02-18-2007, 02:11 AM
I got Rogue Galaxy yesterday and it's strategy guide, from EB Games. This is great! I am enjoying it a lot right now I am nearly 2 hours into the game. I was thinking of getting it in a month when I finish Final Fantasy XII but I decided to just get it now. I'll get Alundra 1 and Blue Dragon next. I am trying to compare it with Final Fantasy XII

Graphics: Final Fantasy XII is better
Controls: Final Fantasy XII is probably better, if you don't mind FF XII's camera controls
Battle System: It's difficult to say. One has an automated Gambit system, one is an action rpg where you press 3 buttons over and over.
Sound: It's too early to tell, both are about the same.
Story: I think the story in Rogue Galaxy might be better, FF XII doesn't have a too great story
Characters: I think the characters in Rogue Galaxy might be better, FF XII doesn't have a too great character cast

I think Rogue Galaxy could be the better game. Let me continue playing it! What part of the game are you guys located at right now? :)

This is fun! They say they worked 2 and a half years on the Japanese version, then they worked on the US/Europe enhanced version. That's a huge process. I wonder if the Dragon Quest VIII game has the same: producer, director, character designer, composer, and scenario writer. Maybe Level 5 had both games on seperate teams or one team made both games? What is your thought? :)

I really like the opening movie before you press start! When it shows all
the gameplay. What is the best part of the opening movie that you like?

Type this in on youtube.com
Rogue Galaxy - US Intro Montage

Look at the part at 1:14 and 1:15 into the video. That part shows them in some space ship or something and Simon is shaking his arms or something. Apparently they are under attack or having technical difficulties on the ship. I like that scene! When does it show up I wonder? The game is great, I think they very first 2 scenes with the 1st and 2nd planets they show is great! I also like the 3 scenes that last from 2:13 to 2:26.

02-19-2007, 01:04 AM
I am 104 hours into FF XII and am faced with nearly 50 hours of sidequests. This is a new and main Final Fantasy, so I want to beat it 100% but at the same time I have a slight boredom right now because of all the sidequests and hunts I am doing. I feel behind so I decided to get Rogue Galaxy before I finished FF XII, so I'm playing both at the same time.

I am 6 hours into Rogue Galaxy and I finished the first 3 of about 13 chapters of the game. I will stop for a little bit to play a few hours of Final Fantasy XII. My current goal is to finish Final Fantasy XII and either Rogue Galaxy or my next game Alundra 1 before I pick up Blue Dragon for Xbox 360. I play up to two games at one time. At the moment I am considering playing Radical Dreamers, Xenogears, and Chrono Cross right after this, not sure thought. I think I'll delay Tactics Ogre, Vagrant Story, and Final Fantasy X-2, along with other old games I haven't beaten yet.

By the way I plan to get the limited edition Japanese Nintendo DS with the Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings logo on it. I'll buy the Usa version of it this fall when it comes out. Can I play Usa games on that Japanese Nintendo DS? :)

02-19-2007, 01:07 AM
By the way I plan to get the limited edition Japanese Nintendo DS with the Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings logo on it. I'll buy the Usa version of it this fall when it comes out. Can I play Usa games on that Japanese Nintendo DS? :)

I don't think so...I know you can't with certain thing like VGCDs and DVDs... Most VGCDs are DVD-ROMs

02-19-2007, 01:43 AM
Argh! Anyways are you playing a game today? I'll play Final Fantasy XII today, and maybe Rogue Galaxy. I played a little bit of the start of Front Mission 1(Snes) earlier today for fun, I've beaten it before though.

02-19-2007, 01:49 AM
I played a little bit of the elder scrolls three: morrowind and sat at this computer all day... my girlfriends grounded, so I have nothing better to do...

02-21-2007, 10:51 PM
Ok, so I am in Chapter 4 of the game. I'm 7 hours into the game. This is pretty great. I'm trying to compare it to FF XII again now.

FF XII: Better graphics
FF XII: Probably better sound, controls, battle system
Tie/Unknown: Let's see who has the better story and characters

I think FF XII is twice as long probably? How long will it take for me to beat this game with all or nearly all side quests done? How long if do no side quests? For FF XII it's like 150/50 hours respectively. Although if I wanted to go to level 99 and defeat Omega Mark XII it will be closer to 200 hours!

Who is currently playing Rogue Galaxy and what are your thoughts on it? :)

pagan pride
06-24-2007, 02:43 PM
i been asking this site for weeks now,and i was begginning to think that nobody on the net had the game,.

i'm stuck on the 'two towers' mission, i have the other 2 'key pieces',.

i went to game faqs,and it was saying that it was for the japanese version it said there's 9 floors,.i got to the thrown room,i'm guessing on floor 8,cause it was 1 up from 7,beat the boss fight,and it still wasn't over,but there's nowhere else to go,but a couple unaccessable locations on the map,gaps i can't cross,and rooms i need to get to,but have concrete pillars blocking,they look like jail bars,.
it also said,that the bridge connecting the towers with the shop on it,was on the 4th floor,when it's on floor 3,.i was at a loss,so i went off to get the other 2 pieces,.
also,it said how to get the sacred chalice (like i should trust it) it's a hidden special item,does this,or the sacred book that i bought do any good for you,other than a higher completion on your total?or do they just look pretty in your menu?
also,is in vedan,after you get the 'key piece' on your way out,there's a kid near the exit,that tells you,he found the heart of something,near moriarty's body,after you killed him,.but got freaked,and threw it in a dumpster downtown,.i checked every dumpster i found,combed that place,room by room,.and only found a stupid dirty sock (lol),.does anyone have more precise
directions?or is there something i need to do 1st? by the way,i tried hunting the monster there,but didn't have the lipstick to lure him out,any suggestions on a good location? or beasts likely to drop it?,...after finally figuring out the factory system,i produced the elixer,that cures your parties hp & ap,.but it wouldn't lure out the beast on the 7th floor connecting bridge of the 2 towers,.any suggestions?it says i need a remedy,that fills 100% of whole crews hp & ap,.i've put in so much time in the game thus far,all my people are at lv 55 at least,.and i'm ranked # 7 on the hunter's list,.

~thank you for any advise i can get

06-26-2007, 04:42 AM
I had stopped playing Final Fantasy XII and Rogue Galaxy for three months for various reasons but returned in the past two weeks but only so far for Final Fantasy XII. I'll start up Rogue Galaxy a bit later. Anyways, the part you are talking about is far into the game compared to where I am at. I suggest reading the strategy guide at a Barnes & Noble bookstore or Borders for a moment, you dont have to buy it just check it out to help solve your problem. Try posting on ffonline.com or eyesonff.com maybe? Good luck

p.s. I gotta beat Final Fantasy XII, then Rogue Galaxy, then Alundra 1 before the Fall season starts up(Aug 14th with Heroes of Mana or Aug 28th with Blue Dragon and Wild Arms 5, not sure where to define the start of the fall rpg season).

06-30-2007, 03:34 PM
Pagan, there's a boss at the top of each tower that you have to beat(both brothers). You need to enter the other tower and climb it once you've cleared the first.

The Heart that the kid threw away IS in one of the trashcans in Vedan, but it might not appear until a later chapter even though it's been mentioned, I don't know. Just keep checking Vedan as you go through the game. And no, the rare items on their own don't do anything, but getting all 9 of them will get you a reward from MIO.

I'd probably agree with your assessment of the 2 games DS, other than the battle system. I had alot more fun with RG's battle system than FF12's, though I wish it took more skill to use the spells/skills, rather than them all being auto-hit all enemies wonder spells.

pagan pride
07-02-2007, 06:52 PM
Pagan, there's a boss at the top of each tower that you have to beat(both brothers). You need to enter the other tower and climb it once you've cleared the first.

The Heart that the kid threw away IS in one of the trashcans in Vedan, but it might not appear until a later chapter even though it's been mentioned, I don't know. Just keep checking Vedan as you go through the game. And no, the rare items on their own don't do anything, but getting all 9 of them will get you a reward from MIO.

I'd probably agree with your assessment of the 2 games DS, other than the battle system. I had alot more fun with RG's battle system than FF12's, though I wish it took more skill to use the spells/skills, rather than them all being auto-hit all enemies wonder spells.

to me,summons have always been the highlight of ff,.but they're so friggin weak in ff12,.

i'm pretty sure i'm just about through the game,and tore every trashcan in vedan apart,but i guess i'll just keep checking back,.

the towers have only 1 way to the top i think,cuz if you go through the 1st tower,it goes to lv. 6,then you bridge over to tower 2,and go to lvs. 7 & 8,and as far as i know,there's no way to bridge from tower 2 to tower 1 from lv. 7 or 8,.but there is places shaded on the map i can't get to,for mobility reasons,.like you can see the rooms/treasure chests,but there's concrete pillars that look like jail bars,you can't squeeze through,.

still frustrated


07-03-2007, 12:27 PM
No, Pagan, there are two whole towers you have to clear, with seperate entrances. I know it seems like you're doing both at once, because the layout of both towers actually has you going through both on one trip up, but you have to do it twice. You have to warp back to the first floor of the tower you've cleared and leave it. Walk all the way around the large bridge(that's through the back door of the Galaxy Corporation) and enter the other tower and climb it.

And you're getting near the end, but there's still a ways to go yet(at least 4 more chapters from where you are), so the heart may still appear there in a later chapter(I would guess in the very next chapter after you finish off them towers).