02-09-2007, 12:42 AM
Which Final Fantasy do you guys think is the longest? Shortest?

I thought Final Fantasy 8 was the longest probably because I spent forever getting all the weapons and magics.
Final Fantasy 1 was the shortest, I played this one on GBA maybe thats the reason.

Sensi Hawso
02-09-2007, 11:07 AM
I'm not quite sure, true FFVIII was kind of long for me (if I can remember). But if I recall, I think I went through FFVII and IX faster than FFI.

02-09-2007, 11:16 AM
I think FF XII is the longest by far, in terms of side quest and stuff to find. The story is probably one of the shortest though.
The shortest is probably the first. Although I remember I completed FFIV in 22 hours back in the SNes days.

Judge Bergan
02-09-2007, 12:44 PM
From what I can remember..FFVIII the longest, FFIV the shortest - I got to the end (tho not completed just yet), slightly over 20 hours.

I haven't been on the other games for a I can't mention them.

02-10-2007, 05:11 AM
Hmm. Let's see. Assuming you complete only the main plot and skip all related sidequests, shortest would X-2 and longest would be maybe X or XII.

Assuming you fully complete all sidequests, XII stands as the longest, but with X-2 skyrocketing up in length. And X still being in there as well. VIII was longish, but definitely not longer than those for me. And I did while away quite a few hours with IX.

02-24-2007, 07:08 AM
My final saves for VIII and IX are 1 minute apart (both 88 hours and change). I noticed that today, and it tripped me out. VII was 7 hours shorter. X took me 140 hours. I'm no where near done with XII (I'm at Mt. Bur-Omisace) and I'm at 139 hours, already.

Perceptually, X will probably remain the longest for me. I busted through it in one shot and got completely burnt out on it. I've already taken a break from XII (after Raithwall), and I'm about to take another, but it has never felt like X.

II felt the shortest, for which I am grateful, as it is my least favorite.

02-24-2007, 08:02 AM
TThe longest in just play hours has been for me FFX just because I goofed off but FFXII is really the longest for a 100% completion.

Shortest for me would be FF IV advanced right now I am roughly 40% done and at 5 hours or so with only a little buliding but I have yet to hit most of the sidequest so really who is to say at the end.

02-24-2007, 08:42 AM
Shortest Award Goes To: Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
Longest Award Goes To: Final Fantasy 12

02-24-2007, 10:37 PM
In terms of story line FFX is the shortest FFIX was the longest, and though I have not played it I will say FFXI is also very long cause of the side quests. (and it's online)

02-24-2007, 10:49 PM
The Origin version of Final Fantasy I was definitely the shortest, and the longest would have to be Final Fantasy IX. It's not the hardest, but it's definitely the one I've spend the most hours on completing.

02-25-2007, 12:12 AM
The longest Final Fantasy for me would be FFX-2, FFX, and FFXII.

FFX-2 because I have to make sure I get everything(sidequests, commsphere, minigames, etc.) to get 100% perfect ending, and also maximize the level of my characters. That game took me a while to finish.

FFXII also, because of the same stuff. The hunts and all that takes a while to keep track.

And FFX too, because of the same reasons(although the most time-consuming part of FFX are the minigames especially the chocobo racing game).

And for me, there is NO shortest Final Fantasy. =(

db Cooper
02-25-2007, 01:39 AM
I can't really say much on this having only completed IX X and X-2. Most of the other games came out when I was too young to understand what the hell was going on in them. But I found X to have a rather short storyline with alot extra to do. I remember struggling through X the first time round seeing as I hadn't had much experience with Final Fantasy before then (it came to a point where I just had to give up) so I started again and managed it oretty quickly. I spent the most time on IX ofc though, but that could have just been the extra amount of care I put into it as I liked it so much!... oh and haven't completed XII yet only get it yesterday >.<

03-31-2007, 01:52 PM
I'd call FFXII both the longest and the shortest of the ones i've played -- the longest if you do the millions of hunts and side quests, and the shortest for actual story. I mostly play these games for the story elements, so I wasn't too thrilled about that.

FFX seems the longest for me as far as story and character development go, at least if you count the amount of character interaction that takes place. Perhaps FFVIII has the broadest story. No coincidence that those two are my favorite games of the series.

04-02-2007, 02:36 AM
I'd say the longest FF I've played so far would be FFV. Shortest? Idk, FFIV EasyType felt short to me.

Neo Xzhan
04-02-2007, 10:44 AM
I guess, it depends. Getting FFX-2 100% without any help or guide could take you well over 200 hours. Completing FFXII in 60 hours is pretty normal. But with the Yiazmat challenge and all the other side quests, you'd be well over 140 huors. FFX can take incraedible long aswell, with the Monster Arena and Penance. Trying to max out all of your Character's Sphere grids.

FFVII is kinda short, in about 60 hours you can do pretty much everything, including getting KOTR. Can't remember much about FFVIII.

And I agree with Zulu, Origin of FFI is short!

04-07-2007, 12:52 PM

Longest: definetely FFXI. Yes, I know FFXI is an MMORPG that technically has no real conclusion, but you can 'complete' the game by playing through all three nations' missions (Windurst, Bastok and San d'Oria) of the original game, plus the three expansion packs Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia and Treasures of Aht Urhgan that add extra missions which extend the main storyline even further into new and somewhat surreal directions.

The main story is basically wound up by the end of Chains of Promathia however, as the third expansion Treasures of Aht Urhgan is more of a side-story, as it moves the story's emphasis away from the Western nations and the many conspiracies lurking under the surface involving Tavnazia and Jeuno, to the new Near Eastern nation of Aht Urhgan and it's ongoing struggles against the beastmen.

To finish all of this would probably take years of your life if you play the game like how I play it (I've been playing FFXI for a little over two years now and I'm still only halfway through Windurst's storyline, and have only just touched on the expansion missions).

Shortest FF would probably be FFX. Man, this shows just how short a FF game is when you remove the world map. Basically the actual pacing of the story is like a monotonous train journey from one point to another, with little to no deviation in between. I think by just following hte main story and ignoring side quests and the like, I got to the end of the game in about 12 hours of game time or so.. Ho hum...

04-07-2007, 02:45 PM
Story-line wise the longest would either be FFXII or FFVII. On my first plays on both games they just seemed to go on forever. The longest I have spent on a Final Fantasy game however would be the 140+ hour save I have on FFX and another FFVIII save that I'm sure went past 100 hours. These days I could probably do the main story line plus all of the stat-maxing and side-quests for FFVIII in under 100 hours, this was way back when I didn't have my own little strategies for everything to make it all so much simpler.

Shortest FF would probably be X. Probably because it's so linear, the game pretty much points you where to go each time. Completely the opposite case in X-2.

Judge Bergan
04-07-2007, 04:21 PM
I can clearly say XII is now the longest for me both in terms of storyline and gameplay/sidequests. To me, the story was long in XII, there was just so much I could find out from everybody :)

04-14-2007, 02:09 AM
I actually spent the longest on ff10, around 80 hours. Ive not come close to that on all the other ones.

I got to the end of ff7 in under 20 hours whilst playing casually once. (not getting kotr or any chocobos)

i spent a long time playing ff9 and beat ozma eventually but that was still about 60 hours.

i think im on 37 hours on ff12 right now and im at pharos.

04-14-2007, 02:14 AM
I'm at 196 hours in XII. Last plot event I finished is Draklor, and I just pwned Hell Wyrm. As always, good times.

04-14-2007, 07:27 PM
The longest I've ever spent on a FF game would be X, with 140 hours and I havent finished yet. Still got to complete luck stat. I know that XII will be longer tho for 100%.

05-08-2007, 05:32 PM
longest iv'e PLAYED is final fantasy vii.. took my ABSOLUTLY AGES... and it has 3 discs.... however final fantasy ix has 4... but took me 10 times less to complete it.. and i was only level 32 at the last disc.. in ffvii i was 84 by the time i finished..... hmm.. TECHNICALLY.. the shortest final fantasy is the anime film in nibelhiem.. and then advent children would be short.. so would the spirits within..