03-20-2002, 10:07 PM
(things I've thought about posting today but it's not worth making a bunch of posts over, so I'm going to just lump them all together into one post.)

-- I HATE THE CARD QUEEN. Is it really necessary for her to have to make me go all over the world just to get my Edea card back?!!! Can't she just stay in Dollet?!

-- I was in a bookstore last night, looking at a book on Japanese mythology, so of course I started looking up Final Fantasy references. The index had no mention of Fujin or Raijin, but it did mention Raiden (FFVI esper), so I looked him up and found he was a thunder god who had a best friend named Fugen. :confused: Are "Raiden and Fugen" and "Raijin and Fujin" different translations of the same name? No mention of "Fugen" being a wind god, though. Why would the FF series translate it one way for FFVI and another way for FFVIII?

-- According to a page at www.gamefaqs.com, in the Japanese version, during the scene where Rinoa and SeeD try to stop the president's broadcast, something along the lines of "I'm still alive.... please save me..." flash across the screen of the outdoor TV. These are supposed to be Adel's thoughts, getting picked up by the TV as radio signals. Does that strike anyone else as really creepy? I mean, was she supposed to be concious all that time she was "frozen" out in space? no wonder she was so demented when she finally got "resurrected." :uh?:

-- What side quests should I be doing? I missed most of them first time I played. Now I did the CC Club, I'm slowly working my way through the Card Queen quest, done Winhill, not strong enough yet for the Deep Sea Research place. I've heard there's a quest involving a singing monkey but that it's really boring and has no reward. Is that worth trying?

03-20-2002, 10:32 PM
monkey sidequest gives u sum pretty decent reward, but i cant really remember

he does say sum funny things tho!

03-20-2002, 11:13 PM

The monkey sidequest is boring. Bunch of codes and suck.

You can do Pupu. Um . . . DoomTrain, Chocobo forests. ANd the ones you mentioned.

03-20-2002, 11:35 PM
Was that a reference to my "don't tease the animals" comment in the general forum or were you just saying that for the heck of it? :uh?:

Anyone know what the reward is for the monkey quest?

More gamefaq observations: you know how you always see character info with things like their age and blood type and everything? I found one here that includes Angelo. They say he's two years old, born on December 13, and they cite "FF8Source and Expert Gamer" as references. They also say he's female.

03-21-2002, 02:22 AM
the monkey actually does say
an bunches of other stewpid stuf. its funny.:D

03-21-2002, 02:27 AM
You're kidding me! I just said that over in the general forum recently. Great, now I've unintentionally equated myself with a monkey. :uh?:

03-21-2002, 08:57 AM
The monkey sidequest is annoying as hell. You need to go to various locations again and again and need to press X everywhere you walk cause you might miss the hint and then well.... 2 more hours of trying. It isn't worth all the trouble Imo
As for the Edea thing... Wicked!! Why did they leave it out ;_; would have love to see that xD

03-21-2002, 04:04 PM
They may have left it in but not bothered to translate it. If you're playing that scene any time soon, see if you can find any Japanese characters in the static. They probably didn't bother translating because it would mean redoing the whole TV animation and because it really wouldn't make sense unless you were replaying the game and managed to remember that Adel was out in space and put two and two together.

03-21-2002, 04:21 PM
Most sidequests are not rewarding. The deep research center side quest is the most rewarding one, so do it. The monkey 1 is pointless. Omega doesn't give much of a reward, but its worth the effort when you win.

03-21-2002, 05:20 PM
What does the PuPu card refine into? I've been running around Heath Peninsula for the past fifteen minutes trying to see a UFO. If I don't get a good reward for this, I am going to beat the living crap out of that stupid little alien.

I hate Ma Dincht. She takes forever to use the Zell card and by that time I've lost another rare card to her, which she takes forever to use. You would think, having Zell in my party, he could just ask his mom for the card! :eye:

Sorry, just ranting...

$quall Leonhart
03-21-2002, 06:11 PM
monkey side quest:confused: never heard of that side quest :eye:

The deep research center side quest is Incredible rewarding!!! Luv that GF:D

03-24-2002, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Fujin
What does the PuPu card refine into? I've been running around Heath Peninsula for the past fifteen minutes trying to see a UFO. If I don't get a good reward for this, I am going to beat the living crap out of that stupid little alien.

I hate Ma Dincht. She takes forever to use the Zell card and by that time I've lost another rare card to her, which she takes forever to use. You would think, having Zell in my party, he could just ask his mom for the card! :eye:

Sorry, just ranting...

Ha, yes very well put. Anyway, you were asking what you can refine the pupu card into. 1 Hungry Cookpot. I'm not sure what it does, but my friend said he used it, and it sucked, whatever it did..he didn't tell me. But anyway...I would probably just kill the little bastard XD His card sucks anyhow...

1 A

Not all that great, eh? Well, maybe it is..but not to me. :uh?: