02-15-2007, 02:08 AM
I recenetly decided to give my old final fantasy 8 (for PC) a spin only to remember that one of my old ex flatmates had the first disc still in his computer when he had a hissy fit and moved out about 2 years ago. Since he no longer talks to me and im now living in another city i have no chance of getting it back.

Anyways... if someone could please, please send me a save game from the very last save on disc 1 or the very first save on disc 2 (or round abouts) that would be fantastic. My email is [email protected]

The earliest save game ive so far been able to find starts at the missle launch station.

Thank you in advance, it is very much appreciated

02-15-2007, 05:12 AM
:) Lucky for you, I have a pretty extensive save library. I'm not entirely certain if I have the one you're after, but I'm pretty sure I do. I will check that and if I have that, get it sent off to you before I sign off tonight.