03-04-2007, 05:00 AM
I just got done playing it and i thought it was one of the best games i've played. The lack of some features was a little dissapointing but other then that it was a great game.

Any thoughts/comments?

jewess crabcake
03-04-2007, 05:06 AM
I like LoD it mixes Real-time with turn-based battle schematic, just wish I could rebuy it.

03-04-2007, 05:13 AM
Loved the addittions system, but absolutely despised the 32 cumulative item limit.

03-04-2007, 11:35 AM
Now that Limit was a Bitch. Miranada was my favorite character with Rose coming up second. Hot Blond females beating on people breaks the Sterotypical Blonde Bimbo role that I despise so much so she got ALOT of points from me because of that.

My favorite Dragoon was Void Lyod and Flame Zeik. They were the Awesome in the game too bad you really can't match or be that way for Dart.

Vincent Von Doom
03-05-2007, 01:18 AM
the only thing i hated about the game is that you were hearded throughout the game... you couldn't really explore that much and aslo the fact that you had a "sims" type icon above your head letting you know when you were going into battle... other than that it wasn't too bad...

03-05-2007, 01:30 AM
you could've turned that off you know. But yea there shoulda been more freedom. An airship woulda been nice.

jewess crabcake
03-05-2007, 04:14 AM
all you had to hit was select iirc.

03-06-2007, 12:44 AM
Really don't understand why this game is highly rated, to be honest.

I have played it, and enjoyed it certainly, but it doesn't best any Final Fantasy title for my money, and may even be lower on my list than the likes of Star Ocean TTEOT and Shadow Hearts on PS1.

It got into many peoples' top ten on the 'best RPG' thread, which was ressurected recently. Now I realise that is an old thread, but several new posts also mention LoD. Why? What is great about it?

I thought the plot was unoriginal, the setting unoriginal, the characters, with one or two exceptions, unoriginal and the villains oh yes, unoriginal too. The lack of originality is my main complaint about LoD, but I have complaints also with some of the music (some of it was excellent though) and with the lack of difficulty of the bosses. And the scripting/translation really rivals FFVII for the worst-translated/written script around.

It was worth the fiver I paid for it on ebay though, to be fair. Just. ;)


jewess crabcake
03-06-2007, 06:03 PM
You're a butt j/k.

But no really LoD was original to me, I mean the whole dragoon system was good, the battle system was unique seeing as it is a turn based rpg. my guess is you played it recently after playing more recent games. The criteria for good games continues to rise and many plots have been tweeked and reused seeing as Lod came out in (was it 1999?) this game is superb for its date.

03-06-2007, 07:43 PM
Well Smarties, it seems as though we disagree again. LoD was 1999/2000, you were right. I admit you're right about the dragoon system, which I did enjoy, however, look at the setting, characters and plot: a lone mercenary sets out against an evil empire/conglomorate who have taken something away from him. Along the way he finds out some secrets about his past, and ends up fighting against against a silver haired antagonist dressed in black. Hmmmm. Sounds an awful lot like a certain other overrated RPG I know of. FFVII had done most of this two years before in 1997, and better too.

The characters for the most part are standard 'Dungeons and Dragons' type fare, though they weren't entirely hopeless, and did have some decent moments, mostly comic relief. But looking at the basic elements of most of the characters, it's obvious they've all been done before on other RPGs, in various guises, possibly excepting Kongol. But then he's hardly a character you'd describe as deep, and therefore, not difficult to write.

I'll go through them one by one, to explain my view:

Dart-See my complaints about Fayt in the SOTTEOT thread. The main character should always have more to him than both those characters, though in defence of LoD it's by no means the only title to have such a dull, bland lead character. Dart is Joe Bloggs with Superman's abilities basically. The love story with Shana was well written, but that work is undone by the general blandness of the characters.

Shana-See Tifa from FFVII, Sophia from SOTTEOT, etc. A general problem with the characters in LoD is that they don't have any quirks and specific personality traits, and Shana is the same. She's the nice girl next door, and rarely progresses beyond being that at any part in the game. She doesn't develop much if at all, because unlike Dart, her feelings are clear pretty much from when you meet her.

Rose-We have the traditional silent, dark haired woman who kicks ass in combat. Seriously. How many times has this character been done in RPGs over the years? My guess is a lot. Rose does have some interesting backstory however, but that doesn't remedy the basic problem of her sheer unoriginality.

Meru-See Rikku, Selphie and Yuffie from the FF series. The happy-go-lucky girl who seemingly turns up in every RPG. All the aforementioned characters had more to them than Meru though in terms of personlity quirks. I did like the Wingly twist there, but again, that's backstory and not personality or development.

I did actually liked some things about one or two of the characters, though. Albert was probably the best character playable, and had a fair bit of individuality (due to his nerdishness) that actually made him enjoyable to play as. His basic personality was still that of a king with a duty, hardly original, but he did have more merit than the others.

Note also that I didn't say LoD was entirely unworthy. What I said was that I didn't understand why it was so highly rated as to be in most people's top ten.

And why am I a butt jerk for disagreeing with you on two games?

03-06-2007, 11:06 PM
There are several reasons why people like it. One is the Unique battle system which is completely unique to that point and I think to this day. The other is the idea behind the Dragoons and their powers. Also Loyd isn't the final boss heck he is basically the Mid story boss so the comparsion between Sephiroth and Loyd doesn't work since Loyds reasons where actually an Utopia while Sephiroths where Godhood. See the Difference? As well as Dart isn't the generic Merc that you make him out to be Merc work was a Side job to getting his revenege Cloud couldn't even rememeber he had a reason for revenege till it slapped him in the face.
I know one thing I loved about the plot was the fact you were fighting aganist Fate and destiny to stop the death of everything. Also the plot is ALOT more complicated then it seems and the only 'flat' Character is Miranada and even she has more depth then what you credit to LOD.

I would be more clear but my pain meds just kicked in so excuse the rambling a bit.

03-07-2007, 04:43 AM
I keep hearing random good and bad comments about this game, I might check it out in the future. I got a huge backlog though!

Currently playing:
Final Fantasy XI
Rogue Galaxy

Will play next:
Alundra 1
Mass Effect
Blue Dragon

I am considering playing after this probably...
Radical Dreamers
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
Lost Odyssey(Yay! It's coming out in December in USA! :)
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
Vagrant Story
Final Fantasy X-2

jewess crabcake
03-07-2007, 06:17 PM
Well Smarties, it seems as though we disagree again. LoD was 1999/2000, you were right. I admit you're right about the dragoon system, which I did enjoy, however, look at the setting, characters and plot: a lone mercenary sets out against an evil empire/conglomorate who have taken something away from him. Along the way he finds out some secrets about his past, and ends up fighting against against a silver haired antagonist dressed in black. Hmmmm. Sounds an awful lot like a certain other overrated RPG I know of. FFVII had done most of this two years before in 1997, and better too.

The characters for the most part are standard 'Dungeons and Dragons' type fare, though they weren't entirely hopeless, and did have some decent moments, mostly comic relief. But looking at the basic elements of most of the characters, it's obvious they've all been done before on other RPGs, in various guises, possibly excepting Kongol. But then he's hardly a character you'd describe as deep, and therefore, not difficult to write.

I'll go through them one by one, to explain my view:

Dart-See my complaints about Fayt in the SOTTEOT thread. The main character should always have more to him than both those characters, though in defence of LoD it's by no means the only title to have such a dull, bland lead character. Dart is Joe Bloggs with Superman's abilities basically. The love story with Shana was well written, but that work is undone by the general blandness of the characters.

Shana-See Tifa from FFVII, Sophia from SOTTEOT, etc. A general problem with the characters in LoD is that they don't have any quirks and specific personality traits, and Shana is the same. She's the nice girl next door, and rarely progresses beyond being that at any part in the game. She doesn't develop much if at all, because unlike Dart, her feelings are clear pretty much from when you meet her.

Rose-We have the traditional silent, dark haired woman who kicks ass in combat. Seriously. How many times has this character been done in RPGs over the years? My guess is a lot. Rose does have some interesting backstory however, but that doesn't remedy the basic problem of her sheer unoriginality.

Meru-See Rikku, Selphie and Yuffie from the FF series. The happy-go-lucky girl who seemingly turns up in every RPG. All the aforementioned characters had more to them than Meru though in terms of personlity quirks. I did like the Wingly twist there, but again, that's backstory and not personality or development.

I did actually liked some things about one or two of the characters, though. Albert was probably the best character playable, and had a fair bit of individuality (due to his nerdishness) that actually made him enjoyable to play as. His basic personality was still that of a king with a duty, hardly original, but he did have more merit than the others.

Note also that I didn't say LoD was entirely unworthy. What I said was that I didn't understand why it was so highly rated as to be in most people's top ten.

And why am I a butt jerk for disagreeing with you on two games?
J/k means just kidding, or was that a joke. I actually played LoD before FFVII so it was fresh to me. Also if you really think about it you have summed up every Turn-based rpg.

03-07-2007, 07:39 PM
If in 'turn based RPGs' your are including FFIX and FFX, then I'd have to disagree. But generally, yes, I agree that the characters in say FFVII don't have much more to them. Some of FFVII's characters were good though, and it's earlier creation gives it more merit, in my opinion.

jewess crabcake
03-07-2007, 07:46 PM
I fail to see how different they all include a run of the mill "normal" hero who had no intention of saving thee world in the beginning.

03-08-2007, 09:48 PM
Smarties, surely any gamer can tell the difference between Zidane and Dart. Zidane is anything but run of the mill and was a breath of fresh air (as were the other FFIX characters) at a time when many RPG characters were basically robots with stereotypical personalities coded into them.

Zidane's love of women (and himself!), wit, candour, cheek and sheer disdain for authority figures like Steiner and his boss, Baku were second to none in terms of lead characters in FFs to this day. What's more, he was scripted superbly by Square and he shows so many different attributes to his personality throughout various points in the game. His development is excellent too. Obviously at the start of the game, he sees women as well pretty much any 16 year old does. But his often tragic attempts to win Garnet over show him how to respect her, and he matures sup[erbly as a character throughout (although, even before the final battle in Memoria, we can still see his immature side as he teases Steiner about Beatrix). This is in stark contrast to Dart, who rarely displays emotion and hardly ever lets his feelings show, all too similar to main RPG protagonists of the PSX era. From what I could gather, his falling for Shana seemed to be a combination of her persistence and the other characters' nagging. There isn't any personality development like, at all.

As for Tidus, his love story with Yuna is a bit more dull/run of the mill, but at least he develops well as the plot goes on. Mostly this is because of the plot and the fact he doesn't know 'the facts' of Spira. Cleverly done by square, although probably not as well written as Zidane.

Either way, both are far better protagonists than Dart.

03-09-2007, 12:23 AM
Does anyone know whhere I can buy this, I've always wanted to but I could never find it. except that one time when it was on the bottom shelfof the video game rack in Target but my mom wouldn't let me...

03-09-2007, 12:35 AM
Go to most gamecrazies they will have it. Or EB games some Pawn shops. I own 3 copies one I lost and the other 2 are pieced together to get a working set.

As for Dart I have to disagree. Dart often shows his feelings from his despration to save Shana, to his hate of the Black monster. He comes across as not the cool head you seem to paint him but rather a Hot headed young man. Was he suprised by Dias's face yes. Did he forgive the Black Monster in the end yes. Did he regert the wind knights death yes. Does he show his desires thought and feelings on a regular bases YES.

While he may not be as good a character as Zidane he isn't as Sterptypical flat hero as you make him out to be either. You also have to rememeber he came out before FFIX by at least 2 or 3 years or so. A comparsion is not really fair and rather cheap. I mean if you compare Legend of Zelda one with Twilight Princess now it is VASTLY different. Game makers learn and try to improve so you can't compare games very well that are a few years apart it just doesn't work.

jewess crabcake
03-09-2007, 05:46 PM
Smarties, surely any gamer can tell the difference between Zidane and Dart. Zidane is anything but run of the mill and was a breath of fresh air (as were the other FFIX characters) at a time when many RPG characters were basically robots with stereotypical personalities coded into them.

Zidane's love of women (and himself!), wit, candour, cheek and sheer disdain for authority figures like Steiner and his boss, Baku were second to none in terms of lead characters in FFs to this day. What's more, he was scripted superbly by Square and he shows so many different attributes to his personality throughout various points in the game. His development is excellent too. Obviously at the start of the game, he sees women as well pretty much any 16 year old does. But his often tragic attempts to win Garnet over show him how to respect her, and he matures superbly as a character throughout (although, even before the final battle in Memoria, we can still see his immature side as he teases Steiner about Beatrix). This is in stark contrast to Dart, who rarely displays emotion and hardly ever lets his feelings show, all too similar to main RPG protagonists of the PSX era. From what I could gather, his falling for Shana seemed to be a combination of her persistence and the other characters' nagging. There isn't any personality development like, at all.

As for Tidus, his love story with Yuna is a bit more dull/run of the mill, but at least he develops well as the plot goes on. Mostly this is because of the plot and the fact he doesn't know 'the facts' of Spira. Cleverly done by square, although probably not as well written as Zidane.

Either way, both are far better protagonists than Dart.

Zidane = Irvine + tail jftr. You have still just named all turn based rpgs. FFIX was not as ingenious as you would think. Stiener is not a new concept the goody two shoes supremacist who willing to do bad just for "good". Garnet the reclusive princess struggling to be independent. Vivi the confused thing that doesn't know his place in life. Freya the humble warrior looking for her loved one. I could keep going on but I'm pressed for time. Any way all rpg aspects are regurgitated it's a very long running genre, repeats are inevitable

03-09-2007, 08:19 PM
Zidane and Irvine were quite different characters. For a start, Irvine's basically a moody cunt who only has interest in women, whereas Zidane is a much more friendly character who'll help anyone (even Steiner!) in good spirit. Also, Irvine cracks under pressure, whereas Zidane takes a carefree attitude to life, even when he's in a seemingly life-threatening position. The only similarity I can see with those two is their love of women. Besides Smarties, what I'm talking about here is not just their main personality, as it's fair to say there are only a certain amount of basic personalities you could do in one series/genre without making the characters totally unrealistic, but development and quirks, and Dart does not really have too much of either. Plus scripting as well. That's important too. Surely there can be no doubt Zidane wins that point?

Revaninja-To be fair, I may be being slightly harsh on Dart. I don't know, maybe it's the way the plot was scripted but I draw a lot of comparisons with FFVII when I think of LoD. Also, your point about the two games (LoD and FFIX) being a few years apart does not really convince me, as FFVI's characters were quite arguably better done than FFVII's, for example. Now FFVI was not only a few years older than FFVII, it was also done on a different, less powerful format. LoD was I believe done in '99? (correct me if I'm wrong) and FFIX 2000, also, so I don't really accept that point.

sil' fur, I bought my copy on ebay just a few months ago. They should sell it there, though the bidding can often reach well over �30-40.

03-10-2007, 12:44 AM
Legend of Dragoon was released 2000 in USA though Japan got it 1999 so it basically can match up to FFIX. Also for the FFVI comparsion ALOT of people throw up stonewalls aganist it some good some bad but really it is each player's opnion. Also you have to take into consideration that some religions would frown on LOD since it pretty much promots the idea of Rebellion aganist god. You can see why some people would dislike that.

Also we have to take into consideration the whole new series thing. Series like FF or lets say Megaman have history and clinet base to help determine wether people like this or not. Dragoon did not have this it was a first generation very much like FFI for Nes I believe it started out on though I can be wrong. Some games people like the history it helps flesh out both characters and story. After the first 3 Megaman games no one need to know Wiley's reason for doing what he does they just play with out asking the big questions because they are sure the first games have the reason. With a First gen like LOD you got Deluged in History and plot and people lost sight of the main plot because of it. Now compare that to FF's Chocobos or Moogles. Most RPG Players will recognize one or the other very likely both and don't need much in the way of info. LOD doesn't have that and has to fill in a LOT of gaps to prevent plot holes. Series with History can ignore or gloss over these facts often enough without being called on it while First Gen can't. A fine example would be Shadow Hearts the First game in the Series was I belive called Klondinke or something like that and it was a big flop. Now Shadow Hearts I was a Sequal to it that had some questions glossed over by referencing the first game I haven't played the first game but I don't need to. Shadow hearts II also got to use the plot and Info from Shadow Hearts I in fact some of the major plot points aren't in SHII but rather SHI like Alice and so forth. And both SHI and SHII are considered VERY good games in fact I rank SHII much higher then FFIX and very close to FFX in terms of Character growth and Plot. The Characters are deep well rounded and act their age off color jokes serious times and even silly moments fit people from 1920s. Also the fact it uses ALOT of myths and Legends helps it big time since if you have a Bible or know of Solomon you will see ALOT of Demons names and or refereneces to that stuff.
Bsically what I am trying to say is that First Gens are always bashed hard because it is the start and usually a test for new gaming techs. So try not to judge too harshly because after all they are just starting.

03-12-2007, 07:05 PM
Rev-I think you're misjudging me, I never said LoD was downright awful, but it is frequently overrated IMO. I mean TidesOfWar called it the best game he'd ever played. That's going a bit over the top. It was not that good.

I think my complaints about the game are fair enough, but I have more, if you really want to stretch this one out. I think we're more or less agreed though? LoD was a decent game IMO, but nothing groundbreaking........

03-12-2007, 08:23 PM
uh i said one of the best, i don't think it is the best.

03-12-2007, 09:08 PM
True the only ground breaking was the Attack system timing and all that which I think is still uniqueand orignal though there have been similar attack systems just not before Dragoon and not the same style.

03-18-2007, 12:40 AM
The limit wasn't so bad. And really you only need 10 healing potions, 5 of this MP things and the rest can be for SP and whatever else you desire. Also once you get the Phantam Shield and Legend Casque, you wont need to worry about using items anymore because you'll be pratically invincible. The only thing in that game that totally pissed me off was all the fights with that girl who is super fast. That wingly girl, forgot her name..Lenus?? Anyway, her stupid one shot attacks ugh!! The additions were ok and it's very satisfying to be able to get What's his names Gust of Wind Dance pattern down.

But lol @ game mags calling this the "Final Fantasy Killer".

03-19-2007, 03:27 AM
I keep hearing random good and bad comments about this game, I might check it out in the future. I got a huge backlog though!

I am considering playing after this probably...
Radical Dreamers
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
Lost Odyssey(Yay! It's coming out in December in USA! :)
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
Vagrant Story
Final Fantasy X-2

I also keep hearing random things about this game. And since I haven't played it, I have no input on the topic.

But I thought that I would note that Vagrant Story is an excellent game in your list.

04-20-2007, 09:07 PM
The only thing I didn't like about the game was you couldn't switch out Dart. The only time you got to do that was on Disk 3 and then Shana took his place as first I think. My favorite character in the game was Rose because she has skills, is a girl, and can kick butt! Too bad she dies at the end though. That could have made a great sequal!

04-20-2007, 09:13 PM
The game was awesome. I seriously need to re-buy it soon...

04-23-2007, 11:38 PM
I also keep hearing random things about this game. And since I haven't played it, I have no input on the topic.

But I thought that I would note that Vagrant Story is an excellent game in your list.

What kind of random things are you hearing. I might be able to help you out.

04-27-2007, 01:44 AM
The only thing I didn't like about the game was that you couldn't switch out Dart. I mean if you killed him off in battle, he would always come back and deliver the final blow. That really made me mad. Other than that, the game was awesome and the cutscenes were beautiful. Especially the one almost at the end of Disk 2. But alas, I am still stuck in Zenabatos. Can anyone help me? I really want to go on with the end of the game.

04-27-2007, 04:59 AM

Divine Strike
11-06-2007, 10:45 PM
Sorry for reviving an old thread but this thread just makes me miss this game, I need to play this game again, I still remember just playing the Demo over and over again. wish there would have been some kind of addition making it a series. Too bad I'm deployed gotta wait till Jan to play anything ;_;

Ninja Flonne
11-08-2007, 10:56 PM
I love Legend of Dragoon Shana was a little anoying from me tho > . > never got past disk 2 but it did have a really cool battle system tho a very hard game to get hold of now

ne ne but i heard it was originaly withdrawn from the U.K because some Zidiot released the game with the 4th disk all in German

12-31-2007, 08:02 AM
Legend of Dragoon was one of the best RPG's I've ever played, honestly. Besides Final Fantasy, which strangely is still my favorite. But I loved the story line and most of the game functions didnt get on my nerves.

It's one of the games I love going back and playing from time to time =]

Duke Fleed
01-11-2008, 12:11 AM
I like LoD it mixes Real-time with turn-based battle schematic, just wish I could rebuy it.

Buy a PSP. You can download the LoD eboot and play it on there with reduced load times. Where to find the eboot... well...I can't link to it but there's plenty of resources on the internets :)

01-11-2008, 12:18 AM
It has one of the most laughably bad translations I've ever seen in a PSX RPG. Considering there are gems like Star Ocean 2 and Final Fantasy VII out there, that's saying something.

Otherwise it seemed like a solid if not particularly notable game from the 10 hours or so that I played it.

jewess crabcake
01-11-2008, 12:45 AM
I already have a PSP I'm savin my money for a 1 or 2 Gig mem-stick though.

01-11-2008, 12:49 AM
It has one of the most laughably bad translations I've ever seen in a PSX RPG. Considering there are gems like Star Ocean 2 and Final Fantasy VII out there, that's saying something.

Otherwise it seemed like a solid if not particularly notable game from the 10 hours or so that I played it.

Yeah, I certainly agree on the translation. It actually makes FFVII seem concise.

02-01-2008, 12:22 PM
I downloaded it a few dayz ago and I became obsessed again!
It totally rox!
And it would be much more famous if ppl were not so blinded by Final Fantasy series...But it's better that way cuz we get the privilege of the few that experience this game too ^_^

Duke Fleed
02-08-2008, 05:14 AM
I downloaded it a few dayz ago and I became obsessed again!
It totally rox!
And it would be much more famous if ppl were not so blinded by Final Fantasy series...But it's better that way cuz we get the privilege of the few that experience this game too ^_^

I hate when Lavitz dies. Albert should be setting pins in a bowling alley, not fighting.

02-08-2008, 05:27 PM
Please keep major spoilers like that out of your posts. That is a hugely important plot point and should be kept more discreet if you wish to discuss it in a debate thread. I'd edit that if I were you.

02-16-2008, 01:03 AM
I've tried to play it a few times but never really got into it but after reading that the fourth disc may be in german will have to dig it out again just to see if i can get through it

02-18-2008, 04:53 PM
i loved this game the way they made the battle play is awesome, this one of the games i really like to play over again.

05-06-2008, 04:34 AM
LoD was a great game in my opinion if you exclude the god awful voice acting

05-06-2008, 05:12 AM
I loved LoD's battle system, lots of fun.

"Buuurning slasshh"

execrable gumwrapper
05-06-2008, 05:18 AM

05-06-2008, 05:25 AM

05-06-2008, 06:05 AM
It's your birthday noskillbassist??? =O

Happy b-day, homeskillet.

EDIT FOR RELEVANCE: LoD's graphics sucked balls, but the FMVs were godly.

execrable gumwrapper
05-06-2008, 06:07 AM
Thank you, good sir.

jewess crabcake
05-06-2008, 08:40 PM
It's your birthday noskillbassist??? =O

Happy b-day, homeskillet.

EDIT FOR RELEVANCE: LoD's graphics sucked balls, but the FMVs were godly.

What? A PSX game had bad graphics?!!!:loldata:

execrable gumwrapper
05-06-2008, 09:34 PM
What? A PSX game had bad graphics?!!!:loldata:

Not sure what you're trying to say, Jeff, but during its lifespan the PS1 had good graphics. FFIX and MGS are good examples of pushing the system to its limits. Crash Bandicoot was pretty too, iirc.

jewess crabcake
05-06-2008, 11:05 PM
Yes there were some good looking PS1 games. But not every one was as impressive, Especially TBRPGs. And saying a PS1 game had bad graphics is really redundant of course a old system has "bad" graphics (if you put the to modern standards, which is what I'm assuming he meant, but for their time they were not bad.

05-06-2008, 11:28 PM
Yes there were some good looking PS1 games. But not every one was as impressive, Especially TBRPGs. And saying a PS1 game had bad graphics is really redundant of course a old system has "bad" graphics (if you put the to modern standards, which is what I'm assuming he meant, but for their time they were not bad.

Your assumption is wrong.

I meant it had pretty crappy graphics compared to its contemporaries (games which also debuted on the PS1) like that generation's FFs (FFVII, VIII, and IX), Chrono Cross, etc. Their FMVs were much better than FFVII's at least, but the 3D models looked a lot worse though.