Green Arrow
03-20-2002, 04:38 PM

Chapter 1

He was left all alone, no friends and no family, there was nobody left, nobody to help him. Although there was nobody he did not want anybody to suffer along with him. Wallowing in self-pity, which is best done alone. He knew sooner or later he would have to come out of hiding and face the reality that awaited him. He was going to wait a few more days, a few days without pain. After that, who knows, maybe back to Garden to ask Headmaster Cid if he could come back to Garden.

Leaving his only real home for now real reason, just to fulfil a dream that could have never been. He must then face the consequences, the price he will pay for his actions could be greater than he had ever imagined. Not only the consequences but also the humiliation of walking back through the doors of Balamb Garden with his head down being judged by his peers, people who once looked up to him. Along with the consequences all the time he had spent training, countless hours in the training centre, wasted, all down the drain. He should have had more self-control, should have had more strength and more will, but he didn�t and now his life may be the cost.

Did he remember that moment so clearly; it was the last thing he remembered clearly. Her calling him a boy, with the President in his arms, his gunblade to his throat. He was a boy then and still was, he had never become a man and Edea was right about that. This pain he felt, Edea told him the pain would stop if he only assisted her, but the pain did not stop. It never did though, although he did not show it on the outside the burning on the inside was like a time bomb waiting to explode on impact. He just stopped listening to her and tried to focus on the pain right before the first fight. From then on it was like his body wasn�t his anymore, it was like he was outside of it. Except for certain times than he was looking through his eyes but couldn�t do anything.

Tomorrow he would go to the Garden; tomorrow he would try to regain his life. Tomorrow he would face his punishment what ever that might be and go at it head on, prove to the world that he was not that same person that had killed so many innocent lives, so many young students. He would ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness from someone who showed no forgiveness, no mercy, no soul. He would have to convince Headmaster Cid and the rest of them it was not him doing all these deeds, but a force making him do them.

if you read this can you leave me a lil' somethin somethin', tell me what you thought of it.

This will probably be my story I enter in the fanfic contest unless my other one is complete.

03-20-2002, 05:37 PM
Good so far, but too short. Keep going with it, I want to see what happens. :) He'll probably get back into Garden, but it's going to be tough to get everyone to forgive him for what happened.

One little nitpick, though...

Originally posted by DarkManX

He was left all alone, no friends and no family, there was nobody left, nobody to help him.


Green Arrow
03-21-2002, 06:08 AM


The morning came and the pain in Seifer�s stomach was no better than the day before, or the day before that for that matter. He kept thinking could he face the world. He turned his back on all he knew, all his friends, especially Fujin and Raijin, his really on true friends who understood him.

He stepped out of his abode welcomed by a brisk morning, the sun shone down on his face. He began to make his way towards Balamb and on to Garden. Seifer decided to take the long way, bot the shortcut he, Fujin and Raijin use to take on route to Balamb. He needed more time alone, more time to think about his game plan.

Was he to just walk in to Garden and have all those eyes looking down at him, or was he to request to see Cid in private. He thought that seeing Cid in private might be the long shot. He could always call on Edea, or Matron, as she is now known; no, that would bring back too many memories and make the pain worse than it is.

Seifer kept on his way to Garden, walking along the dusty path. The trees swayed in the slight breeze. He had reached the entrance of Balamb Garden. He stopped, looked up at the iron gates that seal it off from the rest of the world. He sat on a near by rock to think of what to say to Cid and the others. He couldn�t just walk in there and say, �hey fellas what�s going on, miss me?� Nobody would accept that, he would have to think of some sort of excuse, a way of telling them that it was not him but a force that made him do all those horrid things.

He stood up, his head down as it was all the way there, he walked straight in, the student at the door was taking a little bit of time to himself it seemed on the bench. His head back snoring loudly; Seifer took one look at him and walked right past him and through the iron gates. He was cautious with his walking; each step got smaller and got harder every time. His head was full of thoughts and full of bad things that Cid may do to him. He checked himself as he quickly made his way to the elevator. No one had tried to stop him yet; maybe that was a good sign. He could see the elevator as he reached the top of the stairs, there stood Zell blocking his way. Ohh no, not Zell, why does it have to be the chicken wuss out of everyone, he thought. He kept walking towards the elevator, head down looking at his feet.

�Zell� he mumbled quietly.

�You got some nerve showing your face around here Seifer, after the stunt you pulled� Zell said shoving him.

�Look Zell I need to see Headmaster Cid do you know where he is?� He said louder looking Zell right in his eyes. Zell stared right back at him, his right hand becoming a fist and placed his left hand on Seifer�s shoulder, �What Seifer, you wanna start something with me?�
Seifer eyeballed Zell again and said in a more irate tone �Look Zell, all I want to do is see the Headmaster, can you just tell me where he is, I do not want to waste my time to fight with you. Either tell me where he is or I will find him by my damn self.� Zell took a step back, removed his hand from Seifer�s shoulder, turned and walked away. Zell looked over his shoulder �find him your damn self then Seifer, you will be pleasantly surprised with what you find.�

Seifer sighed as he walked into the elevator and quickly pushed the third floor button. What was he going to say? Hi, Headmaster Cid, What�s up? Me nothing I just wanted to see if you�d let me back into the Garden?
As if that would work even if he did say that. Seifer thought he should try something more humble along the lines of, Ohh mighty headmaster Cid, I beg for your forgiveness. Seifer thought that he would be better off using the first plan of acting all cool and collected then trying to beg for his life to become one with the others.

�DING� the elevator doors opened and there was Seifer, standing there, contemplating what to do. Staring at the double doors, which separated him from Headmaster Cid and his near future. Do it Seifer, do not chicken out now, you have to do this, you have no other options left. Seifer steadily took a step out of the elevator and began to walk gradually towards Cid�s doors. Ohh geez, what do I say to him, what will he say to me, how will Squall and all the others react. No doubt that chicken-wuss Zell has gone running his mouth and telling everyone I am here, his thoughts of his demise were inescapable, all he could think about was the consequences he would have to endure due to the fact that he turned his back on everyone.

Seifer stepped up to the door of Cid�s office and tapped lightly on the wooden doors. Seifer reached down and pushed the double doors and just stood there, tail between his legs and head looking at his feet. Quite an awkward silence when he heard a voice, a familiar voice, a voice that was not Cid�s.

�Make it quick I have work to do�

Seifer looked up, to his astonishment, there was no Headmaster Cid, only Squall. Is Squall the new headmaster, what is going on? Surely I stand no chance now of redemption, Seifer thought about turning around and going back from once he came. As soon as Seifer saw Squalls face memories hit him like a sledgehammer. Memories of Squall tied to the wall like he was on a cross, electricity running through his body, Squall half dead. Seifer�s face turning from a frown to a sly grin, his eyes deepened and his hand�s became fists. Seifer had thoughts of going for his sword and striking down Squall but he knew that would be drastic when he is here in search of restoration not to begin another war.

�Would you please hurry up I have lots of wo�� Squall looked up mid sentence and saw his old arch nemesis, Seifer Almasy standing there. Squall was speechless, he considered about sounding the alarm in fear of an attack. Squall thought, if only I had my gunblade in case something was to go sour and I needed to protect myself.

�Well Seifer, have you come here to begin another war. Strike me down and then go back to your worthless life, is that your big plan?� Squall eyeing Seifer down.

�No, that is far from the truth Squall. I have come to ask for redemption, forgiveness� Seifer felt a headache coming slowly it grew stronger, the pain was returning.

�You, you Seifer Almasy ask for redemption, forgiveness, the one who showed neither to the people of Galbadia. Why should I do this Seifer?�
Squall took a few small steps from behind his desk. He reached down to and pressed the speaker button.


Squall looked back at Seifer, not taking his eyes off him for a second.

�Why do you need her Squall?� his headache growing stronger. Seifer�s vision was growing cloudy. He placed his right hand on his forehead. His knees started to buckle under the pain. Slowly, Seifer began to fall down, his knees bending, eventually he dropped, face down on Squall�s office floor.

There was a knock at the door. In walked Quistis �what�s going on Squall?� Quistis looked down at Seifer�s dormant body on the floor. �Ohh no, what�s going on Squall?"

Well thats chapter 2, hopefully you guys are reading this. Chapter 3 will be up shortly. Gimme a day or two I am working on it.