Black Mage#1
03-20-2002, 04:09 AM
Whats your favorite Weapon? I love Ultima and Diamond Weapon there really cool!

Neo Xzhan
04-13-2002, 09:23 PM
Well since nobody posted here I thought i'd break the ice, mine favorite is Diamond cuz of it's looks. He's just asskickin cool.

04-13-2002, 09:34 PM
Diamond. Hes a cool silvery colour, hes fun to fight, he looks more proportionate than the other weapons, plus the FMV with him is one of favs in the game.

Nanaki XIII
04-13-2002, 10:02 PM
Ultima Weapon, cuz he flies.

04-14-2002, 12:36 AM
I like Emerald Best, that's a kewl green.

Safer Sephiroth
04-15-2002, 08:44 PM
I like the Ruby Weopon because he's strong and he was the only monster that took me 8 Fricken months to kill.

Hand over the Black Materia

Bahamut ZERO
04-15-2002, 08:58 PM
I'll choose Diamond Weapon. It's the only one that had the cool boss music playing, and the last boss to have that music played during the battle. It was also cool to be able to just fight it for ages for no apparent reason.

04-20-2002, 09:28 AM

Diamond WEAPON all the way. Here's why:

1. Color scheme - Silver/Gray/Black wins out over Emerald Green or Ruby Red any day in my book.
2. Armory - machine-gun esque rapid fire high speed projectiles. Those are SOOOO Much cooler than "Aire Tam Storm." And he TOTALLY wastes Rufus with them!
3. His death - like the SWEET death of Saphire WEAPON (that's what I call the one that the Sister Ray kills at Junon) - was one of the coolest FMV's in the game.
4. Diamond's General appearance was better than any of the other WEAPONS IMO. He just looked SO DAMNED cool - unlike that snaky Ruby, that funky humanoid Saphire, and that fat assed Emerald. Ultima was OKAY... but it looked kinda stupid and corny with its "dragon" appearance.
5. His guts! Gotta love the guts he has - he takes on the biggest and most powerful city in the game. Emerald just hides underwater and Ruby just hides in the sand. Ultima runs away from like every battle too. Only Saphire has the guts as well.
6. Enterance - he makes a kick ass and fashionable enterance. Emerging from the ocean depths to scream an outlandish battle cry and then to begin racing towards Midgar.... wow. Just.... just wow.
7. Proportions - Emerald's legs were too fat and Ruby's arms were too long. Diamond was juuuuuuuust right.
8. Music - boss music! Stupid Emerald, Ruby, and Ultima only have regular battle music; and you can't even fight Saphire!
9. The NAME!! DIAMOND - it sounds more classy and more powerful than Ultima (how corny is that?), Emerald, and Ruby combined. And you don't even get to know the official name for Saphire WEAPON!


04-21-2002, 10:40 PM
RubyandDiamondare the best!

04-22-2002, 08:05 AM
I dig Ultima Weapon

04-22-2002, 10:46 AM
Ultima. Of course.

04-22-2002, 01:17 PM
Ultima looked cool, but he was kinda weak for a weapon, so.. .he can't be the best for me.
Ruby.. he was too hard for me untill I had a strategy which I liked and so I kicked his ass a few times just for the fun of it ^__^
Emerald was an annoying undersea weapon!
So... guess I'm still gonna go for Ultima XD
Didn't have the chance to get to know Diamond that good since he was destroyed to quickly ;_; or I was too good. ^^

04-24-2002, 04:49 AM
I loved Sapphire Weapon and Diamond Weapon. And for those that don't know Sapphire is the name of the weapon that was destroyed at Junon. They were both awesome. Sapphire was extremely agile and fast and that was the main reason I liked him so much.

04-24-2002, 09:08 PM

04-24-2002, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by wcscAndvari
I loved Sapphire Weapon and Diamond Weapon. And for those that don't know Sapphire is the name of the weapon that was destroyed at Junon. They were both awesome. Sapphire was extremely agile and fast and that was the main reason I liked him so much.

Saphire isn't the name given to the WEAPON who attacked Junon. That WEAPON is unnamed - it is simply referred to as "WEAPON" by the characters in the game. Saphire is a term used by some fans to refer to it (like me and you).


04-25-2002, 01:45 PM
well thanks for info. I always thought his name was Sapphire.

04-26-2002, 05:44 PM
Ultima weapon it rocks very good


04-26-2002, 06:25 PM
Ultima Weapon i think was definetly the coolest looking, but his complet weakness makes him suck... So diamond id my favorite, cuz he looks really cool, and he shoots lasers!

04-26-2002, 06:31 PM
i dont know what weapon is, but ultima is 2nd, emerald and ruby are tied for 1st, they can kill u really fast like.

04-28-2002, 01:40 AM
*feels ashamed* i like emerald well cause... cause i can whip his ass :D not like most of you do... not with KOTR but """hehe"


04-28-2002, 08:29 PM
i like the ultima weapon

04-28-2002, 09:04 PM
I think Ultima Weapon is pretty neat, the way you get to chase him around. Ruby Weapon was pretty good too, since it took me so long to beat him.

04-28-2002, 09:37 PM
Emerald weapon,of course!!!!!I like green,i like emeralds and i like underwater weapons.And i like Aire tam storms too...but i don't like 9999 damage to all my chars.

04-30-2002, 05:53 PM
i didnt beat emerald with kotr, i also beat ruby with only cloud. it took me about 45 minutes

05-08-2002, 06:51 PM
ha! (:rolleyes: yeah right)
you couldn't even do that with all the ultimate weapons!

Ah ha!
you didn't say you didn't use a cheat cartridge, so you must have.
i beat sephiroth at 3 in the morning!!!!!!!1

05-08-2002, 06:54 PM
i meant that to agrias

05-08-2002, 07:46 PM
diamond weapon ..ultimate weapon is just to predictable... and commen

05-09-2002, 03:07 PM
I voted for diamond, he was the coolest looking weapon.

05-09-2002, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Cids-alter-ego
i meant that to agrias

Ok,I don't like going off-topic but what do you want my dear Ciddy?

PS-Double eh:) be careful the next time

Miyati Guado
05-10-2002, 06:00 PM
Ultimate Weapon all the way! It's jsut really and truely the coolest one I've seen!