02-08-2007, 07:09 AM
I'm about to read through all 5 pages to the end to find out there opinion. If you read it all the way through, will you agree with the winner? discuss.

J. Peterman
02-08-2007, 08:16 AM
i dunno man it is like they are like man we are like but then you are like we are like than i am like you are like man really like i like that and then he likes that and then she likes that because he doesn't man it gets really complicated i mean they go say that man the ps3 is man the number one and i say yeah i agree if they get suikoden series continued on it otherwise i am like i don't care about them and then they are like man look halo 3 only but then some guy may be like man halo 3 it is the best go get it and then they go wii some guy is like man mario is my hero and like man and then somebody else is like i want madden hd and the best you can get 1080 whatever and like 5654 inch plasma screen that would be expensive i know and then like man

So I disagree until I get a PS3 sometime in the next year or so.

02-08-2007, 08:20 AM
I seriously don't know why they look at strictly software.
Sure, the PS3 is superior on paper but the system itself has heating issues that are really only seen in novice-built PCs.
I was at a friend's house playing Resistance: Fall of Man, and after a few hours the power supply was overheating and smelt of melting plastic. At that point, I left. Later that night, I got a call from my friend telling me that his PS3 was completely dead.
On a side note, we were playing in his room with the windows open since we were overclocking his PC and didn't want to leave anything to chance. The PS3 was sitting on a glass table in the open, so poor ventilation is out of the question. The only conclusion that we could come up with was the power supply generates too much heat for its own good and having it built into the console was just plain stupid.

J. Peterman
02-08-2007, 08:27 AM
Your friend probably just got a defective system.

02-08-2007, 08:33 AM
I honestly believe they got bribed.

J. Peterman
02-08-2007, 08:36 AM
They all get paid money from whoever and whatever.

Though I would just put "Whatever Console Gets Suikoden Games" as the best one.

02-08-2007, 08:39 AM
Your friend probably just got a defective system.

Probably, but I can see issues arising later on from the power supply being so closely integrated with the rest of the console. At least with the PS2, there was some breathing room.

J. Peterman
02-08-2007, 08:42 AM
I'm sure that if it's a problem they'll get around to fixing it eventually. Which is why I'm not getting one until they fix out whatever problems it has. And the Wii really shouldn't be vertical because you block off a fan. I mean really I leave it like that because it barely uses any power anyways.

02-08-2007, 08:46 AM
Yup, and that's what makes the Wii awesome. You could totally neglect it and it'll run.
What I don't understand is why Sony was willing to take such a big hit from a piddly release, as opposed to putting more time and money into R&D to get rid of trivial matters such as this.

J. Peterman
02-08-2007, 08:54 AM
Maybe they like to have people complaining so they can dance around with monkey.

I hate how you can't turn the system off without it being in standby.

02-08-2007, 08:55 AM
What the fuck is this shit? Seriously. The 360 has an amazingly solid lineup of games coming and they say all it has is halo 3 and GoW?

They ignored Blue Dragon, BioShock and Mass Effect (at least, didn't seem to take either into account when placing the 360 at #3), Alan Wake, and probably some others. Each is shaping up to be just as promising as anything the PS3 will have. If I knew more about the 360, I could probably list more mistakes they made.

Then, for the Wii, they say "It's all sequels for now" when their PS3 list was mostly sequels. They just chose not to mention any of Wiis new IPs that look promising, such as Disaster: Day of Crisis, Sadness, Dragon Quest Swords (technically not new but you know what I mean), etc. etc.. Had they decided to have their heads shoved up their asses, they would've taken the time to look at the good new IPs coming out for Wii.
They're also grossly underestimating Smash Bros Brawl and the "new gamer" factor, and grossly overestimating the importance of HDTV. I will probably not own an HDTV until near when the next generation of consoles come out, and I bet the majority of people are the same way.

And somehow, they seem to think that "Nintendo needs some new franchises, and recycling old characters in different ways doesn't count" yet recycling old gameplay with different characters is acceptable?

I have no problem with praise of Sony - the PS3 lineup is very solid. I find it lol that they think the PS3 will have a "probable" 10-year lifespan. The PS had a ~7 year lifespan, the PS2 had a 7 year lifespan, and I can't imagine the PS3 being much different than that.

I would have no problems with the article, either, had it treated all consoles fairly. The bottom line is that it didn't - it looked at them through Sony colored glasses.

J. Peterman
02-08-2007, 08:57 AM
Every system sucks right now in my opinion.

02-08-2007, 09:00 AM
Every system sucks right now in my opinion.

I say we both get an Atari Jaguar, get rid of all our other systems and call it a day.

J. Peterman
02-08-2007, 09:03 AM
The Jaguar sucked too.

Though I'm guessing that the PS3 should be the best eventually for me and whatever else for you. The Wii is just cheap so I got one because at most it's going to drop down to $100-150 in its lifepsan while the PS3 may end up being $150-300ish by the end of its lifespan so I am all good. I do not like the idea of losing lots of money and stuff in this fashion.

02-08-2007, 09:15 AM
I know the jaguar sucked. I thought you knew that. ;)
There is something so absolutely cheesy about this...

J. Peterman
02-08-2007, 09:19 AM

02-08-2007, 09:26 AM
No, I KNEW it sucked.

02-08-2007, 02:00 PM
I disagree with the writer but these are just opinions

02-21-2007, 04:19 AM
This is why Gamepro was always the biggest joke out of all the gaming magazines. They are rating which system is going to have the best games that haven't come out yet and for the most part still haven't even been revealed in any way? What whores.

Howabout instead of sitting around trying to "analyze" games we just play them. I guess then a lot of dumbasses would be out of a writing job but that doesn't seem that bad to me.

02-21-2007, 10:16 AM
I just knew there was a reason why I stopped reading GamePro seriously, and this article was the evidence I needed.

hb smokey
02-21-2007, 02:28 PM
I don't even need to click the link to assume that Gamepro did a lot of sucking up to Sony. And some of the replies in this thread seem to echo my assumption.

Considering the fact that Sony continues to lose exclusives after exclusives to Microsoft and Nintendo, I don't see how anyone could have the PS3 as being 'the' console for this year definately, and most of next year. Then again, maybe I should read the link to see exactly what this thread is about. But then again, I look at who started it and realize it's probably just a waste of my time.

02-21-2007, 07:29 PM
Their argument goes like this: "Because the PS3 will have some exclusive sequels to games that have sold a lot, it is the best system to purchase!" I love this because you could write Xbox 360 or Wii in there instead of PS3, and change the list of games, and the argument would be exactly the same. The funniest part about it in my opinion is that they even use the word probable. They are acknowledging that they don't even know how good these games are going to be. Roffle.

J. Peterman
02-21-2007, 07:33 PM

02-21-2007, 07:45 PM
Opinions! Opinions! Opinions! Personally, I've always been a Nintendo guy myself.

02-21-2007, 07:58 PM
IGN (and a dozen other sites/magazines) are much more trustfull anyway.

02-21-2007, 09:33 PM
Their argument goes like this: "Because the PS3 will have some exclusive sequels to games that have sold a lot, it is the best system to purchase!" I love this because you could write Xbox 360 or Wii in there instead of PS3, and change the list of games, and the argument would be exactly the same. The funniest part about it in my opinion is that they even use the word probable. They are acknowledging that they don't even know how good these games are going to be. Roffle.

I also love how the Wii's faults are, according to them, that it "relies on too many sequels"

02-21-2007, 10:44 PM
but it does, and it IS a fault. how many sequels are you going to have within the coming 2 years? what else do you have for a lineup? they have hardly any good third party support, and that is what the writers were getting at. nintendo always likes to be different, which is fine, but being THAT different comes with a price. do not alienate the developers that are out there. nintendo can only make so many games per year. the third party developers are supposed to do the rest for you and help sell your system.

also, while xbox 360 is decent now, ps3 will have the last laugh in the next 2 years, watch. i agree with gamepro on this, but they should have went into more detail explaining their views.

02-21-2007, 10:54 PM
People said the exact same thing about the DS, debs. Those predictions were wildly inaccurate. Keep in mind that developing for the Wii costs far less than developing for the other consoles, which means that new developers will be more likely to release titles on Wii to make a name for themselves. Also, with established third-party developers like Ubisoft pouring support onto the console, your claims are shown to be completely unfounded.

02-21-2007, 11:03 PM
People said the exact same thing about the DS, debs. Those predictions were wildly inaccurate. Keep in mind that developing for the Wii costs far less than developing for the other consoles, which means that new developers will be more likely to release titles on Wii to make a name for themselves. Also, with established third-party developers like Ubisoft pouring support onto the console, your claims are shown to be completely unfounded.

i feel what you're saying but i think comparing the ds to the system wars is like comparing apples to oranges. we'll see though. i'd love to be proven wrong and for nintendo to get back on top.

J. Peterman
02-21-2007, 11:38 PM




02-22-2007, 01:57 AM
but it does, and it IS a fault. .

Jesus christ you're dense. You missed the fact that it's ironic that they said the PS3 rocks because of all the sequels it's getting.

02-22-2007, 03:26 AM
you're dense because you didn't read the rest of the post and you took that quote out of context. nintendo has a history of not having major third party support (n64-present) which is why its always been third best (post snes days). nintendo normally only comes out with sequels to its big names (mario, donkey kong, and the like) in a system's infancy. from there, the system is on its own. thats part of the problem. if nintendo wasn't so backwards in their thinking and actually used some of the tactics of the mainstream, they'd be mainstream.

i'm a huge fan of nintendo, but i don't want to see it go the way of sega. ps3/sony has sequels lined up for the next year and a half, yes, but it also has new titles being developed for it from major companies. and nintendo..? right. also note that the key word is THIRD PARTY. read and don't take things out of context next time, kid. thats what happens when you look for a username and specifically try to find fault in that person's post so you can quote them and try to "own" them. you end up looking like a jackass, jackass.

also, back to prak for a sec...comparing the ds (or bringing it into this debate) would be like doing the same with the gameboy and bringing it into the psx vs. 64 debate or the ps2 vs. gamecube vs. xbox debate and saying that well, the gba/color/pocket/micro is doing well, so the gamecube will do well. its apples and oranges. nintendo has always had a strangle hold on the handheld market. this doesn't apply to the console market at all, though.

we will see what happens, and i hope to be proven wrong, but thats how i feel based on hoping from the 64, hoping for the gamecube and watching them collect dust. i realize that the factors are a little different, given the prices for the systems, but the lineup of the ps3 and xbox 360 in comparison are rediculous. then again, 250 for a next gen system with decent games is also rediculous. time will tell.

02-22-2007, 03:46 AM
you're dense because you didn't read the rest of the post and you took that quote out of context.

I had nothing to comment on the rest of your post, so I didn't respond to it. Plus, it sounded like you were trying to prove me wrong or argue about a point that was unrelated to what I was pointing out.

i'm a huge fan of nintendo, but i don't want to see it go the way of sega. ps3/sony has sequels lined up for the next year and a half, yes, but it also has new titles being developed for it from major companies. and nintendo..? right. also note that the key word is THIRD PARTY.

I can think of plenty of third party games that are coming for the Wii. Do you want three to bring it even with what they listed for PS3 on the gamepro site? No More Heroes, Sadness, and Dragon Quest Swords.
There are tons of other third party games I could also list but those are a few that are most interesting to me.

02-22-2007, 06:13 AM
can you list some that actually matter, now? thx.

02-22-2007, 07:18 AM
can you list some that actually matter, now? thx.

Only when you can for the PS3.

J. Peterman
02-22-2007, 07:52 AM
Suikoden VI, given that Suikoden I-V were on Sony consoles, should be enough of a reason for anybody to get a PS3.

Of course, I can understand how some of you are waiting until it is officially announced on the Playstation 3, because there's always the possibilty for change. And through that wait, you may be able to save a hundred or so bucks off the PS3.

02-22-2007, 02:38 PM
can you list some that actually matter, now? thx.

What the fuck? That is completely moronic. No More Heroes and Sadness are both completely new titles that are getting quite a lot of attention and are practically guaranteed to sell well. Also, both of them are very mature titles which will help drive Wii sales among so-called harcore gamers. And Dragon Quest Swords is a sure-fire seller just because Japan fucking loves Dragon Quest.

Also, regarding your notion of the DS and Wii being too different to draw similarities between them, that's bunk. The similarities I am referring to are not in the systems themselves, but rather in the way third-parties are looking at them. Naysayers commonly said that the DS was a gimmick that would be ignored by third-party developers and consumers alike. That proved to be wildly inaccurate. If anything, that shows that Nintendo has learned a great deal about attracting third parties, which is most certainly applicable to the Wii, as is evidenced by the massive number of third-party Wii titles released after launch and currently in development.

hb smokey
02-22-2007, 08:33 PM
but it does, and it IS a fault. how many sequels are you going to have within the coming 2 years?
Sequels are a fact of life. The entire gaming industry is populated by them, because people tend to buy games that have the same name attached to them. It's smart for developers to make sequels to games that sold really well instead of taking a risk on a new IP that you don't know how well it will sell. Each console is going to have its shares of sequels. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the PS3 actually has the most sequels on the shelves or announced right now than the Xbox360 or the Wii. But instead of back that up, I'll wait to see what type of shit you respond with.

what else do you have for a lineup? they have hardly any good third party support, and that is what the writers were getting at.
No More Heroes, which looks to be really promising in my eyes because not only is it going to be a really mature game, but the way the game is being developed makes it look like it can do extremely well.

Sadness is maybe the most intriguing game of all, because everytime I look at screenshots of the game I can't tell if those are actual people or game characters. The game promises that it will have at least 10 endings, all of those will be sad ones. And the little information I've read about the game does make me excited to see what it's really about.

Trauma Center: Second Opinion. The first game was really successful on the DS. While I've yet to try out the game myself, the idea of being a surgeon sounds really awesome. Since it was a great game for the DS, I have no doubts that the Wii version will do great also.

Madden 07: Been a long time since a Madden game actually meant something on a Nintendo console. I'd go as far as to say that the Wii version is better than PS2/360, and all the other systems it released on. Too bad more people won't buy it.

Elebits: Last time I checked, the Wii is the only console that this game is appearing on. Yay for third-party support.

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I don't recall the past few MK games appearing on Nintendo consoles or not, but I thought this was a big deal for the Wii to get this game. It looks incredibly fun, and also, gasp, a violent game.

And this is just a list of other games which I feel like mentioning:

SSX Blur, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, Metal Slut Anthology, Prince of Persia: Rival Swords, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Dragon Quest Swords, Legend of the Dragon, Manhunt 2, Super Swing Golf, Wing Island, and Red Steel. Most of the games I've listed are already out or are pretty close to being released. Don't make me provide a list and info for games that are coming out soon.

Oh and I just thought of Guitar Hero is coming to the Wii as well.

nintendo always likes to be different, which is fine, but being THAT different comes with a price. do not alienate the developers that are out there.
'That' different? I'm so happy that all three of the big companies aren't using essentially the same exact approach for this generation of gaming. I'm so happy that one of them decided to change things up a bit. Nintendo hasn't alienated developers at all with the Wii. They already have more support than what was given for the Gamecube.

nintendo can only make so many games per year. the third party developers are supposed to do the rest for you and help sell your system.
Nintendo makes the best first-party games, better than Microsoft and Sony. Give me a Nintendo game any day of the week.

You're saying that Nintendo basically has shitty third-party support? Yeah I guess you're right.

02-22-2007, 09:25 PM
can you list some that actually matter, now? thx.

The only point he was making was that Gamepro was being hypocritical, as far as I can see, which he's obviously quite right about whether you are right about Nintendo or not. Your ranting is rather misplaced.

02-23-2007, 12:16 AM
i'm not ranting at all. you're misuing the word. all i'm saying is that i agree with gamepro on this, but they should have went into way more detail explaining their viewpoint. it wasn't even 5 full pages. it was like a few sentences here and there and 3 pages worth of pics. they could have summed up those 5 pages with one sentence to be honest.

anyway, i don't feel like arguing on this. the nintendo guy wins, although sonic post sonic cd and mortal kombat post mkII should not even be put on a list of anticipated games. i'll continue to anticipate the release of XIII and mgs4 and we'll see what happens from there.

02-23-2007, 02:56 AM
No I think you really are missing the point. It goes like this. Gamepro said "Nintendo's system is going to suffer because it will have too many sequels." Then they said the PS3 would be the best system because of a bunch of sequels it would have. The end, argument over, that's all there is, and if you can't agree that that is hypocritical... well, we don't have an argument, you're just a weirdo.

J. Peterman
02-23-2007, 04:32 AM
Nintendo is going to suffer because it doesn't have Suikoden VI.

End of story.

02-23-2007, 05:48 AM
Proffesor Nintendo Head, you should also add Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles in your list. After RE4, this game is going to sell really well for sure

hb smokey
02-23-2007, 01:32 PM
Proffesor Nintendo Head, you should also add Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles in your list. After RE4, this game is going to sell really well for sure
Sure I could have, but I already knew that what I posted was way more than what debs could handle. Figure I should have at least a tad bit of decency in me and spare him.

03-15-2007, 05:58 AM
I think it's funny that they say Nintendo only have sequels, yet, the only games they mentioned as System Selling games are MGS4, Killzone 2, SOCOM 4, Gran Turisimo 5, Final Fantasy XIII, Ratchet & Clank, etc...

Kinda feel like a noob article.

can you list some that actually matter, now? thx.

No More Heroes, Sadness, and Dragon Quest Swords.

03-15-2007, 06:27 AM




I'm not a cracka. But since we ain't got beef and we're cool like that I'll let you call me whatever mexican/philipino mix derogatory name that's out there.