03-07-2007, 02:30 PM
What are your favorite parts in final fantasy VIII? One of mine is when you have to get the presidents train car and you then have to fight the giant zombie thing.

One of the parts that I hate is when you are in the desert prison and have to escape. It's not that it's hard, it's lengthy and boring.

03-07-2007, 07:44 PM
Favorite parts --- gaining control of the Ragnarok and taking it out for a joyride. A lot of the time spent in Esthar --- very fun. Also, the whole garden invasion / missile base scenarios.

Least favorite --- Mucking about in the Deling City sewers.

jewess crabcake
03-07-2007, 07:47 PM
Favorite all of Agents post least favorite Lunatic Pandora.

03-07-2007, 07:47 PM
Esthar was cool. My favourite parts were the battles against Seifer and Edea though.

And I definitely agree about the desert prison. Man, was that a pain in the arse.

03-07-2007, 10:11 PM
Favourite part - I quite liked the sorceress's parade at the end of disk 1. I was quite fond of the music and the ending to it.

As for parts I wasn't too fond of, it would probably be The Tomb of the Unknown King. I remember trying to get through the maze without using hints.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-07-2007, 10:19 PM
Liked: The siege on Dollet scenario at the beginning and the Garden Invasion.

Disliked: Pissing about at the D-Prison and the Deling City sewers. Why did Quistis feel that she had to put the mission given to her in jeopardy to apologize to Rinoa? At least wait until after the mission has ended to apologize to her. Stupid cunt.

03-07-2007, 10:50 PM
I've always loved the Laguna dream sequences, and of course his love story with Julia.

03-08-2007, 12:00 AM
Favorite: getting Balamb Garden mobile, the Garden battle, the part where you're warning everyone in Garden about the missiles, the SeeD exam, and being out in space.

Dislikes: D-District Prison, Deling Sewers, and some of Laguna's dream sequences.

03-08-2007, 01:20 AM
Favorite: Squall coming back for Rinoa.

"No matter what happens, even if you become the world's enemy, I'll be your knight."

But Squall walking to Esthar with Rinoa on his back is so freakin' close.
And, in space.

"you're falling back to me, a star that I can see, I know you're out there, somewhere out there"

Least favorite: I guess when Squall and Quistis go get Ifrit. That's stretching it, I know. But, you're aware how hard this was for me, right? :D

03-08-2007, 02:43 AM
Favorite - The WHOLE space scenario. From Squall bringing Rinoa to space in attempt to cure her, and to the time when Squall and Rinoa were talking in the Ragnarok while "Eyes on Me" was playing on the background.

Least Favorite - Nothing really. =/

03-08-2007, 02:48 AM
Least Favorite - Nothing really. =/
I had a hard time trying to find something bad, but I couldn't and just listed the things that I thought were boring or things that was time consuming.

03-08-2007, 02:55 AM
The garden battle was definately my favorite part of the game. Also getting the Ragnarok and flying everywhere was awesome.

I hated the galbadian missle base, desert prison, and Lunatic Pandora. Majorly boring.

03-08-2007, 03:03 AM
Favorites: Most of the game was pretty much my favorite part. Highlights were some boss battles, like Jumbo Cactuar and Ultima Weapon. The Laguna sequence in Winhill is also pretty fun and relaxing. I also LOVE the space station. That was probably my favorite all-around place to be.

Dislikes: Deling City Sewers, Lunatic Pandora, eradicating all of the Propogators on the Ragnarok, fighting down the strong-ass monsters in the Deep Sea Research Facility, but most especially Galbadia Garden. I get so majorly lost in there every time I play a new game. And on top of just getting out of there, you have to find 3 card keys? Ridiculous.

03-08-2007, 04:24 AM
I hate when right when Rinoa and Squall get on the Ragnarok and Rinoa wants a hug and Squall doesn't give her one what the fucking fuck

03-08-2007, 09:02 AM
One of my favorite: Attack on Dollet and Timber Mission. :)

What i dislike: Sewers in Deling City, Desert Prison and Ultimecia's Castle.

03-08-2007, 12:32 PM
I love everything on the first two discs pretty much. My favourite part of the game undoubtedly is the Timber/Galbadia Garden scenarios. I also love the Balamb Town invasion and the infiltration of Galbadia Garden on disc 2 and also anything that happens in FH.

Dislike: Outer space, Laguna sequences for the most part and Esthar.

03-08-2007, 11:26 PM
Favorite: The assassination attempt. The end of disc 2. Squall carrying unconcious Rinoa while talking to her. That blob guy that was running Balamb(can't remember his name, it's been awhile). Pretty much the entire thing.

Hated: Sewers & Unknown Tomb, and Adel the first time around(took me three hours that figure out a good strategy).

03-08-2007, 11:47 PM
Norg i think?

03-09-2007, 12:21 AM
Norg i think?

Yep. NORG. I always enjoyed the Tomb of the Unknown King. I'm surprised so many disliked it. I think it's a beautifully rendered dungeon. The colors, the water :swoon:

03-09-2007, 12:33 AM
yea i think people just got pissed off at the game fighting the brothers. Maybe they didn't know that Float would've made the battle loads easier. Who knows why.

03-09-2007, 12:59 AM

03-09-2007, 05:28 PM
yea i think people just got pissed off at the game fighting the brothers. Maybe they didn't know that Float would've made the battle loads easier. Who knows why.

I didn't have a problem with the battle, I just got turned around too many times to count in there. It was the reason I bought a guide.

03-09-2007, 05:33 PM
Nothing to hate, all was good, but the finding that stupid ship was annoying..

03-11-2007, 05:02 AM
Liked: Travelling through the Salt Lake, Esthar, going out into space and Laguna's dream sequences.

Disliked: Desert Prison, the Missile Base, the sewers and hunting around Galbadia Garden, trying to get the keycards to get into Edeas office thing at the end of disk 2.

03-11-2007, 05:51 AM
I really disliked having to fight the robot during the SeeD exam. It took me at least 10 tries before I actually made it back to the beach.

Fighting Edea in Galbadia Garden also took me a while. ><

But I really liked going out into space, and Squall and Rinoa's reunion at the Memorial. <3

03-11-2007, 08:15 AM

p.s what is the secret formula to get thruogh the sewers? i once thought i saw some where that it is to keep heading in a direction(e.g north-east)

03-11-2007, 01:55 PM
My favorite parts are the FMV's when squall gets into the fist fight with G soldier at garden, and you fly on the pod and in the backround you see SeeDs and G soldiers fighting, And the FMV when squall jumps down and slices the G soldier and jumps into a car at deling city.

Least favorite.. Prolly sewers.. it the only part i have trouble with when i start the game over.

03-17-2007, 09:32 AM
The CGI of the gardens and the characters like rinoa and quistis.

I didn't think much of the entire time compression thing. Not being able to go into the towns and do side quests really held the game back for me. If the towns would've been accessible i would've ranked VIII above VII.

04-29-2007, 08:49 PM
Honestly, I loved the battle with Omega Weapon and the sheer amount of sidequests packed into this game. The attack on Balamb Garden and the Deling City parade were also some of my favorite parts. And as stated above, when Squall is carrying around Rinoa when she is unconcious.

The most annoying part in the game has to be the Deep Sea Research Center, after you have beaten Ultima Weapon. Not only are you near death from the previous battle, but you are required to travel all the way back to the top with some pain in the ass enemies along the way.

Regardless, Final Fantasy VIII, in my opinion is the best Final Fantasy game to date. The flaws are greatly outnumbered by the sheer greatness of this game.

04-29-2007, 09:18 PM
There's a hidden save-point at the bottom of the Deep Sea Research Center --- you can save both before and after the battle if you use Siren's Move-Find.

04-29-2007, 09:36 PM
Fav part: The opening movie, meeting Selphie

Hated part: learning that FFs hottest and therefore most awesome villain was just a cheap plot device...who was married to the lamest Cid in the series.

04-29-2007, 10:06 PM
There's a hidden save-point at the bottom of the Deep Sea Research Center --- you can save both before and after the battle if you use Siren's Move-Find.

Slipped my mind, I haven't played the game in quite a while.

05-02-2007, 02:50 PM
There was hardly anything in the game i didn't like from memory.
Haven't played it in a year (didn't bother to buy a new ps one lol).
Should be getting one this week though : )

05-02-2007, 07:37 PM
Roaming through Galbadia Garden kind of sucked, but the whole battle between the gardens I liked. Also finding and fighting Ultima was cool.

J. Peterman
05-02-2007, 08:46 PM
my favorite part had to be where mewtwo and dialga were battling for control of cinnabar island, only to have lance try to save the day with his red gyarados and get destroyed by a wandering lugia

05-03-2007, 12:11 AM
All right, enough of that Ketchum.

Argus Zephyrus
05-03-2007, 02:34 AM
Gotta hate the Deling City sewers. I got lost in there for days somehow the first time I played. I got through it in five seconds the second time o_O'
I don't even know how...

The battle between the gardens was fun, as was the attack on Dollet a bit. Laguna's misadventures in the beginning were also plenty of fun.

omega seifer
05-08-2007, 11:09 PM
i loved the Dollet invasion, the music was cool and you get to control Seifer :D. i love the Balam vs Galbadia garden war, that was awesome!! the FMV's were mind blowing. i have loads of other things i love!!

things i disliked were the Laguna scenes, i found them extremely boring.

Floyd _the_Barber
05-14-2007, 06:05 AM
I liked every part besides FH and Desert Prison! I think most of Disc 2 was kinda of boring. But nothing that I would call hate.

05-16-2007, 09:00 AM
The entire game is just great, but the parts where you are forced into endless random encounters can be a bit annoying.
*Thank God for Diablos*

Floyd _the_Barber
05-17-2007, 07:21 AM
Yeah I learned Enc-None pretty early in the game so that mad it more enjoyable, but it don't work in the Deep Sea Research Center.

05-17-2007, 07:57 PM
Actually, whether or not it works in the Deep Sea Research Center depends on whether or not you use Zell, from what I understand. But in any case, those battles aren't random --- they're fixed by the game and that's why Enc-None / Half doesn't work on that.

05-17-2007, 10:20 PM
<img src=>Been a long time!

It's not totally about using Zell in the party, but if you are using him then he suggests that he breaks down the door leading to the Deep Sea Deposit. If you let him do that then you'll get set battles all the way down, even if you equip Enc-None.

On topic, FF8 was probably my favourite in the series, so I liked pretty much all of the game. My least favourite parts were probably the prison and the second Laguna sequence, which took me about 2 hours to work out how to get through the first time I played! There is one part where it looks like you have to go "up" inside the Lunatic Pandora, and it just looks like a wall if you're not looking out for it. >_>

05-17-2007, 10:32 PM
:) It's really good to see you, Melti. It definitely has been a long time. And yeah, you got it, that's what I meant.

Anyway, yeah, that second Laguna sequence can be rough. I got confused on that one too. And then, top it off, stuff that you do there determines stuff that you can get in the Lunatic Pandora later on.

05-18-2007, 01:33 AM
I've always loved the Laguna dream sequences, and of course his love story with Julia.

Me too but mainly for the funky fight music, which i much prefer over the other battle theme.

05-22-2007, 10:31 PM
Favorite: The whole part were Irvine had to try to assassinate Edea at the parade thing. I remember a while ago when me and my friends played it for the first time and we thought it was badass, lol.

Least favorite: Fighting Adel, -.- I didn't level up enough or get the right GF's the first time I fought her. The second time I owned her though.

05-26-2007, 09:28 AM
Most hated? Rinoa's dumb run in with Seifer & Adel. Squall should've spanked her for that.

05-27-2007, 07:25 AM
Well, this might be too early to post, but...

Favorite: FMVs, and for someone who just moved up the ladder from FFVII, the awesomely improved graphics.
Hated: Boss battles - since you don't get EXPs from those, which irks me.

05-27-2007, 02:02 PM
Favs: The graden's going head to head was awesome.

Dislike: Laguna.

06-01-2007, 10:57 PM
Favorite Part:

After Squall saves Rinoa, and you get the uplifting song with some actual lyrics in it.

(forgot the name of the song though)

Least Favorite:

This is when I just grabbed the game, and I didn't have the cash on me at the time, to get the strategy guide.
I played the game through & through, with trial & error, all the way to the part of the Unknown King. Mind you, all you needed was the student code on the sword, which was very close to the entrance, and backtrack to D city. I got the code, but decided to explorer further into the tomb. At the time, I didn't know the area's would ghey on you, by switching what was left is right, and what is up is down, etc. I ended up getting lost in circles, and turned it off, after 20 mins or so of wandering.

06-02-2007, 02:09 AM
I liked the beginning, didn't really like the end.

06-02-2007, 02:27 PM
Favorite Part:

After Squall saves Rinoa, and you get the uplifting song with some actual lyrics in it.

(forgot the name of the song though)

Eyes On Me, one of the best songs in the FF series! ^ ^

Anyway, my...

Favorite Part(s): Oh man, this was my first FF game I played and I remember being blown away by sooo much. Lasting memories are probably the whole Deling City Assassination Plan, going to Space, the Garden War, Lunatic Pandora, and The Landing (best music ever, and Quistis OWNS that spider). There's a lot more I liked, but I won't ramble. :D

Least Favorite: Probably getting the Tonberry GF. > _ >

06-02-2007, 08:41 PM
Favorate- My favorate part in FFVIII has to be fighting all of the monster in Esthar
Least favorate- had to be The castle at the end.

06-03-2007, 08:23 PM
Fav. - The Ragnarok. It made things so much easier since you could just select your destination and sit back until you were there.

Least Fav. - Finding the White Seed Ship. The first time around, i just could not find it. I actually stopped playing for like a year because I just couldn't find it, so I just stopped playing. However, the second time, it took me about 18 seconds.

06-03-2007, 09:16 PM
You didn't try GameFAQs or anything the first time? :P

06-03-2007, 11:29 PM
Fav part: Squall getting an icicle through his torso.

Least fav PARTS: Esthar/ Escape from prison.

06-04-2007, 02:59 AM
I really disliked having to fight the robot during the SeeD exam. It took me at least 10 tries before I actually made it back to the beach
That one takes some time and skill (I managed to only get attacked by it 3 times throughout the mission, and I defeated it on the third attempt). If you want to defeat it, throw in some dumb luck and a lot of leveling. I actually played 8 hours of leveling - 3 before the start of the mission, 5 during the mission - and had some dumb luck before I managed to thrash it on the third. Make sure your characters and your GFs are leveled high enough (my Squall was at an insane 24 with Zell at 17 and Selphie at 16, while my Ifrit was at 24, Shiva at 34 and Quetzacoatl at 30). Then you just bash away with GFs and pray that your attack speed is fast enough.

06-04-2007, 03:05 AM
Well, when I said I couldn't beat it, that was on my first playthrough a few years ago. When I fought it again not too long ago, obviously I couldn't beat it, but I did get back to the beach on time. I just don't think that 50 AP and a good SeeD rank is worth all the time spent leveling.

06-04-2007, 03:48 AM
Well, when I said I couldn't beat it, that was on my first playthrough a few years ago. When I fought it again not too long ago, obviously I couldn't beat it, but I did get back to the beach on time. I just don't think that 50 AP and a good SeeD rank is worth all the time spent leveling.
Ah, k. Sorry. I purposely restarted my game and grinded because of the speculation going on in the Perfect Game thread.

Btw, if you took out the X-ATM092, a draw point will become available in the city square. I'm not sure if it will be there or not if you're running from X-ATM092, but if it's there getting it will still be a pain.

06-12-2007, 06:01 AM
I liked the whole game (after replaying a few others, 8 is still my favorite.)

My least favorite parts were perhaps the Laguna story though. It had some good points, but I was mostly just interested in Squall's point of view.

Hard to say what my favorite part is in a game full of them, but the garden battle stands out.

06-12-2007, 10:23 AM train mission (Deling zombie guy) and the assasination mission.
least fav-space (the alien killing part), getting the tonberry gf and the end castle (9's is so much better).

06-12-2007, 04:05 PM
The entire game is just great, but the parts where you are forced into endless random encounters can be a bit annoying.

Actually, I found the random encounters to be a god send when replaying the game compared to FFXII's battle system. Having to spend hours going back and forth in the same dungeon just to move the game along without dying was pure agony I thought. Not to say that the random encounters in FF8 didn't get tedious at times. They pretty much solved that problem in FF10 though.

06-15-2007, 02:03 AM
That one takes some time and skill (I managed to only get attacked by it 3 times throughout the mission, and I defeated it on the third attempt). If you want to defeat it, throw in some dumb luck and a lot of leveling. I actually played 8 hours of leveling - 3 before the start of the mission, 5 during the mission - and had some dumb luck before I managed to thrash it on the third. Make sure your characters and your GFs are leveled high enough (my Squall was at an insane 24 with Zell at 17 and Selphie at 16, while my Ifrit was at 24, Shiva at 34 and Quetzacoatl at 30). Then you just bash away with GFs and pray that your attack speed is fast enough.

It doesn't really matter what level you're at, because your enemies level up just as much as you do. In my opinion, I don't think it's all that smart to level up early in the game, due to the fact that there aren't really any powerful spells to junction early on in the game. The main thing you need to focus on is the amount of draw spells you have in your inventory, and how well you've junctioned them.

06-15-2007, 07:39 AM
It doesn't really matter what level you're at, because your enemies level up just as much as you do. In my opinion, I don't think it's all that smart to level up early in the game, due to the fact that there aren't really any powerful spells to junction early on in the game. The main thing you need to focus on is the amount of draw spells you have in your inventory, and how well you've junctioned them.

It depends on what part of the game you're at, some enemies give more powerfull spells if you encounter them at a high level, but yeah, leveling up that early in the game is a bad thing.

06-16-2007, 12:01 AM
im not gonna do a select favourites part as i love pretty much the entire game as a whole, but there are a couple parts that i kind of dont like a little bit

desert prison - circling and circling and circling with a really underwhelming boss fight

missile base - well not so much the base itself, but for some reason ive always had hella trouble with the big blue robot tank boss. i mean i like me a nice challenge but for some reason i always fuckin suck when fighting him and its never really been fun

other than that, ff8 is my favourite ff ever, maybe tying with tactics. also i thought 'eyes on me' was pretty turd. faye wong is great but i just wasnt feeling that tune. guess it fit well with the game and general theme though. anyways thats it

06-16-2007, 01:49 PM
Least favorite part: Kidnapping the president. Instead of Red light, green light, it's "Red Guard! Blue Guard!"

There's a few more, but I have particular annoyances with events like that. :P

Fav part: Squall getting an icicle through his torso.
XD I swear I was like, "Dude, did he just get his spleen skewered? OMG, he DID!" when I saw that.

My favorite part is the dance scene. It was just so stupidly cute, I wanted to shut off the music and start playing "Beauty & the Beast" to it.

06-16-2007, 04:23 PM
Hated the sewers and the fire cavern

06-17-2007, 02:32 PM
It doesn't really matter what level you're at, because your enemies level up just as much as you do. In my opinion, I don't think it's all that smart to level up early in the game, due to the fact that there aren't really any powerful spells to junction early on in the game. The main thing you need to focus on is the amount of draw spells you have in your inventory, and how well you've junctioned them.
Yeah, that's very true. Although I admit it did make defeating X-ATM092 easier because the GFs could move faster and dish out harder attacks. Still, I guess you're supposed to run all the way down from the comm tower without running into it and come back for the draw point later on.

It depends on what part of the game you're at, some enemies give more powerfull spells if you encounter them at a high level, but yeah, leveling up that early in the game is a bad thing.
True, because the bosses will be harder to beat and you end up relying on your GFs more. I took on The Brothers this morning - at Squall's lvl 40, Minotaur was dishing out 400+ damage and doing 400+ heals, which is not a good thing because I had not level up Irvine and Rinoa much and they're still in the 20s, and I had them in my party for the sake of leveling them. But my GFs made short work of The Brothers due to the fact that their levels were incredibly high as well. Still, I guess I have to live with it. I'm only playing it for fun, and not for the Perfect SeeD thing.

06-18-2007, 01:02 AM
The worst part of ff8 was when Rinoa wanted a hug from Squall after he saved her from floating into space at the Ragnorak and he said NO wtf...

06-18-2007, 08:57 AM
Well, he is cold and antisocial.

06-19-2007, 01:41 AM
still he just saved her life and she wanted a hug, stupid fag

06-19-2007, 03:07 AM
I've been playing FFVIII again, and have just realized how rediculously boring the game gets after you become a SeeD. From the moment you enter Timber, to where you finally defeat the President inside the train are possibly the most boring moments in the game.

06-22-2007, 03:42 AM
I have to go with fighting those lizards inside the Ragnorak as the most annoying part of the game, not to mention the prerequisite hours of leveling up prior to entering the Lunatic Pandora.

07-03-2007, 08:13 PM
Disliked: Drawing magic
Liked: The story from the end of disc one until the end.

silver rose
08-16-2007, 02:40 PM
Favorite parts -Ragnarok(flying with it), Esthar, garden invasion & missile base scenarios
Least favourite-The Tomb of the Unknown King,Deling City sewers

08-31-2007, 11:16 PM
i didnt like the prison escape, or the fight against fujin and rajin at FH.
also all the time i spent drawing 100 berserks or meteors or auras... for each charecter.

everything else i liked.

09-01-2007, 11:35 AM
Dislikes: Deling City Sewers, Lunatic Pandora, but most especially Galbadia Garden. I get so majorly lost in there every time I play a new game. And on top of just getting out of there, you have to find 3 card keys? Ridiculous.

I loathe Galbadia GARDEN. What's up with the keys?!

Favorites: Everything else.

09-01-2007, 05:49 PM
I loved the whole trippy Lunatic Pandora dealie. Cool FMVs.

I hated when that IDIOT Quistis decides to go all mushy and apologize to Rinoa, RIGHT BEFORE SHE'S ABOUT TO UNDERTAKE A MISSION THAT WILL ALTER WORLD HISTORY.

09-02-2007, 01:23 PM
Favourite - The garden battle at the end of disc 2. The SeeD mission and anything to do with the Ragnarok. And although escaping from the prison was very tedious i actually enjoyed all that running around and Irvine coming to the rescue etc.

Least Favourite - weeeeeeeeeeell. Looking for Raijin and Fuijin in Balamb is really annoying, as is the Delling sewers. And some of the Laguna missions were really boring.

09-02-2007, 07:34 PM
I like this thread, it's been a pretty interesting read.

I've never had any problems with the sewers of Deiling City. I actually really liked that part of the game, not just the sewer bit, but the whole "shoot Edea" plan. It was pretty intense playing it first time round.

Well, my favourite parts:
Cards - This is my favourite FF mini game. There's nothing like that feeling when you win a rare card. Specially against Edea and Sid on disc 3... grrr damn Random Rule. But that's what made it fun I guess. The feeling of acomplishment.

Setting up the band - I loved doing that, and Irvine leaving a porno mag for Squall and Rinoa was priceless.

GFs - The summons on this game are my favourite from all FF's. Ifrit kicks ass, Quesacotl was electrifying, and Diablo was awesome. They all just looked good on this game.

Um... as for worst moments...

First half of Disc 2 from the Laguna dream, to the military base. I quite liked the story of it though, but the whole game play at those parts were very annoying. specially if you want to travel all the way to the bottom of the prision to get a Pet Pals mag... I think that's right... and the more i think of the military base the more i think "it wasn't that bad, i guess". But there was something about Selphie being my main character that bothered me.

well that's it for the worst parts. I don't really say much bad things about this game, because this has been my all time favourite game. I love it.

09-03-2007, 12:00 AM
I've never had any problems with the sewers of Deiling City. I actually really liked that part of the game, not just the sewer bit, but the whole "shoot Edea" plan. It was pretty intense playing it first time round.

I agree with the whole "shoot Edea plan", however, the part in the sewer just sucked. The plan itself was great, but the sewers were the crappy part of the plan.

and Irvine leaving a porno mag for Squall and Rinoa was priceless.

One of the greatest moments of the game, ;).

09-08-2007, 02:46 PM
Final Fantasy VIII is by far the best game of any genre that I have ever played. The way that Sakaguchi pushed the limits of making a game like a movie has not been duplicated in any game to the extent of Final Fantasy VIII, past and present. In comparison to any other game made to date, I would have to say Final Fantasy VIII takes the prize. Final Fantasy VIII was so busy with missions and gameplay that I played this game from start to finish in 2 days without hardly taking a break. The overall presentation is simply awesome. The junction system was much more versatile than the materia system if you learned how to use it to your advantage as well. I loved not wasting my money buying the newest weapon and armor upgrades only to find that they were outdated in the next town. Getting a salary was awesome especially when you were just taking a stroll and not fighting enemies. Even some of the slower parts of Final Fantasy VIII were more action packed then many of the "action-sequences" of the newest games of today. I have nothing but compliments for this game. I haven't liked a game this much since Lunar: Silver Star Story.

09-08-2007, 02:46 PM
Final Fantasy VIII is by far the best game of any genre that I have ever played. The way that Sakaguchi pushed the limits of making a game like a movie has not been duplicated in any game to the extent of Final Fantasy VIII, past and present. In comparison to any other game made to date, I would have to say Final Fantasy VIII takes the prize. Final Fantasy VIII was so busy with missions and gameplay that I played this game from start to finish in 2 days without hardly taking a break. The overall presentation is simply awesome. The junction system was much more versatile than the materia system if you learned how to use it to your advantage as well. I loved not wasting my money buying the newest weapon and armor upgrades only to find that they were outdated in the next town. Getting a salary was awesome especially when you were just taking a stroll and not fighting enemies. Even some of the slower parts of Final Fantasy VIII were more action packed then many of the "action-sequences" of the newest games of today. I have nothing but compliments for this game. I haven't liked a game this much since Lunar: Silver Star Story.

09-08-2007, 03:02 PM
As most already have mentioned... the desert prison, the sewers etc...
However my game also froze in the middle of the ending movie the first time I finished the game! It was because of a small rift on the disk! D:
Can you imagine how sucky that was?
The good feeling of archivement just went gone the moment the video froze >_<

Anyways... good moment? I guess the spaceship with Squall & Rinoa in the cockpit.

GunBlade Master
09-08-2007, 04:34 PM
Favourite parts:

Triple Triad has to be my favourite mini-game in any ff game to date. I always went out of the way so I could get all the cards in the game.
Always liked the bonus of having card mod as well. ;)

All the FMV's in the game, were and still are amazing.

Odin being cut in half by Seifer. I don't like Odin too much, due to him having a habit of killing monsters I wanted to draw from.

Worest Parts:

The desert prison, I remember always going the wrong way only to run all the way back. Or not moving along the bridge fast enoght when your hanging off the edge. At least the place had Moobas.

09-11-2007, 05:52 AM favorite part of FFVIII had to have been the final dungeon. I've played all the PSX generation FF titles and up (plus FFVI) and I have to say, FFVIII really took the cake with it's last dungeon. The puzzles, the monsters, the was really fun.

My least favorite part was always that little bit where you play as Laguna and you have to star in the dragon/sorceress movie. I just found it boring.
Oh and...all the times that you have to rescue Rinoa...I hated that.

Trance Moogle
09-11-2007, 09:33 PM
I pretty much dislike any part that you have a timer for. I know they give a reasonable amount of time because you get the pic how much time you have for a couple ocassions but I still can't stand it. As far as favorites, I like the card game, even though it is not the only Final Fantasy to have a card game in it I still love it .

09-11-2007, 11:24 PM
Fav's: the opening FMV ofcourse, along with the other FMV's :), FH (I liked that place), the sidequests, upgrading weapons was neat as was the band. <BR>
Worsts: Hmm, where do I start?! I don't care for the character's personalities, the leveling system...I don't enjoy monsters leveling up with me, it jumped back and forth too much from the actual story and Laguna's.

Silver Butterfly
09-12-2007, 04:15 PM
Love: Flashbacks, the garden, songs while floating among the stars, and of course the sniper at the parade... FF8 is at it's best when it's exploring love and innocence in a time of war.

Hate: Monsters that benefit from your hard work. Why even bother with levels, if you're just going to punish the player for playing through the random attacks you throw at them? Stealing magic from monsters while they slap you silly for molesting their souls. Unimaginative guardian Forces who think their big scenes are just as exciting the 324th time you summon them from whatever they're doing at the time as if they were your dogs...really, it would have been more honest to just set the guardian forces loose to destroy every native species while you go off on a treasure hunt, for all that the game actually has to do with the storyline. You can get the same experience by finding your favorite Yu-gi-oh monster attack on DVD, and watching it nonstop 10 times in a row while searching for spare change.

But only if you insult your friends and refuse to hug your girlfriend/boyfriend/cat/teddy bear the entire time.

Blame it on your childhood.

09-12-2007, 10:29 PM
Loved controlling Edea on the way to Esthar, battling the Propagators on Ragnarok and everything Laguna.

Loved less: running around D-district prison and the sewers. Getting the stuff to summon Doomtrain and complete Ms.Trepe's blue magic skillz. Galbadia's card rules.

09-12-2007, 11:06 PM
I still loathe battling the evil Tonberries. That was not fun. ;;

09-13-2007, 01:11 AM
hmmmm my favorite part was definately the ragnarok mission in space and least favorite was definately the deasert prison because it took so goddamn long lol fun tho

09-15-2007, 12:52 AM
im surprised no one has mentioned the part in the story line where you find out they all knew eachother.

09-15-2007, 03:07 AM
That was cool and all, but it was just a bunch of boring cutscenes.

Most Fav. Part: Fighting Edea the 1st time (cause she has a lot of good magic to draw!), Triple Triad, Esthar, Ragnarok, Balamb vs. Galbadia, and Ultimecia's Castle.

Least Fav. Part: Fighting Ifrit, X-ATM092, Tomb of the Unknown King, Propagators, T-Rexaurs at the beginning, and Triple Triad. (Random and Direct, much?)

09-15-2007, 10:00 PM
i meant as a part you didnt like.

i was like 'whoa they all new eachother? crazy wikkid cool.'

then they said 'why dont we remember? oh gfs, ok. also irvine knew the whole time and didnt say anything. eh... whatever'

no where before did they allude to the fact that gfs make you forget, then they didnt mention it the rest of the game.

09-16-2007, 01:11 AM
Least favorite: The train sequence. Once I was fighting, it was fine.

Most favorite: Learning about Ellone and her powers, and finding out about Laguna. Julia, Raine, Laguna, and Ellone were my favorite group of characters.

09-16-2007, 08:59 PM
Forgot to mention that I hate that card game, I played only in Balamb, I hated it when there were all those other rules, made it difficult, to strategic for my likes. But I did enjoy the puzzles of the final dungeon and sidequests. I didnt like the fact that the chocobos weren't more involved. I loved VII's racing and breeding and IX's treasure hunting/hot & cold game. I didnt like that you had to keep pressing a botton to get the full advantage of the gf's, and that "they made me forget"...would you still use them if you couldnt ever remember anything anymore?! And that part where you find out they all knew each other, seems like they were trying to hard to intergrate the characters stories together, and why were they the only ones in the orphanage?

09-19-2007, 12:35 AM
Favorite part: Life like animated characters instead of anime sprites.

Least Favorite: Spending hours trying to find Marlboro Tenticles, tortoise shells and Cockatrice pinions!

Anyone seen the Final Fantasy Retrospective on Gametrailers dot com??

09-19-2007, 02:42 AM
I just remembered how much I hated the card sidequests. Trying to track down the Queen of Cards was a total bitch. Going to like, six different places, only to lose the WRONG CARD (why thank you, "Random" rule) was a total bummer. It was the only sidequest I couldn't bring myself to ever finish. I did just about everything else the three or four times I beat the game.

09-22-2007, 10:19 AM
I don`t know why, but I just loved the whole game... Less interesting parts were when I had to search for the "Commander" in Balamb, and where I have to chase Rinoa in open space.

The parts of the game I liked most were everything in the Ragnarok, the attack of Galbadia, walking around Balamb garden and seeing all those students ready to fight made me feel just like I was right there and like it was me, not Squall commanding them to do this or that. I liked Esthar part too, that city was somehow impressive.

Like I said the game is just too cool for me to decide the bad parts.

09-23-2007, 07:39 PM
i didnt like the way ap wasnt applied to other abilities after you learned one.

diablos would have 197/200 learned on mug and i would forget to check and get into a boss battle and get 40 ap and 37 was tossed out.


09-23-2007, 08:02 PM
favorite part : the intro and the album FF8 F.L.W.V.
least favorite part: everything else except Selphie's hawtness

09-24-2007, 07:20 PM
i didnt like the way ap wasnt applied to other abilities after you learned one.

diablos would have 197/200 learned on mug and i would forget to check and get into a boss battle and get 40 ap and 37 was tossed out.


Yea, forgot about that! Was pretty weak. Queen of cards quest was ruckus and i didnt even really mess with the chocobo part....

10-03-2007, 12:16 AM
Lol I liked the beginning up to the tower( completely forgot name, havent played in a long time) especially the part:

Quistis: Good luck, Seifer (or was it to a group? I forgot)
Seifer: Save it for people who need it.
Quistis: Ok, good luck Seifer.

10-03-2007, 12:39 AM
Quistis said, "Okay, Seifer, you're the squad leader. Good luck to you."

11-08-2007, 02:22 AM
Fav.- the most fun i had was bouncing off of rinoa when she gets possesed

hated- the mundane not-optional missions

11-16-2007, 04:39 PM
favorites: when you get ragnarok when squall has to rescue Rinoa from outerspace ( it almost brought tears when I first played I thought she would die)
ok so I'm a real emotional guy so what. anyways. most of the game.

hates: tomb of unknown king I kept getting lost in that so I had to use a guide sorry, the sewers same as above kept getting lost. Also when your team Zell and you have to get on the lunatic pandora had a heck of a time trying to remember which way to go to get to the first point. Lastly the little fighting mini game when you have to knock the soldier of the flying thing.

11-20-2007, 08:39 AM
Love: flying around with Ragnarok (the coolest airship of all history of FF) and watching Squall-Rinoa dancing ........

Hates: All of Laguna's dream sequences >_< I love playing as Squall more than Laguna

11-28-2007, 10:45 PM
Nothing to hate, all was good, but the finding that stupid ship was annoying..

FCUK YES I hated that it took me at least 2 hours to find it the first time I played it I gave up twice.

Best part in my opinon was when Squall found out that the Balamb garden was mobile

11-30-2007, 09:14 PM
I hated almost all aspects of the game...

12-04-2007, 01:07 AM
Favorite: Timber Owls mission/Sorceress Parade, Making the Garden mobile (awesome music), making the party play the Irish jig for squall, complete with tapdancing!

Least Favorite: Infiltrating Galbadia Garden, running through Esthar w/out transits, the whole Ragnarok thing.

12-18-2007, 08:22 AM
favorite: the Laguna dream sequences and the whole space mission

least favorite: hmmm. i guess the prison.

12-27-2007, 02:12 AM
I hated the "save Rinoa from floating in outer space" mission. I wanted to leave her there and continue with the game.
My favorite part was using Shockwave Pulsar and Pulse Ammo on Ultimecia's forms.

01-03-2008, 08:35 PM
my favourite parts are the same as everybody else's; the opening video, the dollet mission, the garden battle, space, the ending video.

but my least favourite part... probably the drawing of magic. i never know how much time i should spend drawing magic, and which magic i need to draw the most of. 0_0

Dot Centaur
02-15-2008, 08:14 AM
Favorite parts: Any of the romantic moments with Squall and Rinoa, when you have to fight the Propagators on the Ragnorak, whenever Sephie sings "Train train take us away!", the parts where you get to play Laguna, and the first FMV with Rinoa and Edea in Deling City.

Least favorite parts: When Rinoa becomes unconcious and you can't use her for a short time of the game, during the time on Lunar Base because it's so hard to get Lagunas and Alexanders cards because all the stupid card rules apply :P, and the fight with Adel.

02-15-2008, 01:25 PM
See my favorite part of this game is a part rarely mentioned sadly. Its the part in FH where you choose what parts of music they all get to play. Then the concert itself as the correct tune is so lovely I really enjoy that section and usually just leave the music to play for a bit.

02-16-2008, 08:52 PM
I hate the quest on the train.
I think it's on cd 1 or 2.

02-23-2008, 03:05 AM
My favourite part was when I got Ragnarok finally^^ ..the least favourite was um..>.<...I don't know lol I think the whole Kill edea plan at the start of the game. That was kind of odd to me lol ~

02-23-2008, 11:12 AM
FAV: Dollet mission, timber train ride, ragnarok take-over and Esthar.

HATED: The desert-prison, Edeas assaination attempt and the damn fire cavern!

02-24-2008, 05:20 PM
I hated almost all aspects of the game...

For you, I recommend the following game - Unlimited SaGa.

02-25-2008, 11:13 PM
My favorites are the SeeD exam, when Galbadia attacks, and when they all remember the orphanage. The ending FMV, with Quistis and the handicam, too...

My least favorites are definitely the missile base and Ultimecia's castle. Ugh.

03-29-2008, 12:17 PM
favorite part : the intro and the album FF8 F.L.W.V.
least favorite part: everything else except Selphie's hawtness

btw do u have the song theme of Zell home town??? (Balamb)
I think it`s the sweetest melody ever!!!!

03-29-2008, 05:22 PM
btw do u have the song theme of Zell home town??? (Balamb)
I think it`s the sweetest melody ever!!!!

You know, the game does have a soundtrack. That you can even download somewhere on the 'net.