02-25-2007, 07:54 AM
Continuing from the FFXIII and beyond forum...

I disagree in part with point 1 of yours because I have been finding out that the Playstation 3 is getting killed off by the Xbox 360 and Wii in the United States. But doesn't mean that we know a winner between Xbox 360 and Wii. I think the main gamers go to Xbox 360 and Wii, while the random people go to Wii. Playstation 3 gets people who would also use Xbox 360 and are hardcore. Let me follow the top rpg's, which is why I'm getting Xbox 360. But I need Playstation 3 for White Knight Story, FF XIII, and FF V XIII. Wii has Zelda, but I don't know if I like these other rpgs there: Super paper mario, Dragon quests swords, FF CC: The Crystal Bearers.

As for Square Enix supporting all platforms, did they put out any games for Xbox 360 besides FF XII? What have they released for Xbox, Gamecube, and Dreamcast? I am confused. Anyways, what title by Square Enix do you look forward to? :)

Duh! Wiis and 360s are outselling PS3s because there are more of them. Microsoft has had a year head start to get the ball rolling on production and the Wiis are not as complicated to build as the PS3s. That doesn't mean the PS3s are not selling. 2 weeks ago, when I went to my local Best Buy, I talked to a few people I know personally from when I worked there. They all say the same thing - They get about 60 of the PS3s in and they sell out in a few days. Happens on every shipment and they get them regularly.

As for other platforms, FFVII and FFVIII have both been on PC. FFXI is also for PC and now 360 for almost a year I think.

Calling bullshit on your PS3 sale claims.

The EB Games I go to very frequently had a nice shipment of PS3's in the back for over a week, but they never sold out and didn't need another shipment because people weren't asking for them. I went to a different one, and they said the same thing I keep hearing. The Wii's sell almost the same minute they hit the shelves, and people are still waiting in line hours before the shipments arrive in the afternoon.

I've seen at least one or two PS3's in each retail store I've been to over the past two weeks. I've yet to find a single Wii since November 19th.

Oh, I agree with you on everything and here's why and in a way how you fail...

With EB Games and Game Stop - almost any one you go to, they a) Talk shit about the PS3 - I swear to God, in the forums, everyone who posts in the general PS3 threads has had the same problem with the Game Stop family of stores but have no problems with any other general electronics retail. and b) EB Games and Game Stop is the poor mans shop for video games/systems because they know they can get used shit for cheap or trade there old stuff because they ain't got the money for that brand new copy of God of War or a used Game Cube. Even my local EB Games and Game Stop can't sell theres for both those reasons and I've already build a reasonable report with the managers and employees. But Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etc. They get them in and sell out. they don't have a problem with getting rid of them. A part of it is also presentation. You walk into Best Buy and the PS3 box is right there for you to buy.

Your 2nd point - Reasonably everyone is going to go with the cheaper, more "popular" system, but again, that doesn't mean the PS3s are not selling. Like you say, "at least one or two", but that's because they already just sold the last several they already had. Sony has already shipped almost 2,000,000 PS3s in Japan, U.S. and Canada consistently since launch just as Nintendo has shipped 4,000,000 Wiis. They are both selling well and are great machines in there own respect. But if you're going to be all boo hoo because Sony is actually doing "well" and not failing as you've hoped for then you are an idiot.

J. Peterman
02-25-2007, 08:11 AM
PS3 costs too much please give me one and I will be a Sony fanboy.

But from what I've seen the PS3 usually takes a few days to sell out and the Wii takes a fews hours to a whole day. Just the other day I went to a Target a few hours after a Wii shipment and they had like 8-10 out of the shelves, nobody really wanted one or anything. Maybe 4 PS3s. Went back the next day to get something or another and both had sold out, so whatever.

02-25-2007, 08:20 AM
Fact is the PS3 has done fairly better then the PS2 did in the same amount of time since launch. The sales in Japan are sluggish because it's not an HDTV demographic. In the U.S. Blu-ray movies are outselling HD-DVDs 3:1 and they have a much larger support. There have been more PS3 sales then HD-DVD players - both 360 add on and other combined. Game Spot is now also reporting the Wii is being sluggish in Japan.

J. Peterman
02-25-2007, 08:38 AM
I'm guessing that the PS3 may have done as well as the PS2 in the same amount of time because the PS2 was extremely scarce, while Sony has produced roughly enough PS3s that the market can handle. If it isn't, then whatever, I guess.

Though I assume that if Sony limits the exclusives that they are losing they should be fine. To be honest, outside of Nintendo produced games, there's nothing remotely interesting for me on the Wii. But then again, there's nothing that interests me on the 360 and only the possible release of Suikoden VI on the PS3 keeps me interested in that console, so you're looking at a very limited portion of the sale base whose preferences are not at the norm.

If the Wii sales are not just some fad and they manage to keep some steady sales, I don't see how the PS3 can overtake it. I just can't see how third-party companies are going to ignore Microsoft and Nintendo when the userbases on those systems are much, much larger. I'm more of a Sony fanboy myself because I was a Sega kid back in the day and really can't put my full support for anything Nintendo because that would be like betraying Sonic, but the sales figures don't look that good for Sony. I know they're selling what they produce, but they already have one company with a system that's been out for over a year so they have the supply and have probably cut production costs somewhat, and then they have another with a system that actually costs less to make than they sell it for, so there's no way Nintendo is going to try to slow down production.


02-25-2007, 09:15 AM
I bought a DS

J. Peterman
02-25-2007, 09:34 AM
I bought a DS

Me too.

02-25-2007, 09:50 AM
I bought a DS

I traded mine in for a PSP.

hb smokey
02-25-2007, 01:29 PM
Sorry I would have posted earlier but I just now stopped laughing at this.

You're totally missing my point. I never said the PS3 isn't selling anything at all. What I've been saying all along is that there was this big demand for the console at launch (which happens with each console launch). It's only been up to a few weeks ago, maybe a tad longer, that Sony has finally reached a point where they are shipping a decent amount of PS3's. It's certainly not a healthy flow, especially for how well Sony expected the console to do. But it's an improvement. Now, with Nintendo, they have been putting out shipment after shipment of Wii, and the minute they come off the truck, they are snatched up and sold out before the driver can turn the ignition back on and go to his/her next stops. I have not seen a single Wii unit anywhere since I saw the 30 at Walmart when I was waiting in line for 12 hours November 19th. Not a single one. Even Nintendo was a tad bit off on how many Wii's they said would be available for launch, but it's miniscule compared to the low PS3 number. I've been to three retailers in the past week that sell both, asked the employees how well each is selling and what people are saying about the consoles. The general answer about the PS3 is that people just really dont want them that much right now, because it's a console just like the 360, but with far less games and content. Don't even say that's because the PS3 has been out for less than a year than the 360. We know that, it's a fact. But the fact is that even in the three months since the PS3's launch, there isn't anything that people want to play on the PS3, or do with it, that have them buying it rapidly. When it comes to the Wii, I just get the same quick statement that they sell out within minutes of arriving in the store because people are actually waiting in line, sometimes hours on end. They come to the store as soon as it opens, and often wait a few hours until shipments arrive in the afternoon.

So again, you're totally missing my point. I do not see people clamoring and lining up to get a PS3 as soon as they arrive. You even said it yourself, that you have seen them in different stores over the last week or two. You also said that you walked into a Best Buy and could just pick up a PS3 and buy it because it's just sitting there. Think about why it's just sitting there, and why the Wii isn't.

This only makes me with that Nintendo had been able to ship 10 million Wii's by the end of March instead of the 6 million or so they promised.

02-25-2007, 01:38 PM
So now I'm confused. Does this mean we both agree to disagree? lol.

02-25-2007, 04:04 PM
I think everyone can agree that no-one has a better finger on the pulse of the game industry than Gabe and Tycho of Penny Arcade, right?

Here is their say on the matter:

Q.E.D., really.

In addition: obviously, as an Australian, I can't compare local sales yet, as there aren't even any PS3s available until March for us. So, not impressed with Sony for that. Another observation: things don't sell out in Australia. I don't even bother preordering games any more, because i'll either be able to pick it up the day before release at a big chain who doesn't understand the concept of street dates, or the next day from one of the million copies EB has. The exception to the rule is the Wii, which consistently sells out every time a retailer gets new stock in. The only way my friend got one last week was by literally taking it off the truck at the Target where he works and going to buy it straight away.

02-25-2007, 09:34 PM
^^ Just remember that the PS3 has more games then what you see on the shelves in stores. I just purchased flOw through the PlayStation store and this game is hella addicting and it takes full advantage of the sixaxis. I also have Blast Factor which is pretty fun too. These games are usually about $7.99. Gran Turismo HD is free and I realized it's not a demo - it's almost a full game. You unlock cars through the time trials and there's a drift trial too. All the scores are kept online so you can see how you rank with every other player.

Besides, that issue of EGM with that "famous" interview hit shelves on Feb 13th. Who knows when that interview was done. Also, EGM may have waited until this particular issue with a PS3 on the cover and a tomato smashed into it to publish that interview. Maybe Penny Arcade doesn't have the finger on the pulse of the game industry. Jack Tretton gets sales figures is not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination and I'm sure he gave that interview months ago when in fact you couldn't find a PS3 on shelves. EGM is obviously bogus.

jewess crabcake
02-25-2007, 10:25 PM
I have no money and the money I will get will go to My Pc I need to get back on my Guild Wars fix. If I had the money though I'd get A PSP first, then an Xbox/xbox360 as most of my friends play 360 but I'd get PS3 when the price goes down 1/4-1/2.

iconoclastic pastry
02-25-2007, 10:26 PM
Well, having said interview in front of me right now (EGM is the only video game magazine I find worth reading) I can say that at least the magazine is absolved.

[Editor's note: This interview took place in early January 2007.]

02-26-2007, 12:11 AM
I read that article. To me, it sounded like this new CEO was pretty much bashing on the other systems to make the PS3 sound superior. One thing that I found funny about the interview (it was my friend's magazine and I was reading it at his house) was that they said that the PS2 sold more compared to the Xbox 360. My friend believes that the Xbox 360 was the best system when it came to everything, except for graphics. So I found enjoyment in that.

One thing that did kinda piss me off about the article was his reason why the rumble feature wasn't with the controller. They already said it wasn't because of copyright issues, money issues, or because there wasn't enough space, it was because the CEO didn't really like it and didn't believe that it wouldn't be useful in the future. Throughout the whole interview, he was saying everything was for the customers. I don't even see the point of it honestly. I can do everything by just using the analog/D pad.

J. Peterman
02-26-2007, 01:36 AM
The PS3 is so powerful that I think it is smarter than Joumana Kidd.

02-26-2007, 01:48 AM
^^ Just remember that the PS3 has more games then what you see on the shelves in stores. I just purchased flOw through the PlayStation store and this game is hella addicting and it takes full advantage of the sixaxis. I also have Blast Factor which is pretty fun too. These games are usually about $7.99. Gran Turismo HD is free and I realized it's not a demo - it's almost a full game. You unlock cars through the time trials and there's a drift trial too. All the scores are kept online so you can see how you rank with every other player.

Oh, please. You're really a fool if you want to argue downloadable games. The Xbox 360 has countless XBLA titles, including big names like Lumines, Street Fighter II Turbo and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 available now. Alien Hominid is coming out next week, with Worms and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on the near horizon. That's not even mentioning awesome original games, like the award winning Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved, Texas Hold'em, Marble Blast Ultra and the entire line-up of PopCap games.

And even if that's not enough for you, the Wii currently has Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ecco the Dolphin, Donkey Kong Country, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Castelvania IV. Not to mention heaps more NES, SNES, Genesis, 64 and Turbografix16 titles.

So yeah, flOw, Gran Turismo HD, Tekken: Dark Resurrection and co. are nice, but not really competition yet.

Besides, that issue of EGM with that "famous" interview hit shelves on Feb 13th. Who knows when that interview was done. Also, EGM may have waited until this particular issue with a PS3 on the cover and a tomato smashed into it to publish that interview. Maybe Penny Arcade doesn't have the finger on the pulse of the game industry. Jack Tretton gets sales figures is not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination and I'm sure he gave that interview months ago when in fact you couldn't find a PS3 on shelves. EGM is obviously bogus.

Disproved by Kubirio. And arguing that I don't know what i'm talking about is fine, but even if you doubt Tycho and Gabe, that link literally has photographic evidence that PS3s are easily available. And like they said in the accompanying news post, they didn't have to look very far.

02-26-2007, 02:48 AM
Oh, please. You're really a fool if you want to argue downloadable games. The Xbox 360 has countless XBLA titles, including big names like Lumines - I have that on my PSP, Street Fighter II Turbo and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Like we've never played those on older systems. available now. Alien Hominid is coming out next week - Not until next week so you have nothing to say until you've played it yourself, with Worms and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on the near horizon - I liked those games better when they were on PlayStation. That's not even mentioning awesome original games, like the award winning Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved ohh!! award winning!, Texas Hold'em - HAHA, no comment, Marble Blast Ultra and the entire line-up of PopCap games - Can they be any more un-original?.

And even if that's not enough for you, the Wii currently has Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World - I have the originals and I can download free roms online, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64 - You mean we don't have to only play those on the original N64 or DS or rom??? we have more options!!! JOY!!, Sonic the Hedgehog - I even have that on my cell phone!, Ecco the Dolphin, Donkey Kong Country, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Castelvania IV - I have those too, and they can be downloaded free as a rom. Not to mention heaps more NES, SNES, Genesis, 64 and Turbografix16 titles - That can all be downloaded as free roms if any of us already don't have them as an original. -ALL A HUGE GIMMICK OF GAMES WE'VE ALREADY PLAYED OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

So yeah, flOw, Gran Turismo HD, Tekken: Dark Resurrection and co. are nice - they sure are, but you wouldn't know that, but not really competition yet - because they just started.

What I love about you guys is how Bias and unnecessarily proud you are of your precious Nintendo. I like the games I have and play and that's about as far as it goes - Both Sony and Nintendo. From the outside, watching you guys snap at every little complement I make about Sony without saying one negative thing about Nintendo or Microsoft is pretty pathetic. They're just video games, not religion. Raidenex, you are the biggest fool because this thread is just for people like you who have nothing else better to do then to let it get under your skin. I can give a care less about this thread, but I start them because people like you have absolutely no life and it's fun to watch you reply with such passion. I play/own plenty of Nintendo too and when hanging out at a friends house I'll pick up a 360 controller. But I absolutely love watching you guys get your panties in a bunch to prove what is obviously a worthless point because nobody in the world but you and a small handful and readers in the general gaming threads hear what you have to say or even care.

02-26-2007, 03:10 AM
I have flOw on my computer, Gran Turismo HD is little more than a tech demo, and Tekken: Dark Resurrection is on the PSP.

And if it's good, original titles you want, then how about Assault Heroes - an old-school contra style shooter using the Gears of War engine? Or Novadrome, an original car combat game by the team behind Carmageddon? Outpost Kaloki X, a sim-space station game?

I agree with you on one thing - the PlayStation Network is only new. And if your main argument against the Virtual Console is the fact that you can illegally obtain the games as an alternative, well gee, I can steal a PlayStation 3 too.

J. Peterman
02-26-2007, 03:32 AM
Yes, but it's much easier to get caught when you steal a Playstation 3. I mean, they have all those devices and they're locked up sometimes and they are so big and stuff that man, if you tried you'd get busted fo' life.

02-26-2007, 03:35 AM
Yes, but it's much easier to get caught when you steal a Playstation 3. I mean, they have all those devices and they're locked up sometimes and they are so big and stuff that man, if you tried you'd get busted fo' life.

fo'sho. *nods*

J. Peterman
02-26-2007, 03:42 AM
I had a dream yesterday where the Pistons cut Rasheed Wallace and he signed with the Heat.

Maybe it was more of a nightmare.

02-26-2007, 03:59 AM
fo'sho. *nods*

I hope you're not taking that as a serious argument. You're saying that stealing one thing is different because it's easier to get caught another way?

You're still taking something for free that other people have worked hard to make.

02-26-2007, 04:37 AM
I had a dream yesterday where the Pistons cut Rasheed Wallace and he signed with the Heat.

Maybe it was more of a nightmare.

I had that same dream. I also had a wonderful dream the other night that Miami got spanked by Dallas and Cleavland got spanked by Chicago. And then I danced in joy.

J. Peterman
02-26-2007, 04:46 AM
I had that same dream. I also had a wonderful dream the other night that Miami got spanked by Dallas and Cleavland got spanked by Chicago. And then I danced in joy.

I had one where the referees helped Utah win the championship. It was super.

02-26-2007, 04:49 AM
I had one where the referees helped Utah win the championship. It was super.


J. Peterman
02-26-2007, 04:54 AM
I am a huge Utah Jazz fan. That was what made it super.

02-26-2007, 05:02 AM
For fucks sake Garamond, stop shitting up every thread with irrelevant sports shit.

02-26-2007, 05:04 AM
Fuck has a sake?

J. Peterman
02-26-2007, 05:07 AM
Anything can have a sake, I guess.

02-26-2007, 05:50 AM
I drank sake once

J. Peterman
02-26-2007, 05:53 AM
I don't drink alcoholic beverage. Ain't my thing.

Valerie Valens
02-26-2007, 07:07 PM
The general answer about the PS3 is that people just really dont want them that much right now, because it's a console just like the 360, but with far less games and content....there isn't anything that people want to play on the PS3, or do with it, that have them buying it rapidly.

You're fucking kidding me, the PS3 had a solid launch line-up while the Wii had an impressive lineup of Legend of Zelda : TP and Wii Sports which everyone and their mother seems to want to play. You've said it yourself after you've completed TP, Smokey, there isn't much worth playing aside from TP, and VC games don't count.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, the only reason I see the PS3 failing is that they used parts so powerful that nobody has developed an engine that could exploit their specs without sacrificing too much profitability. Those parts cost a fortune, which drives the price of the PS3 out of reach of most people.

02-26-2007, 10:48 PM
You're fucking kidding me, the PS3 had a solid launch line-up while the Wii had an impressive lineup of Legend of Zelda : TP and Wii Sports which everyone and their mother seems to want to play. You've said it yourself after you've completed TP, Smokey, there isn't much worth playing aside from TP, and VC games don't count.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, the only reason I see the PS3 failing is that they used parts so powerful that nobody has developed an engine that could exploit their specs without sacrificing too much profitability. Those parts cost a fortune, which drives the price of the PS3 out of reach of most people.

I thought the launch line up for the PS3 was just ok and not very impressive, and really just as good as the PS2 launch line up. However, Resistance: Fall of Man is the shit which is why it's been given so many awards by different game magazines and such - and I still play it regularly. But I am just as unimpressed with the Wii launch titles with all the credit of shine going to Zelda. But for me, None of the future Wii titles interest me (maybe except for Metroid). I just have more personal uses with a PS3 then a Wii. And being that the online service is free, unlike the 360, and it has a built in Blu-Ray player that is dominating over HD-DVD, unlike the 360 HD-DVD drive I have to pay so much more for on the side, those are just my personal reasons why the PS3 wins me over.

Valerie Valens
02-26-2007, 10:57 PM
The PS3 has a free online service?

02-27-2007, 12:29 AM
The PS3 has a free online service?

As long as you have an ISP (must be DSL or higher) - Online games are free, using there web browser is free, connecting and communicating with other PlayStation Network friends is free.

02-27-2007, 01:24 AM
Saying that the PS3 has Blu-ray built in while you have to pay extra for HD on the 360 as an argument is bullshit. You're paying the same price either way - actually, a 360 with a HD-DVD drive is still cheaper than a PS3.

Also, the PlayStation Network does not have all the functionality of Xbox Live, so stop pretending it does. The money you pay for an XBL Gold subscription goes to maintaining the centralized hardware, which allows all online games to have a common infrastructure; PS3 online games do NOT have a centralized infrastructure, they all have their own (ala PC games). Personally i'm willing to pay $8/month (less if I buy it annually) in order to guarantee a stable, consistent online experience.

02-27-2007, 01:51 AM
Saying that the PS3 has Blu-ray built in while you have to pay extra for HD on the 360 as an argument is bullshit. You're paying the same price either way - actually, a 360 with a HD-DVD drive is still cheaper than a PS3.

Also, the PlayStation Network does not have all the functionality of Xbox Live, so stop pretending it does. The money you pay for an XBL Gold subscription goes to maintaining the centralized hardware, which allows all online games to have a common infrastructure; PS3 online games do NOT have a centralized infrastructure, they all have their own (ala PC games). Personally i'm willing to pay $8/month (less if I buy it annually) in order to guarantee a stable, consistent online experience.

Relax, man. It's not that big of deal. I simply expressed my personal opinion on how one system works better for me. I knew you were going to come around so that's why I put "my personal reasons" in bold text 2 posts ago. I get free gaming service, have had no problems and everything is running smoothly. If you want to pay $8 a month, $96 in a year time, good for you. And the Blu-Ray HD-DVD is a worthy argument because Blu-Ray is in fact dominating over HD-DVD.

Edit: Again, get your panties out of a bunch.

02-27-2007, 03:32 AM
I'll get my panties out of a bunch when you stop presenting opinion as fact.

Blu-ray is not 'dominating' over HD-DVD, any more than the Wii is dominating over the PS3 - unless you want to argue that more sales = better and more successful format.

And the reason I was arguing that post was one little line -"unlike the 360". You were suggesting that the PS3 offers the same service that the 360 does for free, which is untrue.

And as long as we're flinging insults, get your face out of Sony's arse for long enough so you can blow some of that shit out of your nose.

02-27-2007, 03:54 AM
Your panties are in a bunch because you over analyze everything.

And about my face being up Sony's arse, you having your panties in a bunch validates that your face, is in fact, up Microsoft's arse. Again, I never said anything negative about Nintendo or Microsoft and have been reasonable when it comes to everyone else making a choice. They're just apples and oranges. Again, I don't give a fuck. Get your panties out of a bunch, your face out of Microsoft arse and you need to get the sand out of your vagina because that can be a ticking time bomb. I'm worried about you. Seriously. *nods*

hb smokey
02-27-2007, 05:00 AM
You're fucking kidding me, the PS3 had a solid launch line-up while the Wii had an impressive lineup of Legend of Zelda : TP and Wii Sports which everyone and their mother seems to want to play. You've said it yourself after you've completed TP, Smokey, there isn't much worth playing aside from TP, and VC games don't count.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, the only reason I see the PS3 failing is that they used parts so powerful that nobody has developed an engine that could exploit their specs without sacrificing too much profitability. Those parts cost a fortune, which drives the price of the PS3 out of reach of most people.
No I'm not kidding you. That's the answer I get when I asked employees about it. Whatever I said about the Wii's launch lineup doesn't apply here, but I'll go ahead and say something so you don't think I'm avoiding anything. The Wii lineup was more disappointing than I thought; then again, I thought it was going to be arguably the best in history. Zelda is the cream of the crop sure, but I would have picked up Rayman, Trauma Center, and a couple other launch titles if I had the money for it. And saying VC games don't count is wrong. They are a part of the console, and a big reason why I play the Wii so much.

J. Peterman
02-27-2007, 05:49 AM
I play the Wii like a minute a week now.

Just no games on it right now, though I guess that should be changing when Super Paper Mario, Fire Emblem, Brawl, and Galaxy come out.

But right now it is boring.

Like the 360 or PS3.

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 12:32 PM
No I'm not kidding you. That's the answer I get when I asked employees about it. Whatever I said about the Wii's launch lineup doesn't apply here, but I'll go ahead and say something so you don't think I'm avoiding anything. The Wii lineup was more disappointing than I thought; then again, I thought it was going to be arguably the best in history. Zelda is the cream of the crop sure, but I would have picked up Rayman, Trauma Center, and a couple other launch titles if I had the money for it. And saying VC games don't count is wrong. They are a part of the console, and a big reason why I play the Wii so much.

I can just as easily do it on the PC with emulation, the PSP can emulate much more than what the VC can offer and for free etc etc.

I can easily understand why you like the Wii and I can very well get down on it and suck a lil ninty dick, but when you start to ignore facts in favour of the word of mouth of people, you start to lose credibility and look like just another rabid Nintendo fanboy.

You said that the Wii did much better than expected and was a commercial success...well, so was FF7/8. ;)

hb smokey
02-27-2007, 02:20 PM
I can just as easily do it on the PC with emulation, the PSP can emulate much more than what the VC can offer and for free etc etc.

I can easily understand why you like the Wii and I can very well get down on it and suck a lil ninty dick, but when you start to ignore facts in favour of the word of mouth of people, you start to lose credibility and look like just another rabid Nintendo fanboy.

You said that the Wii did much better than expected and was a commercial success...well, so was FF7/8. ;)
And just about everyone else who owns a Wii is capable or can learn how to emulate games onto their PC or whatever. But they still download the VC titles. The fact is, people could emulate, and they can download the games to the Wii. Don't start throwing this horse shit around about what people can and can't do. Virtual Console is a feature that a lot of Wii owners love and thoroughly enjoy, and these same owners could emulate, but they don't.

Also: I'm the one that's going to lose credibility and look like a Nintendo fanboy? I guess you've had your head up someone's ass because I have stated many times before that I am a Nintendo fanboy. Now who's the one losing credibility here?

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 02:28 PM
Yeah, why do things for free when you can do it for a marginal price?

VERY compelling argument there, buddy. ;)

02-27-2007, 02:30 PM
People buy games from VC for 2 reasons (or meybe more):
1)They prefer to own the game
2)They prefer to play infront of a tv with a controller. Its much more comfortable that way, I would personally buy games from VC too.

02-27-2007, 02:33 PM
Yeah, why do things for free when you can do it for a marginal price?

VERY compelling argument there, buddy. ;)

I would pay for a VC game instead of justing emulating it. The price isn't that expensive, it won't send me bankrupt or anything, and I like to have the feeling that I am supporting Nintendo rather than ripping them off by emulating one of their games.

+ you get a better gaming experience by downloading the VC games.

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 02:36 PM
People buy games from VC for 2 reasons (or meybe more):
1)They prefer to own the game
2)They prefer to play infront of a tv with a controller. Its much more comfortable that way, I would personally buy games from VC too.

Number one is a good argument, I'll give you that. I couldn't say the same for number two since emulation is also possible in consoles where you can be a couch potato and play it, it is also possible to get a USB gamepad and play it like the real thing. Failing that, there's always getting used to the new control scheme. :D get a better gaming experience by downloading the VC games.

Bullshit. (

hb smokey
02-27-2007, 02:49 PM
Yeah, why do things for free when you can do it for a marginal price?

VERY compelling argument there, buddy. ;)
How many times do I have to say this? Customers are buying the Wii for the reasons I stated earlier, and it's the most common answer I got when I asked employees about it. I wasn't doing it to make an argument, I was doing it to state a fact. It's beyond me why you took something I said out of context and tried to make it sound like I was making a case to buy the Wii. I was making a case as to what is the general consensus why the Wii is sold out everywhere, and I was making the case that that's the reply I got almost all the time. I'm not going to get into emulating vs. downloading VC games because that was never my point.

02-27-2007, 02:56 PM
Bullshit. (

Bullshit nothing. I've never had an issue with that. The picture quality of VC games is far better than the emulated ones shown. And you know like, you get to use a good functional controller when playing VC games, instead of a keyboard or one those gross gamepad things or whatever they are that you plug into the computer.

= better gaming experience on VC.

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 02:58 PM
Point countered by this:

You said that the Wii did much better than expected and was a commercial success...well, so was FF7/8. ;)

Yes, I am insinuating that it was overhyped.

Bullshit nothing. I've never had an issue with that. The picture quality of VC games is far better than the emulated ones shown. And you know like, you get to use a good functional controller when playing VC games, instead of a keyboard or one those gross gamepad things or whatever they are that you plug into the computer.

= better gaming experience on VC.

Say what you want about it, but the proof is in the pudding, dear. ^_^

Besides, the topic is about how the PS3 is doing better than expected, it's not intended to be a topic about how the Wii or xBox 360 trumps the PS3 in sales. ;)

02-27-2007, 03:05 PM
Say what you want about it, but the proof is in the pudding, dear. ^_^

One guy whinging about it doesn't equal proof.

Gee whiz you are an arse of a thing D;

Dear. ^_^

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 03:09 PM
One guy whinging about it doesn't equal proof.

Gee whiz you are an arse of a thing D;

Dear. ^_^

Was talking about the photos he took einstone. :P

02-27-2007, 03:28 PM
Was talking about the photos he took einstone. :P

So was I.

It is still one guy's photos.

Could be that way for many reasons.

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 04:40 PM
One of them being that the VC does indeed suck. :P

J. Peterman
02-27-2007, 05:06 PM
I'm just guessing that a good computer should be able to emulate a game better than the VC is just an emulator.

Unless Nintendo actually improved on the graphical quality of the game, which I think they actually did for some games. I still don't feel like paying anything for a VC game, though, but that's just me. I'm just okay with them giving any games for free if you pre-order/buy a game or something like that, otherwise I probably won't ever touch the thing.

hb smokey
02-27-2007, 10:53 PM
One of them being that the VC does indeed suck. :P
None of my VC games look like that. They all look as good, and some actually do look better on my tv. So I guess I'm one guy being with the 'VC doesn't suck' category.

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 11:37 PM
Pictures trump words. :P

02-28-2007, 03:14 AM
Pictures trump words. :P

Do they? :)
I don't think so. :P
Really ^_^

I mean come on ;)
One guy's pictures on the interweb :X
are clearly superior :3
to the word of someone else on the interweb ?_?

What about three people's word? >.>
I say ^.^
that the Wii's virtual console x.x
works better than those pics and in fact is perfect :D

that makes >.<
one -_-
two 8)
three >:D
people who say it works and isn't like one person's bad pictures :O


J. Peterman
02-28-2007, 03:47 AM
A picture > 1000 words

I saw about 4-5 pictures or so in the article so you guys new a few thousand more words to trump that I would think.

Unless of course you guys use pictures then it should go pretty quick.

Valerie Valens
02-28-2007, 09:41 AM
Do they? :)
I don't think so. :P
Really ^_^

I mean come on ;)
One guy's pictures on the interweb :X
are clearly superior :3
to the word of someone else on the interweb ?_?

What about three people's word? >.>
I say ^.^
that the Wii's virtual console x.x
works better than those pics and in fact is perfect :D

that makes >.<
one -_-
two 8)
three >:D
people who say it works and isn't like one person's bad pictures :O


Yeah and a few thousand FF7/8 fanboys can't ever be wrong. :roll:

02-28-2007, 10:00 AM
Yeah and a few thousand FF7/8 fanboys can't ever be wrong. :roll:

There are many millions of people (only counting those who have played a Playstation) who do not consider FF7/8 to be the greatest games of all time. Apparently they can be wrong.

02-28-2007, 10:19 AM
I remain confident that there is no "greatest game of all time" for several reasons that I'm too lazy to get into. You can say somewhere out there there's a greatest gamer when it comes to one game or another. But greatest game? Eh.

Valerie Valens
02-28-2007, 11:13 AM
There are many millions of people (only counting those who have played a Playstation) who do not consider FF7/8 to be the greatest games of all time. Apparently they can be wrong.

Oh yes, anyone who doesn't put FF7 in a pedestal of gaming is a cock-attracting growler.

06-10-2007, 01:45 PM
the 360 and PS3 both look the same to me, graphics wise.

just that the PS3 has faster loading times. like non at all.

Games like MGS4, FF13, The Getaway, Grand Theft Auto 4, and so on, will really show what the PS3 can do.

I prefer the PS3 because it has better games. And it's Japanese.

06-10-2007, 02:05 PM
Well, considering how many stores within around 5 miles of me still have more than 10 PS3s in stock, I'm guessing that I'd say not many british people want to "hit the weak point" of the GEC (Giant Enemy Crab).

Basically, it's doing a little bit worse than I thought it would, mainly due to the abundance of consoles nobody has bought. I'm guessing that the Steep Price Tag (�425, which actually doesn't amount to $599US, but around $800US) has meant most people have imported to save money.

06-10-2007, 02:32 PM
I'm just guessing that a good computer should be able to emulate a game better than the VC is just an emulator.

Unless Nintendo actually improved on the graphical quality of the game, which I think they actually did for some games. I still don't feel like paying anything for a VC game, though, but that's just me. I'm just okay with them giving any games for free if you pre-order/buy a game or something like that, otherwise I probably won't ever touch the thing.

This is the first time that I see you posting something serious!

06-10-2007, 03:49 PM
I could be totally off, but when you take pictures off a TV, they look like shit. No matter what. So of course a direct screenshot from a PC emulator is going to look scores better than a picture of a TV. Especially if you have a shitty TV.

As far as stuff not appearing on the screen, I'm fairly certain you can adjust the horizontal, vertical, and otherwise shape of the screen much like you can do with a PC monitor on the Wii. I've only played my aunts, but I know I saw options for it.

Guy needs to get a better TV and realize that pictures of TV images always look like shit. VC is fine for someone who doesn't mind spending a few bucks for the games. If you're broke or just not willing to, go ahead and emulate it. From what I've seen on VC, though, it looks pretty alright to me. Only complaint is that there aren't enough games that I'd like to see on there yet.

06-11-2007, 02:53 PM
the 360 and PS3 both look the same to me, graphics wise.

just that the PS3 has faster loading times. like non at all.

Games like MGS4, FF13, The Getaway, Grand Theft Auto 4, and so on, will really show what the PS3 can do.

I prefer the PS3 because it has better games. And it's Japanese.

Moron. At least half of this post is blatantly and inarguably wrong.

06-13-2007, 07:02 PM
Over here in England, PS3 has sold fuck all, as far as I know, I will probably get one around winter, when the price has dropped, and when better games are out, can't wait for burnout and resident evil on PS3. Also what does the nationality have to do with the console?

06-13-2007, 11:46 PM
I'll get one as soon as I get a job + when the price has dropped. Which shouldn't be too long, according to rumours I've heard floating around. Although come to think of it most rumours concerning the ps3 are completely wrong.

At least I'll have a job soon. That's one down, one to go.

06-14-2007, 04:46 AM
I'd get one once the price drops low enough. I'll probably be getting one off eBay (or unless someone comes out with a modchip for it). For some stupid reason Sony sells the NTSC/J version of the console over here along with NTSC/J games which are mostly Japanese, but I want English games.

Note, they may say that the PS3 is region-free. That's bullshit. The PS3's region system is not removed, but made optional (meaning that game developers may still enable it if they wish), and it's still region-locked as far as PS2 and PSOne games are concerned. Plus, blu-ray and DVD playback are also still region-locked. This is not good news for someone who regularly imports games and movies.