, u go to any biodata of the characters, and they will say that squall is 17 while laguna is 27.Well, i've made my point. i mean, u see, take 17 away from 27, leaves u with ten, so if u say laguna is squall's father, well, squall was born when laguna was 10, minus 9 months for the contraption period? okay he was nine when squall was a "fertillised egg". okay, ellone is squall's sister. so is she older or younger? haha...this seems really mind-boggling does it?

but please leave your comments, coz i think this is a really interesting topic, does it?

ummm its called Final Fantasy for a reason you are allowed to havebabies when your 9

03-14-2007, 03:09 AM
ummm its called Final Fantasy for a reason you are allowed to havebabies

You see Laguna in flashbacks before he met Raine. He is quite clearly older than that and anyway he is quite clearly infatuated with Julia before he even goes to winhill.

So it's best to assume the age in the instruction booklet is his age in the past.

when your 9

When my nine did what? lol.

Argus Zephyrus
03-14-2007, 06:39 AM
I've heard of a ten year-old getting pregnate. Not a fantasy. O.o'
The poor thing.

Dang, I need to play FF8 again and finish. I can't believe Laguna is Squall's father.

03-14-2007, 08:51 AM
haha...thx for all that advice, well, personally, i am not THAT familar with the game, coz i don't own it, but my cousin do, so once in a while i'll juz goto her house n play, and im so love with the game that i join this forum n all the talking. but i'm familar with what happens, in the game n not the ending, coz i rarely reach it, given the time constrant. sorry folks, and thx for the advice!

03-14-2007, 10:22 AM
Hmmm... I would like to put the subject in a rather plausible rumour. Ellone is obviously not Squall's blood brother. If you were in Esthar in the mission where you have to speak to the President of Esthar (Sir Laguna of course), he'll throw out some questions and there's a question where you have attentively read about Ellone. Ellone's parents was killed (as you can see their home at Winmill downstairs is riddled with bullets) during the time when Sorceress Adel was looking for her successor. So Ellone was under Raine and probably Laguna's care. There's is a clue to the question of whether Squall is Laguna and Raine's son, when you're allowed to freely ride on Ragnarok after the so-called 'Laguna's briefing' at the Ragnarok's 'info bay' (below the cockpit and on the further left door where you get the monster infection briefing in space). Go to the 'info bay' and talk to Kiros. He'll say this to Squall, "You look like your mother." Then Ward will join the speech, "And thank goodness that you don't lok like your father." From this clue, I can conclude that Kiros and Ward knew of Squall's mother and father. Kiros knew Raine based on the dreamworld scene where he paid a visit to Laguna who is staying at Winmail. The second clue which I should have put as the first is one of the dreamworld scene when Laguna went off to save Ellone from Esthar where the adult Ellone tells to Squall about how much she don't want Laguna to leave Winmill as Raine was giving birth to their first born 'son'. From that part I can conclude that their only blood child is a boy. The third and the least obvious is the fact that Squall lives in an orphanage, looked after by Ellone, and the orphanage is run by the Edea whom Laguna knew of and talk to about Ellone as seen in one of the dreamworld advanture. There are many hidden clue and facts that proof the fact that Squall is Laguna and Raine's son but it'll only come to you very slowly. For instance, it took me more than 50 over times to play this game all over and over again just to unlock every secrets and clue hidden in this story line by understanding their conversations. Hope that helps. ^^

Lil' Sain
03-27-2007, 12:16 AM
unanswered questions inwhitch sq hopes to keep us wondering.

03-27-2007, 03:09 AM
Ellone is not his daughter, she calls him uncle for one. And just the way they act in the dinner of her place...it's just not his kid imo, Ellone was already there when Laguna tumble in and was saved. Squall and Ellone are not blood related, he calls her sis, but that's because she was older than ther rest and was seen as a sister figure; him calling her sis does not make her one. As for Squall being his son...the age difference makes me say no.

03-27-2007, 03:35 AM
Why are we doing this again. Yes, Ellone is not his daughter, but also, all the evidence points to Squall being Laguna's son. And what do you mean the age difference makes you say no --- did you not read through the thread?

03-27-2007, 05:50 AM
ummm its called Final Fantasy for a reason you are allowed to havebabies when your 9

Either this is true and they hit puberty really really fast. or maybe they have fake ID to make themselves... younger so.. they.. can't.. get into bars. nvm.

03-27-2007, 07:03 AM
You guys need to read through the thread again. It's already been proven through the game, if you pay attention, that Ellone is NOT Laguna's daughter and Squall IS the son of Laguna and Raine. There is no connection by blood in any way between Squall and Ellone. How many times does this need to be repeated?

03-27-2007, 09:46 AM
Ellone is not his daughter, she calls him uncle for one. And just the way they act in the dinner of her place...it's just not his kid imo, Ellone was already there when Laguna tumble in and was saved. Squall and Ellone are not blood related, he calls her sis, but that's because she was older than ther rest and was seen as a sister figure; him calling her sis does not make her one. As for Squall being his son...the age difference makes me say no.

I don't know how you knew their age as it's not stated unless by a fan site.

You guys need to read through the thread again. It's already been proven through the game, if you pay attention, that Ellone is NOT Laguna's daughter and Squall IS the son of Laguna and Raine. There is no connection by blood in any way between Squall and Ellone. How many times does this need to be repeated?

I didn't deny the fact that Squall is Laguna and Raine's son and not blood related to Ellone. I don't think to need to read back again this thread because I've played the game like most of you have, many times to know FF8 well. Try reading my statement about the evidence that says that Squall is Laguna's son. ^^

03-27-2007, 07:20 PM
I didn't deny the fact that Squall is Laguna and Raine's son and not blood related to Ellone. I don't think to need to read back again this thread because I've played the game like most of you have, many times to know FF8 well. Try reading my statement about the evidence that says that Squall is Laguna's son. ^^
Kinda funny that you assumed that you were the one that I was talking to. If you know the story behind this, then obviously my statement wasn't aimed towards you. It was aimed to the people who still come up with their own theories and saying that Ellone is blood related to Squall.

04-10-2007, 02:37 PM
I always thought it was that way!

04-11-2007, 09:25 PM
hehehe :D

Well that's true: Laguna is Squall's father. However Laguna never knew he had a son... Raine was told to be sick and dying, but she may have died from gaving birth tho Squall, while Lagunna crossed the world in search for Ellone.
Ellone and Laguna were not Directly related, but Ellone was allso treated as Raine's child since she adopted her, that's why he calls her Sis.
Anyway the main thing that puzzled me, is actually the conversation on the Ragnarock. Howcome Ward and Kiros knows about Squall, and Laguna only knows him as "one of the guys who have been in our hads" Laguna clearly doesn't know he ever had a son... This clearly requires some research

THe MAIN problem would be this: What if Something happened between Julia and Laguna? There's a part missing in the hotel scene). General Carway (I belive that time he was the guy in the Hotel in red uniform who aimed for Julia, and that's why he sent Laguna far away as he told him. Try to talk with the guy before and after aproaching Julia) With him away he had green light. Later you will learn about their story from Rayne: Julia was waiting for the soldier to come back and (by miracle XD ) General Carway was there to confort her. He's such a nice guy...But if Julia remained pregnant Rinoa would be his sister!

However Julia died in the car accident after she gave birth to Rinoa, so there's no way to find out the truth.

04-11-2007, 10:21 PM
There isn't a piece missing in the hotel scene with Julia or Laguna. They talked and Laguna either passes out from drinking too much or he just rambles on. Then Kiros or Ward knock on the door and tell Laguna that they have new orders or something. And because Laguna jumped off the cliff and got himself hurt, he was never able to see Julia again meaning that she wasn't impregnated at all by Laguna. Then Laguna and Raine got married sometime down the road when Laguna was still in his young years, which makes it logical that he is Squall's father with Raine as his mother. And because Squall didn't know who his parents were, then it's obvious that he was too young to even remember Ellone being his adoptive sister. So I'm going to assume that around the same time, Squall and Ellone were put into Matron's (Edea) orphanage because of Laguna being away and Raine dying and grew up with the rest of the kids. As you know, Squall is pretty much the same age as the rest of the kids with Ellone being the oldest which is why everyone called her 'Sis'; much like how younger siblings feel towards their older siblings.

04-11-2007, 10:32 PM
There isn't a piece missing in the hotel scene with Julia or Laguna. They talked and Laguna either passes out from drinking too much or he just rambles on. Then Kiros or Ward knock on the door and tell Laguna that they have new orders or something. And because Laguna jumped off the cliff and got himself hurt, he was never able to see Julia again meaning that she wasn't impregnated at all by Laguna. Then Laguna and Raine got married sometime down the road when Laguna was still in his young years, which makes it logical that he is Squall's father with Raine as his mother. And because Squall didn't know who his parents were, then it's obvious that he was too young to even remember Ellone being his adoptive sister. So I'm going to assume that around the same time, Squall and Ellone were put into Matron's (Edea) orphanage because of Laguna being away and Raine dying and grew up with the rest of the kids. As you know, Squall is pretty much the same age as the rest of the kids with Ellone being the oldest which is why everyone called her 'Sis'; much like how younger siblings feel towards their older siblings.

Yes you are right however the question was not why Squall doesn't remember his father, but howcome His father doesn't know he had a son. Kiros and Ward are to well informed, but Laguna doesn't know about it.
Of course Squall was werry little, and plus there is the side effect of GF usage, to play it's part in the memory loss. Ellone and Squall most likely never met before the orphanage, since after Raine died he was brought there, and Ellone arrived there after that at some point. She was the reason for Laguna not beeing home at Raine's side in the first place. Laguna was searching for her :)

Ward's and Kiros's statement still puzzles me... how do THEY know, iff noone else knows

04-12-2007, 01:05 AM
It's been a while since I played this game to remember something as specific as this, but was there a time that Laguna didn't have Kiros or Ward with him? Maybe I should play it again and get a better grasp of the story (it's been a long while, to the point where I only know the general story :P).

04-12-2007, 04:20 AM
After the incident with the Estharian soldiers where they all ended up in the water, Laguna ended up in Winhill. Raine nursed him back to health and he was there for nearly a year (or maybe it was two years) and then one day Kiros finally tracked him down and they caught up on old times, including how Ward was now working in the prison (and never got his voice back.) Also, depending on whether or not you view a certain Timber Maniacs, Ward either is or isn't in the flashback with the play.

04-12-2007, 04:58 AM
But they didn't really have a romantic relationship at that point. I guess what I meant to say when was when was he away from Winhill (away from Raine as well) and never came back while Kiros and Ward weren't there with him? That would be an ideal time as why Kiros and Ward would know about Squall while Laguna did not.

04-12-2007, 05:23 AM
After they jumped off the cliff, they got separated. Laguna was found and nursed back to health by Raine. Kirosd and Ward were found by Galbadians.
Ward started working at the prison, and Kiros was searching for Laguna.
He found him at Winhill.

You are right, Laguna wasn't intimate with Rayne just yet. But while fighting monsters with Kiros around Winhill, he asked him "Is it allright if we stayed a bit longer" Kiros thought that Laguna wanna gather materials for the magazine here, but he said that he doesn't want to write about this place becouse turists may ruin it :P , so they didn't go on the jurney just yet.
The real jurney started when Ellone was taken away by Galbadians.

The reason Ellone tryed to change the past was to stop Laguna to go after her and stay at Rayne's side at her last moments. Of course she couldn't change the past.

Anyway, Kiros and Ward were most of the time with him...

04-12-2007, 06:23 AM
That still doesn't answer how Kiros and Ward would know that Laguna has a son that Laguna didn't know himself. And I'm sure that Laguna tells Squall at one point that he is his father on the Ragnorak, just not in that way. Can't really remember if Kiros or Ward had anything to do with that though :(.

Cecil Harvey
04-16-2007, 03:51 PM
It's also interesting that Squall, Raine and Laguna are connected due to their names.

Squall - storm in the sky
Raine - Rain
Laguna - Lagoon

And the surname Loire is a french river if I remember. Ah, I just wanted to point out that.

04-16-2007, 06:42 PM
That's how Square works. Think, Cloud and Titus. I just think it's coincidence that doesn't really mean anything.

Cecil Harvey
04-16-2007, 06:55 PM
That's how Square works. Think, Cloud and Titus. I just think it's coincidence that doesn't really mean anything.

No, it isn't.

I can take another example in Final Fantasy VII.

The hero is Cloud Strife and his friends name is Zack Fair (his surname was introduced due to Crisis Core) so Strife and Fair are contrasts.

SE aren't just making up some names randomly. Maybe the ideas of the names is getting up randomly but then they match into the game in someway.

04-16-2007, 08:07 PM
I'm not talking randomly. They use names that relate something to nature. I highly doubt that there's a connection between Squall, Raine, and Laguna because of their names.

04-16-2007, 10:49 PM
Actually, I always bought the weather-connection and mentioned it earlier in this thread. I mean, sure, Square-Enix has used nature-related names before, but all three of them having those water-related names is more than just that. Or at least, that's how it seemed to me. Just more supporting evidence of the whole connection.

04-17-2007, 01:26 AM
I thought that "squall" had to deal with wind?

I'll look it up real quick.


squall -noun- a sudden, violent gust of wind, often accompanied by rain, snow, or sleet.

Although 'rain' is in it, but it isn't always there. I can see where you're coming from, but it isn't enough for me to say that it actually means something.

04-18-2007, 04:57 AM
Fair enough. I'm willing to agree at least that it could go either way. It may or may not have been put in as another way to indicate a connection between three. In any case, still doesn't change the fact that Raine is his mother and Laguna is his father.

04-18-2007, 04:59 AM
Exactly. Theory solved!

04-20-2007, 06:06 AM
Seems like a good plot thread. Its probably true, but then again they are just game characters. Who knows maybe in the FF8 universe gay conception is a norm and ward and kiros are the happy parents.

04-20-2007, 09:55 PM
Read other posts before you put in your two cents.

04-22-2007, 06:39 PM
I remembered one little grunt made by Ward that Kiros had translated for you on the Ragnarok (or wherever they were when it happened).

Ward (translated through Kiros) said that he had his mother's eyes. Putting that in focus says enough for Squall's family. He was obviously Raine's son, and Raine married Laguna but never got to see em cause he up and went after someone who wasn't his actual child.

But this is a question that I never had answered...when and how did Squall end up at the orphanage? I know it was after Raine died that he was put there...but I'm curious who took him there?

04-22-2007, 06:46 PM
haven't we had a thread similar to this a while back?

04-22-2007, 08:41 PM
Read other posts before you put in your two cents.

If your referring to my post, i did read through the thread. If someone else mentioned gay conception i must have missed it.

04-22-2007, 10:25 PM
Then you obviously didn't read because it was mentioned that Raine is Squall's mother and Laguna his father. So it's either you didn't read it or you just skimmed through it.

One Mile Ahead
04-22-2007, 10:37 PM
But this is a question that I never had answered...when and how did Squall end up at the orphanage? I know it was after Raine died that he was put there...but I'm curious who took him there?

The child catcher...

04-22-2007, 10:49 PM
Someone from Winhill (I think that's how you spell it)?

04-22-2007, 11:07 PM
Then you obviously didn't read because it was mentioned that Raine is Squall's mother and Laguna his father. So it's either you didn't read it or you just skimmed through it.

Did you read the name of the thread? It was said that some people think that Laguna is his father and Raine his mother, but everything i read was just speculation. Since everything here is just speculation I feel perfectly justified in throwing my two cents in. :-)

04-22-2007, 11:18 PM
It's not in speculation. Laguna said he was Squall's father already. Thus, proving this stupid theory if he is true.

04-23-2007, 02:01 AM
It's not in speculation. Laguna said he was Squall's father already. Thus, proving this stupid theory if he is true.

I played the game about a dozen times and I don't recall laguna saying that. Where exactly do you remember him saying he was squall's father?

PS: Dude you need to calm down. Being rude and pissy isn't a way to make new friends.

04-23-2007, 05:59 AM
This is just getting retarded

Yes the game implies to the heaviest degree that Laguna is the father of Squall without saying it outrightly

I think everything that can/should be has already been discussed here on this topic

04-23-2007, 05:45 PM
I played the game about a dozen times and I don't recall laguna saying that. Where exactly do you remember him saying he was squall's father?

PS: Dude you need to calm down. Being rude and pissy isn't a way to make new friends.
He said so (he said it pretty vaguely) on the Ragnorak.

And if you think I'm here to make "internet" friends, then you are mistaken. I'm not pissy in any way; I'm only trying to tell you that there is no need to think that Laguna isn't Squall's father because he said he was himself and there's a shitload of proof that was mentioned throughout the thread. So stop whining like a 4 year old girl whenever you feel that you're in an argument.

04-23-2007, 10:57 PM
He said so (he said it pretty vaguely) on the Ragnorak.

Why don't you post that quote(s) and put your money where your mouth is.

And if you think I'm here to make "internet" friends, then you are mistaken. I'm not pissy in any way; I'm only trying to tell you that there is no need to think that Laguna isn't Squall's father because he said he was himself and there's a shitload of proof that was mentioned throughout the thread. So stop whining like a 4 year old girl whenever you feel that you're in an argument.

Then why are you here? Nobody wants to hear you trash talk and act the ass. Why don't you do everyone a favor and turn off your computer?

04-24-2007, 01:17 AM
I don't go out finding friends. I can act friendly, but that doesn't mean it's because I'm friends with them. In your case, I just simply told you to read through the posts because even they say that it was mentioned on the Ragnorak. If you don't believe me or anyone else, you can find that information yourself. I'm not here to hold people's hands and lead them to information. I tell them where to look and they can find it themselves. You have the game so you can find it yourself.

As for the trash talk, the only thing that might've been offensive is me saying that you're acting like a 4 year old girl. Other than that, there's nothing. There are many other members here that act worse than I do. If you'd like, you can talk to them and I'm sure that they would call you names. Something that I don't do unless that's how they are.

04-24-2007, 02:23 AM
I don't go out finding friends. I can act friendly, but that doesn't mean it's because I'm friends with them. In your case, I just simply told you to read through the posts because even they say that it was mentioned on the Ragnorak. If you don't believe me or anyone else, you can find that information yourself. I'm not here to hold people's hands and lead them to information. I tell them where to look and they can find it themselves. You have the game so you can find it yourself.

As for the trash talk, the only thing that might've been offensive is me saying that you're acting like a 4 year old girl. Other than that, there's nothing. There are many other members here that act worse than I do. If you'd like, you can talk to them and I'm sure that they would call you names. Something that I don't do unless that's how they are.

It was said before that some characters referred to squalls eyes and looks. Again as I said before anything derived from these quotes are PURE SPECULATION (http://www.google.com/search?&q=define%3ASPECULATION)and as such can't be used to prove anything.

As to the bit about you and who you choose to be your friends. Anyone who acts as rude as you do won't find many in life. Do yourself a favor and change your attitude. I don't care about how the other members act. I do my best to treat people with respect and I don't appreciate it when others do me differently. I think everyone to some degree feels that way. So when talking to me here or in other threads be polite or add me to your ignore list.

04-24-2007, 02:50 AM
i have to agree with the transporter and if laguna really did say that he was squalls father, then prove it to us because we know you are lying

04-24-2007, 03:22 AM
You have the game. Find it for yourselves. I don't have time to play it just to prove you guys wrong.

As for my attitude, I have none. I'm not angered or frustrated or anything. I simply realize that's how you are and I basically play with that emotion. There are many people in this world that call themselves "friends" when in reality, they don't even come close. It's true, I don't have many friends. But in the end, I know that the friends I do have will stick by me just as much as I do the same for them. In the end, I'm happy. I don't need people to be happy. If you classify my as a loner, then I would tell you that you're right. And if you believe that I'm being mean to you, then that's all up to speculation. If you would like to have more resources about Squall and Laguna, you can ask Agent. He'd tell you the same thing. Laguna says he is, but not in an obvious way.

I don't deal with the ignore list. If you like, you can put me in your ignore list. That's what you want, isn't it?

04-27-2007, 05:08 PM
i know this might not be what anyone wants to hear... but would it ever occur to anyone that the story of ffviii was just not written very well? it seems as though the storyline works against the characters... for instance, Laguna must have known that raine died right? so, naturally, he would have tried to find ellone as opposed to continuing to be president of esthar and just leaving her where she is.... i mean did he even go to raines feuneral? if he did then he would have probably been able to both see his newborn son AND take ellone back with him.

but instead he just decides to stay in esthar for another 17 years? it doesnt seem like the kind of thing anyone in their right mind would do.

i think the plot has far too many holes in it to ignore. there are so many other aspects of the story which conflict

ps.... in the ending video, laguna is going grey... he MUST be older than 27! but i think thats fairly obvious! i mean, if he was 27 at the present, then he would be 10 when you saw the flashbacks.... not just when squall was concieved!

05-01-2007, 11:27 PM
Final Fantasy always have chosen character names that have a hidden double meaning and subtle tie.

Insofar as the hints concerning Squall's paternity, it's fairly obvious, if you look at the names by themselves.

Squall - Severe rainstorm.
Raine - Rain.
Laguna - Lagoon.
(Loire - River in France.)

The main tie is they all have something to do with water. The secondary tie is that you can't have a storm without rain, and that storms that are created over bodies of water are known to be worse. Rain + Lagoon = Severe rainstorm.


Other various little naming notes (that may or may not be accurate):

Ellone - homonym to 'alone'. Orphaned during Esthar's attack, kidnapped and taken to Esthar, orphaned again when Raine died, and remained orphaned throughout her life because her adopted father was running the country responsible for her kidnapping.

Squall and Rinoa sharing the word "heart" in their last names, sharing their commonality on top highlighting their differences. Leonheart, lionhearted; Heartilly, warmhearted. Squall and Rinoa both use their mothers' maiden name, also, as opposed to their fathers' (Loire and Caraway, respectively). Oh, that also brings me to...

Caraway - carry away. Caraway took Julia's heart after Laguna's supposed death (his supposed 'death' being a result of the mission Caraway had sent them on, or at least, was the indrect result). No wonder Rinoa doesn't like the bastard.

I have to admit, the naming in FFVIII isn't nearly as 'sledgehammer to the head' noticeable as they were in FFVII (where every single name in there had no less than three meanings ><), but they're pretty apparent in the big parts. The names alone should be poignant enough to figure out that Laguna fathered Squall.

Now, for a completely random question: I haven't played FFVIII in years, and some of the bigger details have gone poof from my head. Namely, I remember something about radio communication being near impossible, but I don't remember why (possibly a good reason why Laguna may have never known of Squall's existence; that is, if you don't subscribe to the theory that the townspeople may have lied to him concerning that tidbit--but that's just conjecture). I'm also too laz--er, not terribly inclined to restart the game just to find out. Might anyone clarify that for me?

But yeah. Squall be Laguna's kiddie, but the details of that whole seventeen year gap are missing, which I believe to be important. Shame they didn't write the whole thing better.

05-02-2007, 02:32 AM
Well, I'm just going to quote directly from the script, maybe that'll clear things up just a bit regarding the whole radio thing:

Squall: "Dollet has a communication tower that can transmit and receive radio waves. It had been abandoned for a long time, but the Galbadian Army got it up and running yesterday."

Zone: "Ohhhh...I get it... The only TV station that can handle broadcasts over the air is in Timber. Other stations use HD cable, which only supports online broadcasting."

Rinoa: "So, what's that supposed to mean?"

Zone: "They're planning on using radio waves. This way, they can transmit images to regions without cable."

Rinoa: "I know that...! What I want to know is, what is the president going to broadcast!? Why use radio waves? There must be something they want to say to the whole world. What can it be?"

Selphie: "Everybody! Love! And Peace!"

Zone: "If I remember correctly, radio waves haven't been used in 17 years."

05-02-2007, 04:17 AM
In response to TheTransporters comment of Kiros and Ward being the proud parents (lol), I think he was just being sarcastic. I think IDX Rider blew it a bit out of proportion and took it the wrong way, because i certainly took it as a joke.
As for Laguna telling Squall that he is his father, like everyone else had said in this thread, he does not say it outright, and yes there is a part on the Ragnarok where Kiros and Ward make their statements about Squall's like ness of his mother. When Ward "mumbles" "Thank god you don't look like you father" (or something along those lines, eveyone knows what I'm referring to) it's obvious to me, i don't know about anyone else, that he's making a joke towards Laguna, if that makes sense, which gives you the hint that he's referring to Laguna being Squall's father.
But like everyone has stated, it still doesn't explain why Laguna doesn't know. Or else there may be the possibility that he does and no one knows. But then i don't really see how that would work..
End of rant :)

05-02-2007, 07:27 AM
Ahh. So, there's nothing jamming the signals, it's just that after the whole Esthar invading Galbadia thing, everyone switched to HD cable; possibly so Esthar couldn't jam the frequencies as easily?

Yay plot-holes. ><

J. Peterman
05-02-2007, 07:36 AM
i always though squall's father was seifer and that rinoa was his mother and that was why he hated rinoa for two discs and then was finally okay with it because the GFs made him forget

05-03-2007, 11:18 AM
but wasnt it laguna himself who converted to the hd cables after imprisoning adel? seems like he put himself into that one! he could at least called raine before he switched! asshole....

omega seifer
05-09-2007, 04:15 PM
wait im playing FF8 now and in the tutorial it says that moobas remember people by licking their blood not by smelling.

05-09-2007, 06:50 PM
Either way, they still called Squall "Laguna" because Squall carries his blood in his veins.

05-12-2007, 01:02 AM
The only reason I'd think Laguna isn't Squall's father would be because Laguna gets so nervous around women, I doubt he'd ever get that far. But I'm pretty sure he's Squall's father. There's a bit of family resemblance...

And they're both horrible with women, obviously a genetic trait! j/k

05-27-2007, 08:26 PM
There are many ways to say something. It is possible to say something without actually saying it. While LAguna doesn't say outright that he is Squall's old man, it is possible to say he is from the amount of evidence.

This debate is similar to the big Debate of "Blade Runner" - "IS DECKER A REPLICANT?"

05-28-2007, 12:17 AM
i agree laguna is an alien who gave birth to a monsterAlert the tabloids.