02-22-2007, 05:42 AM
So I was thinking on how cool it would be to Have a Final Fantasy fighting game like Super smash bros Melee. Im also a big Fighting game fan and SSBM is the best. this game is just plain Fun! 4 Player Combat and free movement make it a stunning and complex game. Final Fantasy would be perfect for this type of gameplay. First off there should be online play. There should be a huge cast of Characters from FF:4,5,6,7,8,9,X,X-2,12,13,Tactics,Dirge of Cerberus and Kingdom Hearts. I Liked the way SSB had Various Stage Types like Still Stages, Moving Stages, Bottomless Stages, etc. The Stages in this game would be many of the MANY memorial Stages in Final Fantasy and such. Items could be things like healing, Throwing(like GravityBall), Materia(Summons), Accesories(like FeatherBoots which would make your Character Jump Highter For the rest of his/Her life). The Controls would be like SSBM but a little more Advance. the Directionals moved and Jumped your Character. There would be Double jump's and a third for many of the characters with there up-Special button. Say this is for the PS3 There would be 2 attack buttons like (Square) and (Triangle) for light and heavy attacks. Both of these could combo and Charge like SSBM. (Circle) would be Specials each Character would have FourCircle,Circle+Up,Circle+Down,Circle+Left/Right)
The (X)button would Guard or Create a Barrier for Magic Users when held
Over and (X) would Roll Around Like SSBM, there would also be air blocking as well.
(L1) Could be Grab/Throw, (L2) could be Auto Dash that would add a nice speed to the fighting like megaman. One thing that would be nice to see is Supers Attacks! To keep it like Final Fantasy there would be a meter under the Life bar that filled up and once it did you could perform them. (R1) would be used to perfrom Supers. Another thing that would be cool would be a Unique Attack(R2) there would also probley be a meter of this too. Depending on the Game the Character was from the would get a Certain Unique Attack like for Example:

Specials:Circle- Braver
Circle+Up- Meteorain(Also a triple jump)
Circle+Down- Finish Touch
Circle+Left/Right- Blade Beam
Super: OmniSlash
Unique: Cherry Blossom(would do somthinh like increase STR,SPD And Jump for a timed period)

Another Example using a mage/summon like Character:

Specials:Circle- Hellfire(Ifrits Attack, like the short animations in 9 you would just see the hellfire explosion)
Circle+Up- G-Force 99( Atomas Attack)
Circle+Down- Judgement Bolt(Ramuh's Attack
Circle+Left/Right- Diamond Dust(Shiva's Attack)
Super: Ark( see here she would really summon Ark and he would fight along side her for a timed period)
Unique: Trance(FF9 Character) she would trance for a timed period

those are just 2 thrown together ideas but i have all the characters that i thing should be in the game:

Final Fantasy 6
Locke Celes
Kefka Leo?
Edgar Gao?

Final Fantasy 7
Cloud Vincent Reno Shelke
Sephiroth Tifa Rude Cait Sith
Zack Yuffie Weiss Aerith
Kadaj Barret Nero
Loz Red 13 Azul
Yazoo Cid Rosso

Final Fantasy 8
Squall Zell Raijin
Seifer Quistis Fujin
Ultimecia Selphie
Rinoa Irvine
Edea Kiros
Laguna Ward

Final Fantasy 9
Zidane Steiner Lani
Kuja Freya
Garnet Quina
Vivi Eiko
Garland Amarant
Beatrix Black Waltz 3

Final Fantasy X/X-2
Tidus Wakka Gippal
Seymour Kimarhi Lablanc
Yuna Lulu Ormi
Auron Paine Logos
Shuyin Nooj
Rikku Baralai

Final Fantasy 12
Vaan Balthier Vossler
Vayne Fran Ghis
Ashe Dr. Cidolfus Bergan
Penelo Larsa
Gabranth Reddas
Basch Reks

Final Fantasy Tactics
Ramza Beowulf
Delita Dycedarg
Wiegraf Zalbag
Altima Elmdor
Agrias Gafgarion
Orlando Meliadoul

Final Fantasy 13
Lighting(Female Lead)
More as they are released

As for 4 and 5 have the like the main Cecil.Kain,Butz and Exdeath?!

There would also be other modes other then Mult. Battle like a Boss Mode where you would battle in constint(like battle arena in 7) a series of battles with monsters and unlock harder ones like Boss Battle (one) would be a line up of:
Round 1- Chimera
Round 2- Giant crab
Round 3- Iron Gaint
Round 4- Antlion
Round 5- Abaddon
Round 6- Armstrong
Round 7- Behemoth
Round 8- Elder Drake
Round 9- Zombie Dragon
Round 10- Demon Wall

and there would be many of these made up using like all the major Creatures, monster, bosses, summons, and super bosses. like Boss Battle (Ten) would be like:
Round 1- Deathguise
Round 2- J.E.N.O.V.A. Rebirth
Round 3- Ruby Weapon
Round 4- Diamond Weapon
Round 5- Adel
Round 6- Nemesis
Round 7- Ozma
Round 8- Omega Weapon(8)
Round 9- Penence
Round 10- Safer Sephiroth

The Possablities for that would be endless and a fun allturnative at that. I would also like to see Multi-player for that as well!

I think that if SquareEnix made a game like this is would not only rock and make many people happy but SELL!

02-22-2007, 05:43 AM
oh yeah one more thing i had forgot was there could also be mini games like ehrigeiz and SSBM there always fun and would add to the depth of the game. Some Stages that I have Thought of would be:

-Atop the Shinra Building(FF7)
-Falling from the Shirna Building?(like PowerStone)(FF7)
-On the Highwind(FF7)
-In the Middle of Midgar(FF7)
-In the Northern Creator(like near that cool dino skelaton near the end of it or where you fight Jenova)(FF7)
-In the forgotton City(FF7)
-At Balamb Garden(FF8)
-on Ragnorok(FF8)
-On City Streets of Esthar(FF8)
-Atop the Deling Train(FF8)
-In the Lunatic Pandora(FF8)
-Ultimecia's Castle(FF8)
-In Flower Field like in intro of 8(FF8)
-In Alexandria City(FF9)
-In Lindblum(FF9)
-In Lindblum after its distroyed(FF9)
-Iifa Tree(FF9)
-Zanarkand(Tidus's Time)(FFX)
-On Boat that you fight sin(FFX)
-Atop Continential Circus(Airship)(FFX)
-Calm Lands(FFX)
-Atop Mt. Gagazet(FFX)
-Near all the Sleeping Faith(where Tidus Falls Asleep and finds out the truth)(FFX)
-Atop Sin(FFX)
-Inside Sin(FFX)
-Streets of Rabanastre(FF12)
-In Dreadnought Leviathan(FF12)
-The Imperial City of Archades(FF12)
-The Feywood(FF12)
-Sky Fortress Bahamut(FF12)

and there could be so many more settings that would be sweet

02-22-2007, 05:44 AM
and for some more details here is a list of items that could be in the game.
instead of beamswords(well they could keep that cause they rock!) and Mushrooms have things like:

Healing Items

Potion-heals 1/16 of HP(Hit Points)
Hi-Potion- heals 1/8 of HP
Mega-Potion-heals 1/4 of HP
X-Potion-heals 1/2 of HP
Ether- restores 1/4 of EP(Energy Points)
Hi-Ether- restores 1/2 of EP
Elixer-restores 1/4 HP and EP
Mega Elixer- restores 1/2 HP and EP
Final Elixer- Fully restores HP and EP

Attack/Throwing Items
Fire Ball- a ball that is thrown, causes explosive radius damage
iceball- a ball that is thrown, freezes enemy
Thunderball- a ball that is thrown, Stuns and damages enemy
Gravityball- a ball that is thrown, tears off 1/16 of HP
- There could be many things for Attack items

Summon materia items
- Played like the poke balls of SSBM they are thrown and then summon
ex. Shiva Materia(would be Baby blue) throw it and shiva appears and attacks
- I wouldnt have to many of these just the mian re-occuring summons like shiva,ifrit,ramuh,leviathan,bahamut,etc.

- on another note there would be 3 ways to summoning
1). Summon Materia items- they would appear then attack and leave
2). Character Specials- there attacks would just happen like Garnets HellFire(Ifrits attack)
3). Character Supers/Uniques- They would Appear and battle with you for timed period

Accesories items
Bracer- for the rest of that Characters life ATTACK is raised
Guantlet- DEF up
Chocobo Feather-SPD up
Feather Boots- Jump up
Reflect ring- Magic is randomly reflected back somewhere on screen
Fire orb- now attacks are on fire (like clouds attacks with his sword and it is fire and causes a little more damage)
Ice orb- Now attacks with Ice and may Freeze
Thunder Orb- now attacks with lighting may stun

-and there of course are many more for this as well

As for the way its set up i could see it like this; there would be a little pic of the character and next to that would be there HP bar and right under that would be the EP bar which Specials would Consume. The reason behind this is it would keep the player from using endless Specials but they wouldnt consume much EP to use, like 1/8 of the bar. The EP bar would Slowly regenerate. and next to the pic would be the Super Meter and Unique Meter. the super meter would start out empty and slowly fill up when you get attacked while the unique meter would start out full and only could be used once per life of that character. and under the EP bar would be there Total lifes. heres a basic Diagram of this:

Hex Omega
02-22-2007, 05:46 AM

02-22-2007, 09:50 AM
I Have 5 Words For you Good Sir

'Ergheiz: God Bless the Ring'

02-22-2007, 12:01 PM
You really thought about this didn't you.

Round 1- Deathguise
Round 2- J.E.N.O.V.A. Rebirth
Round 3- Ruby Weapon
Round 4- Diamond Weapon
Round 5- Adel
Round 6- Nemesis
Round 7- Ozma
Round 8- Omega Weapon(8)
Round 9- Penence
Round 10- Safer Sephiroth

Correct order

Round 1- Deathguise
Round 2- J.E.N.O.V.A. Rebirth
Round 3- Diamond Weapon
Round 4- Safer Sephiroth
Round 5- Adel
Round 6- Nemesis
Round 7- Ruby Weapon
Round 8- Omega Weapon(8)
Round 9- Ozma
Round 10- Penence

jewess crabcake
02-22-2007, 06:18 PM
You have way too much time on your hands.

02-22-2007, 09:44 PM
for One Ive already beat Ehrigeiz to the ground anyways that game was way to basic yet i will admit was kind fun. hey its an example dont take it to seriously and for starters Peneence wouldnt be last Yaizmat would followed by Major Numerus

02-22-2007, 09:46 PM
Yaizmat, who? Major Numerus, who?

I wanna change my username to trance barret

Swedish Fish
02-22-2007, 11:25 PM
Final Fantasy isn't constructed for fighting games. Although I can't say I wouldn't be pumped to play as Kefka.

I wanna change my username to trance barret

Silly, BB. It would have to be LimitBreak_Barret.

02-23-2007, 02:37 AM
of Course it is and it would flow beautyfully think about it. first off they can make anything "have the right flow" all it takes is a differnt engine to run off say the SSBM engine and remade animations for the characters. the SSBM engine would already be good to support all that is need to run it. there's already 4v4 gameplay and and adventure mode much like how i would see boss mode you move from one area to the next with a quick yet challenging board onto the next say gateway to boss. theres also minigames as well. i could so see final fantasy a fighting game. there would have to be some adjustments to stages based on final fantasy to give it platform and depth but hey were talking about SquareEnix here...

03-14-2007, 01:14 AM
Well, I was about to bring up Ergheiz, but Setzer beat me to it. By 5 hours.

A new FF fighting game would probably allow many who want to see Kefka square it off with Sepiroth achieve their goal tho.

terra child
03-14-2007, 04:11 AM
Although the FF series has enough characters, plots to follow, special moves and what have you, I don't think anything like this would ever happen. The game would go against just about everything that makes a FF game a FF game.
Also, I think a good idea would be a trance/limit/overdrive gauge that gradually increases throughout battles, then when it finally goes off your character has a special set of new abilities it can use, of course more powerful than normal.