03-07-2007, 06:07 AM
I've been getting into various types of music recently, so I want to try as much as possible. Just leave the band name, music type, and recomended song or abum. And if you want a description of why you like them. Thanks.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
03-07-2007, 10:48 AM
I'm partial to Scratchin & Spittin myself, the song Booger Deadline in particular. The genre is indie-emo thrashtronic freestyle.

Hex Omega
03-07-2007, 12:23 PM
Long list coming up.

Dream Theater(Prog Metal)- Images and Words, A Change of Seasons, Train of Thought
The Mars Volta(Prog Rock)- De-Loused in the Comatarium
Pink Floyd(Psychedelic/Prog Rock)-Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall
The Pixies(Rock)-Bossanova, Doolittle
Belle and Sebastian(Easy listening, indie)-The Life Pursuit, Dear Catastrophe Waitress
The Doors(old-school)-The Doors, L.A Woman
Bloc Party-Silent Alarm
30 Seconds to Mars(alt rock)-30 Seconds to Mars
Primus(alt rock)-Frizzle Fry, Sailing the Seas of Cheese
The Fiery Furnaces(indie)-Bitter Tea
Super Furry Animals(alt rock)-Phantom Power, Outspaced
Less then Jake(Ska)-Anthem, Hello Rockview
Opeth(death/prog metal)-Deliverance, Damnation, Blackwater Park
Blue October-Foiled
The Frames(Celtic rock)-The Cost
Julliette & the Licks(punk)-Four on the Floor, You're Speaking My Language
Spocks Beard(prog rock)-V, Snow
King Crimson(prog rock)-Red
Porcupine Tree(prog rock)-Arriving Somewhere, But Not There
Ayreon(prog metal)-The Human Equation
At the Drive-In(alt rock)-Relationship of Command
The Toasters(Ska)-Hard Band for Dead
The Planet Smashers(Ska)-Unstoppable
The Aquabats(Ska)-The Aquabats
Hot Hot Heat(indie)-Elevator
The Flower Kings(prog rock)-The Rainmaker
The Arcade Fire(indie)-Funeral, Neon Bible

thats enough for now I think.

03-07-2007, 05:06 PM
I'm a huge fan of Grace Jones, and she's made some pretty funky music in her time. Many may know her as a Bond girl in A View to a Kill and as a fashion icon, but she eventually became a pioneer for women in rock music. I'd recommend this album:

On this 1981 album she teamed up with legendary Reggae twins (Sly Dunbar & Robbie Shakespeare), and together they created an album of boundary-defying music.

Albums I recommend to all newcomers:

- Warm Leatherette
- Nightclubbing ^
- Living My Life
- Slave to the Rhythm
- Island Life (a compilation, but any of her compilations are a good way to start)

Albums of hers I'd stay away from as a newcomer:

- Portfolio
- Fame
- Muse
- Inside Story
- Bulletproof Heart

Here are some video clips for you to check out:

La Vie en Rose (

Feel Up (

I've Seen That Face Before (Libertango) (

Private Life (

Slave to the Rhythm (

03-07-2007, 05:25 PM
I would look into Gee as in Jesus for sure.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-07-2007, 09:55 PM
Just to add to the Opeth stuff, get well, everything. It's all fantastic stuff. Also get 'Kind Of Blue' by Miles Davis. Coolest record produced ever and, in my opinion, the pinnacle of jazz.

Tidus 66
03-07-2007, 10:13 PM
Against Me!- Reinventing Axl Rose

an amazing Folk-Punk record

03-07-2007, 10:42 PM
joe budden- Rap- 3 sides to a story, dumbout, when thugs cry, 10 mins, calm down, walk with me, unforgiven, velvet rope, we're fabulous (I'm a massive fan, sorry)

catatonia- rock- anything really lol

Styles P- Rap- soldier song, ghost stories 1 & 2, in my hood, a gangster and a gentleman, nobody believed me, good times, my life, locked up, blown away, shot down

03-12-2007, 02:44 PM
Try Avenged Sevenfold

03-22-2007, 04:08 AM
My Taste In Music Is Very Diverse XD, Maybe You'll Like them :} I'll try to put some links up to youtube for you man, hope you like them :}

Placebo (British/Indie Rock) Awesome :} They are the Epitome of Poetry

Tool (Rock) They're just awesome...

Rage Against The Machine (A Political Rap Rock Band, They Are Awesome)

Social Distortion (Punk)
IGNORE THE VID XD Couldn't Find Anything Else D:

Regina Spektor (Dunno, But Her Songs Are Kewl :})

Tori Amos Just Love Her Songs

Mana Spanish Rock Is Awesome Man :)

Pierrot (J-Rock)

Enigma :)

Breaking Benjamin

Going Classic :p

The Cult Because They ROCK!

Def Leppard Rock & Roll

Skid Row Another Rock :p

Guns N' Roses "If You haven't heard of them :p"

The Cure Emo/Rock?! Awesome Though :p

haha I'll leave it at that, that's a lot for right now :p

03-23-2007, 03:44 PM
Iron Maiden A legend, one of the best Heavy Metal bands there were/are. Their newest album proves that after 27 years or so they still have the mind and soul to create brilliant music.
"Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" "Power Slave" "Aces High" "revelations" "The Trooper" "Run To The Hills" "Number Of The Beast" "Hallowed Be Thy Name" "The Evil That Men Do" "The Angel And The Gambler" "The Clansman" "Sign Of The Cross" "Brave New World" "The Wicker Man" "These Colours Don't Run" "Different World" "For The Greater Good of God" and "The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg"

Black Sabbath ANother legendary band, even though most people only think they rocked with Ozzy Osbourne as the singer they rocked even more without him, Ronnie James Dio and Ian Gillan are among the superstars to have replaced him. Look into the Ozzy era songs: War Pigs and Paranoid and the Dio Era songs: Heaven and Hell, Sign Of The Southern Cross, Time Machine, Computer God and I

The Tony Martin Era songs: Sabbath Stones, Valhalla and Anno Mundi are worth a listen too.

DIO: Ronnie James Dio left Sabbath to make his own band: The Songs Holy Diver, Don't Talk To Strangers, The Last In Line, Lord Of The Last Day, All The Fools Sailed Away, We Rock and Rock N Roll Children are worth a listen.

Those 3 bands should keep you occupied along with some of the other mentions in this thread.

A Grace Jones Fanatic on an FF board!? Is that you Chris?

04-12-2007, 01:14 PM
Thanks you guys/girls. there is a lot of great music up there.

Top Cat
04-12-2007, 04:29 PM
joy division. the velvet underground. john cale.

04-12-2007, 04:40 PM
Marvin Gaye and Otis Redding.

jewess crabcake
04-12-2007, 04:52 PM
Kanye West, he's just all around great.