02-26-2007, 10:37 PM
Let's discuss a battle between these three consoles for rpg supremacy. First off Xbox 360 came out a year earlier than the Wii and the Playstation 3. Let me show you something. Here are the rpg releases on the three consoles for each of the two seasons for a year. This includes what has come out so far plus an estimated Usa release date for what will come out. These upcoming release dates are my best estimates, and are for Usa, as are all the other releases that have come out already.

Fall 2005
Xbox 360: Nothing
Wii: Not out yet
Playstation 3: Not out yet

Spring 2006
Xbox 360: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Wii: Not out yet
Playstation 3: Not out yet

Fall 2006
Xbox 360: Enchanted Arms
Xbox 360: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Xbox 360: Phantasy Star Universe
Xbox 360: The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Playstation 3: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance(Also on Xbox 360 3.5 weeks earlier and Wii 2 days later, not super popular)
Playstation 3: Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom(Unpopular game, low reviews)

Spring 2007
Xbox 360: The Elder Scrolls IV: The Shivering Isles
Xbox 360: Mass Effect
Xbox 360: Blue Dragon
Wii: Super Paper Mario
Playstation 3: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(w/ Knights of the Nine)(Already out on Xbox 360, which will get 2nd expansion pack 2 weeks later)
Playstation 3: Enchanted Arms(Also out on Xbox 360, not too popular, low reviews)

Fall 2007
Xbox 360: Eternal Sonata
Xbox 360: Fable 2
Wii: Dragon Quest Swords
Wii: Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
Playstation 3: The Elder Scrolls IV: The Shivering Isles(Already out on Xbox 360)

Spring 2008:
Xbox 360: Lost Odyssey
Xbox 360: Infinite Undiscovery
Wii: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
Playstation 3: White Knight Story(Finally a reason to own a Playstation 3!)

Fall 2008:
Xbox 360: ?
Wii: ?
Playstation 3: Final Fantasy XIII
Playstation 3: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Unknown 2008/2009 release dates:
Xbox 360: Cry On
Playstation 3: Unknown Realms)


Here is the overall Playstation 3 recent and upcoming rpg ensemble

Playstation 3: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance(Also on Xbox 360 3.5 weeks earlier and Wii 2 days later)
Playstation 3: Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom(Unpopular game)
Playstation 3: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(w/ Knights of the Nine)(Already out on Xbox 360, which will get 2nd expansion pack 2 weeks later)
Playstation 3: Enchanted Arms(Also out on Xbox 360)
Playstation 3: The Elder Scrolls IV: The Shivering Isles(Already out on Xbox 360)
Playstation 3: White Knight Story(Finally a reason to own a Playstation 3!)
Playstation 3: Final Fantasy XIII(I will buy a Playstation 3 for this!)
Playstation 3: Final Fantasy Versus XIII(I will buy a Playstation 3 for this!)

The first Playstation 3 exclusive rpg that is very high quality is White Knight Story, which comes out in Spring 2008, a year and a half after the Playstation 3's launch. By the way the Xbox 360 is established over the PS 3 as far as The Elder Scrolls IV go. I mean that it is already out with an expansion pack, and when the PS 3 gets it out with that expansion pack, the Xbox 360 will release the 2nd expansion pack two weeks later. White Knight Story, which I consider the first real rpg reason to own a PS 3, comes out in Spring 2008, but in the meantime people will be getting Xbox 360 and Wii for...

Xbox 360(6!):
The Elder Scrolls IV: (Oblivion, Knights of the Nine, The Shivering Isles)
Mass Effect
Blue Dragon
Fable 2
Lost Odyssey
Infinite Undiscovery

Wii(4 games!):
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Paper Mario
Dragon Quest Swords
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

So with PS 3 at one great console exclusive rpg from launch till Spring 2008 the score is this...

Xbox 360: 6
Wii: 4
Playstation 3: 1

How did we get from the Playstation 1 and Playstation 2 being by far the dominant rpg consoles to the Playstation 3 losing by far the console rpg war? How did the Playstation 3 fall so far behind in the rpg release schedule compared to the Xbox 360 and Wii, who are releasing tons of top rpg's already. Please post your thoughts on this topic? :)

02-26-2007, 11:03 PM
Well, if you consider all of those to be RPGs, you might as well include everything from Mario to Prince of Persia to Grand Theft Auto. Honestly, this kind of shit is exactly the reason I crusade against the popular yet abominably wrong definition of RPG that you people use.

02-26-2007, 11:08 PM
All of these games were listed in this page...
Chronology of console role playing games

These types of games are what we consider role playing games when we use that term. I acknowledge that Dungeons and Dragons came out earlier and are more "traditional". Basically we don't have a term for the "new style" or role playing games to differentiate it from the more traditional role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, so we just use the term role playing games. In time there will be a new term created. But until that time, if you want to help, give us your own preferred term that we should use for these new games. Don't worry about this topic too much. If it helps out you I will call these games "New Style Console Role Playing Games". That term may be acceptable.

Please post your thoughts on this topic! :)

02-26-2007, 11:10 PM
My point is that it's not just a new or different definition. It's a fucking wrong definition and should be rejected. Many of the things you call role-playing games are nothing but adventure games. They fit the classical definition of that genre, so changing the definition of the role-playing genre to accomodate them is stupid.

02-26-2007, 11:14 PM
I am buying PS3


02-26-2007, 11:16 PM
I might get a Wii or PS3. Either way, Xbox 360 is last on my list.

02-26-2007, 11:39 PM
My point is that it's not just a new or different definition. It's a fucking wrong definition and should be rejected. Many of the things you call role-playing games are nothing but adventure games. They fit the classical definition of that genre, so changing the definition of the role-playing genre to accomodate them is stupid.

Point taken. This topic reminds me of running, when some people would call 3000m "middle distance" when most people consider middle distance to be 800m and 1500m. Geh! :D

hb smokey
02-27-2007, 05:02 AM
Posting just to get subscribed to this thread. Don't have time to read it.

J. Peterman
02-27-2007, 05:45 AM
Sony should give everybody a free 30''+ HDTV with their PS3. I am sure PS3 sales will sky-rocket if that happens.

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 01:10 PM
Posting just to get subscribed to this thread. Don't have time to read it.

Don't take this the wrong way Smokey, but you really need a better hobby. D:

hb smokey
02-27-2007, 02:13 PM
Don't take this the wrong way Smokey, but you really need a better hobby. D:
Didn't take that the wrong way because it makes no fucking sense.

Agreeing with Prak. Most of the RPG titles on that list aren't games I would actually consider RPG's

02-27-2007, 02:43 PM
My point is that it's not just a new or different definition. It's a fucking wrong definition and should be rejected. Many of the things you call role-playing games are nothing but adventure games. They fit the classical definition of that genre, so changing the definition of the role-playing genre to accomodate them is stupid.

What about the Console Role Playing Games genre?

"Most CRPGs place a strong emphasis on storyline-driven arcs and character development, with the payoff almost always based on storytelling instead of experiencing a more dynamic world with nonlinear gameplay."

02-27-2007, 02:50 PM
It's a bullshit definition because those same characteristics that it lists are the classical definition of adventure games.

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 03:05 PM
Agreeing with Prak here, I was under the impression that an RPG involves actually playing the role of your character instead of hitting X or O to progress the dialogue with the occasional menu selection that only affects the storyline cosmetically.

Also, freeform RPGs prove that levelling up isn't the defining characteristic of an RPG.

02-28-2007, 10:10 PM
I'm interested in this topic and believe that a new naming convention should be established.

Prak, when did rpg's stop being rpg's? Is it when Dragon Quest 1 came out in 1980's? Also, what names do you suggest we call the console rpg's? I know of 5 subgenres so far, for Snes games...

Traditional rpg(FF VI, Chrono Trigger)
Tactical rpg(Front Mission, Tactics Ogre)
Action rpg(Zelda 3, Terranigma)
PC Style rpg(Might & Magic, Dungeons & Dragons)
Western Style rpg(Oblivion, Diablo)???

Did I list those right? Anyways, is there any other subgenre of console rpg that exists?

02-28-2007, 10:38 PM
Prak, when did rpg's stop being rpg's? Is it when Dragon Quest 1 came out in 1980's?

That is exactly correct. It was the beginning of the practice of assigning the name to adventure games. The reason it happened was because Japanese were ignorant about the defining characteristics of the genre and chose the wrong ones to focus on.

Also, what names do you suggest we call the console rpg's? I know of 5 subgenres so far, for Snes games...

Traditional rpg(FF VI, Chrono Trigger)
Tactical rpg(Front Mission, Tactics Ogre)
Action rpg(Zelda 3, Terranigma)
PC Style rpg(Might & Magic, Dungeons & Dragons)
Western Style rpg(Oblivion, Diablo)???

"Traditional" RPGs, as you put it, are simply adventure games with combat systems. "Tactical" RPGs are typically turn-based strategy games. "Action" RPGs are generally action/adventure games. "PC style" RPGs are the closest to real RPGs as a general rule and often do try to emulate the free-form characterization elements of real role-playing, so computer RPGs (CRPGs) is a fitting term. "Western style" RPGs as you describe are things that belong in other categories. Oblivion counts as a CRPG, while Diablo is a pure hack&slash that is closest to action/adventure.

02-28-2007, 11:19 PM
Thanks for info! I don't mind having the new "role playing games" being called by another term. It's probably best if they were not called rpg's in the first place 20 years ago. I wonder if the naming convention can be reversed. It might be a good idea to do this though, because Final Fantasy XII is not super similar to Dungeons & Dragons(which is an original rpg right?). What is a role playing game?

I seen footage of Oblivion, but haven't played it. It reminded me of the Diablo 2 demo I played but didn't like. Is Oblivion like Diablo 2? What game is Oblivion like? I have not too much of an idea what Oblivion is, but it's one of the top 5 "rpg's" of 2006(along with Kingdom Hearts 2, Xenosaga 3, Final Fantasy XII, Zelda, assuming Zelda is considered an "rpg" by popular standards)?

By the way, I'm interested in playing Xenosaga 3 but first I want to do the other stuff.

Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamers, Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Xenosaga 1/2/3, upcoming possible Chrono game?

03-01-2007, 02:47 PM
I would recommend checking out this thread (Thread 29666) for more details on what makes a role-playing game. In short, however, it is free-form character development.

Vincent Von Doom
03-05-2007, 01:23 AM
you can't define rpg results to each console because there are A LOT more games out there.. and plus and i think its more of a fan base than who has the better games on each console..

because if you look at the gamecube there wasn't really much games out for it and yet people picked the cube over the other two..

jewess crabcake
03-05-2007, 04:34 AM
Since when is Mavel Alliance an rpg? Also Those are just a list of highly anticipated rpgs. There will be many others as far as the PS3 is concerned. Also Microsoft wouldn't be shit without mmorpgs and Fps, so I expect them to stck to those aspects.

03-05-2007, 06:40 AM
Also Microsoft wouldn't be shit without mmorpgs

You're right, FFXI is shitting up the 360's lineup.

03-05-2007, 11:24 AM

03-05-2007, 10:29 PM
Since when is Mavel Alliance an rpg? Also Those are just a list of highly anticipated rpgs. There will be many others as far as the PS3 is concerned. Also Microsoft wouldn't be shit without mmorpgs and Fps, so I expect them to stck to those aspects.

Rpgamer.com lists it as an Action rpg. I haven't played it.

Yes, the list is incomplete, of course. But you get the idea in general about the amount of good rpg's coming out for each system. Each system will have more titles announced for it. This is a general topic in that sense.

By the way, Final Fantasy XII and Rogue Galaxy are among the best right now, but I still feel nostalgic for some of the top older games. Are any current rpg's as perfect as Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger? :D

Anyways, the other popular rpg's of last fall were FF VII: Dirge of Cerberus, Xenosaga 3, Disgaea 2, Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, Tales of the Abyss, and not sure if you consider Zelda to be an rpg. I should try out Xenosaga 3 and Zelda!

03-05-2007, 10:53 PM
For the record, you did not list a single RPG in that post. All of those are from other genres that are mislabeled.

03-06-2007, 01:14 AM
For the record, you did not list a single RPG in that post. All of those are from other genres that are mislabeled.

Prak we know what your viewpoint is on this issue you keep bringing up, and it's seriously obnoxious that you think it's a good use of your time or a good use of our time to see you respond to different posts in the same thread saying "btw ur definition of rpg is wrong just so u know". You already have your thread to make that point - are you seriously going to respond to every post anyone makes in any thread about rpgs multiple times just to try to get your point across?

Because, frankly, we've got it, we understand it, and if anyone wanted to debate with you on it (I wouldn't know why, you're more obstinate than I am) they would come to your thread. Don't shit up other threads.

Also: Would you prefer this were titled "Playstation 3 getting killed off by Xbox 360/Wii as far games where leveling up and gaining experience and going on an adventure usually with turn based combat but also can be action-based or other things that have been improperly labeled for the last 25 years but hey even though it's been 25 years as a common term it must be incorrect because language cannot change also there isn't a suitable replacement so we'll just create another misnomer but OH WELL go?"


03-06-2007, 03:43 AM
3 Musketeers : MAJOR LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-06-2007, 02:53 PM
Have to admit, I got a pretty good laugh from it myself. Also, I would find that title he mentioned awesome beyond the capability of words to describe.

J. Peterman
03-06-2007, 04:12 PM
3 musk u forget the g at the end for go i believe

jewess crabcake
03-06-2007, 05:38 PM

03-06-2007, 05:40 PM
Sony should give everybody a free 30''+ HDTV with their PS3. I am sure PS3 sales will sky-rocket if that happens.

Yes, and lets watch as their net profit drops and lose EVEN more money, then they already are losing with each ps3 they sell.

jewess crabcake
03-06-2007, 06:07 PM

03-07-2007, 12:08 AM
3 musk u forget the g at the end for go i believe

no the go was part of the original title and I left out some other words like a and at from the acronym too.

J. Peterman
03-07-2007, 02:30 AM
o i was no paying attention sorry

03-07-2007, 04:47 AM
For the record, you did not list a single RPG in that post. All of those are from other genres that are mislabeled.

Thanks, I understand your argument, and I agree with you that they are not rpg's.

But for the moment they are widely called rpg's and I will use that term until a more suitable term for it gains widespread appeal. For the moment, just know the games that I am talking about, but do not consider whether or not I have used the term "rpg" to describe them. Pretend that instead of calling them "rpg's" I called them "games that are widely called rpg's but are not actually rpg's".


p.s. I'm so excited, I just found out today on rpgamer.com that Lost Odyssey comes out in December in the United States! Gargh! This strikes another blow at Playstation 3 and I believe will speed up it's downfall or partial downfall in this genre and/or overall.

05-05-2007, 10:55 PM
Eternal Sonata is now also coming to the PS3.

Atom Narmor
05-05-2007, 11:23 PM
It's sad realy. PS 3 is the fastest runner in the entire race but as soon as the gun sounded he tripped and rolled a few feet before getting up to match legs with the second fastest in the world, 360. Luckily, the latter will run in circles (hence the name) for lack of the big gun developers PS has...hopefuly.

05-06-2007, 04:09 PM
I personally may not even bother with the PS3.

You know why?

Take a look.. >.<

Why You Should Not Bother To Pick Up A PS3 (http://www.engadget.com/2006/12/04/dont-bother-picking-up-a-ps3-ps4-is-right-around-the-corner/)

05-07-2007, 02:16 AM
I will buy a Wii First. Then I'll buy a PS3 when someone finally invents a way to get around region protection for it. That, and the price drops to something I can actually afford.

Kamikaze Blaize
05-08-2007, 04:31 AM
RPGs are still coming on PS2, that's why...

05-09-2007, 10:41 AM
Ahh, so the PS3 is turning itself into a Coomputer... ingenious. ;)

The only reason why I'm going to even bother with a PS3 would be for Ace Combat 6. Otherwise, PS2 has me by the neck.

As for RPG games (whether you would call those RPGs or not) I didn't think the Playstation line had a good grip on the title as it is. The only reason that the PS3 would not be left to rot is because some of the titles they intend to release already has a large enough fanbase to ensure a steady sale.

I really don't care much for these next-gen consoles unless there is a game I really like to play. The old-school games are worth more in content and story (asides from the lame ones that couldn't even tie their own continuity into a linear model).

Ephemeral Dyne
05-09-2007, 05:49 PM
The problem the PS3 is having is that they are losing all their exclusive titles. And this includes, and may include later on, RPGs. Still, I look at the last gen (or is it still current gen?) consoles; PS2, Game Cube, and Xbox. Game Cube had very little RPGs. Baten Kaitos and remakes/ports of previous RPGs, usually from the Dream Cast. Xbox had very little RPGs as well, and I don't think they had any JRPGs either. PS2, however, was a juggernaut in the RPG realm.

It seems to change slightly now. 360 is getting some good titles, like Blue Dragon. Wii doesn't have the greatest line up right now, and if becomes like the Game Cube, it won't in the future. It will, however, be a system of classic RPGs, thanks to VC. PS3 doesn't seem to have a great line up at all right now, IMO, but that should change. I think in the future PS3 will own the RPG market. Or maybe...PS4 will...

Either way, I don't care. I don't own a single next gen console, and I won't for a while. I'm happy with my PS2, Cube, and Box right now :p

05-09-2007, 06:13 PM
You're wrong on some things. Xbox had some wildly successful RPGs. Look at Knights of the Old Republic (and its sequel), Jade Empire, Morrowind, and Fable for examples. It simply didn't have any Japanese support. Little by little, we're seeing that change with this generation. Not that it matters, of course, since Japanese developers are falling way behind and can't even begin to compare to the things western RPGs are achieving now.

As for the Wii, it has a large list of promising titles on the horizon, including a lot of high-profile exclusives, many of which are totally new IPs. Considering that it already has a Dragon Quest game and at least one Final Fantasy title in development, it's very likely that the Wii will be a powerful force.

While it is possible that the PS3 could pick up and put in a good show before the curtain falls, it won't ever achieve the dominance the PS2 did. There's just too many factors stacked against it right now.

Ephemeral Dyne
05-09-2007, 06:31 PM
You're wrong on some things. Xbox had some wildly successful RPGs. Look at Knights of the Old Republic (and its sequel), Jade Empire, Morrowind, and Fable for examples. It simply didn't have any Japanese support.

By "very little", I mean not a lot. You are right. Xbox did have some good RPGs. I own KOTOR 1 and 2, Jade Empire, Fable:TLC, Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, Baldur's Gate, and Okagi (has RPG elements, not a typical RPG however), all of which were great IMO. But I just didn't think they had enough, compared to all the other genres it excelled in.

05-09-2007, 06:50 PM
The PS2 might have had a greater quantity, but most of those were mediocre at best. That console only had a handful of good games in that genre also. Considering that, I think the Xbox deserves big props for the exceedingly high standard of its RPGs.

Kamikaze Blaize
05-09-2007, 08:29 PM
Apparently "loose" discussion isn't permitted due to certain ego's running rampant around here.

05-09-2007, 08:43 PM
Well done there, Mr. Wannabe Expert Market Analyst. Now try to wrap your brain around a couple of other concepts. For one thing, the Xbox sold a fraction of the units that the PS2 did. That means that Xbox exclusive titles naturally found a smaller audience. That does not mean that there's anything wrong with those titles or that they're somehow unsuitable for a given market. All it means is that more people play the Japanese games that get localized because more people have the system they're available on, hence they have more fans, regardless of their inferiority.

Kamikaze Blaize
05-09-2007, 09:19 PM
Who's trying to be a Market Analyst? You're taking this crap seriously? Wow...it's a pointless discussion, and NOWHERE did I incite quality or anything of that sort, what are you, an XBOX fanboy? You sure sound like one being so defensive when I insulted NOTHING. I own and enjoy all the systems, because I care about the games, not what does better. All I said was "mass", which actually correlates with your point that there were obviously a lot more titles, see, that's what "mass" means, nothing about quality there. The Japanese reference was mostly to link the fact that RPG's are even more dominant there, as opposed to here where shooters have taken over the majority of big name releases.

If you want facts, VF5 is a port going to the 360, but only in America, because it would simply not sell as well in their opinion to be profitable enough on the 360 which is much worse off in Japan than the PS3 at this point. Gundam Musou sold PS3's upon its release, and that may not even come out here...I'm not trying to analyze the market, I'm simply stating common sense that the "smaller" JRPGs that are still vaguely known here have a much better chance of being PS3 titles as opposed to 360 ones.

Tack on the fact that MS has literally alienated some of these developers in the past, Level 5 for one, and you've got more signs that there's nothing wrong with my prediction. Otherwise, White Knight Story probably would've been a 360 title.

Oh, and if you really want to get technical, KOTOR 1 & 2, Elder Scrolls, Fable, and Jade Empire are not exactly console exclusives either. The PC versions are almost always superior in all aspects. So I'm not giving full credit to the Xbox for those, because I've always had the option. I know not everyone does, but if you're going to proclaim that the supposed Xbox-only titles were so much better overall, you can't ignore they were easily available in another format.

But please, there's no fricking point to this argument, you have your opinion, I have mine, except I'm not a hater of anything, I'm just being honest. Currently, the PS3's RPG exclusives look to be the majority of Square-Enix's big releases, Tri-Ace's, Level 5's, and that's all we know right now. The 360 has Mistwalker and some of the newer Square-Enix productions. Eternal Sonata last I heard was going multiplatform. Any prediction at this point is silly and means next to nothing. Give it another year, at least.

05-09-2007, 09:49 PM
The 360 has Mistwalker and some of the newer Square-Enix productions.

Some of the newer Square-Enix productions? Except for Final Fantasy XI, I don't think anything was announced.

Just because they bought the Unreal 3 engine doesn't mean they're developing anything for the 360, this engine can be used to develop games on the PS3 just as well. As far as I know, they bought the engine because it's easy to use AND allow them to cross-platform everything more smoothly.

But they haven't announced any 360 games in production.

05-09-2007, 09:54 PM
Oh, a nice long post with proper grammar and spelling! I had no idea you were capable of it (most newbies around here aren't), so that makes me rather happy and more inclined to take you seriously.

Who's trying to be a Market Analyst? You're taking this crap seriously? Wow...it's a pointless discussion, and NOWHERE did I incite quality or anything of that sort, what are you, an XBOX fanboy? You sure sound like one being so defensive when I insulted NOTHING.

You replied. I objected. That's discussion. Get used to it or get out.

I own and enjoy all the systems, because I care about the games, not what does better.

Good for you. I can certainly respect that.

All I said was "mass", which actually correlates with your point that there were obviously a lot more titles, see, that's what "mass" means, nothing about quality there. The Japanese reference was mostly to link the fact that RPG's are even more dominant there, as opposed to here where shooters have taken over the majority of big name releases.

But now you're contradicting yourself. You said that "[Xbox is] still not the good choice for the mass RPG gamers." You described the gamers themselves, not the games. Of course, had the Xbox sold as well as the PS2, we would likely have seen just as many RPGs on it.

If you want facts, VF5 is a port going to the 360, but only in America, because it would simply not sell as well in their opinion to be profitable enough on the 360 which is much worse off in Japan than the PS3 at this point. Gundam Musou sold PS3's upon its release, and that may not even come out here...I'm not trying to analyze the market, I'm simply stating common sense that the "smaller" JRPGs that are still vaguely known here have a much better chance of being PS3 titles as opposed to 360 ones.

None of that is in dispute. In fact, it seems you're not actually addressing anything I said. Not that I mind that, but it makes the discussion lack cohesion.

Tack on the fact that MS has literally alienated some of these developers in the past, Level 5 for one, and you've got more signs that there's nothing wrong with my prediction. Otherwise, White Knight Story probably would've been a 360 title.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I can tell, you never made any predictions.

Oh, and if you really want to get technical, KOTOR 1 & 2, Elder Scrolls, Fable, and Jade Empire are not exactly console exclusives either. The PC versions are almost always superior in all aspects. So I'm not giving full credit to the Xbox for those, because I've always had the option. I know not everyone does, but if you're going to proclaim that the supposed Xbox-only titles were so much better overall, you can't ignore they were easily available in another format.

Every one of the games you mentioned were developed specifically for the Xbox and ported to the PC. They were all available on Xbox months before that. Even on the PC, they are still Xbox games, designed for the Xbox architecture. That architecture just happens to be similar enough to that of a common PC to allow easy porting. If this were a discussion of their sales, that might be a valid point, but as a discussion of the quality of Xbox titles, it has no place.

But please, there's no fricking point to this argument, you have your opinion, I have mine, except I'm not a hater of anything, I'm just being honest.

If you think I have a grudge against any console, you're mistaken. I look at them all according to their merits and demerits, then assess them by my personal standards, as well as a more universal standard, thus ensuring that I achieve a proper balance of insights.

Currently, the PS3's RPG exclusives look to be the majority of Square-Enix's big releases, Tri-Ace's, Level 5's, and that's all we know right now. The 360 has Mistwalker and some of the newer Square-Enix productions. Eternal Sonata last I heard was going multiplatform. Any prediction at this point is silly and means next to nothing. Give it another year, at least.

Predictions at this point aren't silly. All the data so far gives us the ability to accurately predict consumer behaviors. The only thing that can significantly affect that is drastic measures taken by the console manufacturers. Of course, even their moves are foreseeable and can be accounted for in alternate scenarios.

05-10-2007, 09:04 AM
Yargh, enough about Market Analysis! My head hurts just looking at the "technical" stuff being talked about here.

And, please, let's be civil and not try to derail this thread than it already is.

...Oh, wait. This thread's purpose is Market Analysis of the Next-Gen Consoles over shares in the RPG Market. Hehe, my bad.

Anyways, because most of these next-gen consoles and games are going to be even more expensive than the older consoles, I am expecting quantity of item sales to drop rather noticably compared to games for older consoles. I, for one, would not want to invest anything in the nxt-gen console nor their game titles for a while, seeing that the titles already released for a lot of the older consoles are still coming in strong.

Then again, I'm talking about sales in my country which has an average daily income equal to about five of your BigMacs. Plus, I'm no MArket Analyst. I'm a Biologist, for cryin' out loud. :p

Have some sense of humor, you guys. It's not the end of the Gaming World.

pagan pride
06-24-2007, 02:38 PM
wait 2 or 3 years untill your competition comes out,.then keep making ps2 games (good budgeting) and have you seen the ps3 commercials??,..retarded!!,.didn't show you a damn game 1,just a bunch of people trippin on acid,..good marketing ploy,..

personally,i was pissed,when ps2/xbox because i thought the last evolution in gameplay,would be to play a dvd (real actors,real cars,real life shit,.gfx can't be topped) a little cgi wherever needed,and wha-la,.the best games ever,....but no0O,.they wanna milk this shit for as long as possible,.

wii?,.great system for the fat kid in your life ;) (know idea,haven't played it yet,but it seems cool enough)

06-26-2007, 04:38 AM
I'm glad to see my thread is here after these months.

After reviewing the current situation it still seems bad for PS 3 as far as rpg's go. Let's see what White Knight Story can do, I'm thinking Spring 2008 in Usa for it. Maybe Fall 2008 November and/or December for FF XIII and FF Versus XIII. :)

07-05-2007, 06:34 AM
Oblivion is an action game with some RPG elements on the side, morrowind on the other hand, is a good rpg.