02-17-2007, 11:45 PM

Personally, I've always found his story the most interesting. He's a pretty humble creature, and I love it when his grandpa says: "He's only a teenager." xD

He's not that useful in battle, and his Limit Breaks kind of sucks, but he's definitely one of the most underrated characters. I've seen a lot Cloud and Aeris fanboys/girls, but I've rarely seen anyone obsessing over Nanaki.

Any thoughts on him?

02-17-2007, 11:47 PM
I don't know. I used to prefer him to everyone else. He definitly has the best soundtrack behind him with "The Great Warrior" and "Valley of the Fallen Star".

An obsession with Nanaki would be classed as weird I think. Worshipping a orange dog like an idol.

02-17-2007, 11:52 PM
I suppose you're right, but I personally think that it's just as weird to obsess over Cloud (spikey-haired crossdresser) or Aeris (wtf?).

02-17-2007, 11:57 PM
I did rather enjoy his plot, but his overall suckage in battle was definitely a point against him for me. Totally agree about the music, though --- "The Great Warrior (Seto) is a wonderful track.

02-17-2007, 11:58 PM
hehe. Yes I guess you'd have to be emo to love Aeris, what with her dying and all. As for Cloud, I think it's a virus. That or they use special subliminal messaging in FF7.

02-18-2007, 12:47 AM
I disagree that RXIII/Nanaki was bad in battle, I thought he was one of the better ones to be honest. His all round stats level for level were probably the best, though his speed was a bit crap.

And yes, I agree about his theme. Also, he had some good comedy moments.

jewess crabcake
02-18-2007, 12:51 AM
I fucking love Red XIII but I'm a sucker for talking big cats. Also his homeland was awesome I died in that labyrinth like 5 times. Also he has a limit break like star spray or something with celestial beings that did a lot of damage.

02-18-2007, 01:40 AM
He's ok... He was one of my stronger characters... And yeah, he has a very interesting story...

And I gotta wonder how did he have kids?

02-18-2007, 11:18 PM
You know ive wondered about that for ages, i thot he was the only one of his kind left, how did he mate and get kids.

02-18-2007, 11:24 PM
i've heared someone on this forum say that red XIII "grampa" hints that red XIII isn't the last of his race...

Desert Wolf
02-18-2007, 11:25 PM
I never found him bad in battle. He was one of the best imo. Also yes his music was class.

02-19-2007, 02:19 AM
There were definitely worse character than him, battle-wise. Cait Sith comes to mind.

02-19-2007, 02:21 AM
*cough cough* yuffie... *cough* aeris...

02-19-2007, 02:23 AM
Are you fucking kidding? How could you ever say at all that Yuffie is awful in battle? In your dreams, maybe.

02-19-2007, 02:29 AM
Actually I used her my first play through, and then on my second I replaced her with Cid and he is soooooo much better, I was kicking myself for quite awhile...

02-19-2007, 02:30 AM
I agree. I almost always use Yuffie. She's great in battle.

02-19-2007, 02:40 AM
I have to agree Yuffie is awesome in battle from her Speed to her Limit breaks plus no matter what she has long range like vincent so you can put her in the back no worries.

As for aeris she is good for her 'time' her Limit breaks are nice since they have awesome enhance moments Great gospel comes to mind. She also has a much higher Mp then Average if I rememeber right.

Red though is a good fighter in my first play he was part of my Main party. His final Limit Cosmo memory I think it is called is good ranked 4th in Limit breaks in my opnion.

Limit list
Cloud-Omnislash do I even need to explain?
Tifa-Get all her combos and a few greats and she can nearly match Cloud in power
Yuffie-All creation is awesome for groups
Red- Once again good aganist groups.
Cid- Highwind I say no more =)
Barret- I didn't use him much so I rank him here out of ignorance
Vincent- I only rank him here because he can't be controlled in Limit and that stinks otherwise Chaos would match Yuffie or Tifa easily.
Aeris- Here because of her LIMITED use game wise.
Sephiroth- Yes Sephy does have Limits it just got scraped if you use a Gameshark you can bring them out but all the codes needed for it are so HUGE that I have never tried. We are talking nearly 20 code lines each code and you need 8 or so to prevent glitches. As cool as controlling sephy would be I think I will pass.

02-19-2007, 02:43 AM
*cough cough* yuffie... *cough* aeris...

Yuffie wasn't the worst character. Cait Sith was. Aeris had good limit breaks so she wasn't bad either.

02-19-2007, 03:45 AM
You could get lucky with Cait Sith, though. It doesn't happen often, but he could end a battle promptly.

02-19-2007, 05:14 AM
Or kill you with his Toy box limit. Cait Sith didn't make it on to My Limit list for a Simiple reason he has only one useful Limit the Dice one which as he levels gets VERY strong up to 6 or so Dice which racks up the damage. But his Second Limit whatever it is called is so Russain roulete I refuse to use it ever since I had fought a Monster used his Limit got the Party kill one and wasted 2 hours of level buliding I had done. I was ticked. So I don't use his second Powerful as it may be you put your game into fates hands with it too much for my taste.

terra child
02-19-2007, 06:47 AM
You know ive wondered about that for ages, i thot he was the only one of his kind left, how did he mate and get kids.

gender change, assexual reproduction, finding a once-lost mate

take your pick.

02-19-2007, 06:38 PM
Are you fucking kidding? How could you ever say at all that Yuffie is awful in battle? In your dreams, maybe.

OK, Yuffie is crap in battle for the following reasons:

-Poor HP/Strength/Vitality (lowest except Aeris, and maybe Tifa on Vit, not sure there)
-Level 4 Limit break only hits once, forcing you to use the less powerful Doom of the Living if you want to cause over 9,999 damage
-Some of her weapons are pretty shitty as well and the Conformer is not that great as Ultimate Weapons go.

Decent enough character outside of battle (by FFVII standards) but in battle she is not the best.

IMO, the most powerful party is either Cloud/Cid/Barret or Cloud/Tifa/Barret. Also I'd have Aeris on the first disc.

02-19-2007, 06:59 PM
Yeah, whatever. Conformer is an amazing ultimate weapon. It always hits for 9999 damage for me. And Conformer is awesome for one other reason --- Morph. Most of the other weapons do really weak damage for Morph, but Conformer is super-amazing --- you always use Conformer if you want to do Morph. And yeah, her 4/1 is pretty junky, but her 3/2 is great, and is just as powerful as ZOMG OMNISLASH if you power her up.

02-19-2007, 07:11 PM
All characters Str Vit and Hp and Mp are realitive in this game. You can equip Materia to boost anyone into superstardom a constant trick I used to get Limits for all my Characters I hadn't used much so they were Low Level was to equip them with the Best Defensive item then equip them with a Mastered Hp materia so they could handle so of the Areas I was taking them into without dying on me.

As for Morph never Knew that I will have to try since I only used Morph for the Guide Book and that was it.

02-19-2007, 08:16 PM
Yeah, whatever. Conformer is an amazing ultimate weapon. It always hits for 9999 damage for me. And Conformer is awesome for one other reason --- Morph. Most of the other weapons do really weak damage for Morph, but Conformer is super-amazing --- you always use Conformer if you want to do Morph. And yeah, her 4/1 is pretty junky, but her 3/2 is great, and is just as powerful as ZOMG OMNISLASH if you power her up.

Doom of The Living as powerful as Omnislash?

Also, I appreciate Yuffie is a good character if you level her up, but then so are all of them :( Really the measure of character is how they stack up when they're a couple of levels behind the others and you haven't used them. For me, based on that, the strongest team would be Barret & Cid along with Cloud. RedXIII and Tifa get honourable mentions. All could hold their own against the other characters even when a few levels down.

Don't mean to be a pedantic arse by the way but you also didn't address or acknowledge my complaints about Yuffie's poor physical abilities. Also, Conformer doing decent damage with Morph is all well and good, but not that useful when debating the most powerful character.

02-19-2007, 08:37 PM
Yuffie is fast in fact THE fastest if I rememeber right so she gets more hits in then say Cloud so it equals out in the end. In fact she can be better for her Magic supporut since she is faster then everyone if you make her a magic user spells can be brought out faster then normal and that can be a BIG advantage.

Not all the time is a Character powerful for how hard they hit or how much damage they can take sometimes its all in what the Smart use can provide.

As for Doom of the Living mind you it has been awhile since I played FFVII I think it is Unfocused so aganist a group it is less powerful indivdualy then Omnislash, which focuses on One enemy and one alone, but aganist one oppent and if Yuffie has been leveled and equiped right it can equal Omnislash in power. Its all in what you fight and how you fight really.

02-20-2007, 03:01 AM
Yuffie has never left me down in battle, as her ultimate weapon can inflict some pretty heavy damage. Sure, her stats aren't exactly the best, but that doesn't really matter when you have amazing weapons to even that out with. I can see why some consider her the weakest because of her stats, and she might be, but when she's powered up, she's by no means the weakest.

02-21-2007, 04:19 AM
I thought this was a Red XIII topic?

As for how Nanaki ended up with kids... well, Bugenhagen seemed to suggest that their was alot about his own tribe that Nanaki didn't understand. I mean, he thought for years that his father was a coward, when he actually sacrificed himself (the part when Nanaki realizes this, is my favorite part of the game) to save everyone. Their was alot left unanswered with Red's story, which is why I always found him to be the most fascinating party member.

02-21-2007, 04:27 AM
It was a Red XIII topic, but we rather got sidetracked, it would seem. Anyway, yeah, Red. I agree too --- the part in Cosmo Canyon where he learned about his father was a really strong part of the story. I loved it.

Lil' Sain
03-10-2007, 10:48 PM
story? "my dad is a coward. OH WHAT! he was a hero." the end

03-11-2007, 08:36 AM
story? "my dad is a coward. OH WHAT! he was a hero." the end

Why do you even play RPG's if you can't appreciate the story the creators put in it, if you weren't touched by that part of the game, I suggest you go play some crappy games like 'half life' or 'Serious sam', no story, no nothing, just shooting anything that moves.
I wouldn't recommend boardgames like chess or checkers or something alike either, because you also have to think about those things, just like with a story, hence this topic.

And no offence, but considering your reaction, I believe you're not much older then 14 years and now that I checked your profile, I'm quite sure I am not mistaking ... Runescape WTF?!
You might have 500+ posts, but I doubt there will be many usefull posts you've written on this board.

And getting back on topic ;)
I do agree Nanaki is a very good addition to your team, but I usually play with Salem(Cloud), Tifa and Aeris, if possible of course.
I did use all characters couple years ago for getting all the limit breaks and so on, but I can't really remember which I would prefer if I had to choose between Yuffie, Cid and Nanaki, it's been too long ago.

Salem ( Atleast waiting for the mods to see my other post, so I can be Salem again on this forum)

Sanus Compleo
03-11-2007, 08:54 AM
That was probably the gratest things I have ever read... Salem, thank you for saying that... and yeah, red xiii is pretty friggin great.

03-12-2007, 01:20 PM
I would just like to say that the two previous posters are absolute cunts. That is all.

EDIT: Of course, that is assuming that it isn't the same person playing sock puppet.

03-12-2007, 03:00 PM
I would just like to say that the two previous posters are absolute cunts. That is all.

EDIT: Of course, that is assuming that it isn't the same person playing sock puppet.

Well I do have the right for expressing myself, that sain guy has over 500 posts, I read them all, not 1 of them had any information or help in it, so EXCUSE ME if I hate little kid spammers.
Atleast I did have something on topic to say, unlike you, not that it was alot of help, but just my 2 cents about Nanaki and teams.

And you don't even know me, so you can't really judge me by one post, where I made a very obvious and clear point.
Next time try not to swear, it's too childish.

Sorry for this off-topic post admins and everyone else, but I hate people/kids that judge people from 1 post, if the forum haven't been hacked, you could have seen that with my old account I never made 1 useless post, either it was a question or it was something usefull people thanked me for.
Any forum I'm on it's full of spammers and I really hate those people to the bone, so sorry eh.


03-12-2007, 03:03 PM
Sain is a cunt. No one's arguing that.

However, you called Half-Life and Serious Sam crappy, which is an unforgivable crime in the gaming world, and thus proved yourself a cunt as well.

03-12-2007, 03:07 PM
Sain is a cunt. No one's arguing that.

However, you called Half-Life and Serious Sam crappy, which is an unforgivable crime in the gaming world, and thus proved yourself a cunt as well.

Hehe ok, sorry about that, but I'm not really a FPS kinda guy, too little thinking in it, just running and shooting(though I do love all the Hitman games, project IGI and several other fps where thinking and tactics are necessary(typo?), that's what I meant actually, those two were just the first that popped in my head :p


Sanus Compleo
03-13-2007, 06:59 PM
Woah, woah woah, wtf? Why did you just call me a cunt? That is uncalled for. I was complimenting Salem... Just because I only have three posts, does not mean I am a puppet, or a cunt, and I just particularly like it when someone calls someone out on something. That isn't cool just calling people things willie-nillie. If I tried that at home, then I would not be able to type this message. I apologize for saying any freaking thing, and I see now how you guys welcome in new members. That is just great.

Argus Zephyrus
03-14-2007, 07:00 AM

gender change, assexual reproduction, finding a once-lost mate

take your pick.
lol, canine mitosis
... reminds me of the automobile commercial with the vehicular mitosis a little while back.

Anyway, Nanaki did not suck in battle as neither did Yuffie. I just do not like Yuffie's materia fetish. Nanaki did not help me against those detestable Ruby and Emerald Weapons, though.

03-15-2007, 01:26 PM
...As for Doom of the Living mind you it has been awhile since I played FFVII I think it is Unfocused so aganist a group it is less powerful indivdualy then Omnislash, which focuses on One enemy and one alone, but aganist one oppent and if Yuffie has been leveled and equiped right it can equal Omnislash in power. Its all in what you fight and how you fight really.

Umm i think you will find that omnislash will attack all enemies in a group, just you cant decide which ones... there are no better limits in the game in my opinion than omnislash,

Aeris is invaluable in battle, especially early in the game, i am replaying at the moment on disc one just got tiny bronco and her 2/2 limit is awesome putting all others into limit status automatically, start a boss battle like this and you'll be done in no time. in fact I have found that Aeris, Tifa, Cloud is my fave combination so far and I have run through this game several times...

Yuffie sucks. Period =)

04-08-2007, 12:45 AM
I believe red XIII to be one of the best characters reasons?

1. Hes not human, therefore different from the majority of the characters
2. He is basically a dog .... that can talk :O
3. He looks so cute with his little red xiii at the end of the game ^^
4. He has a floating, hippy of a grandpa and hopefully will end up like him some day :D

why wouldn't you love red?

04-08-2007, 06:38 AM
This may be a bit shallow, but I always thought it was cool that the end of his tail was fire. That alone makes him cool in my book.

04-08-2007, 06:48 AM
ninja edit

Lil' Sain
04-08-2007, 07:51 AM
He fucking read all my post. motha fucking stalker!

white noize ff7
04-17-2007, 06:28 PM
Their was alot left unanswered with Red's story,

Crikey, another addition to the compilation perhaps!?! GREAT!!!

Lil' Sain
04-22-2007, 02:12 AM
who the fuck reads all of someones post.

900th post

04-22-2007, 02:59 AM
sain, good god, lol.

...Conformer deals damage based on the difference between Yuffie's level and that of her target. Smaller difference = bigger damage. This formula ignores Morph (honestly I feel this is a programming oversight), so she's great for getting items (appropriate, since she's a thief). Why Limited Moon is based off of Nanaki's MP score, I will never know.

J. Peterman
04-22-2007, 04:46 AM
Isn't it just something like current MP/max, so he should basically do 9999 damage if you don't use magic attacks, which you wouldn't need to with 4x-Slash? I just remember that none of Nanaki's limits were all too good, and that one he had that hit more than once was elemental so it wasn't as effective or something like that.

All I remember is that Cloud, Barret and Cid generally did 9999 damage for me. I'm pretty sure Barret's was the easiest to maintain at 9999 damage since it was Materia AP on the Missing Score that gave determined its strength, I know Cloud's was based off HP, and I think Cid's was off MP. I just remember generally using one of Tifa, Barret, Yuffie and Cid whenver I would play, and most of the times it would include Yuffie or/and Cid just because. I didn't really like Tifa though since her ultimate was based off how filled the limit bar was, and that would me I couldn't use my 4X-Slash, so bleh.

Of course I haven't touched this game in years so whatever.

04-22-2007, 05:05 AM
I never used red XII much in battle, so I have no idea if he's any good. I did like his character though. His story in Cosmo Canyan was an intereting one. Plus he looked cool.

Desert Wolf
04-22-2007, 11:21 AM
who the fuck reads all of someones post.

900th post

Its annoying enough reading any of your posts. I agree, reading them all is insane.