02-12-2007, 12:31 AM
i put this in the general section to reach more ppl. compare and contrast with the other ff's if you've played them...

why is fVI better than VII?
why is kefka mentioned so much?

um...from my experience, ffVI has great music and some of the enemies you can battle are cool, but other than that...its not as good as VII at all. the main villian is shoved down your throat with no real explanation as to why he's the way he is...his laugh is garbage (i hated all those types of sounds, from syldra, to the dinos in chrono trigger, etc.), etc.

VII had a confusing story for no reason, but the game was tight. V was tight. VI comes in 2nd/3rd as a tie with V IMO.

02-12-2007, 12:38 AM
Who thinks ff6 is the best?

I was always under the impresion that people generally thought ff7 was the best...

And I've never actually played ff6, so I really can't say...

02-12-2007, 12:47 AM
most ppl on the net tend to think VII is overrated and VI is better (some argue by far...). i don't see it. i will admit, i played VII BEFORE VI, but i'm not a graphics whore or anything of the like. i love sprites...i enjoyed chrono trigger, by the way (which i also played after VII and i own on snes)...but VI is in no way better than VII, IMO. if there is someone on this board that thinks that it is, can you list the pros and cons of each and why you think VI is better and or the best in the series? what am i missing?

02-12-2007, 03:59 AM
The only Final Fantasy I enjoyed less than VII was VIII, and I have played all the main series FFs. (With the exception that I am in the middle of FFIII right now.)
I have also come to the conslusion that you are asking this because you haven't been here that long.

02-12-2007, 04:11 AM
I like Joey have played all FFs except 1-3 Japanese and 11. All others I have played. So I can say with a bit of certainity that it really depends on what you like that makes a game great. Examples 10 is for the romance and heartwrench while 12 is for the poltic minded. So each their own is the basic idea.
FFVI had a lot of nice features good plot and decent graphics so did FFVII the thing most people forget when they say the best it immeditally gets compared with todays games instead of its year mates and the games before. So with that in mind FFVI was good because it was ground breaking for its time and it is still a classic today. Same goes for all FFs for their time. So really each their own.

02-12-2007, 04:14 AM
A lot of people in America didn't get Final Fantasy until VI was released as III, so it was the introduction to Final Fantasy for a lot of Americans.

Generally speaking, Final Fantast VI never struck me as the "best" among Europeans; Final Fantasy VII introduced the series to the mainstream, and that is why so many people hate on it today; "blah, it's too commercial and the characters are bland." I can assure you that they weren't saying that ten years ago.

02-12-2007, 04:15 AM
Revaninja--True but they aren't asking why FFVI was good, they were really wondering how people could put it over FFVII.
I think it is simple. But I don't feel like explaining myself until I feel the need to.

Zulu--- I can assure you 10 years ago as a young kid who was excited by the little things, I had to force myself to finish that game.

02-12-2007, 04:54 AM
My introduction to Final Fantasy was with the first on the NES. I thought it was great and I liked the way the characters were evolving the more you play. But the story was lacking. Then I played FF IV (released as II here) and fell in love with the game. I played so much and thought it was the best game to grace a game console. Then VI (III here) came out and I was disappointed at first. Where are the medieval fantasy world? What's with all the technology? etc...
But the more I dug it, the more I thought it was great. The plot was well done and the characters were a real strength to the game. Everyone of them had a past and different motives. The music in the game is still one of the strongest game OST ever made.

When I think about a Final Fantasy game, my first thought is divided between FFVI and VII. VII had a really strong story as well, although confusing at times. But I think FFVI had less flaws than VII.

I've noticed that most of the people who got into Final Fantasy with VII will prefer it to the ones that came before it.

As of me, I think they all have some things the others don't. And whenever I play one of them, I feel I'm playing one of the finest RPG ever made.

02-12-2007, 05:33 AM
Personally, I do not think VI is the best, that would be IX. But I do enjoy it. But to sum up the arguments in a way nobody else has done here yet:

A.) Better main villain. Kefka is stronger than Sephiroth, more entertaining and and more powerful.
B.) More complex and fascinating characters.
C.) A plot and storyline that's more well put-together and resonates more with players.

02-12-2007, 05:36 AM
I dont think Kefka is any better than Sephiroth. Kefka is an easy villain to write. He's just a psycho with no backstory or motive other than world domination. Sephiroth's story and character is much more deeper than Kefka.

02-12-2007, 06:11 AM
Kefka actually does have a backstory he was the experimental Magicite Soldier and that is what cracked him talk to some of the residents in Vector before the factory mission to find it out I don't rememeber it all. As for being Deep true he really isn't but he doesn't need to be his motives and desires are very plain to see. What makes Kefka great is all the horrors that cracked little mind of his comes up with just out of spite alone.

02-12-2007, 09:13 AM
If you want to know why FFVI is better than FFVII, here's why:

Kefka's Theme on the piano sounds 100x better than Sephiroth's theme (a.k.a. one winged angel) on the piano.

02-12-2007, 09:23 AM
let's see, FFVI had better music, characters, combat system, storyline, graphical style, creativity, heart, and everything that matters in a game.

02-12-2007, 09:35 AM
If you want to know why FFVI is better than FFVII, here's why:

Kefka's Theme on the piano sounds 100x better than Sephiroth's theme (a.k.a. one winged angel) on the piano.
Sephiroth's Theme music is no more One Winged Angel than Kefka's is Dancing Mad. Sephioth's theme is a BGM called 'Those Chosen by the Planet'.

hb smokey
02-12-2007, 10:20 AM
let's see, FFVI had better music, characters, combat system, storyline, graphical style, creativity, heart, and everything that matters in a game.
This pretty much is the gist of what I wanted to say.

Desert Wolf
02-13-2007, 06:44 PM
let's see, FFVI had better music, characters, combat system, storyline, graphical style, creativity, heart, and everything that matters in a game.

I could say that about FF7 just as easy. Can you give proof of any of this?

02-14-2007, 05:34 AM
I would agree with most of it with the exception of... oh, the music. Yes, sorry, but I like FFVII's soundtrack better. There are some real duds to me on FFVI's soundtrack, whereas I cannot think of a single FFVII piece I dislike.

Hex Omega
02-14-2007, 05:44 AM
I could say that about FF7 just as easy. Can you give proof of any of this?

Play both games, have an IQ over 50, and it should be obvious. :rolleyes:

02-14-2007, 05:51 AM
FF VI had a variety of different characters, most of them developed and with a background and a fair reason to want revenge from Kefka.
The battle system works good, its simple and easy to understand. And its fun ;)
FF VI has a lot of side quests that would keep you on the game for a long time. To name a few: The thanatics tower, getting the secret characters, finding your party in world of chaos, fighting the dragons around the world. The list continues.
FF VI is one of the greatest and most colorfull games on the Snes. It as pushed the limits of the console as far as they can go. Something like IX on ps1 and XII on ps2.
The game's story is original. You could never predict that Kefka would have taken over the world, that the party would be seperated (for 2 years), that the world would be destroyed.

02-14-2007, 05:59 AM
I don't think VI is the best in the series, and anybody who tries to claim that about any FF game is just wrong. When every game is so different in so many ways, it's impossible to judge which is the actual best. It all comes down to what your opinion is, and don't worry about what other people think, since that's their opinion.

02-14-2007, 06:09 AM
Nobody is wrong when they say a FF in the best in the series.

Nobody can be wrong for doing that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I think FFVI is the best in the series.

02-14-2007, 06:26 AM
That statement implies every FF is the best in the series. Is this correct?

True, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but that doesn't make them right.

I myself think FFX is the best in the series, but that is wrong.

02-14-2007, 06:33 AM
You see this is very interesting... I need to play FFVI, it's for super NES though isn't it? So i'll never be able to find it, huh?

*Looks at Agent* Can I borrow it?

02-14-2007, 06:35 AM
FFVI will be coming out for GBA soon, you could play it then... or if you want the original SNES feeling, you can't go wrong with a ROM.

02-14-2007, 06:37 AM
Cool beans!

GBA or DS?

02-14-2007, 06:38 AM
That statement implies every FF is the best in the series. Is this correct?

True, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but that doesn't make them right.

I myself think FFX is the best in the series, but that is wrong.

It is not wrong. Nobody can be wrong for having a different opinion.
An opinion is based on your own appreciation of something. It's not based on facts. And saying something is better than something else is completely subjective and cannot really be proven wrong.

02-14-2007, 08:14 AM
Albel, VI is already out on GBA. It came out last week.

I personally think Debs is being a little irrational (You've been carrying on this diatribe for 3 threads, two of which you started yourself). However, you have that right. I feel just as vehemently about III and V; I want to throw my DS in a fire at this point--job games are not my friends.

He has every right to feel this way, but I personally disagree. I'm not sure I could ever un-tie VI and VII. VIII edges them both out, but just barely. VI is an amazing game for many of the reasons presented here. I liked that Square was able to pull off what amounts to an ensemble-cast game. I think they balanced the stories of the characters to the point where we cared deeply about each of them, despite the limited time each of them were given out of necessity. Each character's life before the timeline of the game was given the best coverage of any Final Fantasy to date. These are characters that are not born fully formed the moment we meet them. I love that the world is destroyed; the contrast between the World of Balance and Ruin is amazingly effective. The characters have to come together, as the last sparks of hope in a desolate world. That's life itself, right there.

The music is ingrained in my psyche. I can't help but tap my foot to Johnny C Bad, and the Opera tears me apart to this day. I think the story strikes a balance between the politics of XII and the emotion of VIII. The characters are customizable thanks to the Espers without needlessly focusing so strongly on simply leveling (like in III & V, feel free to disagree).

Basically, the gameplay, story, and character development are top notch, and the graphics are as beautiful as you will find in the world of sprites. Simply put, I cannot think of a single negative thing to say about it. It is a milestone, that's why it is so important.

02-14-2007, 08:56 AM
Its also on PSX as a collecters edtion with FFV I think it was I lost the case in the move so I can't rememeber.

02-14-2007, 09:18 AM
Yeah it came out on PSX in a dual release with FFV, entitled Final Fantasy Anthology or something weird like that.

02-14-2007, 01:40 PM
Cool beans!

GBA or DS?

Its already out for the gba.

Im getting a chance to play FF6 now and I must say Im enjoying it. I think so far the game is kind of draggin the player along with a ton of story sequences. This isnt too bad of a thing though. Im up to the part where the party gets slit after fighting the squid in the water. IMO so far Kefka is a good villian. Hes really evil and I would really like to find out more about his back story. I just got Gau and I dont like this character too much. Maybe later in the game he'll seem better to me but at the moment, Im not liking him too much.

After playing FF1-5 its good to see FF6 change things up. Its definitley different from the FF games before it.

02-14-2007, 02:35 PM
GBA but it works on ds too. There ws also a re-release for ps1

02-14-2007, 08:38 PM
FF VI had a variety of different characters, most of them developed and with a background and a fair reason to want revenge from Kefka.
The battle system works good, its simple and easy to understand. And its fun ;)
FF VI has a lot of side quests that would keep you on the game for a long time. To name a few: The thanatics tower, getting the secret characters, finding your party in world of chaos, fighting the dragons around the world. The list continues.
FF VI is one of the greatest and most colorfull games on the Snes. It as pushed the limits of the console as far as they can go. Something like IX on ps1 and XII on ps2.
The game's story is original. You could never predict that Kefka would have taken over the world, that the party would be seperated (for 2 years), that the world would be destroyed.

well, IMHO:

1. mario rpg, donkey kong country 1-2 (3 yeah, but 3 was garbage IMHO compared to the earlier two) and...killer instinct all are graphically better than ff6 and pushed the snes to its limit moreso, although i completely understand that for its time, ff6 was a beast. i'm 22, almost 23, so i grew up on nes, snes, genesis, psx, dreamcast, etc. so i'm not one of these newer gamers that compares stuff now to back then. actually, i prefer games from back then OVER stuff now because they were actually fun and worth the time and money.

2. the battle system is good, but falls short when you consider the plot and gameplay. what i mean by that is that they force you to use and split up your party many, MANY different times. you get used to one group, they pair you up with weaklings. you get semi used to that group, you get pair with more weaklings. you kinda sorta get used to it, to an extent and then they MAKE you go solo and FIND your guys. oh, not the easy way, nooo, the hard way. 85,000 random battles, bosses that are very hard, but would be better handled if you had your team, and then they don't throw out large clues for you to get your other guys. i would have never found locke, for example, if it wasn't for a guide...the phoenix cave and splitting up my party, yet again, was a huge turn off. if i didn't know ahead of time that i was getting him back, along with the phoenix esper, i would never have done it. if he wasn't my strongest character at the time, i wouldn't have...

3. i'll admit that yes, the battle system is fun once you actually get your characters back, but there are hardly any moments when you get to use a team you like...they force you to use different teams at the same time to the point where you have to level way too many characters just to manage. the only characters i've bothered to do that with are locke, edge, relm, mog and like one other character i can't remember (too lazy to turn on the ds), but i was pretty much forced to level in that dinosaur forest and do some mage training to the other characters i don't use, in the desert, just to survive the hell of kefka's tower. after getting owned so many times by random battles and splitting up, i decided to just make everybody level 50 ish and have them learn every spell. i shouldn't be forced to do that with ppl i don't even like to use. then when you beat the game, you still gotta split your team into three different groups to take on the dragon den. it never ends! that means everybody has to get to level 70+ just so that i don't get frustrated by the 4543543 random battles x super overpowered boss!

4. oh, the party was seperated for 1 year, by the way...but anyway, kefka was lame. the only cool part of kefka was the final boss fight. that shit was pretty hot, i'll give it that (and the best last boss fight IMHO of the ff's before VII). kefka was insane for no reason. he did stuff for no reason. that just doesn't move me, whether he's insane or not. they never explained, during the main story why he was like that. if somebody on here hadn't mentioned vector, i would never know why. i still don't really know why, as i didn't go to vector and talk to ppl at the yeah, to me, he's just a villian for the sake of having one to fight in the game. LAME.

the opera scene was hot though because it was different. i'll give the game points on that scene, the final boss, atma weapon and czar dragon's speech before you fight them, the music, SOME of the graphics (trine, kefka's spells, meteor, etc.) and the remake having a giant cactuar with a mustache and gilgamesh, but thats it.

VII had a confusing plot, but was a better game IMO. VI has confusing gameplay (because of the splitting up and the clues to stuff that should be in the main story being scattered around to the point of obscurity). obscurity is cool in an rpg when its not part of the main story, you know?

02-14-2007, 08:54 PM
debs, I really can't help but think that most of your complaints are nothing but quibbles about things that merely rubbed you the wrong way personally and you mistook them for being flaws.

1. Splitting the party up and forcing you to use different characters is not a bad design choice. It is well-implemented and ensures that each character gets their due in spite of the cast being huge. If you prefer to stick with a single party, that's all well and good, but to hold it as a flaw that the game does not allow you to is just silly.

2. Why does Kefka need a reason for being nuts? Do you think every wacko in the world has an interesting story to tell? Of course not. The fact is that an antagonist's backstory is only applicable if it will somehow alter your perceptions of the character and/or prove to be important later. Neither one of those conditions would have been met with Kefka, so there was no reason to delve into his past. He's nuts and that's all that matters.

hb smokey
02-14-2007, 09:05 PM
2. the battle system is good, but falls short when you consider the plot and gameplay. what i mean by that is that they force you to use and split up your party many, MANY different times. you get used to one group, they pair you up with weaklings. you get semi used to that group, you get pair with more weaklings. you kinda sorta get used to it, to an extent and then they MAKE you go solo and FIND your guys. oh, not the easy way, nooo, the hard way.
I do admit, this game does seem to split up your party quite a bit. On one hand, it's a good thing because there are 14 possible characters that you can find and use over the course of the game and choose from as your party of 4. And the split after the first Ultros fight does lead to a few more characters ultimately joining the party for the long haul. But on the bad side, it seems like every few hours, there is a split. I don't care if there is a split a couple of times during the game. But there are too many here I think, because for the majority of the game, you never get the sense of who your actual 'party' is since you are constantly having to use multiple party setups. It might help keep the characters on more of an even platform for later in the game, but you can only have four characters in your party at a time, and you want to pick about that many that you would like to use for a good chunk of the game.

85,000 random battles, bosses that are very hard, but would be better handled if you had your team,
Random battles are a staple of Final Fantasy games. I don't know if FFVI has the highest rate of random battles, but it seemed right in line with all the other ones.

I don't think the bosses are really hard either.

and then they don't throw out large clues for you to get your other guys. i would have never found locke, for example, if it wasn't for a guide...the phoenix cave and splitting up my party, yet again, was a huge turn off. if i didn't know ahead of time that i was getting him back, along with the phoenix esper, i would never have done it.
I never really had a problem with it. After the entire party is scattered across the world, and considering the time that has passed after Kefka does his thing, it seems to fit in well with the notion that everything is in ruin and thus you wouldn't have any clues, if but a few, to find the rest of your crew.

4. oh, the party was seperated for 1 year, by the way...but anyway, kefka was lame. the only cool part of kefka was the final boss fight. that shit was pretty hot, i'll give it that (and the best last boss fight IMHO of the ff's before VII). kefka was insane for no reason. he did stuff for no reason. that just doesn't move me, whether he's insane or not. they never explained, during the main story why he was like that. if somebody on here hadn't mentioned vector, i would never know why. i still don't really know why, as i didn't go to vector and talk to ppl at the yeah, to me, he's just a villian for the sake of having one to fight in the game. LAME.
You couldn't be more wrong.

When there is an insane villian in the video game, the main reason is usually because he/she becomes so power driven that they will do anything to accomplish full power. I never sat there and thought about what the actual, concrete reason was behind Kefka's madness. To me, it actually adds to his appeal because he's just this crazy, funny, evil villian during the game and its most likely because he wants to rule the world. No explanation was given really, sure, but the explanation is also sort of given by default.

02-14-2007, 09:21 PM
1. Splitting the party up and forcing you to use different characters is not a bad design choice. It is well-implemented and ensures that each character gets their due in spite of the cast being huge. If you prefer to stick with a single party, that's all well and good, but to hold it as a flaw that the game does not allow you to is just isn't a bad choice if its few and far between. if its for a good 90% of the game, then hell na i don't like it. i mean they did this through the vast majority of the game. it never ended...even the dragons den! you can never really use ONE team and be done with it. i like games where i can just stick to my one team. the game could have 10 characters, thats fine, but lemme pick my 3 or 4 guys and stick with them. to hell with the rest of them. i mean even if it were like make two teams. ok, fine. three? and these aren't run over areas with run over enemies either, these are key areas and crazy hard enemies you're trying to defeat. they are forcing you to use the whole cast in the game. that is just NOT fun. also, the stories behind them were weak because there were so many. this is magnified by the fact that kefka is pretty much a villian for no reason. it just makes what he does pointless.

i wasn't buying the whole terra thing either. that whole character, minus her magic was lame. can't love? don't know what love is? ok, fine, keep it moving. i mean it took the end of the world and her raising some scrappy kids for her to understand what love was? bitch, i went half way around the world (solo, because the game forces you to) looking for your stupid ass and you figure out love from some kids?

edge and sabin's story was wack. sabin goes off and leaves his brother ALONE for YEARS and it looks like he's not coming back up until you, YOU, return the figaro castle with him in your party. then at the very end of the game its revealed that he left to protect his brother and i'm supposed to believe that? hell na.

no back story as to how edge ruled the kingdom. one day he was prince, the next he was king. the end. lame.

locke...lets see. resurrect dead girlfriend. spend the entire game looking for phoenix magicite to resurrect her only for her to come back and say THANK YOU? lmfao i felt sorry FOR HIM. how embarrassing. she didn't even say i love you, haha. just, thank you. oh and then she died (again). lame.

setzer's was thrown together. relm, strago and shadow SHOULD have been emphasized greatly but wasn't. something about shadow and relm should have been in the main story. something about strago raising relm should have been shown moreso.

etc. etc.

2. Why does Kefka need a reason for being nuts? Do you think every wacko in the world has an interesting story to tell? Of course not. The fact is that an antagonist's backstory is only applicable if it will somehow alter your perceptions of the character and/or prove to be important later. Neither one of those conditions would have been met with Kefka, so there was no reason to delve into his past. He's nuts and that's all that matters.because he is the MAIN villian, not some minor character. kefka isn't gogo or umaro. he's KEFKA the main villian and the reason why the game exists. he definitely needs an interesting story behind him. i was hoping for something better than "just because..." out of ff6. i mean i got that from IV. the dude you had to fight was unknown for 95% of the game, then the very end you fight this guy just because. that kind of shit is lame to me, sorry. i'm not buying the "because he's insane" part either.

thats what VII was. an insane character because he thought something that wasn't. THAT is how character background telling should be. in the main story. not hidden in some town in obscurity that you can only reach at one point in the game then after (or before) that its gone forever for you to not know.

in VII, yeah, the plot was confusing, but at least you could figure out through KEY events that were part of the story, why you were fighting sephiroth. i still couldn't figure out why i was fighting kefka other than just because. the guy goes from being underling to a God in one year by just moving some statues around. wow.

i'm sorry but not telling me anything about the guy other than implying that he's insane won't cut it for the main villian. =/

it seems like VII is a more improved VI. was VI a finished game or did they just come out with it? that would explain a lot.

02-14-2007, 09:28 PM
it isn't a bad choice if its few and far between. if its for a good 90% of the game, then hell na i don't like it. i mean they did this through the vast majority of the game. it never ended...even the dragons den! you can never really use ONE team and be done with it. i like games where i can just stick to my one team. the game could have 10 characters, thats fine, but lemme pick my 3 or 4 guys and stick with them. to hell with the rest of them. i mean even if it were like make two teams. ok, fine. three? and these aren't run over areas with run over enemies either, these are key areas and crazy hard enemies you're trying to defeat. they are forcing you to use the whole cast in the game. that is just NOT fun. also, the stories behind them were weak because there were so many. this is magnified by the fact that kefka is pretty much a villian for no reason. it just makes what he does pointless.

i wasn't buying the whole terra thing either. that whole character, minus her magic was lame. can't love? don't know what love is? ok, fine, keep it moving. i mean it took the end of the world and her raising some scrappy kids for her to understand what love was? bitch, i went half way around the world (solo, because the game forces you to) looking for your stupid ass and you figure out love from some kids?

edge and sabin's story was wack. sabin goes off and leaves his brother ALONE for YEARS and it looks like he's not coming back up until you, YOU, return the figaro castle with him in your party. then at the very end of the game its revealed that he left to protect his brother and i'm supposed to believe that? hell na.

no back story as to how edge ruled the kingdom. one day he was prince, the next he was king. the end. lame.

locke...lets see. resurrect dead girlfriend. spend the entire game looking for phoenix magicite to resurrect her only for her to come back and say THANK YOU? lmfao i felt sorry FOR HIM. how embarrassing. she didn't even say i love you, haha. just, thank you. oh and then she died (again). lame.

setzer's was thrown together. relm, strago and shadow SHOULD have been emphasized greatly but wasn't. something about shadow and relm should have been in the main story. something about strago raising relm should have been shown moreso.

etc. etc.

because he is the MAIN villian, not some minor character. kefka isn't gogo or umaro. he's KEFKA the main villian and the reason why the game exists. he definitely needs an interesting story behind him. i was hoping for something better than "just because..." out of ff6. i mean i got that from IV. the dude you had to fight was unknown for 95% of the game, then the very end you fight this guy just because. that kind of shit is lame to me, sorry. i'm not buying the "because he's insane" part either.

thats what VII was. an insane character because he thought something that wasn't. THAT is how character background telling should be. in the main story. not hidden in some town in obscurity that you can only reach at one point in the game then after (or before) that its gone forever for you to not know.

in VII, yeah, the plot was confusing, but at least you could figure out through KEY events that were part of the story, why you were fighting sephiroth. i still couldn't figure out why i was fighting kefka other than just because. the guy goes from being underling to a God in one year by just moving some statues around. wow.

i'm sorry but not telling me anything about the guy other than implying that he's insane won't cut it for the main villian. =/

it seems like VII is a more improved VI. was VI a finished game or did they just come out with it? that would explain a lot.

I agree. Kefka should have a better backstory. Especially if he is going to be considered one of the best FF villians of all time.

02-14-2007, 09:48 PM
Okay, it's been a while since I went all-out...

it isn't a bad choice if its few and far between. if its for a good 90% of the game, then hell na i don't like it. i mean they did this through the vast majority of the game. it never ended...even the dragons den! you can never really use ONE team and be done with it. i like games where i can just stick to my one team. the game could have 10 characters, thats fine, but lemme pick my 3 or 4 guys and stick with them. to hell with the rest of them. i mean even if it were like make two teams. ok, fine. three? and these aren't run over areas with run over enemies either, these are key areas and crazy hard enemies you're trying to defeat. they are forcing you to use the whole cast in the game. that is just NOT fun.

Again, you are forcing your own sensibilities onto something that is under no obligation at all to fall in line with them. Other people could just as easily say that they like changing parties frequently because it varies the gameplay. It is not a bad thing. It is just a choice that you didn't like.

also, the stories behind them were weak because there were so many. this is magnified by the fact that kefka is pretty much a villian for no reason. it just makes what he does pointless.

And just why do all the characters need to have absurdly unlikely and long-winded histories? Do you find it so unbelievable that they could have actually been mostly normal people who did mostly normal things? What happened to them in the past is not nearly as important as their ongoing role in the main plot.

I address Kefka already, and will probably elaborate further as I proceed to the bottom of your ignorant rant.

i wasn't buying the whole terra thing either. that whole character, minus her magic was lame. can't love? don't know what love is? ok, fine, keep it moving. i mean it took the end of the world and her raising some scrappy kids for her to understand what love was? bitch, i went half way around the world (solo, because the game forces you to) looking for your stupid ass and you figure out love from some kids?

Boo-fucking-hoo. What did you expect? Something like "Oh, Locke, you saved me from that monster and now I finally understand love," would have been downright retarded.

edge and sabin's story was wack. sabin goes off and leaves his brother ALONE for YEARS and it looks like he's not coming back up until you, YOU, return the figaro castle with him in your party. then at the very end of the game its revealed that he left to protect his brother and i'm supposed to believe that? hell na.

-rep for use of wack

Frankly, I'm convinced that you're an idiot at this point.

no back story as to how edge ruled the kingdom. one day he was prince, the next he was king. the end. lame.

Edge was from FFIV, ftr. I know it was just an innocent mistake, but I saw no reason to let it slide.

Again I say, why must everything have a long and drawn-out history with you? It's completely asinine.

Skipping the rest of the character stuff because I couldn't be bothered to read it.

because he is the MAIN villian, not some minor character. kefka isn't gogo or umaro. he's KEFKA the main villian and the reason why the game exists. he definitely needs an interesting story behind him. i was hoping for something better than "just because..." out of ff6. i mean i got that from IV. the dude you had to fight was unknown for 95% of the game, then the very end you fight this guy just because. that kind of shit is lame to me, sorry. i'm not buying the "because he's insane" part either.

Tough shit. I already explained all this quite sufficiently and you have done nothing here to directly address my own points, so I am going to disregard this as worthless whining.

thats what VII was. an insane character because he thought something that wasn't. THAT is how character background telling should be. in the main story. not hidden in some town in obscurity that you can only reach at one point in the game then after (or before) that its gone forever for you to not know.

Darth Vader. He has virtually no background until the recent trilogy, yet he is one of the most highly-regarded villains in cinema history.

Hannibal Lecter. Silence of the Lambs did nothing to explain why he liked to eat people, but I've never heard anyone complain about that. What was important to the story was that he did, not why he did it.

Shall I continue with this? Kefka's role in the story was entirely rooted in the game's present. His past was not relevant and was probably not important, so there was no reason at all to explore it.

in VII, yeah, the plot was confusing, but at least you could figure out through KEY events that were part of the story, why you were fighting sephiroth. i still couldn't figure out why i was fighting kefka other than just because. the guy goes from being underling to a God in one year by just moving some statues around. wow.

You're a moron. I'm not going to try to prove it to you because you will never see it. I am merely saying it for everyone else to agree with and quote for effect.

i'm sorry but not telling me anything about the guy other than implying that he's insane won't cut it for the main villian. =/

Covered this already. You sure like repetition, don't you? Repeating a bullshit point doesn't make true, however.

it seems like VII is a more improved VI. was VI a finished game or did they just come out with it? that would explain a lot.

Improved? You must be joking. I would call you on this more thoroughly, but I really don't want to get swept up in another "Why FFVII is crap" argument right now. Maybe later though!

hb smokey
02-14-2007, 10:05 PM
I thought about replying to debs post, but after realizing that it's just full of a bunch of cocka-doodle-doo, I don't want to waste my time.

02-14-2007, 10:26 PM
Okay, it's been a while since I went all-out...

Again, you are forcing your own sensibilities onto something that is under no obligation at all to fall in line with them. Other people could just as easily say that they like changing parties frequently because it varies the gameplay. It is not a bad thing. It is just a choice that you didn't like.

if something has square enix on the package, i automatically assume that its going to be at a certain level plot and gameplay wise. excuse me for holding square to a certain standard. excuse me for buying into what a good majority on the internet says about ff6 being the best in the series.

i'm actually beginning to think they say that solely because ff7 is more popular and they are anti-anything that is popular.

anyway the whole changing parties frequently thing IS a bad thing when they don't level, they don't learn magic, and as a result they are dead weight you're stuck with and forced to level. it was bad before, but it was worse when you had to be stuck with dead weight just to get characters you actually played as (wor). again, this wouldn't be so much of a problem if:

-those characters leveled up the same as you or very, very close
-they also learned magic
-it wasn't done every 5 minutes
-there weren't so many damn characters

so in other words, its not really ok at all.

And just why do all the characters need to have absurdly unlikely and long-winded histories? Do you find it so unbelievable that they could have actually been mostly normal people who did mostly normal things? What happened to them in the past is not nearly as important as their ongoing role in the main plot.thats the problem. you're proving my point. the game's characters were so abundant that they couldn't tell a decent story about any of them. what is the logical thing to do then, square? take some of the characters out of the game and focus on a few. hell, HALF the roster would have still been a lot of characters.

yes, suspension of belief can only take you so far before you're like this is lame. normal guys defeating goddesses, behemoths, ghosts, etc. with no real story behind them is just too much. they were not just normal ppl that did normal things. killing somebody using dual cast ultima, the strongest magic in the game, is not normal. following up with 8 hits of atma weapon x valientknife (or illumina) is not normal. give these guys a better background. i need to know some past stuff so that i know why i'm doing what i'm doing now.

kefka going from underling to god with no real background is unacceptable from a company like square. i could accept ff4 being pretty boring and its shortcomings because of its age and the time it came out in...ff6 came out in a time where they really could have done a lot with the story. they just didn't. a lot of it seems rushed. 7 really does seem like a better version of 6.

I address Kefka already, and will probably elaborate further as I proceed to the bottom of your ignorant @ this. did you catch feelings because i said kefka and his non existent background was a pos til the very, very end of the game? its not so much ignorance as it is you ready to take in any and everything square comes out with to the point where anything is good to you. ff13 could come out tomorrow and have a mover as the main villian just because it hasn't been done before and i bet you'd change your avatar to a pic of a mover and come in a ff13 thread with all kinds of praises for a mover. fk outta here. kefka was just a bunch of sprites put in the game just for the hell of it. square basically made a game center around nothing. at least the crystal hunting this time wasn't that pointless (a la ff4).

Boo-fucking-hoo. What did you expect? Something like "Oh, Locke, you saved me from that monster and now I finally understand love," would have been downright, i expecting actual story. him being a treasure hunter (and a thief in some ppl's eyes) was cool. him doing it to resurrect a dead girlfriend was WIERD. then ok, i'm like...i guess i'll accept it. whatever. so then we go through phoenix cave, which was a bitch in itself, kinda like your mother when you were in her lil tummy, and then we take on all kinds of crazy puzzles with 85,000 random encounters to the point where you're like which way was i going? all to...

resurrect her for 5 seconds???? for her to say, thank you? lmfao. if i were in the game, i would have laughed in his face! if i were shadow i would have been like, "you can't pay me enough for this."

-rep for use of wack

Frankly, I'm convinced that you're an idiot at this point.
-rep for use of the word "frankly."

what are you, cyan now? frankly thou art lameth like thine game ff6eth.

art thou mad? art thou GLAAD??

Edge was from FFIV, ftr. I know it was just an innocent mistake, but I saw no reason to let it slide.i played them back to back. (4, 5, 6) within a short time period, so its hard to remember all of the characters. had i played them during their respective times, it'd be easier and perhaps i would have had a better experience.

Again I say, why must everything have a long and drawn-out history with you? It's completely asinine.because it should be a part of the story. a story um...explains shit, dumbass. this game had a hell of a rushjob because of the amount of characters in it. someone on gamefaqs said it best..i forgot how it went, but most of the stuff that happened in the game was very drawn out. a lot of that could have happened in like one day. i plan on going on the boards over there to see what ppl are saying about the dragons den (always interesting to see what ppl think), if i come across the quote, i'll post it here.

Darth Vader. He has virtually no background until the recent trilogy, yet he is one of the most highly-regarded villains in cinema history.which is fine, because the movie was told in books before. add that to the fact that movies about parts of the book were preplanned. darth was acceptable for that reason.

Hannibal Lecter. Silence of the Lambs did nothing to explain why he liked to eat people, but I've never heard anyone complain about that. What was important to the story was that he did, not why he did it.and again, there's a movie out explaining why he turned into the monster that he is/was. there's a reason for that.

Shall I continue with this? go ahead.

Kefka's role in the story was entirely rooted in the game's present. His past was not relevant and was probably not important, so there was no reason at all to explore it.well lets see, they split your characters up infinitely, they make you do stuff at the same time while your other characters are doing stuff, and you can sit there and post that? fk outta here with that bull. they could have touched on kefka's story a bit, seeing as they make you do so many other things. you know this. part of your team goes to one town, the other goes to another, you have different scenarious, etc. but kefka's story can't be explained because it'd be long and drawn out? right. oh, i know, because its in the present? right, because you and sabin splitting up wasn't in the present. you doing two scenes while they happened at the same time wasn't present. ok, i gotcha.

and none of the characters pasts were relevant either. so why get into anything? why not just have a game with no story but all fighting?

Improved? You must be joking. I would call you on this more thoroughly, but I really don't want to get swept up in another "Why FFVII is crap" argument right now. Maybe later though!because you can't argue against it. ff7 borrows everything wrong from ff6 and makes it right. its almost ff6-2.

I thought about replying to debs post, but after realizing that it's just full of a bunch of cocka-doodle-doo, I don't want to waste my time.

then why waste your time posting in here at all? you posted just to say that?

02-14-2007, 10:54 PM
Its funny cause when sephiroth is named "BEST VILLIAN OF ALL TIME", theres a million reasons to why he sucks. People come out of left field with the craziest reasons to bring him and FF7 down. With that being said, obviously there are some faults with FF6. They are being called out but of course theres going to be some reasoning behind it all. Why? Because this is FF game that FF7 haters use to crush the crediblity of FF7.

FF6 has flaws, its obvious. Its just interesting to hear the reasoning that is brought up to justify these flaws.

02-14-2007, 10:58 PM
if something has square enix on the package, i automatically assume that its going to be at a certain level plot and gameplay wise. excuse me for holding square to a certain standard. excuse me for buying into what a good majority on the internet says about ff6 being the best in the series.

Wait a sec... This is the company that put out such stinkers as Ehrgeiz, Dirge of Cerberus, the Fullmetal Alchemist games, Unlimited SaGa, and Chocobo Racing, among others. They're hardly a nigh-infallible paragon of gaming godliness.

i'm actually beginning to think they say that solely because ff7 is more popular and they are anti-anything that is popular.

It's only natural that there would be a wave of anti-FFVII sentiment now. It enjoyed an unnaturally high point after its release and the backlash was inevitable.

anyway the whole changing parties frequently thing IS a bad thing when they don't level, they don't learn magic, and as a result they are dead weight you're stuck with and forced to level. it was bad before, but it was worse when you had to be stuck with dead weight just to get characters you actually played as (wor). again, this wouldn't be so much of a problem if:

-those characters leveled up the same as you or very, very close
-they also learned magic
-it wasn't done every 5 minutes
-there weren't so many damn characters

so in other words, its not really ok at all.

Your complaint is ONLY valid if the game keeps raising the difficulty of the encounters. As far as I've seen, it stays pretty much in line with the expected levels of the characters. I can't say with absolute certainty that you're wrong, having yet to finish the game myself, but the trend thus far is not in your favor. Perhaps someone else can fill in my gap on this point?

thats the problem. you're proving my point. the game's characters were so abundant that they couldn't tell a decent story about any of them. what is the logical thing to do then, square? take some of the characters out of the game and focus on a few. hell, HALF the roster would have still been a lot of characters.

Do you listen to anything anyone says? Does common sense have no place in your little world of egocentricity?

yes, suspension of belief can only take you so far before you're like this is lame. normal guys defeating goddesses, behemoths, ghosts, etc. with no real story behind them is just too much. they were not just normal ppl that did normal things. killing somebody using dual cast ultima, the strongest magic in the game, is not normal. following up with 8 hits of atma weapon x valientknife (or illumina) is not normal. give these guys a better background. i need to know some past stuff so that i know why i'm doing what i'm doing now.

Okay, you're really starting to get... amusing, actually. This is perhaps your most absurd claim yet. Did you happen to notice that the characters start off with low levels and stats, and cannot possibly do the things you mention before the events of the game?

kefka going from underling to god with no real background is unacceptable from a company like square. i could accept ff4 being pretty boring and its shortcomings because of its age and the time it came out in...ff6 came out in a time where they really could have done a lot with the story. they just didn't. a lot of it seems rushed. 7 really does seem like a better version of 6.

All I have to say is "lol."

lol @ this. did you catch feelings because i said kefka and his non existent background was a pos til the very, very end of the game? its not so much ignorance as it is you ready to take in any and everything square comes out with to the point where anything is good to you. ff13 could come out tomorrow and have a mover as the main villian just because it hasn't been done before and i bet you'd change your avatar to a pic of a mover and come in a ff13 thread with all kinds of praises for a mover. fk outta here. kefka was just a bunch of sprites put in the game just for the hell of it. square basically made a game center around nothing. at least the crystal hunting this time wasn't that pointless (a la ff4).

My god, you are an ignoramus. You are accusing the wrong person of sucking Square-Enix's cock. I can count the number of their games that I actually like on one hand. Also, FFXIII looks like total shit from everything I've seen.

no, i expecting actual story. him being a treasure hunter (and a thief in some ppl's eyes) was cool. him doing it to resurrect a dead girlfriend was WIERD. then ok, i'm like...i guess i'll accept it. whatever. so then we go through phoenix cave, which was a bitch in itself, kinda like your mother when you were in her lil tummy, and then we take on all kinds of crazy puzzles with 85,000 random encounters to the point where you're like which way was i going? all to...

resurrect her for 5 seconds???? for her to say, thank you? lmfao. if i were in the game, i would have laughed in his face! if i were shadow i would have been like, "you can't pay me enough for this."

Hey, how about replying in context to the quote?

-rep for use of the word "frankly."

what are you, cyan now? frankly thou art lameth like thine game ff6eth.

art thou mad? art thou GLAAD??

Do you lose a thousand brain cells every time you type a letter? You seem to be getting progressively more idiotic.

because it should be a part of the story. a story um...explains shit, dumbass. this game had a hell of a rushjob because of the amount of characters in it. someone on gamefaqs said it best..i forgot how it went, but most of the stuff that happened in the game was very drawn out. a lot of that could have happened in like one day. i plan on going on the boards over there to see what ppl are saying about the dragons den (always interesting to see what ppl think), if i come across the quote, i'll post it here.[quote]

Ar you trying to make a point? Because it looks to me like you're running in circles with no idea of what point you're trying to make.

[quote]which is fine, because the movie was told in books before. add that to the fact that movies about parts of the book were preplanned. darth was acceptable for that reason.

So, if Square-Enix had simultaneously published a short story that no one read which gave Kefka a completely boring life story, you would have found him satisfactory?

and again, there's a movie out explaining why he turned into the monster that he is/was. there's a reason for that.

And your intelligence continues to drop, I see. The movie you mention wasn't made until MANY years after the original. Would your complaints about FFVI disappear if Square-Enix suddenly decided to make a sequel that addressed your issues with the plot?

well lets see, they split your characters up infinitely, they make you do stuff at the same time while your other characters are doing stuff, and you can sit there and post that? fk outta here with that bull. they could have touched on kefka's story a bit, seeing as they make you do so many other things. you know this. part of your team goes to one town, the other goes to another, you have different scenarious, etc. but kefka's story can't be explained because it'd be long and drawn out? right. oh, i know, because its in the present? right, because you and sabin splitting up wasn't in the present. you doing two scenes while they happened at the same time wasn't present. ok, i gotcha.

Do you pay attention to anyone or do you simply like seeing your rants on screen?

and none of the characters pasts were relevant either. so why get into anything? why not just have a game with no story but all fighting?

Many games have been very successful doing just that. Hell, that's basically what the first game in the series was.

because you can't argue against it. ff7 borrows everything wrong from ff6 and makes it right. its almost ff6-2.

You moron. Read some old threads and realize the error of your ways. No one here has done more to successfully tarnish the reputation of FFVII than I have.

02-14-2007, 11:06 PM
I'm just gonna grab some popcorn and watch.

02-14-2007, 11:56 PM
Wait a sec... This is the company that put out such stinkers as Ehrgeiz, Dirge of Cerberus, the Fullmetal Alchemist games, Unlimited SaGa, and Chocobo Racing, among others. They're hardly a nigh-infallible paragon of gaming godliness.and you say that on a final fantasy board. did i mention any of square's other titles? what is square's track record, those other titles included? square is one of the few companies that can sell any game based on name recognition alone. you're fooling yourself if you don't think ANY game with the name 'final fantasy' in the title has a bar to reach.

of all the final fantasy games, ffVI has probably the largest following (outside of VII). the way ppl talk about it on the net, you'd swear this was the best thing since sliced vagina. i mean the comparisons are crazy. best in the series? better than chrono trigger? best rpg ever? should i go on?

It's only natural that there would be a wave of anti-FFVII sentiment now. It enjoyed an unnaturally high point after its release and the backlash was inevitable.true, which is the reason why i think ffVI is brought up so much. its like ppl want ffVII to be bad because everybody likes it, so the fanboys bring up VI, one that is a lil more obscure and that only "true" ff heads got into. before the big budget commercials and graphics and all of that.

Your complaint is ONLY valid if the game keeps raising the difficulty of the encounters. As far as I've seen, it stays pretty much in line with the expected levels of the characters. I can't say with absolute certainty that you're wrong, having yet to finish the game myself, but the trend thus far is not in your favor. Perhaps someone else can fill in my gap on this point?and it does. finding sabin was not as hard as defeating phunbaba, or the phoenix cave, or kefka's tower, etc. etc. the difficulty stays in line with the characters you've played as and grown to love the most, the only problem is you don't actually get to use those're stuck with ppl you didn't use for one reason or another. then sometimes, you're only stuck with 1, 2 or 3 of them and the difficulty is raised greatly because of this. add that to the fact that a lot of the game becomes tedious when you have the weakest guys against a billion random encounters, a billion puzzles and a hard boss.

finish the game then come back in here. you can only spam the moogle charm so much before the game forces you to use two or three teams and you can no longer use it.

Do you listen to anything anyone says? Does common sense have no place in your little world of egocentricity?ask yourself that question. i'm allowed to have an opinion, and my opinion is that:

this game feels rushed.
this game is overrated. its not the best in the series and its not better than VII.
the story needs work. the gameplay was on point but the game needed at most, half the cast it had.

Okay, you're really starting to get... amusing, actually. This is perhaps your most absurd claim yet. Did you happen to notice that the characters start off with low levels and stats, and cannot possibly do the things you mention before the events of the game?does it matter? if you overleveled terra, you could learn ultima in wob. ppl have done it. terra, strago, celes, i can buy why she knows magic like that...the rest? na, but thats ok, its final fantasy. you expect it. i'm not arguing that, i'm saying they need a better story behind them. there needs to be less of them to make the story better...

Ar you trying to make a point? Because it looks to me like you're running in circles with no idea of what point you're trying to make.
can you read?

So, if Square-Enix had simultaneously published a short story that no one read which gave Kefka a completely boring life story, you would have found him satisfactory?lol @ this. you're implying that nobody read those star wars novels. please. visit one of those sites and ask around. star wars has a crazy background that has a lot of depth. the books were created before a lot of the movies, anyway. the movies were basically bits and pieces from the book. if they published something on kefka like what 10 years+ later, na, it wouldn't be satisfactory because the story behind him in the game was ass. its not the equivalent of having the script and story to ffVI all planned out and THEN creating a game on say...the middle part of the story, then later on having a film or something that covers before and after. i'll give square some credit, these were older rpg's, and they didn't start getting some parts right til chrono trigger, mario rpg and ff7...

And your intelligence continues to drop, I see. The movie you mention wasn't made until MANY years after the original. Would your complaints about FFVI disappear if Square-Enix suddenly decided to make a sequel that addressed your issues with the plot?honestly i don't fk with those movies, so i wouldn't know. i've only seen one of them, which i don't even remember what it was called, and i wasn't really interested. see what i typed before this quote though to answer your question.

Many games have been very successful doing just that. Hell, that's basically what the first game in the series was.but it was the first game in the series and it came out on NES. i can live with that. thats completely understandable. now if the first game just came out in 2007 on say ps3 and had no kind of story, that would be some bullshit, yes.

You moron. Read some old threads and realize the error of your ways. No one here has done more to successfully tarnish the reputation of FFVII than I @ this. you're entitled to your opinion, but you're completely wrong. you're're going backwards. its like saying no money is better than some money. its like saying being poor is better than being rich. in that case, money improves a situation and makes it better. it enhances. ffVII enhanced the ideas of ffVI and made them better.

the only thing bad about ffVII was the somewhat confusing plot...but at least it had an actual worthwhile plot that made room for speculation.

02-15-2007, 12:08 AM
ROTFL. I so cannot be bothered with this. Prak --- this one is totally all yours. Have at it and enjoy!

02-15-2007, 12:47 AM
I started playing RPGs with FFIV (it was FFII for SNES though) and absolutely loved it. Didn't care about graphics, just good music, good gameplay and a great storyline...IV had all that....and when VI (III for SNES) was released, it had those qualities but they were exponentially increased. Personally I think VII is overrated. It's not bad, but to me VI > VII. Maybe it's because I'm an old school gamer and SNES was where it was at for me. Hell, I even liked FF Mystic Quest, even though it was a horrible game at best lol.


02-15-2007, 03:18 AM
Normally I don't like Prak but I am siding with him on most of the arguments with this one.

02-15-2007, 03:47 AM
I started out with FFVI (FFIII for the SNES - it was my cousin's). Then I played FFVII on the PC.

Sorry if I offend anyone, I have played FFI-VII, and VI is by far the most memorable for me (VII comes to a close second). I could actually remembered most of the aspect from VI (and VII to a certain extent), but not the rest. In contrast, I could only remember some of the music from each of the FF games, but by far I could remember most of the music from VI. Likewise, if you gave me a list of FF villains and tell me to associate them with their respective games, the ones I'm most likely to get right are Kefka and Sepiroth.

Guess I'm just... wierd.

02-15-2007, 03:48 AM
Actually Agent, I think I'm winding down on this one by now. It's clear that I'm talking to a wall here, and until debs actually stops ranting and decides to discuss things in a rational manner, I'm not likely to get any more amusement here. If you want to take a shot after this, go right ahead.

and you say that on a final fantasy board. did i mention any of square's other titles? what is square's track record, those other titles included? square is one of the few companies that can sell any game based on name recognition alone. you're fooling yourself if you don't think ANY game with the name 'final fantasy' in the title has a bar to reach.

Your point before was about consistent quality, which is pretty well disproved, not name recognition.

of all the final fantasy games, ffVI has probably the largest following (outside of VII). the way ppl talk about it on the net, you'd swear this was the best thing since sliced vagina. i mean the comparisons are crazy. best in the series? better than chrono trigger? best rpg ever? should i go on?

Yes, like everything else that's popular, it gets overrated by its most zealous fans. You won't hear me deny that for an instant. I'm not doing this because I'm an ardent fan of the game. I'm doing this because your criticisms are irrational and based on personal preference instead of universal standards of quality.

and it does. finding sabin was not as hard as defeating phunbaba, or the phoenix cave, or kefka's tower, etc. etc. the difficulty stays in line with the characters you've played as and grown to love the most, the only problem is you don't actually get to use those're stuck with ppl you didn't use for one reason or another. then sometimes, you're only stuck with 1, 2 or 3 of them and the difficulty is raised greatly because of this. add that to the fact that a lot of the game becomes tedious when you have the weakest guys against a billion random encounters, a billion puzzles and a hard boss.

Perhaps you can step outside of your box for a moment and think from another point of view. You're looking at it with the narrow-minded expectations of someone who expected it to be like other games you've played. When you look from a neutral perspective, however, and take the game purely on its own merits without applying false standards, another picture forms.

The entire reason for splitting the party up so early and so often is to acclimate you to using all the characters. With FFVI, Squaresoft wanted players to use them all, rather than merely picking their favorites and sticking with them, so they chose an approach that would encourage diversity in party selection and engrain the necessity of it into a player's mind from an early stage. If you stick with only a few characters despite knowing that you'll run into situations where you need others, you're simply not a very good gamer. There's no problem with the game at all. The intentions of the design are unmistakably clear.

ask yourself that question. i'm allowed to have an opinion, and my opinion is that:

this game feels rushed.
this game is overrated. its not the best in the series and its not better than VII.
the story needs work. the gameplay was on point but the game needed at most, half the cast it had.

For your information, I have thoroughly read every last sentence of yours and attempted in every case to glean the logic behind it. However, you are presenting a logical argument. You are presented a thinly-veiled rant.

Now, here's my facts. Please note that I do not deal in opinions, as they are merely egocentric distortions or outright denials of the truth.

FFVI does not feel as rushed as FFVII, no matter which way you look at it. Even the developers admitted on several verifiable occasions that FFVII was pushed out early due to pressure from Sony and was still missing some of its planned content.

Overrated? Yes, as are all things that have die-hard fans. Outdone by FFVII, not by a very long shot. First, consider that they are on entirely different consoles, one using cartridges and one using CDs. CDs can naturally hold more data and consequently allow for a more fully-developed story. Therefore, by the stands of SNES games, FFVI had a fairly tremendous amount of dialogue. It also had more even pacing than its immediate successor, characters who were not entirely archetypal, and introduced several new ideas which had not previously been explored in such games. I would say that by any reasonable standard, FFVI is definitely the better game.

does it matter? if you overleveled terra, you could learn ultima in wob. ppl have done it. terra, strago, celes, i can buy why she knows magic like that...the rest? na, but thats ok, its final fantasy. you expect it. i'm not arguing that, i'm saying they need a better story behind them. there needs to be less of them to make the story better...

Of course it matters. I was making the point that they weren't far removed from ordinary people at the beginning of the game.

Now why exactly are you focusing so much on story anyway? You do realize, don't you, that emphasis was placed very firmly on gameplay back then? While games were beginning to gain ground as a storytelling medium on PC at the time, that idea had not yet made its way over to consoles in any significant measure. Taking that into account, your criticism of sacrificing story for the number of characters is ridiculous because you're basically saying that they should have thrown the industry paradigms of the time out the window in favor of something that would not gain widespread popularity for several more years.

can you read?

I can read quite well, thank you very much. On top of that, my comprehension skills are first-rate. I think, rather than counter-attacking, you should examine your own communication skills to determine why I made the attack in the first and make the necessary corrections.

lol @ this. you're implying that nobody read those star wars novels. please. visit one of those sites and ask around. star wars has a crazy background that has a lot of depth. the books were created before a lot of the movies, anyway.

Yes, I've heard this before, and I am inclined to believe it, but I've never been able to find where it's been suitably substantiated. Anyway, what I have heard about that is that they were kid-oriented books published in the UK, which did not gain any sort of recognition overseas. Therefore, the assertion that they were not widely read is accurate.

the movies were basically bits and pieces from the book. if they published something on kefka like what 10 years+ later, na, it wouldn't be satisfactory because the story behind him in the game was ass. its not the equivalent of having the script and story to ffVI all planned out and THEN creating a game on say...the middle part of the story, then later on having a film or something that covers before and after. i'll give square some credit, these were older rpg's, and they didn't start getting some parts right til chrono trigger, mario rpg and ff7...

See my point above about the paradigms of the time. I would also like to point out that FFVII marked a particularly disturbing paradigm shift, whereupon focus was placed on story to the detriment of gameplay. FFVII was far easier than any of the games in the series before it. In fact, everything about its design seemed to serve the purpose of draining any potential difficulty from it so as to idiot-proof the game in order to drive its popularity up among people who were not used to Japanese pseudo-RPGs. Of course those same people continued to expect more of the same and the series continued along the path to becoming excessively bloated adventure games.

honestly i don't fk with those movies, so i wouldn't know. i've only seen one of them, which i don't even remember what it was called, and i wasn't really interested. see what i typed before this quote though to answer your question.

Very well then. I'll just skip to the point I was making. Your claims about Kefka's past not being explored being a detriment are not true at all. His past is not relevant in context of the game, so it is a natural choice to leave it out.

but it was the first game in the series and it came out on NES. i can live with that. thats completely understandable. now if the first game just came out in 2007 on say ps3 and had no kind of story, that would be some bullshit, yes.

Again, paradigms of the time.

lol @ this. you're entitled to your opinion, but you're completely wrong. you're're going backwards. its like saying no money is better than some money. its like saying being poor is better than being rich. in that case, money improves a situation and makes it better. it enhances. ffVII enhanced the ideas of ffVI and made them better.

Please do name some of the ideas it took from FFVI and improved then. I will refrain for demolishing this point until you've had the opportunity to substantiate it.

the only thing bad about ffVII was the somewhat confusing plot...but at least it had an actual worthwhile plot that made room for speculation.

I could argue otherwise (and I always win such arguments decisively, as can be shown from the number of people who re-examined the game after hearing my points and turned against it). Would you like to expand our discussion to include a debate on the quality of FFVII's plot?

02-15-2007, 05:04 AM
About the Star Wars books, Prak, I'm not sure if maybe there's something I'm missing here, but there are some very good Star Wars books out there. I would recommend Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Shatterpoint and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith --- the book version of that film is about ten times better than the film.

02-15-2007, 05:43 AM
Jesus Christ you wrote all this today?
I would love to debate but I cant follow up all these posts!

02-15-2007, 06:13 AM

Wow, Prak, you have a bit too much time on your hands buddy.

I haven't play every one, I've only played FF1 and 7-10 (I was on the Sega team during SNES vs. Genesis) I'm not gonna say 7 is best, as a matter of fact, aside from 9, I hate the latter of them for the simple fact that the characters are realistic looking! I like the manga style characters!

I especially hate 8 with a passion!!! so don't get me started!

Judge Bergan
02-15-2007, 11:42 AM
Yeah, looks just stick with characters that don't look realistic. *rolls eyes*


Kefka may not have much of a story, but at least he completed his goal - he liked ruled the world for at least a year, before his arse got kicked. (It was a year right?) - AT LEAST KEFKA ACCOMPLISHED HIS GOAL.

02-15-2007, 12:08 PM
Jesus Christ you wrote all this today?
I would love to debate but I cant follow up all these posts!Just grab some Popcorn and enjoy.

02-15-2007, 12:19 PM
I've said this before, Kefka clearly has the best theme song out of all the villains. And this is not bias (truly, it's not). Now, to all you Sephiroth's Fans, I don't want to all whining about how great O.W.A is, because yes, it is great. Full Stop.

But a theme song is supposed to articulate what that character is all about through use of sound. And Nobou has constructed one of the most quirkiest and craziest (literal, not slang) melodies for Kefka, that perfectly match his ambitions and personality.
Did O.W.A do that? To some extent yes, but not nearly as well as Kefka's Theme. You also get the feeling of menace and evilness behind the screen of the quirky melody. I don't want to go into all the composition musical techniques to create different atmospheres and stuff, but on general, Nobou is very, very, very skilled and talented. To the general listener, you might not realise all the different techniques and textures Nobou has put into the music over the years, but to any music player is it clearly obvious how great Nobou is and why some people call him a legend (this is unbias, remember?)

So... this was just a pointless little post. Have a nice day ^_^

02-15-2007, 03:03 PM
About the Star Wars books, Prak, I'm not sure if maybe there's something I'm missing here, but there are some very good Star Wars books out there. I would recommend Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, Shatterpoint and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith --- the book version of that film is about ten times better than the film.

All of those written well after the movies, so they're completely irrelevant to the discussion. However, I have read quite a few of the books. Also, I definitely agree with you about the RotS book. I liked the movie a lot, but the book hit on a lot of ideas that really should have been explored more in the film.

Also, Vastalis, I'm a pretty fast typist, so those wall-o-text posts don't take me that long.

02-15-2007, 03:30 PM
Kefka doesnt need a backstory? Wasn't that a major gripe many shriners used against advent children? That Kadaj and gang had no backstory. No one knew where he came from. I guess since AC has the "FF7" in it's title it's a problem.

02-15-2007, 03:36 PM
Pay attention to my point before. Kefka's backstory did not need to be told since it was not relevant to the present. In the case of Advent Children, the origin of the three emo kids was deeply rooted in previously detailed events and was extremely pertinent to the present circumstance.

It's a matter of context, not a big generalization, as you make it out to be.

02-15-2007, 03:39 PM
*Elbows M~C~P* can I get some popcorn?

02-15-2007, 04:30 PM
It doesn't really matter which Final Fantasy a group thinks is the best, what matters is that they are all great games in their own right.

02-15-2007, 04:36 PM
It's called Anthology Cim. And it is packaged with V. Chrono Trigger was packaged with IV, and was called Chronicles.

Edit: Cim or the appropriate administrator changed the erroneous post to which I am referring.

02-15-2007, 04:48 PM
Actually Agent, I think I'm winding down on this one by now. It's clear that I'm talking to a wall here, and until debs actually stops ranting and decides to discuss things in a rational manner, I'm not likely to get any more amusement here. If you want to take a shot after this, go right're set in your ways. continue choking on squaresofts nut hairs while screaming kefka.

Your point before was about consistent quality, which is pretty well disproved, not name are you going to tell me what my point was? have you even finished the game? if not then why the fuck are you posting in this thread? consistently finish VI, then holla at me.

Yes, like everything else that's popular, it gets overrated by its most zealous fans. You won't hear me deny that for an instant. I'm not doing this because I'm an ardent fan of the game. I'm doing this because your criticisms are irrational and based on personal preference instead of universal standards of quality.universally speaking, a good 90% of fans of square, thats right, FANS OF SQUARE, meaning square has a following because of square's history, meaning square has a history of putting out quality games, a vast majority of us EXPECT a decent story, especially out of the rpg's that came after ffV. hell, some ppl say IV had a better story than VI. i don't buy that for one second, but you can see where i'm coming from here. ppl have always cared about the story. its an rpg, idiot.

the story should be well explained and not just laid out there. i expected more from what some ppl refer to as the best in the series. when it comes to square and final fantasy, saying a game is the best in the series means a hell of a lot. it means i need a damn good reason behind why somebody is the main villian, for example, and "just because" is not gonna hold up.

the fact that i can't even use the party i want, pretty much anytime during the game without going through the extra mile in leveling up (and teaching a ton of spells to)at least 3-6 more characters is pretty lame to me. that means i have to do 3 times+ more work just to get the full enjoyment out of the game. this is something you did not have to do before and since. i don't call that consistency at all.

Perhaps you can step outside of your box for a moment and think from another point of view. You're looking at it with the narrow-minded expectations of someone who expected it to be like other games you've played. When you look from a neutral perspective, however, and take the game purely on its own merits without applying false standards, another picture, you're wrong. i expected it to be on par with everyone else's statements about the game. i did not come with an open mind. i wasn't narrow minded however, i was coming to the table with a bar that had to be set by this game. this game is supposed to be better than I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII, right? when ppl put VI in a category they put it in there with VII and chrono trigger. these games are top 10 in most ppl's list of top 10 BEST video games ever, correct? so this game had better be damn well good, correct? things about this game have got to be better than anything before it and most things after it, correct? ok then. i played almost every final fantasy, beaten most of them, own chrono trigger on the snes, beat that many times over and i just don't see it.

based on the statements about the game from everybody else, i have formed my opinion AFTER COMPLETING the game. again, have you completed the game? i have gotten everything needed in the game. the only thing i don't have is the diablos esper because i have not completed the dragon's den, yet. i have every esper possible except odin because i changed it into raiden, i have all the swords that matter, items, bestiary, etc. so i have played the hell out of this thing since it came out.

in other words, i have given it a chance. my characters are approaching the 70s, as far as levels. i can kill the t rexes in the forest in one hit, and i'm talking TWO at a time. i have killed brachiosaurs like its nothing. double meteor is not enough to kill my characters. in other words, i am outside of the box. i have a valid opinion and i am NOT just talking out the ass. unless you have done what i have done, or better, stfu and keep it moving.

The entire reason for splitting the party up so early and so often is to acclimate you to using all the characters. With FFVI, Squaresoft wanted players to use them all, rather than merely picking their favorites and sticking with them, so they chose an approach that would encourage diversity in party selection and engrain the necessity of it into a player's mind from an early stage. If you stick with only a few characters despite knowing that you'll run into situations where you need others, you're simply not a very good gamer. There's no problem with the game at all. The intentions of the design are unmistakably clear.this is a problem because it doesn't acclimate, it feels like a chore. its like you're sitting there and you can't wait to get your regular characters back...then you can't even do it a normal way. you have to go through scenarious only using one or two ppl at a time which because a chore because of the random battles, puzzles and bosses. i could see splitting the party up twice in the game, but its for damn near every scenario. its annoying at best. even the dragons den in the gba release is like this. split into three teams... its so tedious to level AND get your characters to know the spells that matter. i like playing the game at a certain point, i DON'T like to sit there and level all day for like three days out of the week just to be able to play normally.

add to that that the cast is 16 characters strong. i'm sorry but that is asking TOO MUCH. if the cast was like 6 or even 8 characters, fine. 8 is already a lot, but 16? na b, i'm not buying it. its obvious what the intentions were, but that shit just doesn't fly. it makes everything a chore. add to that that you don't know who or what is gonna come up, so you don't know who to level and what they should learn...who would have known that celes would end up on an isolated island, by her self and need to walk barefoot around the world looking for ppl? celes of all least give me locke or edgar, a character i had in the beginning (because they'd be stronger). that would have made more sense. instead they throw weaklings at you and expect you to go find your other characters the hard way. lame.

Now, here's my facts. Please note that I do not deal in opinions, as they are merely egocentric distortions or outright denials of the truth.

FFVI does not feel as rushed as FFVII, no matter which way you look at it. Even the developers admitted on several verifiable occasions that FFVII was pushed out early due to pressure from Sony and was still missing some of its planned content.obviously something was up with ffVII because the plot was semi confusing, but even that game was better than VI because the story was told BETTER. its like this:

ffVII = half a book
ffVI = a chapter out of a book

both seem incomplete, but one has more depth.

02-15-2007, 05:53 PM
you're set in your ways. continue choking on squaresofts nut hairs while screaming kefka.

Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, sport.

how are you going to tell me what my point was? have you even finished the game? if not then why the fuck are you posting in this thread? consistently finish VI, then holla at me.

I'm telling you what your point was because you made the fucking point, lamebrain. Also, whether I have finished the game or not has nothing at all to do with that particular point. I smell desperation in the air.

universally speaking, a good 90% of fans of square, thats right, FANS OF SQUARE, meaning square has a following because of square's history, meaning square has a history of putting out quality games, a vast majority of us EXPECT a decent story, especially out of the rpg's that came after ffV. hell, some ppl say IV had a better story than VI. i don't buy that for one second, but you can see where i'm coming from here. ppl have always cared about the story. its an rpg, idiot.

1. What the fuck was the point of that random 90% thing you included? You placed no real meaning on it in hopes that a high number being in there would somehow add to your credibility. Alas, it does not, and adding it without making a point with it and justifying it with evidence or an insightful argument makes you look even more lame. Again, desperation in the air.

2. Back in the early 90s, a deep story in a console game was unheard of. FFVI was ahead of its time in that regard.

3. It isn't a real RPG. It is based on systems that were introduced to the Japanese in tabletop role-playing games, but actually predated the RPG genre and are not its defining characteristic. Almost all of the FF games are a type of adventure game, despite the fact that they are commonly misclassified due to the ignorance of the Japanese.

the story should be well explained and not just laid out there. i expected more from what some ppl refer to as the best in the series. when it comes to square and final fantasy, saying a game is the best in the series means a hell of a lot. it means i need a damn good reason behind why somebody is the main villian, for example, and "just because" is not gonna hold up.

Already covered this. You're just repeating yourself and looking foolish doing it. Either bring something new to the table or shut the fuck up already. Echoing things that have already been conclusively argued down does not re-legitimize them.

the fact that i can't even use the party i want, pretty much anytime during the game without going through the extra mile in leveling up (and teaching a ton of spells to)at least 3-6 more characters is pretty lame to me. that means i have to do 3 times+ more work just to get the full enjoyment out of the game. this is something you did not have to do before and since. i don't call that consistency at all.

Covered this too. Are you just a broken record?

no, you're wrong. i expected it to be on par with everyone else's statements about the game. i did not come with an open mind. i wasn't narrow minded however, i was coming to the table with a bar that had to be set by this game. this game is supposed to be better than I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII, right? when ppl put VI in a category they put it in there with VII and chrono trigger. these games are top 10 in most ppl's list of top 10 BEST video games ever, correct? so this game had better be damn well good, correct? things about this game have got to be better than anything before it and most things after it, correct? ok then. i played almost every final fantasy, beaten most of them, own chrono trigger on the snes, beat that many times over and i just don't see it.

Hooray for mindless ranting! For your information, *most* people would not include any of those games in their top ten list. The majority of people don't play that type of game. It's still a niche genre.

based on the statements about the game from everybody else, i have formed my opinion AFTER COMPLETING the game. again, have you completed the game? i have gotten everything needed in the game. the only thing i don't have is the diablos esper because i have not completed the dragon's den, yet. i have every esper possible except odin because i changed it into raiden, i have all the swords that matter, items, bestiary, etc. so i have played the hell out of this thing since it came out.

And your point is? So I haven't finished it. Big deal. I'm man enough to stay away from points where I don't have enough experience to argue effectively, as I have previously shown by admitting possible fault with one of my prior arguments. I am, however, a very good critic and know precisely what to look for in terms of design.

in other words, i have given it a chance. my characters are approaching the 70s, as far as levels. i can kill the t rexes in the forest in one hit, and i'm talking TWO at a time. i have killed brachiosaurs like its nothing. double meteor is not enough to kill my characters. in other words, i am outside of the box. i have a valid opinion and i am NOT just talking out the ass. unless you have done what i have done, or better, stfu and keep it moving.

Yeah, I get the picture that you don't like it. I have no problem with you not liking it. What I have a problem with is the way confuse personal dislike with lack of quality and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge a distinction.

Also, if you truly think that I'm not qualified to discuss the issue until I've played it as thoroughly as you, then you have added another tick to the idiocy counter.

this is a problem because it doesn't acclimate, it feels like a chore. its like you're sitting there and you can't wait to get your regular characters back...then you can't even do it a normal way. you have to go through scenarious only using one or two ppl at a time which because a chore because of the random battles, puzzles and bosses. i could see splitting the party up twice in the game, but its for damn near every scenario. its annoying at best. even the dragons den in the gba release is like this. split into three teams... its so tedious to level AND get your characters to know the spells that matter. i like playing the game at a certain point, i DON'T like to sit there and level all day for like three days out of the week just to be able to play normally.

I explained the reason for that and fully justified it. Challenge my justification with pertinent facts instead of your own biased dislike or shut up, lest you continue to make a fool of yourself.

This is for everyone who is not debs. Who thinks debs is a moron? Show of hands please. Maybe this will drive the point home.

add to that that the cast is 16 characters strong. i'm sorry but that is asking TOO MUCH. if the cast was like 6 or even 8 characters, fine. 8 is already a lot, but 16? na b, i'm not buying it. its obvious what the intentions were, but that shit just doesn't fly. it makes everything a chore. add to that that you don't know who or what is gonna come up, so you don't know who to level and what they should learn...who would have known that celes would end up on an isolated island, by her self and need to walk barefoot around the world looking for ppl? celes of all least give me locke or edgar, a character i had in the beginning (because they'd be stronger). that would have made more sense. instead they throw weaklings at you and expect you to go find your other characters the hard way. lame.

Yet again, nothing but a personal dislike and nothing that truly speaks against the game's quality. You just don't know when to quit.

obviously something was up with ffVII because the plot was semi confusing, but even that game was better than VI because the story was told BETTER. its like this:

ffVII = half a book
ffVI = a chapter out of a book

both seem incomplete, but one has more depth.

I addressed this, but I'll summarize: It's the difference in the capabilities of the platforms, you fucking idiot.

Also, I do not see any examples of ways that FFVII improved upon FFVI. I suppose that point is surrendered.

02-15-2007, 06:07 PM
*Elbows M~C~P* can I get some popcorn?

Sure you can, just watch out for my gold tooth it fell in there.

02-15-2007, 07:11 PM
prak, when you finish playing ffVI, then come in this thread and post. til then why are you even posting in this thread arguing against what i've said if you haven't completed the game? lol @ that. there's no point in going any further in this "debate." its like a person thats completed a course arguing about the course work with a person that just started it. it doesn't make sense.

show of hands for ppl that realize that a person should complete the ENTIRE game before making a final judgement on it?
show of hands for the ppl that think if you are going to get into a debate about ffVI being the greatest ever or not, you should at least have completed the entire game?

how can you even be a part of a debate, ANY debate if you don't even have enough facts to participate?

right. hit the back button or log out for the day. you're done.

02-15-2007, 07:35 PM
I'll be done when either I or one of the admins say I'm done, thank you kindly.

I wonder if you're really as dumb as you seem or if you're just desperately trying to counter-attack in the only way you can see. Any moron can see that I'm avoiding points where my perspective can be affected by not having completed the game.

I have more than enough facts to be going on with, and I completely trump you in terms of the common sense to properly contextualize and present those facts, as is very clear from the fact that you have yet to deliver a real argument aside from inane ranting on issues I've already addressed and assertions that I'm somehow unqualified to discuss the matter despite the fact that the common public perception seems to be that you were defeated several posts ago.

I would say you're done now, but I would never stoop so low as to make such a tacky comment.

Atom Narmor
02-15-2007, 07:38 PM
show of hands for ppl that realize that a person should complete the ENTIRE game before making a final judgement on it?

No. Some games suck out the gate.

02-15-2007, 08:07 PM
Just grab some Popcorn and enjoy.

I may aswell do that!

02-15-2007, 08:35 PM

02-15-2007, 09:44 PM
No. Some games suck out the gate.

most rpg's suck "right out of the gate..." i.e. start out slow.

prak, your entire existence in this thread is irrelevant. there's no point in me even continuing to respond to you because, well, you haven't even completed final fantasy VI. you know how to put complex words in a sentence but lack the intellect to fully grasp the concept of reading comprehension, something that should have been taught to you in the 1st grade. its pretty obvious given the fact that you entered a thread and tried to debate on a subject you aren't qualified to debate on. i'm not your 1st grade teacher, and i'm sorry he or she failed you.

continue playing final fantasy VI, then comment on the topic of this thread. til then, find a "debate thread" about a game that you've completed and post in that.

02-15-2007, 09:53 PM
Um... oooooh ooh ooh, burn? Except not?

02-15-2007, 10:02 PM seems that debs likes his games simple and easy with lots of story, just like a movie, just with a little more interaction...well, FFVI isn't like that. I guess it doesn't fit his idea of a "good game".

And by the way, Kefka is a good villain because he has no real background. Any background would make you sympathetic to him, even if just a little. With no background, we can all hate the clown bastard for being such a jerk to everyone.

And I guess debs also doesn't like quick stories. FFVI is a story where words are used to fill in the places combat cannot, and combat is really quick. I like that, because it doesn't let you speculate or think up weird things during the storyline. You just move through it, and pick up some tips for life and feel some emotions in the process. It's a decent story that can only be told through the game itself. You're just a person who doesn't like it. Boo-hoo.

And the combat is actually really easy for me...I don't think I've ever had a problem with a boss. Well, except a select few, including that weird magic guy at the top of the fanatic tower who surprised me by using Ultema when he died.

Just stating my opinions on the matter.

02-15-2007, 10:21 PM
I just can't get enough of how pathetic debs is. :laugh:

Honestly, anyone with a lick of sense would simply conceded to my overwhelmingly superior arguments instead of attacking my qualifications to make them in the first place. Oh wait, one look at his home page shows that he's a maniac anyway.

02-15-2007, 10:46 PM seems that debs likes his games simple and easy with lots of story, just like a movie, just with a little more interaction...well, FFVI isn't like that. I guess it doesn't fit his idea of a "good game". well, i've beaten ffIV, chrono trigger, parasite eve, 100% jet grind radio, ff7, ff10, mario 1, lost levels, river city ransom (10 pts if you can think back that far), etc. etc. i'm not listing all of the games i've beaten over the years, but i like my games complex. i enjoy a challenge, but when it comes to RPG's, i expect a good story and a challenge. i expect to use a party to defeat some great evil and i expect to know why that evil is so great. when it comes to a FINAL FANTASY made by SQUARESOFT (enix was seperate at the time, we all know that already) i expect more. i put square above any other company when it comes to rpg's because they've set the bar so high. if 850,000 ppl are telling me ffVI is the best, its better than chrono trigger, its as good as chrono trigger, its up there in the top 5 of all time games and definitely top 3 in rpg's, then what the fuck am i supposed to expect out of the game?

think about that for a sec and get back to me.

now, my final opinion on VI is that its a decent game with too many flaws for it to be considered greatest of all time, top 3, etc. does that mean that i think it isn't a good game? no, its a good game. parts of it are funny, parts of it are good. i have to have thought something for me to level up my guys in the dinosaur forest enough to kill any of them in one turn with locke alone. i have to have thought enough of it to train locke, sabin, mog, relm, celes, terra, and edgar to the point where they can kill anything except whats in the dragons lair really easily (often within one turn from my party). i have to have though enough of the game to even defeat kefka more than once to get 2 ultima weapons, a ragnarok, illumina, etc.

complex isn't the issue here. lack of a decent background for most of these characters, kefka definitely included, and the over abundance of party splitting IS the issue. you ppl need to get off of prak's dick long enough to understand where i'm coming from.


*I* can form a valid opinion on this game and debate about the thread topic, which is why is FFVI considered the best in this series.

kefka having a background would make things more interesting. you would gain insight as to his behavior. its just something SMALL to ask for about a character in a story. part of a role playing game is to play a role. i like to know a little bit of background info on the role i'm playing as well as the characters that i'm going to interact with. excuse me for putting squaresoft up there with greats such as capcom, nintendo (before the 64), sega (genesis era and dreamcast short lived "era"), enix, and the like.

And I guess debs also doesn't like quick stories. FFVI is a story where words are used to fill in the places combat cannot, and combat is really quick. I like that, because it doesn't let you speculate or think up weird things during the storyline. You just move through it, and pick up some tips for life and feel some emotions in the process. It's a decent story that can only be told through the game itself. You're just a person who doesn't like it. Boo-hoo. for an rpg, i don't like quick stories, you're correct. if this was a mario game, then cool. i don't need koopa's life history. for an rpg, i need to know about the characters in it that hold major roles. its very simple.

you're "x" character. you are doing what you are doing because ________.
there is a villian in the story. he's the villian because _______.

its that fucking simple. its not calculus, rocket science, advanced social stratification, etc.

a quick story for a no name rpg from a no name company, fine. a fucking squaresoft rpg called FINAL FANTASY anything better not be sub par. consider the fact that ppl put VI on a pedestal above the rest. if this were ffIII, this thread would not even be an issue. this is VI we're talking about and some of you seem to have forgotten.

And the combat is actually really easy for me...I don't think I've ever had a problem with a boss. Well, except a select few, including that weird magic guy at the top of the fanatic tower who surprised me by using Ultema when he died.

Just stating my opinions on the matter.thats funny because i defeated the magic master on my first try. your point about the combat system being easy?

anyway, the combat system is great. i applaud it. the part where you have to split your characters up 85 thousand times, 85 thousands ways including end game and thereafter is lame to me, yes. the part where you can't even stick with one party that you like is lame to me. the part where they stick you with weaklings that you have to build into beasts only for them to be split up again for a good portion of the game is lame. it makes things VERY tedious and harder than they have to be.

02-15-2007, 10:48 PM
Shit out of popcorn.

02-15-2007, 10:53 PM
Debs I love chrono trigger as its my favorite rpg and I dont remember getting too much backstory on where Lavos came from. (I might be wrong its been years since playing the game)

02-15-2007, 10:54 PM
Shit out of popcorn.its ok, because this thread is pretty much done. the debate is finished, if there ever was one. i've stated my points, the other side have no points because they haven't beaten the game, so...

unless xeta, who i'm guessing actually completed the game, wants to continue, i'm done.

Debs I love chrono trigger as its my favorite rpg and I dont remember getting too much backstory on where Lavos came from. (I might be wrong its been years since playing the game)
iirc, lavos was brought forth by queen zala...i don't want to reveal spoilers, but who she was in the game was revealed in a nice way. THAT is the kind of stuff that i like..
anyway, lavos existed in the earth since the start of earth or something like that, iirc. i'd pop it in the snes (and i actually did the other day to see the saves i have) to see, but i don't remember where in the game it tells you all about lavos. all my saves are at the end of time, where you can choose sidequests (which i completed all of them already) or to fight lavos. i honestly can't remember too much of the story of ct, or where to go in the game (i tried to start over again with a new game+ recently) but the i do remember the music, haha.

i copped the game from my friend for 5 dollars about 6 years ago because he didn't want it anymore. lol best deal ever.

02-15-2007, 11:00 PM
its ok, because this thread is pretty much done. the debate is finished, if there ever was one. i've stated my points, the other side have no points because they haven't beaten the game, so...

unless xeta, who i'm guessing actually completed the game, wants to continue, i'm done.

iirc, lavos was brought forth by queen zala...i don't want to reveal spoilers, but who she was in the game was revealed in a nice way. THAT is the kind of stuff that i like..
anyway, lavos existed in the earth since the start of earth or something like that, iirc. i'd pop it in the snes (and i actually did the other day to see the saves i have) to see, but i don't remember where in the game it tells you about lavos. all my saves are at the end of time, where you can choose sidequests (which i completed all of them already) or to fight lavos.

I think with that game, Magus was more the standout villian anyway lol. All I remember is Lavos destroys the world lol. Its been a couple of years since I finished the game. I remember getting 7 of the 15 endings lvl 99 characters all of the good stuff lol. I hope a gba or ds port is made. Great game IMO better than FF6 and 7.

02-15-2007, 11:05 PM
ct's music was incredible. i hope they make a port to the gba, but from what i'm hearing, ffVI is going to be the last square port for the gba...maybe they'll do something for the psp?

actually i'm probably gonna sell my gba now and move on to the psp..i haven't played ff7 in awhile and i've seen the youtube videos of it on the psp. i'm thinking about getting one, but i'm a lil nervous about potentially bricking it. that'd be 200+ dollars wasted. =/

bonus shot:

if i do get a psp, i'm definitely d/ling ct, ff3 (us), ff7-9, and parasite eve on there immediately.

02-15-2007, 11:10 PM

Lol, guess it's time to do the CES Challenge now (which is what I'm trying to do at the moment).

02-15-2007, 11:10 PM
ct's music was incredible. i hope they make a port to the gba, but from what i'm hearing, ffVI is going to be the last square port for the gba...maybe they'll do something for the psp?

actually i'm probably gonna sell my gba now and move on to the psp..i haven't played ff7 in awhile and i've seen the youtube videos of it on the psp. i'm thinking about getting one, but i'm a lil nervous about potentially bricking it. that'd be 200+ dollars wasted. =/

bonus shot:

if i do get a psp, i'm definitely d/ling ct, ff3 (us), ff7-9, and parasite eve on there immediately.

Hmmmmm, selling the gameboy for a psp? You are keeping your DS right? lol. The psp isnt, how should I say it, good lol. I can't remember when was the last time I played it lol.

How do you actually download ps1 games onto the psp?

02-15-2007, 11:17 PM
to d/l games to a psp, you need to downgrade your browser or something like that. its complicated and you could risk bricking your psp if you're not careful. bricking in case you didn't know means killing it. making it into a 250 dollar brick.

if you look in the psp section of gamefaqs, there's a few threads on it, as well as one where you can find out how to d/l ff7 onto your psp. from my understanding its gonna take some money because i'd have to buy a psp, a decent flash card/memory card and the cable do hook up to my computer, if it doesn't come with it (not sure).

i wouldn't buy a psp for the games for it though, with the exception of ff7 with zack in it coming out soon. i'd just buy to play all the games i liked on nes, genesis, snes and ps1 (and i think 64, oh and gba).

02-15-2007, 11:25 PM
Ok cool Ill check it out.

I have a question. FF6 came out like last week and you're that far into it? lol. How much do you play it lol.

02-15-2007, 11:28 PM
He must of taken as much time playing as I have Posting.

02-15-2007, 11:29 PM
all day everyday, lol. pretty much all of the gf was pretty upset for the past week because i wasn't paying her any attention. =/
at least i was finished before valentines day!

02-15-2007, 11:29 PM
I have the Japanese version, so I got it a while I was able to play it two times through as well as play FFIII (now that game is frickin hard and annoying, and I would understand people complaining about THAT one) for DS, and FFV for GBA. Don't know about debs though...maybe he just plays really obsessively. Well, I did beat the game in about a week....

02-15-2007, 11:37 PM
all day everyday, lol. pretty much all of the gf was pretty upset for the past week because i wasn't paying her any attention. =/
at least i was finished before valentines day!

I only play for about 45 minutes a day. On my train ride to work lol.

Xeta, FF3 isnt that hard. Just level and you'll be fine. Some people I know tried to cruise through and the game will kick you ass for that. The only boss that I cant beat is the iron giant. Hes lvl 80 and im 76 at the moment. I bit underleveled lol. With FF6 out I havent played FF3 much. I did beat it though with all side quests done except the giant lol.

02-15-2007, 11:39 PM
I don't level anymore. I used to, but it made the game boring, so I decided just to cruise through and see where I get.

02-15-2007, 11:50 PM
I don't level anymore. I used to, but it made the game boring, so I decided just to cruise through and see where I get.

You are going to find yourself leveling again lol.

02-15-2007, 11:52 PM
Why hasn't this thread died yet!?! I've went through two bags of chips for Christ's sake... lol I was jk

02-15-2007, 11:55 PM
Lol, because Prak thinks he's won, and debs thinks he's won, and it seems nobody wants to step down because he's winning anyways and has all the logical points to back it up.

As I've said before, you can't argue opinions. It's just stupid. Really, really stupid. It never gets anywhere, eh?

02-16-2007, 12:16 AM
Very true ^^^^ now I just need some Nachos and sauce for the next debate.

02-16-2007, 12:38 AM
so called logical points are moot if you base your so called points on...
..? oh, thats right. he didn't complete the game. he has no points. so, moving along, which game had the better music, ct or ffVI and why? list examples.

02-16-2007, 12:44 AM
which game had the better music, ct or ffVI and why? list examples

you're going to have to start a new thread for that...

02-16-2007, 12:53 AM
debs, for heaven's sake, he already admitted in several posts that he hadn't completed the game and therefore he wouldn't bother to debate any points that actually required knowledge of the ending.

The actual debate died many pages ago, not because Prak didn't answer your points, but because you kept using the 'you haven't completed the game' excuse to back up a lot of your arguments, when you should have been able to give reasonable responses to Prak's criticism of them.

02-16-2007, 01:21 AM
why should i give "reasonable responses" to a person that shouldn't even be a part of the debate? he hasn't even finished the game and i'm supposed to debate on the game with him? right. what can he tell me that i don't already know? shit, i could give HIM tips.

he lost before i even brought up the fact that he hadn't finished because i did bring up valid points about the plot and the system, but after he admitted to not even finishing the game, that just drove my point home.

bottom line, the game has too may characters, splits you up too many times, kefka needed a back story that should have been explained in a non obscure manner, end of story. i'm not asking for much. i'm asking for something very simple for the supposed best rpg ever.

and i'm asking to debate this topic with somebody that has at least finished the game. hop off prak's dick and see the light. he has no argument. he has a ton of cheerleaders on this site, but no argument about this game.

02-16-2007, 01:27 AM
There is no "winning" or "losing" in opinion-sharing.

There is only "converting".

This sounds like one of those political debates they have between two politicians, where it starts out with policy debating, then ends up with each person trying to undermine the other's validity.

02-16-2007, 01:29 AM
except i'm not gonna debate with an audience member who think he/she knows something. i'ma debate with a colleague. security..

02-16-2007, 01:33 AM
Umm...that didn't make any sense. At all.

02-16-2007, 01:37 AM
sure it did. its like a fan in the stands yelling at an mlb player.

02-16-2007, 01:38 AM
I love this part, we're almost to the part where we insult each others intelegence

02-16-2007, 01:42 AM
Prak already did that...a lot. :P

02-16-2007, 01:44 AM
...and looked like a dumb ass because he couldn't grasp a simple concept known as reading comprehension.

02-16-2007, 01:45 AM
I thought that was already done a while back. Oh wait, never mind.

02-16-2007, 01:46 AM
I thought that was already done a while back. Oh wait, never mind.

Actually, it's never really over

02-16-2007, 05:09 AM
woah, debs and prak are going through one hell of an ego-trip.

Keep going guys, it's funny to read.

02-16-2007, 05:39 AM
Welll... There goes all legitimacy of the thread.

Anyways, Spoiler warning: <spoiler>

correcting Debs: Lavos came from outer space in the year 65,000,000BC. The backstory states that it is a planet distroyer, going from planet to planet, draining it's life force and then spawning and repeating the cycle. Sounds a bit like Jenova? It does to me.

02-16-2007, 05:44 AM
complex isn't the issue here. lack of a decent background for most of these characters, kefka definitely included, and the over abundance of party splitting IS the issue. you ppl need to get off of prak's dick long enough to understand where i'm coming from.

The issue is not that the party is splittung. Its the issue for you, your opinion. Its not a fact that its a bad thing at all.

Its not that hard to understand why Kefka does what he does. He didnt try to be a god, or destroy humanity forever.
He is a commander in the most powerfull Empire of the world. What he wants is power. Why? Because everyone wants power! He betrayes Gestahl, and takes over the world, because he is powerfull (and the world in ruins).

Hex Omega
02-16-2007, 06:22 AM
...and looked like a dumb ass because he couldn't grasp a simple concept known as reading comprehension.

You're quite right, you can't read.

also, rofl @ "Cheif". gg

02-16-2007, 09:26 AM
I think that I will add my view on this matter. This thread is very entertaining.

Prak hasn't been on for a while, which is probably why he hasn't been responding. debs, being the fucktard that he is, assumed this meant Prak was conceding. I myself have never finished FFVI; however, I need only to look it up on Wikipedia to be given a detailed synopsis of the plot. I highly doubt that Prak does not know the entire plot of FFVI.

In case you haven't noticed, debs, everyone here is of the opinion that you are a fucktard. Your entire argument is highly dubious... especially the part about you having a girlfriend. Your only wall of defense is that Prak hasn't completed FFVI... but that has been shot to pieces, and not just by me.

Usually, the definition of a 'good' game is one that challenges you and tests your skill/strategy/hand eye co-ordination etc., not one that you can breeze through without trying... FF7 is in the latter category, and FF6 is in the former. This, I think, is the main reason why so many people think one game is clearly better than the other. They are vastly different; FFVI was made for Japanese gamers, who want a game that can be frustating, because then beating it is that much sweeter. FFVII was made for Western gamers, who want to pwn games and feel good about themselves. However, what's the point is playing the game if you're not challenged?

M~C~P, I'll be happy to supply nachos and sauce for everyone. It's only fair, you supplied the popcorn.

02-16-2007, 09:34 AM
I think it kinda gets old to argue about which game is the best in the series. We all like one game better for a reason or another. Trying to prove that FFVI is better than VII is nonsensical since everybody have the right to think which one is the best based on their personal criterias. debs on the other hand clearly show how fools can go a long way to try and turn their opinion into facts.

Which by all means is totally retarded.

02-16-2007, 12:28 PM
Actually, it's never really over
It ain't over till the fat lady sings!

02-16-2007, 07:27 PM
The issue is not that the party is splittung. Its the issue for you, your opinion. Its not a fact that its a bad thing at all.

Its not that hard to understand why Kefka does what he does. He didnt try to be a god, or destroy humanity forever.
He is a commander in the most powerfull Empire of the world. What he wants is power. Why? Because everyone wants power! He betrayes Gestahl, and takes over the world, because he is powerfull (and the world in ruins).
my opinion is based on fact though. how many games that are rpg's have 16 characters in them? list these games.

not a very long list huh? how many movies have a long list of main cast members (think xmen and the like)?

what do a lot of these movies and games have in common? LACK OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. why? because there are too many characters. you have a main story, you have a back story for each of the characters and you have to tell a story about the villian. final fantasy VI failed to do that because of square trying to do too many things at one time.

my opinion and this fact is not far fetched. i'm not pulling this out of my ass. stop sucking prak's dick and play the game again, if you've even played it... you will see what i'm talking about. the story is rushed. the first half of the game is one thing, the second half is about nothing. its like the wob and the end. the wor was a pos. you accomplish nothing other than getting your characters back, which is almost completely optional (you only need celes, setzer and i forgot the other person...) somebody said it best when they said that all kefka does in the wor is sit in a castle and blow up a building.

thats for the entire second half of the game.

again, this is fine if this game is just another rpg, but its not. you guys are taking the question this thread asks and my posts out of context. this is supposed to be THE BEST RPG and THE BEST FINAL FANTASY EVER.
everything i posted in here is based on fact. its my opinion, but its based on fact. everything you guys have said is based on fact but its your opinions as well, so don't think you are better or anything like that.

why you guys suck the dick of someone that hasn't even finished the game but thinks he knows everything is beyond me. out of all of the ppl that have posted in this thread, only two ppl have tried to debate about the topic. the rest of the ppl, minus a few, are just cheerleaders for prak, not even giving their opinions on this game.

also, as far as what you say about kefka in the second part of your post, thats your opinion. none of that was really stated in the game. kefka's whole reasoning behind his actions is so ambigious that ppl have to create a reason. i'm sorry, but for the supposed best rpg ever, that isn't gonna cut it. just my opinion.

02-16-2007, 07:35 PM
my opinion is based on fact though. how many games that are rpg's have 16 characters in them? list these games.

All the Suikodens and FF Tactics and Tactics Advance in first thirty seconds of thinking...

The Suikoden games range from any where from 50-150 characters

The Tactics games you can have 32 characters

Oh I can think of one more, every Pokemon game in the series...

02-16-2007, 07:38 PM
why should i give "reasonable responses" to a person that shouldn't even be a part of the debate? he hasn't even finished the game and i'm supposed to debate on the game with him? right. what can he tell me that i don't already know? shit, i could give HIM tips.

Why shouldn't he be part of the debate? A game's ending is only of a certain improtance to a game's quality. It's possible that a game might be deemed excellent without having a great ending.

he lost before i even brought up the fact that he hadn't finished because i did bring up valid points about the plot and the system, but after he admitted to not even finishing the game, that just drove my point home.

The points you made were mostly all answered by Prak. And you responded to a lot of them with 'you haven't completed the game, and therefore all my arguments take precedence'. Many of the best bits about FFVI have nothing to do with the game's ending, as Prak argued. Although the debate has now descended into a farce, if you had actually answered those arguments in lieu of trying to dismiss Prak's arguments as invalid because he hadn't seen the ending, it may have been salvaged as a decent discussion. In fact, that's what I'm trying to do now.

bottom line, the game has too may characters, splits you up too many times,

An opinion, basically. I could use that to argue that the game was strong because it allowed you to see the game from many characters' perspectives and see many scenarios instead of just one. Personally, I thought having the party split up was a good idea, and would have liked to see it implemented in other Final Fantasy titles. Also, it's constant in FFVIII with the 'dream world' and some other missions, eg attempting to assasinate Edea. And what about Aeris dying and Cloud going AWOL for much of the second disc in FFVII? Essentially, those scenarios force you to use characters you didn't want, which was one of your complaints about FFVI.

kefka needed a back story that should have been explained in a non obscure manner, end of story. i'm not asking for much. i'm asking for something very simple for the supposed best rpg ever.

Actually, I probably agree there on Kefka. They could have given him a bit of background explaining what exactly made him nuts. But it still doesn't really stop him being a good villain nonetheless. His behaviour makes him compelling to purrsue, regardless of his past. And I might point out (it has already been said) that there was limited cartridge space in those days, and Square probably thought it best to describe better the main protagonists rather than explain in detail why a deranged guy went deranged. Besides, we can always speculate.......

Also, FFVI isn't even the best FF, let alone the best RPG. I would have FFVI at #3 or 4 in my list of FFs, and I haven't even played I, II, III, IV, V or XI and as yet, XII (although I am planning to get it when it comes out in the UK)

and i'm asking to debate this topic with somebody that has at least finished the game. hop off prak's dick and see the light. he has no argument. he has a ton of cheerleaders on this site, but no argument about this game.

Shame on you for calling me a Prak cheerleader. Had it actually occured to you that I might be siding with him in this debate because I simply agree with him on this, as do many shriners? Look up my old posts. You'll see I'm anything but a Prak cheerleader. I've disagreed with him consistently on FFX-2, for one thing. I've a feeling the other shriners in this thread are also merely agreeing with Prak, rather than being cheerleaders too.

I'm happy to discuss the game with you, but whoops, I didn't beat Kefka and see the ending when I last tried. Guess I'm not qualified by your standards. :rolleyes:

02-16-2007, 07:45 PM
I think that I will add my view on this matter. This thread is very entertaining.

Prak hasn't been on for a while, which is probably why he hasn't been responding. debs, being the fucktard that he is, assumed this meant Prak was conceding. I myself have never finished FFVI; however, I need only to look it up on Wikipedia to be given a detailed synopsis of the plot. I highly doubt that Prak does not know the entire plot of FFVI.i never stated that he conceded. i just stated that the kid is wrong. i respect his viewpoint, but i disagree. he has not really presented facts or whatever he calls them that have "destroyed" my argument or whatever. the guy hasn't even finished the game! wtf?

obviously prak has a fan base here. i can picture you guys sitting around in your i heart prak t shirts hitting f5 repeatedly to see if he posted anything new in this thread.

with that said, looking shit up on wikipedia and actually playing and finishing the game is completely different. wikipedia is like cliff notes. beating the game is like reading the damn book. trying to argue with a subject about something you read in cliff notes, while the other person actually read the book is crazy. that person actually having his fan base post in this thread in agreement is even crazier. being the nut hair swinger you are, i wouldn't expect anything less from you. go team go!

In case you haven't noticed, debs, everyone here is of the opinion that you are a fucktard. Your entire argument is highly dubious... especially the part about you having a girlfriend. Your only wall of defense is that Prak hasn't completed FFVI... but that has been shot to pieces, and not just by, reread all of my posts. i didn't start talking about him not completing the game until a FEW posts after he said it. not immediately after and not when i started the thread, because i didn't know. he is the one that said it. you're telling me if that if i created a thread saying ffVII sucked, and you've played and finished the game and i haven't, you wouldn't think i was a dumbass for posting? oh, thats right, i'm debs, a newer poster without a dick riding club and i'd be posting about VII and not anything before it...

and i have a gf, yes, but its very clear that you have a bf, or a male crush.

Usually, the definition of a 'good' game is one that challenges you and tests your skill/strategy/hand eye co-ordination etc., not one that you can breeze through without trying... FF7 is in the latter category, and FF6 is in the former. This, I think, is the main reason why so many people think one game is clearly better than the other. They are vastly different; FFVI was made for Japanese gamers, who want a game that can be frustating, because then beating it is that much sweeter. FFVII was made for Western gamers, who want to pwn games and feel good about themselves. However, what's the point is playing the game if you're not challenged?

M~C~P, I'll be happy to supply nachos and sauce for everyone. It's only fair, you supplied the popcorn.
lol. anyone could breeze through ffVI if they didn't give a shit about the stat increases. you can breeze through damn near any rpg by just overleveling. if i really wanted to, i could over level everybody and not worry about the splitting up parts...because everybody would already be overleveled. thats not what i wanted to do. i wanted to enjoy the game; enjoy the story. i didn't want to sit there and grind for days just to enjoy the story and make the game move with a steady flow. i shouldn't have to do that in a game thats supposed to be the best rpg ever and the best ff ever.

...i ended up doing it anyway, to an extent, to make things move faster. yes, it isn't fun to me that i have to micromanage so much, to the point where i can't really enjoy the game because i can't use the party that i desire because i have to split them up evenly, but thats a part of the game and i wanted to complete the game 100%, something your idol didn't do and hasn't done.

VII seems like an improved version of VI. its almost like VI -2. why do i say that?

-deathgaze = ultima weapon
-kefka as an angel = seph as an angel
-opera in the last battle = opera in the last battle
-dark theme = dark theme
-magicite = materia
scientist fucking up the life of the villian = scientist fucking up the life of the villian
terra = aeris (sacrifice self, obviously the outcome is different)*
*also, terra had a different background from the rest of the characters, aeris had a background different from the rest of the characters. terra's dad was an esper, aeris' mom was an ancient
kefka's fanatics = the men in the black cloaks in VII
etc. etc.

02-16-2007, 07:50 PM
VII seems like an improved version of VI. its almost like VI -2. why do i say that?

-deathgaze = ultima weapon
-kefka as an angel = seph as an angel
-opera in the last battle = opera in the last battle
-dark theme = dark theme
-magicite = materia
scientist fucking up the life of the villian = scientist fucking up the life of the villian
terra = aeris (sacrifice self, obviously the outcome is different)*
*also, terra had a different background from the rest of the characters, aeris had a background different from the rest of the characters. terra's dad was an esper, aeris' mom was an ancient
kefka's fanatics = the men in the black cloaks in VII
etc. etc.

That can pretty much be done between any two RPGs...

02-16-2007, 08:06 PM
All the Suikodens and FF Tactics and Tactics Advance in first thirty seconds of thinking...

The Suikoden games range from any where from 50-150 characters

The Tactics games you can have 32 characters

Oh I can think of one more, every Pokemon game in the series...

lol, pokemon? i don't play the suikoden series. i'll give you tactics though, as tactics is considered REALLY good.

Why shouldn't he be part of the debate? A game's ending is only of a certain improtance to a game's quality. It's possible that a game might be deemed excellent without having a great ending.
true, but we don't know how far he is into the game. if its something like he's at a savepoint in kefka's tower then ok...but if he is anywhere before that then hell na he shouldn't be a part of the debate. he should complete a good 90% of the game before debating on it. i don't know where he is in the game, so we'll see. i know that i beat the game twice, have most of the items, have all of the good weapons and equipment, and i have defeated everything except for the dragons den (and i've beaten two of the dragons in it)...
i think i have a right to have an argument about this game. in comparison with someone that hasn't finished the game, i think i have MORE of a right to talk about the game. i think that ppl are so quick to hop on this guys side just because its HIM. i find that a lil odd...but understandable. i just started posting here.

The points you made were mostly all answered by Prak. And you responded to a lot of them with 'you haven't completed the game, and therefore all my arguments take precedence'. Many of the best bits about FFVI have nothing to do with the game's ending, as Prak argued. Although the debate has now descended into a farce, if you had actually answered those arguments in lieu of trying to dismiss Prak's arguments as invalid because he hadn't seen the ending, it may have been salvaged as a decent discussion. In fact, that's what I'm trying to do now. but before i resonded the his posts with you haven't completed the game, and even when i did respond that way, i still argued against his points. its not so much the ending of the game as it is the completion of the game. how can you talk about a story that you haven't completed? how can you argue with someone that has completed the story if you haven't done the same?

An opinion, basically. I could use that to argue that the game was strong because it allowed you to see the game from many characters' perspectives and see many scenarios instead of just one. Personally, I thought having the party split up was a good idea, and would have liked to see it implemented in other Final Fantasy titles. Also, it's constant in FFVIII with the 'dream world' and some other missions, eg attempting to assasinate Edea. And what about Aeris dying and Cloud going AWOL for much of the second disc in FFVII? Essentially, those scenarios force you to use characters you didn't want, which was one of your complaints about FFVI.and the game would have been strong if it was so frequent, but it was. it was overdone to make up for the amount of characters in the game. they had too many. there was too much to tell, too many characters and only a small amount of space. its like they had this huge story and then told half of it, then realized, "oh shit...we're gonna run out of space, what do we do?" so they proceed to rush through the rest of it. it comes off as half done, to me.

i wouldn't mind if they split up a party because of the plot in a future ff, IF and only if it wasn't every 5 seconds. it needs to be a once in the game type of thing. at the most twice. none of this majority of the game bullshit. it will ruin the game like IMHO, it ruined ffVI. in VII, i didn't like the part where cloud was christopher reeve'd, but it was tolerable (eh) because i got him back. him, barret, tifa, cid, red XIII and...yuffie weren't all gone and i had to be stuck with one or two remaining characters, for example. in this game you get split up so many different ways and during the wor you're stuck with one person and you have to find everybody the hard way...its so lame to me. at least lemme be stuck with a person from the beginning of the story because 9 times out of 10, that person is gonna be stronger because you've used him or her for a longer period of time.

they failed to that that in VI. again, if this were IV or III or VIII or whatever, i would be like ok, its just another game. its VI though and its considered to be the best and i have an issue with that.

Actually, I probably agree there on Kefka. They could have given him a bit of background explaining what exactly made him nuts. But it still doesn't really stop him being a good villain nonetheless. His behaviour makes him compelling to purrsue, regardless of his past. And I might point out (it has already been said) that there was limited cartridge space in those days, and Square probably thought it best to describe better the main protagonists rather than explain in detail why a deranged guy went deranged. Besides, we can always speculate.......true, very true. i wish they would have cut the cast in half so that there could be more "kefka time." and ultros, lol. i think they tried to shove too much in an snes catridge. i can understand though...they were trying to tell a story and this game came out in like 94. square didn't perfect things like that IMO til 96/97. again, i've only played (out of the early ff's) IV, V and VI, but if i had to look back on them and see the progression into what they do today, i'd say the stories only got better. the execution, to an extent, got better.

Also, FFVI isn't even the best FF, let alone the best RPG. I would have FFVI at #3 or 4 in my list of FFs, and I haven't even played I, II, III, IV, V or XI and as yet, XII (although I am planning to get it when it comes out in the UK) yeah, i haven't ranked VI yet...i put ffVII, parasite eve (1), mario rpg, chrono trigger all above VI though. mario rpg is one of my favorites...its just too bad it was so short. i think its some of squaresoft's finest work, but it got overlooked because it came out at the end of the snes era. maybe sometime in the future we'll get a true sequel. (wishful thinking, i know)

quote]Shame on you for calling me a Prak cheerleader. Had it actually occured to you that I might be siding with him in this debate because I simply agree with him on this, as do many shriners? Look up my old posts. You'll see I'm anything but a Prak cheerleader. I've disagreed with him consistently on FFX-2, for one thing. I've a feeling the other shriners in this thread are also merely agreeing with Prak, rather than being cheerleaders too.[/quote]thats fine if you agree with him, but when ppl start saying some of the stuff they say in this thread (some of it having nothing to do with the game), then i have to wonder...

I'm happy to discuss the game with you, but whoops, I didn't beat Kefka and see the ending when I last tried. Guess I'm not qualified by your standards. :rolleyes:
how far did you get in the game?

That can pretty much be done between any two RPGs...

consider that VII came directly after VI though. if it were two different companies making those two games, it'd have to be called ripping off...
also, if VI and VII are so similar (based on what i said), then what makes VI better than VII? what about VI was better than VII?

02-16-2007, 08:08 PM
I fell asleep 15 minutes into FFVII. So, as far as entertainment value goes, I prefered VI.

02-16-2007, 09:05 PM
true, but we don't know how far he is into the game. if its something like he's at a savepoint in kefka's tower then ok...but if he is anywhere before that then hell na he shouldn't be a part of the debate. he should complete a good 90% of the game before debating on it. i don't know where he is in the game, so we'll see. i know that i beat the game twice, have most of the items, have all of the good weapons and equipment, and i have defeated everything except for the dragons den (and i've beaten two of the dragons in it)...
i think i have a right to have an argument about this game. in comparison with someone that hasn't finished the game, i think i have MORE of a right to talk about the game. i think that ppl are so quick to hop on this guys side just because its HIM. i find that a lil odd...but understandable. i just started posting here.

I'm led to believe that Prak is close to completing the game from his posts on the subject. Where exactly he would be I don't know, but I would imagine he would have passed your benchmark of 90% (not that I agree that you need to complete 90% before you can form an opinion of the game mind)

but before i resonded the his posts with you haven't completed the game, and even when i did respond that way, i still argued against his points. its not so much the ending of the game as it is the completion of the game. how can you talk about a story that you haven't completed? how can you argue with someone that has completed the story if you haven't done the same?

In all honesty, assuming he has completed most of the game, I doubt seeing the ending is going to affect the game's quality much in his opinion. Besides, other games have had some-what anti-climactic endings and have been critically acclaimed. On the other hand, I didn't complete FFVIII having scratched my disc 4 and therefore made the game incompleteable. Despite that, I am confident enough it was not as good a game as other FFs I have played. Character and plot development plays a huge part in a game's quality, whereas an ending plays a relatively minor one.

and the game would have been strong if it was so frequent, but it was. it was overdone to make up for the amount of characters in the game. they had too many. there was too much to tell, too many characters and only a small amount of space. its like they had this huge story and then told half of it, then realized, "oh shit...we're gonna run out of space, what do we do?" so they proceed to rush through the rest of it. it comes off as half done, to me.

9 or 10 reasonably well-told and developed characters are better than 9 mediocre characters that don't really develop � la FFVII, in my opinion.

i wouldn't mind if they split up a party because of the plot in a future ff, IF and only if it wasn't every 5 seconds. it needs to be a once in the game type of thing. at the most twice. none of this majority of the game bullshit. it will ruin the game like IMHO, it ruined ffVI. in VII, i didn't like the part where cloud was christopher reeve'd, but it was tolerable (eh) because i got him back. him, barret, tifa, cid, red XIII and...yuffie weren't all gone and i had to be stuck with one or two remaining characters, for example. in this game you get split up so many different ways and during the wor you're stuck with one person and you have to find everybody the hard way...its so lame to me. at least lemme be stuck with a person from the beginning of the story because 9 times out of 10, that person is gonna be stronger because you've used him or her for a longer period of time.

What's wrong with using all your characters? You get to use the ones you want in the battles that count, and it's not like you fall behind on levelling, because the multi-party sections of the game are usually balanced to stay on a par with average levels in the game. Also, if the game didn't have these 'scenarios' you would miss out on learning a bit about the characters, which would be a shame.

they failed to that that in VI. again, if this were IV or III or VIII or whatever, i would be like ok, its just another game. its VI though and its considered to be the best and i have an issue with that.

Again, who said FFVI was the best? Also, see points above.

true, very true. i wish they would have cut the cast in half so that there could be more "kefka time." and ultros, lol. i think they tried to shove too much in an snes catridge. i can understand though...they were trying to tell a story and this game came out in like 94. square didn't perfect things like that IMO til 96/97. again, i've only played (out of the early ff's) IV, V and VI, but if i had to look back on them and see the progression into what they do today, i'd say the stories only got better. the execution, to an extent, got better.

I might agree with you that there wasn't a need for 13 or 14 playable characters, but you have to realise, out of those, only really 4 or 5 were fully developed and written-ie Locke, Terra, Sabin, Edgar, and Celes. Also, your dates there imply that you consider FFVII to be the best game in the series. The majority of shriners here would strongly disagree there, and I would advise caution on being overly zealous with that opinion.

yeah, i haven't ranked VI yet...i put ffVII, parasite eve (1), mario rpg, chrono trigger all above VI though. mario rpg is one of my favorites...its just too bad it was so short. i think its some of squaresoft's finest work, but it got overlooked because it came out at the end of the snes era. maybe sometime in the future we'll get a true sequel. (wishful thinking, i know)

FFVII would rank reasonably highly in my list of favourites, but the more I think about that opinion the more I am deciding it is down to the fact it was my first serious game of the RPG genre, and not down to actual game quality. The others, I cannot comment on, as I haven't played them (FFVI excepted of course.)

thats fine if you agree with Prak, but when ppl start saying some of the stuff they say in this thread (some of it having nothing to do with the game), then i have to wonder...

For the most part, they just agree with him. If people are actually saying the things they say solely to gain favour from Prak, then that's their issue, but I won't go into discussing other people's psychological problems on a Final Fantasy forum.

how far did you get in the game?

The AtmaWepn. I loost to Kefka :(

consider that VII came directly after VI though. if it were two different companies making those two games, it'd have to be called ripping off...
also, if VI and VII are so similar (based on what i said), then what makes VI better than VII? what about VI was better than VII?

VI and VII are IMO rather different to be honest, the antagonists are on a much higher scale for example. In FFVII you've got Shinra whereas in FFVI it's just one deranged man. Which makes it cooler. ;)

VI is better than VII in my opinion, for the following reasons (bearing in mind of course FFVII's significant menory advantage):

-The antagonist is better, mostly for achievements ie, actually destroying the planet. Also, bit of a petty gripe maybe, but Sephiroth was pretty stereotypical, paticularly in terms of appearance.

-Considering as an important fact the lesser dialogue which has obvious effects on a game's ability to develop characters, the characters were more developed both in quantity and quality. Celes and Terra both displayed good development which was paced nicely as the game went on. Contrast with FFVII, where only really Cloud shows any type of personality development and/or a changing outlook on life. Even this development is not really satisfactory for the main protagonist.

-Difficulty level. The fact that I never completed VI speaks highly of its credntialsas a challenge, as I have completed every other FF game I've owned (besides VIII which I explained earlier). Mainstream bosses are more difficult and capable of one-hit KOs, a rarity in FFVII. OK, you might argue that the WEAPONs Emerald and Ruby make FFVII a challenge, but the problem is the gulf in class between Safer Sephiroth and the WEAPONS is too high, leaving you unmotivated to take up the challenge, with nothing in between to bridge the gap. Though I did eventually beat them both, the WEAPONs that is. ;)

-Music. A matter of opinion I suppose but while both games had similar styles I thought VI was slightly better in this regard. This isn't a major gripe with FFVII though, as it had some very good music too.

Finally, could I ask you in your next post to use capitalization, punctuation,etc. :( It really isn't a huge amount to ask when looking for an intelligent discussion. It certainly makes posts clearer.

02-16-2007, 10:20 PM
without posting direct responses to each part of your post, i'm just gonna touch on a few things:

96/97 = mario rpg and beyond. although ct came out in 95, i'd put that in the list too. basically 95 and beyond, square started getting it right, IMO. i didn't mean to imply that ffVII was the best in the series, although i think it is, i meant to imply that square games in general got better after 94.

kefka became somewhat of a God, but lost to average ppl who used magic...something kefka was supposed to have mastered/taken advantage of. most of the other ff's have some sort of divine intervention as the reason the ppl get chosen to defeat a great evil. in other words, kefka is a complete failure. he got owned by a treasure hunter, a stuffed animal look alike, a weight lifter, a former slave and an old man and his 10 year old granddaughter, among others. how do you control goddesses, have atma weapon, guardian and atma buster at your will and lose to a bunch of average joes? again, this doesn't matter too much to me, but since you brought it up...

at least barret had a gun attached to his arm, lol.

also, i like to be free on the net...i'm not into using spell check, and a "term paper like mentality." my posts are readable. i might not capitlize things, but you can understand what i post about otherwise you wouldn't be in the thread.

02-16-2007, 10:25 PM
Using proper grammar on the internet or not is the difference between typing for others or merely for your own gratification. If the only reason you post here is to see your own words, then there's no reason to worry about spelling and grammar, but if you actually care about the impression you present to others, then they are very important.

Also, if anyone is wondering why I'm not posting here at the moment, it's because I prefer to go one-on-one. As long as other people are taking the same side as I (and doing it competently), there's no reason for me to bother.

02-16-2007, 10:30 PM
if you couldn't understand what i've posted, you wouldn't be in here. actually, being the ass that you are, you'd probably post anyway and have your band of nut huggers posting in here with you.

02-16-2007, 10:32 PM
Don't you guys just love how debs cannot be civil at all? It's that dirty liberal mentality, I bet.

02-16-2007, 10:34 PM
because non libs have taken the country so far, right? fk outta here.

02-16-2007, 10:34 PM
consider that VII came directly after VI though. if it were two different companies making those two games, it'd have to be called ripping off...

ok, point taken, but I personaly like to compare FFTC with FFXII (besides the battle engine and story)... those two are pretty much one in the same...

also, if VI and VII are so similar (based on what i said), then what makes VI better than VII? what about VI was better than VII?

As I wrote earlier in this thread I've never even played VI... and to be honest with you, some people like graphics (my theory)... sure the graphics are lame now but when it came out they were the shit... so people instantly thought "better graphics means a better game..."

Now boys this isn't a political argument!!! maintain your composure and argue about FFVI and FFVII

02-16-2007, 10:39 PM
96/97 = mario rpg and beyond. although ct came out in 95, i'd put that in the list too. basically 95 and beyond, square started getting it right, IMO. i didn't mean to imply that ffVII was the best in the series, although i think it is, i meant to imply that square games in general got better after 94.

Having not played a lot of Square's other games, I will take your word on those. However I fail to see how FFVII is any sort of improvement on FFVI, except graphically perhaps?

kefka became somewhat of a God, but lost to average ppl who used magic...something kefka was supposed to have mastered/taken advantage of. most of the other ff's have some sort of divine intervention as the reason the ppl get chosen to defeat a great evil. in other words, kefka is a complete failure. he got owned by a treasure hunter, a stuffed animal look alike, a weight lifter, a former slave and an old man and his 10 year old granddaughter, among others. how do you control goddesses, have atma weapon, guardian and atma buster at your will and lose to a bunch of average joes? again, this doesn't matter too much to me, but since you brought it up...

But isn't that the whole point of Final Fantasies, that the players are supposed to appear hoplessly out of their league, yet somehow win? Essentially there has never been an FF where the villain is underdog. Also, re your divine intervention point, Aeris' prayer didn't stop Meteor. Cloud defeated Sephiroth not by Aeris' divine intervention but in one-on-one combat via an Omnislash. Considering how supposedly powerful Sephiroth is, doesn't that essentially put to bed your similar argument against Kefka?

at least barret had a gun attached to his arm, lol.

It was his instrument of negroid justice, not a gun. ;)

Also, that reminds me of another FFVII complaint-Barret's a stereotype of a black man, which I thought was a bit crap.

also, i like to be free on the net...i'm not into using spell check, and a "term paper like mentality."

By all means be free in your use of expression, but please, type with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. It shows respect to your co-debater. If you can't be bothered doing that, I shouldn't really bother answering your posts. Takes long enough as it is.

02-16-2007, 10:43 PM
Don't you guys just love how debs cannot be civil at all? It's that dirty liberal mentality, I bet.

Hmmm. You're probably right. I wonder if the mods on here can detect half-baked political ideology. ;)

(By the way debs, just fyi, this is a reference to an American Dad quote, so no need to get your knickers in a twist. I assume Prak got that one)

02-16-2007, 10:55 PM
M~C~P, I'll be happy to supply nachos and sauce for everyone. It's only fair, you supplied the popcorn.

Thanks dude.

02-16-2007, 11:11 PM
my opinion is based on fact though. how many games that are rpg's have 16 characters in them? list these games.

not a very long list huh? how many movies have a long list of main cast members (think xmen and the like)?

1) Movies and videogames are different. So stop comparing them or using movies as a way to support your answer.

2) The point that i talked about is that its not neccesary a bad thing that you have to use all the characters, yet you give me an answer of how many the characters are and that the story is rushed. Try to answer on what i actually argued about.

my opinion and this fact is not far fetched. i'm not pulling this out of my ass. stop sucking prak's dick and play the game again, if you've even played it... you will see what i'm talking about. the story is rushed. the first half of the game is one thing, the second half is about nothing. its like the wob and the end. the wor was a pos. you accomplish nothing other than getting your characters back, which is almost completely optional (you only need celes, setzer and i forgot the other person...) somebody said it best when they said that all kefka does in the wor is sit in a castle and blow up a building.

The first part of the game (WOB) is the main story. When the player takes control of Celes in WOR, s/he has a great amount of sidequests. The player has much more than just getting your characters. First of all the player has a new world to explore. You can fight secret bosses, recieve items from the Colosseum, do the sidequests to get the last espers, get the secret characters etc. And the amount of sidequests is great. And dont forget that you can train your characters to learn their special attacks, like blitz.

You see, WOB is not the half of the game. WOB is about 80% of the main story in the game. WOR is just the final chapter in the story, how the party defeats Kefka. WOR is more about sidequests than the main storyline.

everything i posted in here is based on fact. its my opinion, but its based on fact. everything you guys have said is based on fact but its your opinions as well, so don't think you are better or anything like that.

You actually twist the facts to view your opinion. Its not a fact that its bad that you have to use all the characters in the game. Its not a fact that its bad that Kefka doesnt have a real interesting background.

why you guys suck the dick of someone that hasn't even finished the game but thinks he knows everything is beyond me. out of all of the ppl that have posted in this thread, only two ppl have tried to debate about the topic. the rest of the ppl, minus a few, are just cheerleaders for prak, not even giving their opinions on this game.

Its quite simple. Prak is a respected member and we all know that he is a great debater. On the other hand, you act like an 11 year old kid. You could be a little more mature and stop using swearing and trying to attack people by words, because no one will care of what you say.

also, as far as what you say about kefka in the second part of your post, thats your opinion. none of that was really stated in the game. kefka's whole reasoning behind his actions is so ambigious that ppl have to create a reason. i'm sorry, but for the supposed best rpg ever, that isn't gonna cut it. just my opinion.

Its simple to understand what Kefka does and why. A man tries to take over a goverment, he suceeds and uses the power he gained to get more power. See? You dont need the background of the man. Its not important to know what he was doing before. What is important is to know how he took over the goverment and how he uses the power he has.

Edit: I just want to add that I dont have anything against you Debs. I just do not like the way you acted to several members and to me in this topic. I would be glad if you answer to this post and continue the debate friendly.

02-19-2007, 04:55 AM
I consider IX the best to be honest.

02-19-2007, 10:22 AM
Honesty Debs, maybe you should get a guide or something and replay FFVI. It sounds like there are a lot of sidequests and such you missed.

02-19-2007, 04:37 PM
My head... it hurts...

I still like sprites over *cough*polygons.

02-19-2007, 05:11 PM
Don't you guys just love how debs cannot be civil at all? It's that dirty liberal mentality, I bet.

How many times have I seen you behave in that manner? Almost everytime someone doesnt agree with you.

02-19-2007, 05:47 PM
Icee, that is called baiting.

02-19-2007, 09:10 PM
Icee, that is called baiting.


02-19-2007, 10:30 PM
Honesty Debs, maybe you should get a guide or something and replay FFVI. It sounds like there are a lot of sidequests and such you missed.

perhaps you could consider locating a first grade teacher and ask him/her to reteach you reading comprehension? i could have sworn that i posted at LEAST twice stating that i've done everything in the game except beat the dragon's den and the soul shrine (gba version). this includes all espers and sidequests. i've already beaten half of the dragons in the dragon's den, now.

anyway, i'm done with the argument. this guy on gf pretty much started the same thread...

obviously i'm not the only person that feels like the plot leaves something left to be desired, considering that this is the supposed best ff in the series and one of the best rpg's ever.

Icee, that is called baiting.
that "dirty liberal mentality" that you talked about, huh?

02-19-2007, 11:19 PM
obviously i'm not the only person that feels like the plot leaves something left to be desired, considering that this is the supposed best ff in the series and one of the best rpg's ever.
Of course not...there's bound to be lots of haters of any game. People sometimes don't like a game. It's just because people are different and people react differently to different things, and "things" includes games.

So you don't like FFVI. You think it's not the best. Fine, then! It's perfectly okay. However, it makes no sense for you to start posting in these forums with an angry tone about how terrible the game is, like some religious fanatic trying desperately to convert people who already have a set path.

You don't like FFVI. I do. Some of the people here do, like me. Some don't, like you. End of story.

02-20-2007, 01:25 AM
ppl made it seem like a crime on this board as well as gf to the other guy to not like this game. all i did was point out that the game does have flaws, because it does. its not my fault some of you caught feelings over it and others "cheerleaded" the shrine's most loved poster.

02-20-2007, 01:29 AM

02-20-2007, 01:51 AM
fucking READ, its been dropped. i swear that those commercials that told you that reading is fundamental weren't lying to you.

02-20-2007, 02:05 AM
What's truly criminal is your lack of ability to use a capital letter except when you want to emphasize something. Quit telling us to "fucking read" your posts when you can't post in a manner that's worth reading.

02-20-2007, 02:13 AM
you understood what i had to say, correct? ok then. i don't use caps on purpose. if you read, you would have seen where i covered that.

02-20-2007, 02:27 AM
I don't give a flying fart where you covered it. I consider any such excuses for that nonsense to be bogus. Furthermore, yeah, I understood it, but I considered it a pain-in-the-ass to read. So, no, I won't be going back to read where you covered it, because frankly, whatever it is, I don't. consider. it. worth. reading. Use capitalization where it belongs, or prepare for us not to care about what you post. Or me anyway.

I'm not going to try digging back in the thread to find where you posted whatever sorry-ass excuse you made for it. Although feel free to quote it here if you want, so I can laugh at it mercilessly.

02-20-2007, 02:31 AM
are you on your period?

02-20-2007, 02:33 AM
Hmm? Sorry, but I stopped reading when I saw the first letter wasn't capitalized.

But, for the record, it's a pet-peeve of mine, and I admit it. I absolutely cannot stand reading posts in the Internet written in a lower-case letters. And nothing is likely to change that.

Oh, and P.S. --- I am man, here me roar, in numbers too large to ignore. Um, not that I read that last post or anything.

02-20-2007, 02:58 AM
ppl made it seem like a crime on this board as well as gf to the other guy to not like this game. all i did was point out that the game does have flaws, because it does. its not my fault some of you caught feelings over it and others "cheerleaded" the shrine's most loved poster.
Best if you also noted some flaws in VII as well.

02-20-2007, 03:40 AM
Man i read all of that. Phew.

Debs, i hope one day you will reread this topic and realise how stupid you are.

02-20-2007, 05:14 AM
Debs one of the things we are getting Ticked off about you is your consant swearing and Vulgar words. You also Jump on any one who thinks Prak is right as a Cheerleader and then go on to trash everything.

This forum wasn't created for us to listen to unimagitive and uncreative Swear words from people but for us to talk and share our opnions as wellas discuss or argue as more common our opnions on matters FF or otherwise.

As for Prak I think he is right as I said before but I am by no means his cheerleader I quite frankly don't like him and think he comes of as a Heavy handed argurer. But he can present good Facts and ideas and that is what I agree on with him.

Also while I am by no means a poster child for this and its a pot calling the Kettle black you should try to use some proper spelling and Grammer. It helps you sound less like an Inbreed Monkey trained country Hick from the Missouri boonies and instead an actual Intelligent Human being. It helps get what you want to say and stress across as well as it can help make clear some of your arguments which I have had trouble reading and I normally can read Doctor scratch for crying out loud.

As well to make sure since you seem to have a problem identifing gender I am Male.
-All those from Missouri no offense meant so please put away all Shotguns and pitchforks please a particular Lady has dibs on my Bag of flesh's end and would be mighty Unhappy if you took it away from her and trust me she is SCARY.=) -

02-20-2007, 08:38 AM
Best if you also noted some flaws in VII as well.

no point though. the thread is about VI, not VII. VII only gets brought up because its so similar.

anyway, like i said i'm done with the debate. at this point, i'm almost done with the dragons den and almost on the soul shrine, so...i mean i had already beaten the game before (more than once), but at this point there is nothing more to do in the game. i couldn't even train or anything because i know all the spells and all the enemies are easy...including the dragons in the dragon's den. i'll prolly sing a different tune once i face omega, though. i look forward to it.

02-20-2007, 03:58 PM
There is a point.

For one, you brought up VII as well, and never stated a "flaw" about it.

02-20-2007, 05:19 PM
for one, let it go. VII was brought up for the reason that i said it was brought up. its very similar to VI. some ppl say its better, some ppl don't agree, but regardless they are similar games. they both have flaws, which were pointed out. if you read you could find where i listed a flaw (semi confusing plot). your point again? right.
now move on. the debate is done. stop making an issue out of nothing.

02-20-2007, 06:19 PM
If the debate is done, why are we still arguing about it?:-\

02-20-2007, 09:05 PM
Lets all have some Pizza hut I'm buying!

02-20-2007, 09:09 PM
If the debate is done, why are we still arguing about it?:-\


i'm about to face kaiser dragon and then save then go back and face omega weapon, so...i'll prolly post again a lil after that.
my characters will rape kaiser dragon for making me go though this TEDIOUS dungeon. omega seems pretty weak in comparison from the youtube video. i wish i could post youtube vids of me playing...anyone know what i need to record from my ds?

i might create more than one save so that i actually have some boss fights left...lemme know ahead of time though. it'd be the first vids of omega, kaiser, the soul shrine and a bestiary in could see the new espers as well.

*pics of kaiser when i'm done*

02-20-2007, 09:44 PM
Well, I've already beaten Kefka with Celes, Edgar, and Setzer only...tried to beat the Dragon's Den, but it's way too hard. Try beating a dungeon with hoards of insta-death spells and kill-yourself attacks, with just one character per party! THEN get to me about something being "tedious".

And by the way, the tediousness just adds to the fun for me.

And also, WHY are you going to post again? That seems like something which will continue the opinion-sharing (that's what it is, just a bit screwed up, and some people trying to hurt others' reputations and feelings, but still, that's what it is).

02-20-2007, 10:38 PM
who else here has made it to kaiser, again?
so how will there be any opposition to my opinion on him? anyway i'm hungry...gonna go heat up this frozen pizza and get back to the game...

word of advice...level up if you want to take on the dragons den. its WAY too tedious and the random encounters are on an OD level. see if you like that tediousness when you have to fight two yojimbos (along with one or two ninjas that throw crazy weapons at you), a great dragon, 2 great malboros, 4 malboro menaces, 2 dragon aevis', etc. all because you took one too many steps. then when you get out of the fight, you forgot which direction you were going in in the first place.

...all to get to a super powerful boss. again, some of these bosses have hp loops, unpenetrable (sp?) defenses, etc. a lot of the enemies in here cast nasty status spells and spam Lv. 5 Death (or another instant kill spell) regularly.

02-21-2007, 03:04 AM
for one, let it go. VII was brought up for the reason that i said it was brought up. its very similar to VI. some ppl say its better, some ppl don't agree, but regardless they are similar games. they both have flaws, which were pointed out. if you read you could find where i listed a flaw (semi confusing plot). your point again? right.
now move on. the debate is done. stop making an issue out of nothing.

Let it go? I already let it go, but you have to keep bringing it back.

I was bringing up a point.

I'm still civil right now, and if you'd like me to stay that way, don't insult me, k? K.

02-21-2007, 03:26 AM
lololol @ you answering your own question. its like you're bringing up something that doesn't matter because you want to be part of the debate or argument or whatever against what i posted, but its already done. you're too late. its over. i'm sowwy. =/

this is my last post in here towards you. there's no reason to acknowledge you or your posts because they're irrelevant. you tried to bring up a weak point, your point was moot because like i said, i already mentioned a flaw in ffVII. so, you should just log off for the night. you're done here.

anyway, to those that are interested, i'm uploading pics of omega and kaiser in the other thread, to those that are interested. i defeated them both and am currently in the soul shrine.

02-21-2007, 03:41 AM
Did I ever say I wanted to be part of the debate? Check my posts please, cause I "can't read".

02-21-2007, 04:26 AM
Umm... is this thread even about anything anymore, other than grand-standing and a bunch of nonsense not even related to the topic anymore? Is there any reason anymore for any posts in it?

02-21-2007, 05:49 AM
seems like someone here wants attention more than he deserves.

02-21-2007, 06:01 AM
ENOUGH!!! Lets just say that anyone who posts after me is a sore loser and just wants to continue a dead topic, and thus deserves to be laughed at every time he/she posts. End of discussion.

Can't think of a better way to end this topic, as the locking tool can't be used upon the basis of conflicting opinions.

hb smokey
02-21-2007, 02:32 PM
See Sarah this is why you should give me General Gaming mods, so I can close threads like this that quickly turn to shit because of certain people.

p.s. you still get my naked sister if you give it to me.

07-17-2007, 11:10 AM
FF7 story is strong, but 6 is SOoo strong that it didnt even need graphics.. u see?? plus the it felt so big and the music for that 16-bit.. .. ffXI is that classic game .. just like mystic quest.. these are hardcore untwisted classics

07-17-2007, 11:51 AM
Dont revive old threads

07-17-2007, 12:22 PM
if you want me to understand you, you need to give me an explanation, otherwise its useless, i dont see why i cant post here,.. why isnt this thread deleted then ?

08-02-2007, 08:32 PM
Both of the games have their own good and bad qualities...

FF VI: I loved the characters and the fact that they had their own individual abilities that made the gameplay during battle interesting (Swordtech, blitz, runic, morph, blue magic, etc). Each member had their own unique contributions; well, maybe except Relm. The magicite system was nice because you only had to acquire the magic by equipping the magicite for a certain time; After which, you would exchange for another magicite for more spells. The plot development had its twists, and turns, and was just an overall nice story. Pretty nice graphics for its time.

FF VII: I thought this game was amazing when it first came out, and in way, still is. The characters had their own unique personalities; but, when it came down to the battles, i thought there was something missing. The only thing that made the characters unique in battle was their limit breaks, which could be manipulated in their own ways. But other than that, the characters operated the same way during battle, which made the battles drone on for me. I think the only thing that made it tolerable, was the graphics. The story was great, and the materia system was convienent in that you could equip a whole set at a time instead of one at time in comparison with FFVI.

08-07-2007, 08:35 AM
Final Fantasy VI was the only Final Fantasy game where I truly cared what happened to the characters. Of course, the music is undeniably beautiful and Baroque, and I enjoyed the "industrial revolution" setting...on the cusp of new technology. I could go on and on, but yes, Final Fantasy VI is my favorite of the series and what I consider the series' best game to date.

08-07-2007, 06:19 PM
Final Fantasy VI was the only Final Fantasy game where I truly cared what happened to the characters. Of course, the music is undeniably beautiful and Baroque, and I enjoyed the "industrial revolution" setting...on the cusp of new technology. I could go on and on, but yes, Final Fantasy VI is my favorite of the series and what I consider the series' best game to date.

I cared about the characters also, but I cared about the characters in all the games. The thing about FF6 is, i cared about them quickly. for instance in FF7 and FF8 it took till about 5 hours before the ending before i really cared what was going to happen.

FF6 is the best, the characters and the way the story unfolds is what makes it the best.

01-16-2013, 01:05 PM
FFVII was and is the best IMO. VI was great, and pushed the SNES to its limits but VII was revolutionary... Totally changed the way computer games were made. The series has slowly went downhill ever since. :(

01-18-2013, 09:39 PM
Although I was about to say 'you're new here' and all, your join date says otherwise so you should have at least known the rules about thread necromancy here. Ala. 'Don't revive dead threads with a past post date older than six months, or if it's not on the first page!'. Hence, back to the Void this thread goes!