03-20-2002, 03:55 PM
my fav is the big bang attack because its awsome and gohans masenko

03-20-2002, 04:08 PM
i like the kamehameha and the final flash

03-20-2002, 06:15 PM
Ah, your back. Could you explain why the accounts for dbzking, and Trunks have the exact same IP address? ;)

Its funny how you both post within minutes of each other, have the same all lower-case style, the EXACT same IP addresses, are both obsessed with DBZ, and still continue to chat despite how many warnings you get.

I'd like to be fair and let you explain yourself, so please get to it.

03-20-2002, 08:49 PM
we both go to the same collage (it was trunks that showed me this forum) and everyone uses the same modem for the internet thats why are i.p addresses are the same

but trunks proberly won't be posting alot anymore seeing as he left to day:(

but his comp should be fixed soon so he shall be back:D

03-20-2002, 10:33 PM
College...? O_o

Um, anyway, whether your telling the truth, or your still one person making up a story, if you don't stop the chatting, there will be problems. ;)

Sorry if I sound rude with this, but you only seem to post along with Trunks, sorta like having Trunks being the original account, while yours is the double account, which was made so you could converse with the Trunks account.

I don't know if your lying or telling the truth, but stop the chatting. I know you've been warned more then once, so I'm asking nicely that you cut it out.

03-21-2002, 12:58 AM
look i don't care weither or not you believe or not i know i'm telling the truth so thats all that matters

and as i said before trunks left 2day(permently) and has gone to stay with his dad so he proberly won't be back online for about 3-4 weeks

03-21-2002, 02:06 AM
The point of the matter is that you two need to stop chatting. If and when Trunks comes back, lets not have to bring the issue up again when that happens.

BTW, if Trunks is gone, then why did he make a new thread in GD about an hour ago? ;)

03-20-2002 05:26 AM

Thats the date and time. Its about half an hour after yours.

Anyway, I'll be watching. Closing time for this thread.