02-12-2007, 04:21 AM
I have watched and some of them have awesome soundtracks, espescially Countdown: Akira. Is there anyway to split the avi into video, audio 1 and 2? If so I would like to rip the soundtracks.

You can find video games, anime, movie ost, but not hentai ost, not even in torrent nor kazaa. Does anyoneknow ahere to find them?

jewess crabcake
02-12-2007, 04:30 AM
Umm I doubt you'll find any. It's like asking for the name of that girl that plays in porn... who gives a fuck she's naked.

02-17-2007, 09:51 AM
Well i've never come across OSTs for hentai, I found myself agonising over this fact inregards to Bible Black. I love the sountrack but have never found an OST to it. Some people, believe it or not watch certain hentai not for the fact they're "naked" or w/e but for actual story or production value. This is where we get individuals who "lust" after the OSTs.

That's just IMO.

02-19-2007, 09:27 AM
you can easily rip apart a movie file as you describe if you know what program to use. i did that once when trying to rip the stupid encoding of a pron movie with stupid protection on it so that i can re-encode it without the protection. it worked pretty good. let me see if i can remember the name of the programs i used. you'll prolly need 2.

ok. i still can't remember. just google it. you can find anything if you just use the right words to look for.

but anyway. to help out. these names come to mind.

and divfix

those are the 3 proggies i used and they worked.

if you figure it out. you can pay me back by sending me the movie you speak of. thanks :D

02-19-2007, 05:16 PM
When it comes to hentai , there is almost nothing.
However , there is a song from a hentai movie floating around.
Here it is........
" Ai-iro Otome " by Yoko Asada.
If you dont know this song , it's the main theme to the hentai sleeper hit
" Parade Parade " , enjot

02-19-2007, 05:16 PM
When it comes to hentai , there is almost nothing.
However , there is a song from a hentai movie floating around.
Here it is........
" Ai-iro Otome " by Yoko Asada.
If you dont know this song , it's the main theme to the hentai sleeper hit
" Parade Parade " , enjoy.