02-18-2007, 06:18 PM
This is Megatone. i am a musician, radio DJ and journalist. I wish to present you my new album "Pure Land" inspired from the Final Fantasy series and representations of paradises in different cultures, both Occidental and Oriental. More information is available on my myspace page, where you may listen three tracks from album "Pure Land".
On the myspace page you may find the following tracks:
Track "Infinity" combines vast symphonic harmonies with masses of digital sonic particles as made of liquid metals and precious stones that transform in the end into a fully artificial sound of a crystalline falling rain.
tracks "Black Lotus" and "Sunset On Coruscant" depict breathtaking panoramas of cities in the night.
Album "Pure Land" also contains spectacular paradisiac ambient tracks based on waveforms manipulations.
Album "Pure Land" is now available as digital download, soon to be released as CD.
Also coming soon> album "Mulberry Forest Voyage".

02-18-2007, 06:22 PM
That actually wasn't bad. To be honest, I expected some crappy MIDI music, but it was okay.

02-19-2007, 02:01 AM
Thank you.