Jonny Nemesis
02-28-2007, 07:17 AM
What are some of the most memorable moments for you in gaming?

For me, it was playing Shenmue II for the first time on my Dreamcast. Basically, I played it for about 9 hours straight. Then, after 3 hours of sleep, I went to work, and actually believed I'd been in Hong Kong for the last 2 weeks. I came close to saying, "Hey everybody, I'm back! Did ya miss me?"

Edit: Thought of another one. Eternal Darkness, when Alex first walks into the bathroom, and has her little "vision" (anyone who's played the game knows what I'm talking about). It was about midnight, the lights were dim, and the volume was up. Couldn't have been a better moment.

02-28-2007, 08:44 AM
For me it was after the first Mother Brain stage (while she's still in the glass) in Super Metroid when she stood for the first time looking like she ain't one to be trifled with. Followed by my little bundle-of-joy Metroid offspring coming to suck the life out of her.

02-28-2007, 09:29 AM

02-28-2007, 07:02 PM
Yea about that resident evil 3 , i had my volume turned up a bit and that part in police station where its all quiet. then u run past a window and 2 seconds later nemesis jumps in and all u hear is *crash* *roar* I was like oh shit! Yea ill always remember that moment

hb smokey
03-01-2007, 10:43 PM
For me it was after the first Mother Brain stage (while she's still in the glass) in Super Metroid when she stood for the first time looking like she ain't one to be trifled with. Followed by my little bundle-of-joy Metroid offspring coming to suck the life out of her.
Screw that. Super Metroid, the whole game, would have been the better answer.

J. Peterman
03-02-2007, 02:45 AM

03-02-2007, 02:53 AM
Screw that. Super Metroid, the whole game, would have been the better answer.

I would have said the whole game, however the whole game does not count as a moment(s). Hence my original answer.

But yes, I do believe the WHOLE game is spectacular. Almost cinematic for an SNES game. If they ever come around to making that Metroid movie they've been talking about for years, I would want it to be based on this one.

J. Peterman
03-02-2007, 02:54 AM
If they make a Metroid movie I would think that they would include some Pokemon to get the kids to watch it. You can replace the main bad guy with the evil Mewtwo. The evil one. And then have Metroid have a pet Togepi to help her.

03-02-2007, 07:38 AM
My OMG moment was in fatal frame, scary as hell. Well I'm going down a hallway and turn to the left with my camera up. MY friend did it 20 mins ago on his file,nothing just a box, so no prob.. Wrong!! I look and right in my view is a ghost rushing toward me....with my heart stopped And i didn't sleep for 3 days straight...

p.s.-Be afraid of all twin japanese girls in komodos...!

03-02-2007, 07:54 AM
p.s.-Be afraid of all twin japanese girls in komodos...!

But I've always been attracted to japanese girls. Now I don't know WHAT to believe.

03-02-2007, 07:56 AM
I agree. Twin Japanese girls inside komodo dragons sounds both disgusting and scary.

03-02-2007, 08:54 AM
At the start of Donkey Kong when all the bananas are gone!

03-02-2007, 09:38 AM
I still don't understand what's so scary.

03-02-2007, 09:50 AM
The fact that they're inside one of these:

03-02-2007, 05:28 PM
For me it was just playing FF8. It was the first RPG I got into and seeing the amazing cut scenes and the GF's was shocking to me.

03-02-2007, 11:59 PM
i think most people's first expierence with an rpg was pretty overwhelming, especially if you were gaming for quite a while

my last "whoa moment" was in Crackdown when i conquered the agency tower

03-03-2007, 12:14 AM
The most memorable moment I had was when I finished Resident Evil 4. I was like, "WOAH! I actually finished the game!" Because I really didn't think I could beat the game. =(

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-03-2007, 12:41 AM
My last "WOAH!" moment was when I first played Half-Life 2, right at the beginning when you have to run away from the Combine soldiers in those apartment buildings. I genuinely felt a massive panic come over me, my survival instinct kicked in, and rarely does that happen when I play a game.

03-03-2007, 01:26 AM
My moment came when I was playing Streets of Rage II for the first time as a kid. I don't know exactly what it was, but I just rememer being in awe all the time I was playing, I guess you could say that the entire game was my "WOAH!" moment.

Another moment was when I finally completed Final Fantasy V for the first time, especially with all the trouble I had finishing it.

03-03-2007, 02:11 AM
I decided to test out my new speakers (it came with a sub and I had the bass up all the way just to see how good it is) and popped in Silent Hill 4 in my PS2. Now I'm sure most of you know what it's like to play a scary game in nothing but blackness (I have no windows in my room). Anyways, I'm like three feet away from the TV and I started the game from the beginning. After like a minute or so, someone in the game screamed suddenly (a loud scream because I had the speakers up pretty loud) and I swear I must've jumped 6 feet in the air. I didn't say "whoa", but more like "SHIT MOTHERFUCKER!!"

It was fun. I love those speakers...

03-03-2007, 02:15 AM
when i saw the new trailer for halo 3. my first reation was... "whoa." (pretty)

03-03-2007, 02:47 AM
When I saw the Person 3 trailer. I said, "Woah! It'd be a miracle if it made it to the US uncensored!"

03-03-2007, 05:48 AM
My most recent was getting 5 Stars on Thunderhorse on Expert in Guitar Hero II.
My most memorable actual "Whoa!" moments happen with every release of any installments in the Metal Gear Solid series.

03-03-2007, 06:59 AM
The Shenmue series wowed me so far (when will we get the 3rd game? I NEED to see the end of this story!! Yu Suzuki, wake up!). I also remember I was really impressed by Zelda Wind Waker's graphic style (and its perfect rendition of it) as well as with Resident Evil 4.

But the last thing to wow me was the intro of FFXII.

03-03-2007, 08:02 AM
Ive got to say that I was impesed with the graphics of Soldier of Fortune 2 when it came out. It was by far the most detailed and the bloodiest FPS out there. Also, the graphics of FFxii are quite impresive if you consider that its a PS2 game. I almost confused a FMV with an in game cutscene.
Oh and the actions in the cutscenes of RE4 were amazing :)

03-03-2007, 08:10 AM
Then first time a Plagas bursts out of a Ganado's head in Resident Evil 4. "Holy shit what is that fuckin' thing!?!?!?".

the mutant dude
03-05-2007, 10:29 PM
My first was the introduction to Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templers (it rated as the best graphics I'd seen on my PC at the time (having a low-spec computer) and the music was awesome.

Another was the first time Link pulls the master sword out of its pedestal in Ocarina of Time. I thought it was pretty cool.

My most recent was every bit I've played so far of Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess (I've got the gamecube version).

03-05-2007, 10:33 PM
I think my last "woah!" moment was Resident Evil 4 too. The whole game is really impressive and the first time I did it, I couldn't believe it took me over 12 hours to complete.

03-05-2007, 10:39 PM
My first "WOAH!" moment was probably when I was playing Jurassic Park on Sega Game Gear. This has be over 12 years ago, easily. Anyway, even though the screen is small, and the graphics/sound are pretty poor, there was one part that made me jump. A raptor jumps out at you when you're underground in that electric shed and it screeched really loud and killed me cause I wasn't prepared.

Then again, I could've jumped because I was around 10 and high on sugar.

03-06-2007, 11:42 AM
It was the first time that I played Metal Gear Solid.It was the beginning of the game, with the soldiers equipped in white which supervised the dock.One of them seen me, and attacked me, and I was surprised, especially with the noise when he seen me, lol =).

I was also surprised in RE3: Nemesis.
The first time too, when I met Nemesis, I was affraid.
I didn't know what I must to do! Escape him? Kill him? But finally, he caught me, and that was the end for Jill...

03-07-2007, 07:35 AM
Hmmm... i've yet to see a game that really "Wow"s me. There's been a few games that i just loved, but they didn't "Wow" me since i thought the entire game was awesome.

03-07-2007, 11:27 AM
Probably, a level in the obscure PS2 title, "Michigan: Escape from Hell", in which you find a woman tied up by her wrists and ankles with rope. Legs spread wide apart, and kicking and flailing on a pool table.

Instead of helping her, you just generally feel like getting a ton of close-up shots of her crotch and breasts, to earn points. Hell, I didn't invent the scoring system. I should probably mention you can smack people in the face with your video-camera, in this game, too.

And film them, as they die hideously, to earn points.

Throughout your voyeuristic lechery, she yells angrily in protest, demanding you free her. Meanwhile, your cocky NPC buddy struts around, remarking, "I shouldn't be admitting this, but I'm actually really turned on!"

At that point, I figured video-gaming, nay, humanity had really gone beyond the fringe. Or maybe that's just the Japanese.

Definitely a "woah" reaction.

03-08-2007, 02:55 AM
- Seems like a "noob" answer, but Aerith dying.
- Meeting the first Colossi is SotC and then realising they just keep getting more massive (save for a few of the faster ones). The last one was so massive, he gave me chills.
- Playing Super Mario 64 for the first time.
- Zelda in 3D. Being unleashed in the courtyard to explore on your own is mighty cool.
- Beating SML 2: 6 Golden Coins; it was the first game I'd ever played.

03-08-2007, 05:49 AM
My very first WOW moment in gaming was back in 1996 or 1998 I forget which one but it was when Resident evil for PSone came out for the very first time. My aunt had gotten it for us at X-mas. Well when my brother played up until the first Zombie eating Kenneth and that CG was the WOW moment.

I have had a lot of wow since then but that was my first. So far the series that has constantly gotten a Wow and chuckle from me is Shadow Hearts one and two. I haven't played the third game but both One and two impressed me and I throughly enjoy even today. The adult humor through out it is nice and some of the scenes still are wow like the Doll house in SHI that still freaks me out and I know what is going to happen.

03-10-2007, 04:48 AM
Playing Saints Row....

I was playing Protect the Pimp against the gang Blood Sport (best gang in the world on Saints Row). I was the Pimp, and it was me verse one of there guys. Being the Pimp, I can only Pimp Slap as my attack (one hit kill) while the other guy had weapons (AK47, Pipe Bombs, Shot Guns, Pistols, SMG's) He was chasing me for ages, and then started getting cocky and taunting me. I managed to chase him down while he was taunting and PIMP SLAP THAT BITCH!....We ended up losing 3-2, but I was like WOAH, I just killed a guy from the best gang in the world, with a melee attack.


Playing NBA 2K7, thats Woah for me all the time. Specially dunking over Yao Ming

03-11-2007, 02:33 PM
I'm a simpleton. When I first heard the Sega Genesis chime out "!" at when I first plugged in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 I was like " It talked...".

03-12-2007, 06:17 AM
I'm a simpleton. When I first heard the Sega Genesis chime out "!" at when I first plugged in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 I was like " It talked...".

lmao. I still think thats awesome, and get pissed off when I buy a Sega game that doesn't do it.

03-13-2007, 12:10 AM
I'm a simpleton. When I first heard the Sega Genesis chime out "!" at when I first plugged in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 I was like " It talked...".

Thats gotta be a Woah Moment.....ROFL

03-13-2007, 12:19 AM
my "whoa" moment was in The elder scrolls III: morrowind : Bloodmoon expansion... I was walking around minding my own bussines and realized I was going the wrong way, then turned around and there was a werewolf right behind me, i jumped in my seat, then it killed me...

03-14-2007, 12:03 AM
My 'Woah' moment (yes i have one now) is when i was playing oblivion, going to... can't remember where, and i turned around and a... can't remember what it was called, like a golem or something was standing right behind me. Freaked me out with it's face and then killed me (i'm a long range mage conjuration blaster (extremely crappy defense XD))

Kaeso Brutius
03-16-2007, 09:46 PM
Project Zero 2, theres a part if you have the sense function you can see a hand hanging out a window and you have to go up really close to capture it. After I took the picture a head suddenly appeared right infront of the lens and the game made a loud noise.. scared the crap outta me.

Tidus 66
03-16-2007, 10:17 PM
Finishing Ape Escape, i felt like i just finished an epic

03-18-2007, 12:25 AM
I 'woahed' at the devistating power of a Rayveteil in Ar Tonelico. There was this boss I was facing, who for awhile I've been wanting to kill badly(Rayveteils are females born with symphonic powers, however they are subject to a..form of slavery and domestic violence, this particular boss treats Rayveteils like they are insects). Anyway, when I got the ambience field to lvl3, I unleased a 5000% Song Magic called "Boom" and it killed this boss in one shot for 6,000 damage. I did not realize Song Magic was super deadly against bosses..just normal enemies.


03-23-2007, 12:44 AM
The very end of F.E.A.R.
I nearly hit the roof when I jumped out of my chair. I did NOT expect that.

03-23-2007, 12:54 AM
First real woah moment I remember was Megaman 2.

Second level of Wilie's base (I think) and you're just trotting along jumping blocks when BOO loud noise plays and this big fucking robot dragon comes on the screen behind you. The first few times I played, it was so unexpected that I jumped and fell off the blocks :(

03-23-2007, 01:01 AM
My first "whoa" moment came the first time I did one of those "super magic" spells from Secret of Mana (where the screen freezes and you get a different animation). It totally caught me by surprise. I was casting sprite's fireball, and suddenly instead of fireballs I was treated to three fire dragons toasting the enemies.

03-24-2007, 03:08 AM
Thats gotta be a Woah Moment.....ROFL
Yeah lol. Considering that I was only like 9 or 10 then and came straight from an NES without really experiencing any NES games with speech.

Another woah moment early in my life came from an experience with Wolfenstein 3D at a computer store a year or two earlier. Having not experienced PCs with sound cards before (yeah, I was that deprived. I never had a good, capable PC until my early teen years), "Halt, Wolf!", the cool graphics and the novelty of controlling the game with a mouse blew me away.

And then, there was the zapper for the NES. And the game boy.

And then there was Final Fantasy VI on my cousin's SNES. And FFVII, the first Final Fantasy that's in 3D that I played (although it crashed a lot on my PC).

My latest woah in gaming, I'd say it's the computer I built specifically for gaming. I never really thought I could get it built at all at the cost it came up to, roughly RM10,000(US$2500), and all the obstacles I faced in getting the parts.

03-25-2007, 01:15 AM
The latest "whoa!" moment for me was when I saw the very first colossi when I started playing Shadow Of The Colossus. Both my mouth and jaw were wide open.

The Shadow
06-27-2007, 06:08 PM
For me it was Project zero 1 also called fatal frame 1 it is a very scary game I think... I love the trilogy of the games but I don't it when it is dark outside it's then it gets very scary... I own all 3 and if there should come a 4 I would buy that to... all you have to defend yourself with is a camera and you walk in a big haunted hous or village that is very scary...

06-27-2007, 06:22 PM
ive havn't played it (though i want to) evey sceen shot ive seen for shadow of the collossus is very beatiful and it has magnificent scale.

06-27-2007, 06:31 PM
psycho mantis.

and the end of metal gear solid 2, when you see your name on the dog tag. i thought that was really really cool.

and raiden throws it away, after you metaphorically 'controlled' him. awesome.

06-27-2007, 07:11 PM
Get to it Sciz. Shadow of the Colossus. Great game.

I think my woah moment was when my Nintendo actually worked. After much effort blowing in the game and cleaning it with alcohol and constant resets. It finally worked! THEIRISAFUCKINGOD! Atleast until it starting glitching up...

06-28-2007, 12:44 AM
I had a huge WHOA moment over the first trailers I saw for AceCombat Zero.

It wasn't about the game's graphics (no change since AC5), but it was the music and the way it looked like the story was gonna be told. I was really drawn by the idea of fighting specifically named ace squadrons.

I wasn't disappointed at all.

06-28-2007, 02:32 AM
Please do not revive old threads. If you see an old thread with a topic that you like, consider starting a new one with an indication that it's a revival of an older thread.

06-28-2007, 03:06 AM
I'd have to sit down and think about my first time being wowed, but Shadow of the Colossus amazes me each and every time I play it. The landscapes are phenomenal and just seeing the colossi, how they're made of earth and stone and everything and then their size (okay, this doesn't exactly include Cenobia and Celosia and the other smaller ones, though they are definitely still challenging and the look in their eyes is a bit disconcerting). And later in the game, when you see the lights shining down in spots from where the colossi were slain it's just... wow.

06-28-2007, 03:07 AM
Yeah, instead of using a topic that is a couple of months old, that no one replied in a long while, just create a new thread with an identical title. Because we all want the forum to be filled with clone threads.

06-28-2007, 05:08 AM
Yeah, instead of using a topic that is a couple of months old, that no one replied in a long while, just create a new thread with an identical title. Because we all want the forum to be filled with clone threads.
There's no escaping it I guess. Unless the mods revise the rules.

06-28-2007, 08:55 AM
It's better to bring old ones back than to top off a forum with a million similar ones. Besides, this one actually has some decent replies on it.

The mods can handle things like this (if for some reason the new thread replies don't add anything new) by killing or locking threads after a certain timespan. It seems work pretty well.

07-02-2007, 10:49 PM
It's better to bring old ones back than to top off a forum with a million similar ones. Besides, this one actually has some decent replies on it.

The mods can handle things like this (if for some reason the new thread replies don't add anything new) by killing or locking threads after a certain timespan. It seems work pretty well.


07-03-2007, 12:23 AM
There is a clear difference between reviving a thread that is a few months old to post on topic, and reviving a thread that is a few years old. Both of these are equally as common :\

Gen Gaming and RPG forums aren't horribly active, as compared to Gen Discussion. So long as there isnt a new thread in place of one that was last posted in a few months ago, it shouldn't be a problem. In the case of "first RPG" threads, if one is active, don't go reviving one that is 3 years old. Even if there isn't a new one active, its probably in your best interest to create a new one, rather than revive something a year+ old.


07-24-2007, 01:08 PM
One of my woah moments was when I first played Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30...

The moment I jumped out of the plane, and realized that this was one of the most intense games ever!

Also when I won a lan party back in 2006, that was pretty woah :D

10-12-2007, 03:49 AM
My "whoa" moment in gaming is at the end of "Portal"
Okayso, I decided to play the game with my speakers up, because it's pretty tame. At the last part you're grabbing parts of this robot that hold it's "emotions" to destroy it.
Once I picked up the "angry" one it started going "SNARLGRAFRAWR" and it sounded like a rabid dog.
Dogs scare me now.

Blaze of Evidence
10-12-2007, 06:32 PM
Final Fanatsy VIII-The battle between Balamb and Galbadia Gardens

10-12-2007, 09:06 PM
My whoa Was on FFVIII on the Balamb VS Galbadia fight... When Edgar`s castle was hidden in the sand from FFVI... I was "whoa`d" when I saw Tifa and Cloud on the date [FFVII]... When Garnet was climbing the ladder to the airship and Zidane was climbing behind her, he touched her tush, that was a really big "WHOA!!!" [FFIX]... Oh, I almost forgot the cutscene where Tidus and Yuna were in the water [FFX]...

On Parasite Eve 2, disc 1, near the end, Aya was in the shower when suddenly a giant ANMC appeared... It was another big "whoa", because it was such a fun boss fight!

Silent Hill, I said "whoa" when I saw that the graphics don`t look that bad at all, like i thought.
Silent Hill 3, when I saw that the graphics are awsome, and how nice the controls are I included one more "whoa" to my life history...

Resident Evil 4... The "whoa" came out of nowhere, because I was damn bored near the end of the game...

10-12-2007, 11:57 PM
Sonic in Brawl, that's about as 'woah' as thinks get in gaming.

Blaze of Evidence
10-13-2007, 06:02 PM
Sonic in Brawl, that's about as 'woah' as thinks get in gaming.

That's true, I don't think it could get any higher than that;-)

10-13-2007, 11:16 PM
The first time I battled the Blue Giga in Skies of Arcadia. What a beautiful experience that was.

Another good moment was the first time I fought the 5th Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus. Another breathtaking exprience in gaming for me.

Mr E. Stalker
10-14-2007, 12:01 AM
My very first moment, was when I beat The Legend of Zelda, back in the 80's. Same goes with Final Fantasy.

10-14-2007, 12:03 AM
The whoa I gave after playing LoK: Defiance for 6 hours with no breaks in between, and after having had two large cokes in the theater. Actually, it was two whoas.

Shadow of the Colossus too, pretty much everytime I saw one of the larger creatures. The flying thingy over the desert with the hot air pouches was pretty great.

Trance Moogle
10-14-2007, 03:48 AM
WOAH! Samus is a girl! Who knew?

10-14-2007, 08:58 AM
WOAH! Samus is a girl! Who knew?

Really, I was shocked. But Im happy there is a female character in a popular FPS.

Marshall Lee
10-14-2007, 09:05 AM
Learning who Revan was in Knights of the old Republic.

10-14-2007, 02:38 PM
tidus saying ''whoa!what the...whoa!''when seeing that big elephant can't recall the name....
i loved that phrase

10-14-2007, 10:29 PM
One of my woah moments was when I first played Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30...

The moment I jumped out of the plane, and realized that this was one of the most intense games ever!

Also when I won a lan party back in 2006, that was pretty woah :D

I've never played that game yet, not sort of into the whole control a squad kinda stuff, just wanna shoot things on my own lol

Mr E. Stalker
10-15-2007, 05:04 AM
Tidus saw a SHOOPUF!

10-15-2007, 10:00 AM
Tidus saw a SHOOPUF!

yeah that was the name thnx :D

10-17-2007, 03:22 PM
When the Shivan Juggernaught jumps in for the first time in Freespace 2.

"Dive! Dive! Dive!"

10-17-2007, 04:03 PM
The knife fight between Leon and Krauser in Resident Evil 4. I thought it was great and deserving of a "whoa", especially after realizing I had to input the commands.

10-17-2007, 06:17 PM
The knife fight between Leon and Krauser in Resident Evil 4. I thought it was great and deserving of a "whoa", especially after realizing I had to input the commands.

Welcome in Shenmue Land.

10-17-2007, 06:30 PM
GTA: Vice City.

10-17-2007, 06:59 PM
Welcome in Shenmue Land.

Welcome to I never Said it Was the First of Its Kind and say hello to Not Everyone Played Shenmue II, No Matter How Good it MaY Be.

10-17-2007, 07:24 PM
Battling Mewtwo in Pokemon Stadium, the fight against the Shadow Queen in TTYD, and Bowser being possessed by Cackletta in M&L: Superstar Saga.

10-17-2007, 07:44 PM
GTA: Vice City.

The game was really amazing back then! :swoon:

10-17-2007, 11:00 PM
When I realised Daggerfall had a fast travel map.

10-18-2007, 01:07 AM
When i played Monster Hunter freedom 2 for the first time online... stayed on for approx 16 hrs...

10-18-2007, 05:38 AM
Oh, I remember my Monster Hunter days.
Damn that game for all the time it sucked from my life.

10-19-2007, 04:00 PM
Welcome to I never Said it Was the First of Its Kind and say hello to Not Everyone Played Shenmue II, No Matter How Good it MaY Be.

LMAO at this over-reaction.

Also, Zelda Twilight Princess was a great moment for the last days of my Cube.

Mr E. Stalker
10-19-2007, 05:05 PM
Why The Fuck Do People Type Like This? It's Totally Annoying, As There Is Only Supposed To Be A Capital At The Beginning Of The Sentence. I hope you die of some incurable disease - maybe a flea will invade your pubic region, bite you on your clit, then you'll rot away. One can dream.

10-19-2007, 07:38 PM
Nice way of noticing Octiron only posted like that in this one thread, Kalmah.

10-19-2007, 11:02 PM
Why The Fuck Do People Type Like This? It's Totally Annoying, As There Is Only Supposed To Be A Capital At The Beginning Of The Sentence. I hope you die of some incurable disease - maybe a flea will invade your pubic region, bite you on your clit, then you'll rot away. One can dream.

in another forum this happens when u write the whole post in capital letters..

Mr E. Stalker
10-20-2007, 07:22 AM
Nah man, I've seen this happen in a few other forums too.

10-20-2007, 10:21 AM
Nah man, I've seen this happen in a few other forums too.

why did u disagree u said nearly the same thing as me....

10-20-2007, 11:00 AM
Today I finished Vagrant Story (ps1). The last boss took me at least 2 hours to defeat. Woah......

Blaze of Evidence
10-20-2007, 04:26 PM
Parasite Eve 1: the fight between Aya and Eve at the Statue of Liberty.
Also, the fight with her sister (Hate the Chrysler Building area with all my heart).

10-20-2007, 04:46 PM
Finishing Ape Escape, i felt like i just finished an epic

Ditto on that. In retrospect, it was rather short and simplistic, but man did I feel proud of myself for beating it.

I think my most memorable moment will always be playing Sonic Adventure on a demo Dreamcast at the mall for the first time. Figuring out how to get past the old guy in Viridian City in Pokemon Blue was also fun.

10-20-2007, 04:47 PM
Star Ocean 2, the "real" history of Nede, Rena's biological mother, etc.

10-21-2007, 05:15 AM
Beating Streets of Rage 2 with a friend and three lives on mania difficulty(crazy as hell). Also beating Shenmue, then Shenmue 2 right after.

10-21-2007, 06:29 AM
Seeing the final Colossus for the first time was probably my biggest gaming "whoah".

And, and when I encountered Mewtwo in the old Pokemon games. I was like, ten, and had just seen the first Pokemon movie, so encountering Mewtwo was the shit.

Good times.

10-21-2007, 08:36 AM
A more recent "wow" moment- the opener for Half Life 2 Episode Two with the portal storm and the collapsing bridge.

10-21-2007, 09:18 AM
Really, I was shocked. But Im happy there is a female character in a popular FPS.

metroid isnt a fps.

10-21-2007, 09:29 AM
Pretty much my entire time with the original Smash Bros. game was WOAH

Also Metroid is a First Person Adventure

Mario Kinnikuman
10-22-2007, 06:46 PM
Pretty much my entire time with the original Smash Bros. game was WOAH


The first time I finished the game, Earthworm Jim, for the Super Nintendo, I was reeling in shock over the game's ending. I couldn't believe that I went through all that trouble for basically nothing. However, retrospectively, I just chuckle whenever I see the ending once again. That's life, sometimes.

10-26-2007, 09:39 PM
My moment? I have a lot of moments that was all eye-openers. But my most strongest moment of all of my personal woah moments was all of the Spyro the Dragon games and the changes that Sparx the Dragonfly has gone through. The PSOne versions was all head and body but no voice. In Enter the Dragonfly, he was given a somewhat a gibberish voice. In A Hero's Tail, he was given a real voice. And last, but certainly not least, to wrap it all up, in The Legend of Spyro series, he was now given arms and hands and was taller than the previous versions.

10-27-2007, 11:50 AM
My "Woah"-moment? Doom 3: At night. Alone. Where you can find the first shotgun (elevator + zombies). It was...creepy.

10-28-2007, 04:55 AM
::thinks:: Well, when I was a wee lad, I watched my dad and uncle play Quake 64. My dad was approaching the first rune in the game. Simple level layout: square room, lava pit inbetween and a elevator at the other end of the level. The rune was right in front of you and all you had to do was grab it and go. Yeah right. My dad grabs the rune and all of a sudden that lava demon thing came outta the pool and started to shoot lava stuff out. I screamed (I guess WOAH) and hid underneath the blanket. ::nods::

12-17-2007, 04:06 AM
Finishing Ape Escape, i felt like i just finished an epic

Yea, the first one Is A Masterpiece =)

Ryusei Baku
12-23-2007, 01:00 AM
*Walks into area after Ada leaves*
*Hears loud breathing*
*Walks to end of hall*
"OH ****! There was a Regenerator there?"

12-23-2007, 05:06 AM
When I first saw GTA3.

12-23-2007, 08:28 AM
Huh, this thread is coming back into the light, I see. I might as well point out a recent "whoa" moment I had with the Orange Box, specifically Half Life 2, Episode 2, at the very end.

I was not expecting (spoiler) Eli, Alyx's father, to suddenly be drained of vital organs by one of those... Ah, what do you call them... Advisors? They just look like telekinetic maggots to me.(/spoiler) Despite the awesome ending, that made me sad.

hb smokey
12-23-2007, 09:15 AM
Everyone says that Samus being revealed as a woman was a pretty shocking moment in gaming, but I'm going to Super Metroid. More specifically, the planet Tourian. You work your way through a metroid-infested area, then the giant Metroid attacks you but stops when it hears Samus' energy level beeping, and it emits a cry of regret and flies off. Then later as you're fighting Mother Brain, she has you a split second away from defeat as Samus is on her knees, but the giant Metroid comes in and sucks the life out of Mother Brain and transfers it all to Samus.

12-24-2007, 03:08 AM
Huh, this thread is coming back into the light, I see. I might as well point out a recent "whoa" moment I had with the Orange Box, specifically Half Life 2, Episode 2, at the very end.

I'd have a whoa if I got the orange box. Or if I could actually run the games from it smoothly.

12-28-2007, 06:38 AM
When you found out you were Revan in KOTOR.

J. Peterman
12-28-2007, 06:50 AM
When you defeated Gary and he said "I hate you!" and turned into a dragon and you had to use the Dragon Slayer to beat him but when you did he turned into a bunny and you died because what kind of a person would fight a bunny?

12-28-2007, 06:56 AM
The intro song for Crono Trigger and when you find out that Flea is a guy.

12-31-2007, 12:20 AM
Finding out Flea was male was more of a "roll my eyes" moment to me.

"Power is beautiful, and I've got it!" or something along those lines.

01-10-2008, 09:20 PM
Too many for me to completely list off the top of my head

But the first major 'woah' moment I remember would be:

Playing Super Mario 64 for the first time.

And was also pretty wowed when first trying out Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

01-10-2008, 11:13 PM
Spoilers maybe

Halo 3 - Escaping the halo ring on a warthog.
BioShock - Watching two Big Daddies duke it out.
Super Mario Galaxy - Melty Molten Galaxy, the area where you fly as lava pillars leap over your head.

mr. patterson
01-11-2008, 01:39 AM
when you first exit the sewers in oblivion

half life 2, thats right i'm just putting a whole game down as every second of it was incredible

01-11-2008, 05:18 PM
the war of the gardens in ffviii. it went a little down hill from there.

01-13-2008, 12:42 AM
Silent Hill 2. Seeing Pyramid Head raping the mannequins. Definitely a woah moment and even a great WTF moment. The image will be forever ingrained in my mind.

and Silent Hill 1. Getting the Dagger of Melchior and not putting the ring to lock the closet. Walk out and that thing grabs you and kills you. Good thing I saved just before that.

01-13-2008, 03:48 PM
Seeing Arthas stab his father in Warcraft 3.

01-13-2008, 04:49 PM
Silent Hill 2. Seeing Pyramid Head raping the mannequins. Definitely a woah moment and even a great WTF moment.

Yup. 100% agree on that.

Found that to be one of the weirdest parts of the game!

Vector Sigma
01-14-2008, 07:10 AM
Probably the biggest "WHOA!!" moment for me in gaming was the first time I played System Shock 2. For those not familiar with SS (get it NOW, if you can find it!) the villian is an AI with a god complex named SHODAN. I'd just finished the first SS a month prior, and had started number 2. For the first part of the game, you're being guided along by a Dr. Polito, your only other survivor on a starship that's on a one way trip to hell. When you finally catch up to Polito, you find her dead, and an all too familiar voice chimes over the intercom.

"The Polito form is dead, insect. Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of your trivial existence? W-when the history of my glory is written, your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence. I am SHODAN."

Excuse me, while I SHIT MY PANTS.

Its a testament to a great villain that, even when you EXPECT them to appear, it still makes your blood run cold when they finally do!

01-26-2008, 01:10 AM

First off, The "Cow Launched" Gimmick in Earthworm Jim.

Next, the ending ceremony for Taffy in Clayfighter was funny. "Now Everyone loves the Cotten Candy Circus...Except Dentists."

Then, I'd say watching Waluigi do the Crouth Chop in either Mario Soccor Games. Although I get a better kick when his partners do it WITH him in "Charged!"

Finally, The Ending of Earthworm Jim. Oh, the irony of it all...

Marshall Lee
01-28-2008, 08:47 AM
Initiating yourself as a Sith in KOTOR by spilling the blood of Jolee and Juhani, and then more killing after that. It was like the carnival had come into town.

01-28-2008, 06:24 PM
I just had a woah moment in the gaming ---world! There's going to be an "Alone in the Dark" ... five! this year! why did no one tell me??

01-28-2008, 06:45 PM
Loads of "whoa" moments in shadow of the colossus. A lot of the flying battles were ridiculously epic.

01-28-2008, 07:26 PM
I couldn't agree more, TeaBag. My eyes and mouth were wide open during most of the battles in that game, the first time I played it.

01-31-2008, 06:34 AM
im with everyone on Shadow of the Colossus. That game is painfully beautiful.

01-31-2008, 09:59 AM
lots on mgs2 and 3

1. when snake did that cool cqc fight with ocelot
2. shagohod moving
3. the whole ending sequence of mgs2 from the bit on arsenal to da end credits

01-31-2008, 09:26 PM
Big whoa when you realise that the final boss fight in Rogue Galaxy might be the worst designed battle in video gaming history.
Big whoa when Jaster whips out the megafuckinggiganic sword before the final stage of the final battle
Huge whoa when you get owned and have to start the battle all over.

02-01-2008, 02:03 AM
I was pretty amazed by the 2nd to last battle you had with Mundus in DMC1. Also, when you go underwater and when you enter that mirrored world. Craziness.

02-01-2008, 09:51 AM
Resident Evil 4 - scene after defeated Krauser
Metal Gear Solid 3 - phone call Ocelot-Breznev, Ocelot-CIA Chief Director
Metal Gear Solid: TTS - Gray Fox vs. Metal Gear Rex
Okami - fight with Ninetales
Final Fantasy X - fight with Penance !! :[

02-01-2008, 10:01 AM
Resident Evil 4 - scene after defeated Krauser
Metal Gear Solid 3 - phone call Ocelot-Breznev, Ocelot-CIA Chief Director
Metal Gear Solid: TTS - Gray Fox vs. Metal Gear Rex
Okami - fight with Ninetales
Final Fantasy X - fight with Penance !! :[

who's penance

02-01-2008, 12:41 PM
who's penance

Ultimate, secret boss in FFX, don't you know? :|
This giant corpse with two hands after you defeated all of the dark aeons

Anyway, He's so strong (12.000.000 HP), I fight with him over 1 hour ;]

02-01-2008, 01:51 PM
Ultimate, secret boss in FFX, don't you know? :|
This giant corpse with two hands after you defeated all of the dark aeons

Anyway, He's so strong (12.000.000 HP), I fight with him over 1 hour ;]

whoa i'd die in about 2 seconds

Damned Knight
02-05-2008, 08:01 PM
My first "Whoa" moment in a Videogame was in The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time. After beating the first boss, the Deku tree tells you the story of how Hyrule was created, with the power of the three godesses.

execrable gumwrapper
02-05-2008, 09:06 PM
Most recent would be Call of Duty 4 campaign missions "Shock and Awe" and "Aftermath"

Ending was great, too.

Epilogue was wtf...

02-10-2008, 11:50 PM
Chrono Trigger, when Crono died. my reaction was a complete

And in Super Metroid when Mother Brain came back to life and killed the Metroid. You really can't help but get uber pissed and feel a sense of joy watching her head bounce back like a pinball while shooting her with hyper beam.

execrable gumwrapper
02-11-2008, 12:05 AM
Chrono Trigger, when Crono died. my reaction was a complete

Thanks for the spoiler, dickweed...

02-11-2008, 12:19 AM
most of the crap im the masterpiece mgs 2
in sh2 the prison

also seeing cod4 graphics for the first time

oblivion and all of its greatness also

02-11-2008, 12:33 AM
Chrono Trigger, when Crono died.

Wow, I can't believe I didn't remember that. I knew something was going wrong when everybody was getting owned by Lavos, but the main character... died? Crazy.

And quiet in the back about spoilers. It's only natural for this thread to have spoilers, even if it's possible to cover it up:

I was not expecting (spoiler) [\COLOR=#19212F]Eli, Alyx's father...

02-11-2008, 12:34 AM
yeah really lol. get some sense

also the last boss fight in mgs 3. amazing

execrable gumwrapper
02-11-2008, 02:30 AM
And quiet in the back about spoilers. It's only natural for this thread to have spoilers, even if it's possible to cover it up:

If you're gonna put spoilers, add a warning before. Get some sense indeed.

02-11-2008, 02:36 AM
Marking your spoilers, unless the thread is called something like "HERE IS THE ENTIRE PLOT OF THIS GAME, START TO FINISH, SPOILERS WITHIN", is common courtesy.

02-11-2008, 06:42 AM
I admit error: although the thread title would infer it, it doesn't say anything about spoilers. You are correct.

Dot Centaur
02-11-2008, 07:40 AM
I have a lot of them.

Guilty Gear XX-all the scenes when Axl Low (<3) hits on I-no :D.

Final Fantasy VII-The Cloud and Tifa Gold Saucer date scene (yes yes I know Aerith is the default, but I always have him go with Tifa mind you :p). If it's Cloti, it's gotta be good ;). The scene when Cloud and Aerith first met.

Final Fantasy VIII-The first time Squall and Rinoa first got acqauinted when she said "you're going to like me! you're going to like me!" and then they start dancing. Also the scene when Irvine gets kicked by Rinoa XD (that's when Ellone takes Squall back in time to save Rinoa). Also any of the scenes when Selphie sings "Train train take us away!"

Final Fantasy IX-the scene where Garnet sings Melodies of Life in Lindblum and the scene when Zidane and Garnet have to fake a marriage XD.

Resident Evil 1 (original playstation)-when Barry saves Jill and says "you were almost a Jill Sandwhich!"

Resident Evil 2-The first FMV with the Licker. The Resident Evil Tofu mini game when it speaks Japanese XD.

Resident Evil 3-the part when Carlos gently touches Jills face and says "and watch out for that traiter Nicolai!" (optional scene and will happen depending on one of the Nemesis options you choose).

Resident Evil Code Veronica X-The part when Wesker owns Claire Redfield and he's like "I despise Chris!" also the part when he owns Chris Redfield. Also can't go wrong when he says "ah the little fishy come see my hook."

Resident Evil 4-When Ada Wong sneaks up on Leon and says "put your hands where I can see them. Put them up now!" with the cool matrix-like stunt moves. Then Ada Wong says "Leon. Long time no see." I've always loved her sneaky attitude ;). Also the knife fight with Krauser and Leon "been a long time. Comrade."

Parasite Eve 1-The beginning of the game during the Opera scene where Aya and Melissa glare at eachother.

Parasite Eve 2-When Kyle rescues Aya from being burned to death in the incinerator and he compliments her smile.

Silent Hill 3-When Heather tells Douglas "my daddy always told me not to talk to strangers." and "are you still following me!? Do I have to scream!?" I also love all the cut-scenes with Vincent "Her? You mean Claudia!? Please don't lump me together with her!" Also the part at the end where Claudia is like "you mock God!? Traitor! You will go to Hell!"

Silent Hill 2-When James first meets Maria "I don't look like a Ghost do I?" and the Pyramid Head chase in the elvator at the Brookhaven hospital.

I don't think any of those are big spoilers, but if they are and someone lets me know, I'll mark them right away ;).

02-11-2008, 07:56 AM
wow lol

the barret and cloud date scene lol

Dot Centaur
02-11-2008, 08:32 AM
Ah yeah I remember giving that a shot (on the contrary to what I said about always getting him with Tifa, I did wanna give at least the other three a shot) XD!

I'll never forget that when and if you get Barrett during that scene; instead of the music being 'Interupted By Firewords' it plays Barretts theme song XD.

02-11-2008, 03:46 PM
Breakdown (XBOX) - When you find out the first half or so of the game is just in simulation of the main character's past. =)

02-11-2008, 08:27 PM

you find out its all just a simiulation

and the fight with the harrier

02-25-2008, 01:59 PM
Thanks for the spoiler, dickweed...

The game has been out for at least 10 years, I'm fairly certain I'm allowed to give away some plot lines.

I mean come on, this is a thread about "Woah" moments in gaming. Coming to this spot is practically an invitation to be spoiled.

sorry if i upset you!?

02-25-2008, 04:06 PM
Lol, best late reply ever!!!


02-28-2008, 04:54 AM
Loads of "whoa" moments in shadow of the colossus. A lot of the flying battles were ridiculously epic.

1. Shadow of the Colossus: That whole game was a "woah" moment.

2. Pretty much any context-sensitive action in God of War and God of War 2.

3. Vamp's appearance in MGS2 where he wipes out SEAL Team 10.

4. The MGS4 trailer that appears to have snake piloting Metal Gear Rex.

5. Anytime Pyramid Head appears in Silent Hill 2.

6. When Seifer kills Odin in Final Fantasy VIII

02-28-2008, 11:32 PM
my first "woah" moment in gaming was when i played zone of the enders the fist of mars the first time. when cage tells pharsti to remove the limiters and pharsti becomes an orbitel frame at that scenes pharsti looks so cool that i only brought "oah" out of my mouth

02-29-2008, 12:47 AM
I have a couple 'Woah' moments
-Playing REZ on the DreamCast
-the many polt twist in Metal Gear Solid
-Caslevaina's music

02-29-2008, 07:58 AM
In Resident Evil Code: Veronica when you discover Alfred is a crossdresser. Scariest RE moment ever.

Innocently dancing my way through Space Channel 5, when all of a sudden...Michael Jackson pops up! Unholy Jesus!

Playing Wesker's level in The Mercenaries and getting jumped by Uber Dr. Salvador for the first time. ...But that wasn't really a "woah" as much as it was a "woaaAAAAAUUGGGHHH!!!"

But the best "woah" moment would have to be tearing open my copy of The Legend of Zelda with my eager little fingers a million Christmases ago. When I laid eyes on that golden NES cartridge, I knew it was gonna' be something special...

03-03-2008, 05:28 PM
damn I have to many I have read some here and I have to agree the end of Super metroid which I was watching with my friends before mother brain got cuase I had to leave I got home and my friend calls and is yelling "YOU GOTTA SEE THE END OF THE GAME" so I played it a few days later and it scared the fuck out of me.............another woah moment speakin of metroid is when prime first started she jumped out of the ship and I just left it there for 10 minutes just staring I didnt even move

heck I could go on and on seein' the gamecube for the first time super mario 64 obvious ones sonic the hedgehog at 5 years old blah blah blah

but if I had to put one big one some people would say Aeris's Death in FFVII which as much as I'm not a fan of's WOAH worthy

03-04-2008, 02:22 AM
I just died in The Phontom Hourglass and i was like "WHOA!!! I HATE YOU!"

03-04-2008, 02:59 AM
Some memorable moments I've had weren't while playing the actual game but rather seeing the intro to games I've waited so long to play. The visual eye candy of just thinking how levels and areas would look.

Some games:
GT2,3,4 and now 5
FF7,8 - to bad the story tanked at toward the end, 9, and 12
Armored Core
Gun Griffon

There's a few more, but I can't think right now. Headache. :(

03-04-2008, 04:21 AM
i was like "woah" when aeris was like killed...and i was like "woah" when i played RE4 : umbrella chronicles...and i was like "woah" when the humongous boss was like coming..ahhhh!!!!

03-09-2008, 03:53 AM

In the beggining, after getting the HEV suit and going to the test room, after putting the material into the beam, causing the Resonance Cascade... I though it was so freaking sweet. It was great effects for its time (1998)

And how everything in that game is scripted coding, things like that make me giddy

03-09-2008, 04:35 AM
When i firsts heard the music in Super Mario Galaxy was a WHOA for me.

03-17-2008, 01:11 AM
my whoah moment was in resident evil 4, where out of nowhere, the dude with the chainsaw jumped and chopped my head off.

03-17-2008, 12:39 PM
When i was sucked into my TV screen while playing Pro Evolution 5. I scored a hatrick. Also, i too jumped when the chainsaw guy game after me. Another "whoa" moment would be when Raiden in MGS2 turned out to be a guy. i was like "WHOA!!!"

03-17-2008, 08:37 PM
When I played Unlimited Saga

I was like

... I can't believe I payed sixty dollars for this bucket of shit!

Marshall Lee
03-17-2008, 09:06 PM
I lol'd

04-23-2008, 08:51 PM

Not Universe, the original. Universe will never compare.

04-24-2008, 04:10 PM
when the dogs jump through the window in Resident evil.

That scared the crap out of me

04-24-2008, 05:22 PM
The last time i screamed WOAH during a game i when im playing the God of War. it was before i will face the boss i forgot to save so when i was killed due to carelessness, im back to the start of the stage...damn it took me hours to finished it.

01-08-2009, 03:22 PM
My most recent moment like that is probably during Fallout 3 when you blow up Megaton. The explosion along with the resulting shockwave was awesome. It's good with bass and speakers.

01-10-2009, 03:21 AM
- Naked Raiden in MGS2
- Colonel Needs Scissors in MGS2

04-01-2009, 11:45 PM
I have to admit, the biggest WOW moment for me was the first time I would enter a world in Banjo-Tooie. They all were so enormous AND they connected to other ones that you didn't even know about yet.......

04-02-2009, 04:32 AM
Even though it wasn't that great a game, the first wideshot of Damascus in Assassin's Creed was very impressive.

04-07-2009, 06:31 PM
One of my moments was performing an ultra combo for the first time. It was by accident and when I did I was like "Woah, what just happened?"


04-07-2009, 09:07 PM
my whoah moment was in resident evil 4, where out of nowhere, the dude with the chainsaw jumped and chopped my head off.

this, a million times this.

you are out there fending off rabbid spaniards (happy spaniards if you have the ps2 version), when youre finished, you turn around and see fucking salvador right in front of you about to decap you, and he succeeds.

04-07-2009, 11:48 PM
My whoa moment was when I was playing GTA: III with a 5-star wanted level (In Staunton Island) three of the FBI cars just turned left and fell into the water.

Guild Teyania
04-09-2009, 12:54 PM
Etrian Odyssey, 5th Stratum... Massive WOAH and "NOW I see what you did there" for me.

04-11-2009, 04:35 AM
A big WOAH came when i was playing Guilty Gear and I found out Bridget was a man!!!
I feel sorry for the people that wanted to bang her well him lol

MGS4 when Vamp and Raiden dook it out! Damn MGS4 shows how well the ps3 can be, that whole game was a Woah for me!

04-11-2009, 04:53 AM
The first FMV in Final Fantasy X when Sin arrives at Zanarkand.


04-19-2009, 03:55 AM
One woah moment is when I was in the Forest Temple from Ocarina for the first time, and I am in the room with the Shadow Hand (I forget what is called) and Link's shadow grows larger and larger, and then... BAM! He gets mauled by the hand XD

Also, in Left 4 Dead, the first few times I startle the witch. That is... a big woah moment :P

RE:4, First encounter with the Regenerators. CREEPIEST SOUNDING MONSTERS EVAH!

04-28-2009, 06:05 PM
In Tales of Symphonia, after finding out that Kratos was actually Lloyd's dad.
In Disgaea 2, when Rozalin 'awakened' for the first time and you could control her (1000+ lvl, anyone? :D).
In Silent Hill, when I witnessed the 'alternative world' for the first time. :D
In Zelda: Ocarina of Time, when returning to the town sqare after Link's 7-year absence.
Playing Super Mario 64 for the first time.

Ah, there were a lot of those. :) Can't recall everything at the moment.

04-28-2009, 06:46 PM
My woah moment is when I finished The World Ends With You and you find out that Joshua killed Neku.

04-29-2009, 07:00 AM
ONE of my 'woah' moments is from Armored Core 3 when you take the mission "Destroy Massive MT". You don't think too much of it, especially if you took the other mission "Destroy Weapon"(the one that you fight in a submerged section of city).

Then you get there and see it launch all those missiles at you...'woah' was not the only word I had to say at that moment.

Another one would have to be seeing some of the 'executions' and quick kills you can do in The Punisher. There aren't many games where you can shove the business end of a flamethrower in a baddie's mouth and pull the trigger. Oh, and did I mention that's a TAME one, compared to others you can do?

04-29-2009, 03:43 PM
I was playing Mirrors Edge on an old TV. The TV did like it too much.
The screen shown white, feedback erupted in the speakers and it shut off.
I was said "whoa."

05-18-2009, 01:19 AM
At the end of Silent Hill 2, when the Hotel changed up on me, I went "whoa".

05-18-2009, 02:15 PM
Yeah, but like Brookhaven did that too....

To be fair, the nightmare sides in 2 aren't as frequent or awesome as they are in 3. Nightmare Brookhaven in 3 is schweeeeeeeeet.

05-18-2009, 02:38 PM
Phoenix Wright series, all last chapters.

05-18-2009, 02:39 PM
Oh man, the paintings reveal in Apollo Justice, too, man <3

05-18-2009, 06:18 PM
Yeah, but like Brookhaven did that too....

To be fair, the nightmare sides in 2 aren't as frequent or awesome as they are in 3. Nightmare Brookhaven in 3 is schweeeeeeeeet.

*scratches chin* Personally, I thought the fact that you spent so much freaking time in the nightmare side desensitized SH3's 'shock factor'. Still agree that the hospital was "WTF???"-worthy, though.

05-18-2009, 06:50 PM
I think my 'woah' moment for SH2 was when you encounter Pyramid Head () in the halls of the apartment complex. I remember just standing there for a minute and thinking to myself, "damn, that's bad ass."

05-19-2009, 07:07 PM
when i saw the new trailer for halo 3. my first reation was... "whoa." (pretty)

although i don't have a 360 but every time i see that trailer it makes me say "whoa"...

05-19-2009, 10:07 PM
I can't think of any recent ones right off hand. But I have my first, and it's the most memorable anyway. Mostly because of how incredibly unwoah and/or scary it was.

My very first came from Iron Helix. I don't even remember how old I was when I was playing this. I was playing the PC version, not the (apparently graphically improved) Sega CD one.

Anyway, I'm going through the ship, minding my own business. I enter a doorway or an elevator or something, and right there, on the other side, staring at me, is the droid robot thing. I think it had a name but I honestly can't remember. The thing scared me half to death and I don't even know why.

Looking back, I remember the thing looking almost exactly like a large, gray gumdrop. For some reason such a murderous looking robot gave me a really really huge scare.

Don't judge me.

05-20-2009, 01:53 AM
okay tenchu 2: birth of the stealth assassins. it was just that good playing as tatsumaru, the kills, the game, the way he fought and who he fought, it was just that great a game, not even the later ones compared much as i like wrath of heaven for graphics and style.

2. DMC3, the opening movie, its just that cool when the rain builds and builds as they fight then in one massive go it falls, and the confusion of it all with vergil.

3. Dynasty warriors 4, greatest of the series, it was perfection in my eyes, huge levels, lots of enemies, strategies, extremely hard to unlock EVERY item, just perfection, even in 2player, the only thing that can be better is if they make the DW after strikeforce, Online.

execrable gumwrapper
05-20-2009, 03:29 AM
Playing "Panic Attack" on expert guitar for the first time.


05-25-2009, 09:30 PM
*scratches chin* Personally, I thought the fact that you spent so much freaking time in the nightmare side desensitized SH3's 'shock factor'. Still agree that the hospital was "WTF???"-worthy, though.

Oh snap! Yes, when the hospital changed on the way out, I was token by complete suprise. Tripped me out something fierce!

I'd like to bring up the mirror stage in DMC1. That was a new visual experience for me in a video gaming. And I went "whoa".

05-25-2009, 10:01 PM
anytime i play ground war in cod waw.
me capturing the flag while being bombarded by both enemy and friendly artillery and being fired upon on all directions, its a big WHOA.
its like the times i have sex, except this time i actually scream in joyful awesomeness

05-26-2009, 04:32 AM
What instead of horrible agony as you get *** R***d?
The last comment was so not needed, its like quoting the mentors in your sig or this....


05-26-2009, 04:37 AM
no, i dont scream at all when im having sex.
but i do when i play waw.

execrable gumwrapper
05-26-2009, 04:38 AM
I scream when I watch Catty having sex.

05-26-2009, 04:41 AM
*imagines it*

"Godammit Catty! That link was not Asia's Finest!!!!"

05-27-2009, 05:34 PM
Halo when they first showed the Ring, then the Forerunner Architecture was pretty amazing, and finally when they showed the Ark, though Halo Wars, apart from being an awful game had some great cinematics and the best was probably the sun within a planet shield world concept for the giant armada of ships, that was impressive.

Aside from that...

When I was told I was Revan, that was a pretty big WOAH moment, though I wasn't completely surprised.

Mmmm.... When I thought in Hl2 that I had LOST (A GAME WHERE YOU PLAY AND LOSE WOULD BE GREAT, but alas it didn't happen) when I ended up imprisoned in one of the metal-straightjacket pods and brought to them, a shame I was freed...

Aside from that, not many times have I been "Woahed" though the Citadel in ME was definitely close... as was some of the Lost Odyssey architecture and ideas.

09-13-2009, 05:52 AM
[QUOTE=Ultimadream;760342]for Me it was the beginning clip of F8 it was breath taking and the end battles are the most artsticly well designed monsters/atmosphere ive ever seen :D.

Same. The music, the visuals....breathtaking!

09-13-2009, 09:21 AM
though i had seen it on youtube before...

the atomic explosion on fallout 3.
its pretty WOAHtastic seeing it in a 74 inch HD screen.

09-14-2009, 05:46 AM
I think some of my "Whoa" moments are whenever an Ultra Combo goes off in Street Fighter 4. The moment you see it, you know something is about to happen.

11-11-2009, 03:50 AM
The last boss battle in MGS4 is an epic ''Whoa'' moment.

11-28-2009, 07:01 AM
New Super Mario Brothers Wii, at the end, when bowser was finally a big scary dragon...and Uncharted 2--The whole beginning sequence is just danged impressive.

Darth Revan
11-28-2009, 11:37 AM
When I first played Breath of Fire II on the SNES all those years ago... The game was, and to me still is, pretty damn close for me to say it was a perfect game. The characters were likeable and the spells are very impressive, graphically for it's time. The main "Woah" moment for me in that game, came when your own town pulled itself out of the ground and you were able to use it like a SNES version of Balamb Garden from FFVIII

Also, the Star Wars TIE Fighter PC game. I loved this one, and on it's highest difficulty the missions were insane... course, that damn 'hunk of junk' (Millenium Falcon) blew me up a few times >.<

Taking down a AT-AT in the Rogue Squadron games almost gave me a chuckle as well.

3. Dynasty warriors 4, greatest of the series, it was perfection in my eyes, huge levels, lots of enemies, strategies, extremely hard to unlock EVERY item, just perfection, even in 2player, the only thing that can be better is if they make the DW after strikeforce, Online.

Koei has announced that they are porting Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce to the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on their website (

12-02-2009, 04:36 AM
First time I can remember was watching my dad play a mod of Doom 2. To this day I dunno what mod that was, but it kicked ass. Every other time has been when I have played and beaten the following games:

Doom 2, Super Mario Bros Deluxe, Final Fantasy VIII, Half-Life 2, and Metal Gear Solid 4

12-02-2009, 05:11 AM
Serious Sam -forgot which one- when the Xmas music comes on.
IDK what it was but I couldn't stop laughing.

FF8 :
When Squall get ice shanked.

SMT: Persona 3:FES:
The first time the MC summons Thantos.

12-02-2009, 11:15 PM
Apologies if this is already in here, but I do not have the energy to search the thread.:)

I'd heard about this in hushed whispers, but when you go undercover in a terrorist cell in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and start slaughtering the civilians in that Russian airport

I shat pyramids! I know we've come a long way from the days of Mortal Kombat, but...not only did I let loose a loud "WHOAH!" at that, I felt my blood freeze.

That was some hardcore moments there...

12-02-2009, 11:17 PM
Thanks man! i was wondering what the morally questionable act you could opt out of was.

04-21-2010, 05:07 PM
My whoa moments are probably going to seem pretty weak compared to everyone else's.

-Tales of Symphonia, after getting the Sylverant summons and going to the Tower for the first time. I won't spoil anything, but those who have played it know what I'm talking about.

-FFX, the scene at Macalania Temple. It's on similar grounds as the moment in ToS.

-Most of KHII

-Giygas...'nuff said.

04-21-2010, 05:08 PM
My 'WOAH!' moment right now is seeing a five month-old thread being revived, when it really didn't need to be.

04-22-2010, 07:23 AM
WHOAH THIS WAS LAST POSTED IN 2009...No that doesn't count? ...okay

04-21-2012, 12:05 PM
Keepin' it alive! Because it showed up in a totally unrelated search!

Final Fantasy VII (yadda yadda yadda, is there anyone who doesn't know what the highlights are?)
GrimGrimoire- the end kinda screwed with my head
Shadow of the Colossus- games have moved me to tears, made me laugh out loud, frustrated me, made me think, and so on... but this is the only game that made me feel GUILTY. Potent, personal, surprisingly affecting guilt. I'm sure this was not the same for everyone, but maybe a few people know what I mean. Spoiler: It was that horse. So real, so... stupid. Throughout the game I cursed him, theorized on his inbreeding, said he was retarded, said it was time to put him down. He was always wandering into my field of view when using arrows, running off at random, and worst, being completely useless in a fight (tenth colossus fight... most animals have the survival instinct to not run headfirst into a wall... granted, maybe that's just mortal animals).

But then it happened. That scene. That heartwrenching fall and casting Wander to safety. I suddenly, surprisingly, felt really BAD that I had hated on the horse all game. Things got weird by the endgame with that "What?! It survived that giant fall with just a limp?!" moment and the overall ambiguity of the ending, but at the time, and somehow even a little bit since, I felt guilty for my hatred of Argo the horse.

Nostalgia gamer
04-21-2012, 12:50 PM
I remember in the old days,being impressed with breath of fire dragon form.
I was like:COOL!! i can actually turn into a dragon and burn enemies alive.I was also thoroughly impressed with ff4.

I enjoyed oblivion quite a bit last time i played,and i still enjoy dragon age origins,with its surprises.

Dragon age origins is one of the games with the biggest surprises lately,because of the bisexual elf known as zevran,is something i have never seen in an rpg,ever.A lot of games in the japanese section.

The original shadowgate left an impression on me,along with the original resident evil game,and the original silent hill game.For some reason,i still can't shake off the lure the game has on me.The way the horror is used,is something that works better than any modern resident evil game has to offer.

Re code veronica x was good,but i don't think it was actually as scary as re1.Silent hill 1 was creepy,and plain evil.Last time i played,the damm demon kids scared me yet again,and i've beaten this game already,yet i am still lured somehow.

The first and third Metal gear solid games,were some of the most memorable moments in metal gear solid history.The second one was good,but the first one is the one that people really remember.
Megaman 2 and 3 for me,was an experience.
Metroid and zelda were amazing games,and no game shooter game has been able to live up to metroid,and many tried to live up to zelda.

04-24-2012, 07:53 AM
speaking of CVX, my woah moments there were when wesker was bitch slapped by alexia, then he lept across the room like a cricket and, while on fire, punched her in the face. weskers crowning moment of awesomeness right there.

then, the ending, where chris and wesker fight, except its more like a "chris gets his ass handed to him" fight. it was the first time i saw a fight "that long" in a cutscene in a videogame.

also, pretty much every event on demons souls. from dying to the tutorial boss (or kill it), to seeing the final boss.

04-24-2012, 08:31 AM
The 2 woah moments I know was one in the Sniper Elite V2 demo when it showed you where the bullet hit exactly(I even got one German soldier in the nose, I think, that made me go "oohohohohohohoho") and the other in Mass Effect 3 when I was trying to get the Quarian fleet to fire at one of the Reapers that was chasing me and my party. That was cool.

Serra Kerrigan
04-24-2012, 11:04 AM
My "WOAH" moment in gaming was at Mass Effect 3 as Thessia falls....sadly woah moment..

04-24-2012, 06:18 PM
The opening tunnel scene in Half-Life. "woooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh..........."

Serra Kerrigan
04-24-2012, 08:53 PM
Another "WOAH! Moment...Dragon Age: Origins, last fight again the Arch Demon. The Run, the Sword and the End scream...woah!...unbelieveble.

06-15-2012, 11:10 PM
My earliest WOW moment?

MoH: Frontline opening D-Day level.

06-18-2012, 05:43 AM
the fall of the eiffel tower in mw3.

big fucking WOAH right there.

06-18-2012, 05:14 PM
the fall of the eiffel tower in mw3.

big fucking WOAH right there.


06-21-2012, 07:37 PM
The Andrew Ryan Plot Twist in Bioshock. Marvelous.

06-26-2012, 09:12 PM
The Final Level of Max Payne 3
Retaking the White House in Modern Warfare 2
The Nuke going off in MW1
Crysis 1 the whole mountain on Lingshan fucking collapsing
Tiberian Sun: The Return of Kane

06-29-2012, 08:57 PM
The very first moment in Wild ARMs 2 when the sky changes in the overworld. That actually made me jump out of my seat.

07-03-2012, 08:07 AM
I'm sure I have better examples but the only one that comes to mind is the fourth dungeon in Majora's Mask, when you flip/reverse gravity.

I never really like MM, by itself it's probably a decent game but when compared to OoT it's just awful. Thus I played it off and on for 10 years and never got past the third dungeon, until recently when I decided I needed to just finish the damn thing and be done with it.

But that fourth dungeon almost redeems the entire game. Walking at night, along the arches that made the ceiling, looking down at the moon and the stars below me; I don't think I've ever had any other video game induce such a feeling of vertigo and fear of falling (I'm not even afraid of heights)!

Other "woah" moments include
-excerpts from the Atlus game Catherine (though those were scary surprises rather than an awing experience)
-All of Ico (what an powerfully emotional game), and to a lesser extent, Shadow of the Colossus (I found most of the colossi dull, I was more impressed with the gorgeous landscape)
-Playing NieR on Hard difficulty, low level challenge (don't grind, don't buy upgrades and do your best to NOT level up). Most breathtaking boss fights, period. Never had as much adrenaline from any other video game after beating a boss that took three hours to kill.

---------- Post added at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 AM ----------

I'm sure I have better examples but the only one that comes to mind is the fourth dungeon in Majora's Mask, when you flip/reverse gravity.

I never really like MM, by itself it's probably a decent game but when compared to OoT it's just awful. Thus I played it off and on for 10 years and never got past the third dungeon, until recently when I decided I needed to just finish the damn thing and be done with it.

But that fourth dungeon almost redeems the entire game. Walking at night, along the arches that made the ceiling, looking down at the moon and the stars below me; I don't think I've ever had any other video game induce such a feeling of vertigo and fear of falling (I'm not even afraid of heights)!

Other "woah" moments include
-excerpts from the Atlus game Catherine (though those were scary surprises rather than an awing experience)
-All of Ico (what an powerfully emotional game), and to a lesser extent, Shadow of the Colossus (I found most of the colossi dull, I was more impressed with the gorgeous landscape)
-Playing NieR on Hard difficulty, low level challenge (don't grind, don't buy upgrades and do your best to NOT level up). Most breathtaking boss fights, period. Never had as much adrenaline from any other video game after beating a boss that took three hours to kill.

07-03-2012, 10:42 AM
For me resident evil 3. In this game every moment is my favorite. I love the game very much. So i am enjoying that game.

08-11-2012, 02:17 PM
The "Whoa" Zone in Super Paper Mario.