02-06-2007, 03:24 PM
Because I know all of you care, and I just felt like doing this, I'm going to make a list of my favorite 25 games of all time. I'm not saying that these are the best, although I think each of them is very good, I'm just saying I like them the best.

25. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game

My experience with the game:
I probably wasted more coins on this game than any other when I was little. The first time I remember playing the game was at an arcade in front of the old mall here in town. I remember it being so friggin difficult. I couldn't ever get past Baxter Stockman!

I kept trying and trying, but every time I would get to him, I'd be out of coins and have only a few notches of health left. ARGH! I never did beat him in the arcade version.

Then they released the NES port of the game. Hooray! No more coins needed!

The game wasn't quite as good, with the voices removed, the graphics a little more toned down, and a lot of the music tracks removed, but it was still the game, and I still loved it. This game was in my NES a lot back in those days, and I played it much much more than I ever did the arcade version.

It was a platformer/brawler that was actually VERY fun to play with other people (even though you had to share the pizza with them). Sure, in the NES port, you couldn't play with all 4 turtles at once, but I rarely had enough friends with quarters to do that at the arcade either.

A review of the game:

By today's standards, the gameplay is not very good. You walk down a street/sewer/building to the right and press the B button to hit the enemies. You can also press the A button to jump and then the B button to execute a kick that goes diagonal across the screen. Not very in depth fighting.

The graphics were very good for the time. Very colorful and crisp. For being released as a NES game, the arcade game really looks a lot more like a Sega game. The arcade game had the turtles voices as well, which was friggin awesome at the time. Plus all the badass turtles music, which made my experience as a turtles-loving kid complete.

It's a good game, even today. It's very fun, and if you were ever a fan of the ninja turtles, the nostalgia factor is incredible. It was also one of the first "brawler" games ever made. I love this game, and I'm proud to say I still have my original copy that I received as a birthday present when I turned 7 years old.

Youtube Video (

Valerie Valens
02-06-2007, 05:10 PM
Finally! A list worth reading through!

02-06-2007, 05:57 PM
I love that game too. Its been so much fun back to that days. I miss the old 2D times:swoon:

02-07-2007, 02:15 PM
24. Tetris

My Experience With the Game:
This game was out on many systems before the Gameboy, but the Gameboy was the first time I had ever played it. When the Gameboy was released, I was in ecstasy: a Nintendo that I could carry around with me. I'd NEVER have to stop playing! However, after I talked my parents into buying me a Gameboy, I couldn't talk them into buying me any games for it for a very long time.

Thus my love for Tetris was born. As the game that was shipped with the system, it was my ONLY game... for a very long time. I got hooked on it. I'd play whenever I could. I'd challenge other people to games, and we'd link our Gameboy, and I'd kick ass. Then, probably a year later, when I finally got another game (Super Mario Land, I believe), I STILL played Tetris more.

My Review

The game is simple and repetitive. God is it addictive. There's not a lot to say about Tetris. You either like it or you don't.

Nearly everybody alive has played Tetris at some point, in some form. The game is on everything: cell phones, pc's, consoles, friggin watches. There's no reason to have never played it. It's a fun, simple game that has lasting appeal for just about everyone.

Youtube video (

02-08-2007, 01:59 PM
23. Ratchet and Clank
Playstation 2

My Experience with the Game

When this game came out, it was the best platformer I had played in six years. No platformer game has been released since this one that I have had near as much fun with. I love platformer games. For those who don't know what a platform game is, they're games like Mario, where the main gameplay is jumping from platform to platform, killing enemies along the way.

I bought this game as soon as possible, and played through it in a day. The next day, I played through it again. I've played through it about seven or eight times since then, every night after spent dreaming of the tinging of nuts and bolts. It is still just as fun as the first time, because the gameplay is so good.

My Review

This game is, of course, much different from platformer games like Mario. Instead of jumping on the enemies, you blow them away with various weapons, like the bomb glove, the devastator, the tesla claw, and the infamous R.Y.N.O. (Rip You a New One). The way the game handles the weapons is perfect. It never feels awkward or difficult.

The platforming aspects are also very good, with nothing ever seeming unfair or too incredibly difficult, and still maintaining challenge and not getting stale. Mixed in with the normal running and jumping are some really cool levels where you use "Grind Boots" to grind along these rails in a fast paced rail mission similar to SNES's Donkey Kong Country.

There's never a lack of things to do in the game, and everything looks beautiful. Even though the game is five years old, the graphics are still great, because the developers chose to go with a more cartoony style than realistic. I don't think these graphics will ever look bad.


It's a fantastic game. It's a lot of fun. It's one of the newest games on my list, and the ONLY PS2 game to make it (thus making it my favorite PS2 game ever). Anybody who has never played this, and has a PS2 would be doing themselves a favor by picking it up. You can usually find it for less than 10 bucks at a used gaming store.

Youtube Video (

Valerie Valens
02-08-2007, 02:07 PM
Oh man I remembered I used to be a tetris junkie back in the days. :D

02-08-2007, 06:12 PM
I own the Tetris on the original gameboy. Well some games are priceless ;)

02-09-2007, 03:55 AM
I own the Tetris on the original gameboy. Well some games are priceless ;)

Agreed. I just hope but highly doub that that ninja turtles game would be released to download on the wii. I just love that game so much lol.

02-09-2007, 04:06 AM
I still am a Tetris junkie.

02-09-2007, 01:13 PM
Agreed. I just hope but highly doub that that ninja turtles game would be released to download on the wii. I just love that game so much lol.

Actually I could definitely see that happening. The Turtles game would fit the Wii perfectly.

02-09-2007, 02:25 PM
22. Bad News Baseball

My Experience with the Game

This is a pretty personal choice for me. When I was younger, I played little league baseball from Kindergarten to the 7th grade. I loved baseball. My dad bought this baseball game for our NES and we started playing it. We immediately loved it, for it's simple gameplay, neat graphics, and quirky visuals.

My dad would slaughter me at every game. Occasionally I would win, but I always got the feeling that he lost on purpose. We played this game at least once a week for something like 5 years. Over time, I started getting better and better, and eventually, I beat my dad for real. This was the first time I had ever beaten my dad at any game, so it was a pretty big deal for me. Now, I sometimes lose on purpose to let him feel good.

My review

I still love this game. It's the only sports game to make my list, becoming my favorite sports game of all time. It gets on the list, mainly for simple gameplay and button layout. Unlike more modern baseball games, this isn't concerned about realism. It's a purely arcade baseball game, and I love it for that. The umpires are bunnies, the players are bobble-heads, there's a cool little movie when you hit a homerun, a fielder can miss a catch and get bonked on the head by the ball. All really fun stuff that hasn't been duplicated since.


This baseball game is definitely not for everybody, but if you like your sports games a little less serious and a little more fun, you'd probably enjoy this one. I don't ever hear anybody say anything about it, and that makes me sad, because the game does mean a lot to me, personally... and it's a pretty great game.

This is the only youtube video I could find of the game :(. Only 14 seconds:

Youtube Video (

Hex Omega
02-09-2007, 02:29 PM
this thread has made good reading. keep them coming.

02-09-2007, 02:31 PM
Pretty good thread. We need more threads of this quality.

02-09-2007, 02:38 PM
Pretty good thread. We need more threads of this quality.

Still 21 to go. Plenty of time to fuck it up.

hb smokey
02-09-2007, 02:40 PM
Since you love Super Metroid, it's clear that you have some smarts to you. So I can't wait to see where you got that.

02-09-2007, 06:29 PM
Since you love Super Metroid, it's clear that you have some smarts to you. So I can't wait to see where you got that.

If by that you mean that you can't wait to see where I have placed Super Metroid on my list, I have to apologize, because you will be waiting a while.

J. Peterman
02-09-2007, 08:20 PM
dang man my list is like all suikoden and sports game man to put that game over MVP Baseball I dunno MVP Baseball was the best man I had the best team ever

hb smokey
02-10-2007, 03:13 AM
If by that you mean that you can't wait to see where I have placed Super Metroid on my list, I have to apologize, because you will be waiting a while.
The longer I wait, the better.

02-10-2007, 05:25 AM
What if you have to wait so long, you die in a freak accident before he manages to place it on his list?

02-14-2007, 09:25 AM
Man, all the thought you put into this list is very refreshing. I'm a huge R&C clank fan as well, the first was like a beckoning from the heavens... but I thought the second game was the series' peak. The RPG-inspired element of levelling up one's weapons was genious and the humour was perfectly intact and everything felt so natural. R&C games best Jak and Mario's recent offerings anyday (I'm a Mario fan, I just don't like what he's gotten into recently). And good call on Tetris. Everyone bought a game boy for that. Simplicity is sometimes the most brilliant gaming device.

02-14-2007, 10:12 AM
What if you have to wait so long, you die in a freak accident before he manages to place it on his list?

Then he will be dead and it probably wouldn't matter to him anymore.

This thread is entertaining.

02-14-2007, 01:39 PM
Man, all the thought you put into this list is very refreshing. I'm a huge R&C clank fan as well, the first was like a beckoning from the heavens... but I thought the second game was the series' peak. The RPG-inspired element of levelling up one's weapons was genious and the humour was perfectly intact and everything felt so natural. R&C games best Jak and Mario's recent offerings anyday (I'm a Mario fan, I just don't like what he's gotten into recently). And good call on Tetris. Everyone bought a game boy for that. Simplicity is sometimes the most brilliant gaming device.

I agree with everything you said. Expecially that the second R&C game was the series' peak. I am amazed at how many people I hear say they like "Up Your Arsenal" better, because I was extremely disappointed by it and Deadlocked.

02-14-2007, 01:42 PM
I agree with everything you said. Expecially that the second R&C game was the series' peak. I am amazed at how many people I hear say they like "Up Your Arsenal" better, because I was extremely disappointed by it and Deadlocked.

I love the R and C games. I cant wait to play size matters on the psp.

02-14-2007, 02:18 PM
21. River City Ransom

My Experiences with the Game:

This was and still is one of the best co-op multiplayer games ever made. The first time I played it was at my best friend's house. Me and him were friends most of my life, from the time that he I was around 3 to about 14 or 15. Then he sort of became a douche and I started avoiding him.

Anyways, at the time when we were friends, we played this a whole lot. It's a lot like Double Dragon, or even the Ninja Turtles Arcade Game, but with RPG elements and a lot of other fun stuff in addition to the brawler system.

The biggest thing most people remember about this game is the weapons in it. There was a ton of them, and a lot of things you could do with them. Garbage cans, chains, pipes, brass knuckles, rocks, tires: each of them with a little different feel. You could hit somebody with them, or you could throw the weapon at the enemy. Or you could throw the weapon at your partner. Me and my friend spent plenty of time playing stickball, where one person would throw the rock and the other would try to hit it with the pipe. Very fun stuff.

My Review:

Like I said before, the multiplayer is what made this game great. The visuals are funny and quirky, the gameplay is simple, and the story is basically non-existant. This isn't a very fun game to play by yourself really. It's made for friends and is very good at what it does.


This is a cult classic of gaming. It's not an extremely popular game, but everybody who as ever played it remembers it fondly. I still love to play it from time to time, but my wife just isn't very good at stickball.

Youtube Video (

02-14-2007, 05:36 PM
I enjoyed Tetris soo much, I even have it on my PSP.
I am not familiar with the game you mentioned above though from the impression the youtube video gave me it looks awesome.

02-14-2007, 06:10 PM
Pleaaaaase tell me you have Super Turrican on the list.

For those who don't know, Super Turrican was developed by Factor 5 (The Rogue Squadron guys), and it had Dolby Surround Sound, which only a few of SNES games featured.

02-14-2007, 06:54 PM
A video link for this game perhaps?

02-14-2007, 07:07 PM
You got it.

02-14-2007, 08:48 PM
Super Turrican is Super Mario Bros. + Contra.

It's not on the list.

02-14-2007, 09:56 PM
More like Super Mario Bros + Metroid Prime, please do continue Milkman for I am eager to see what is next on your list.
p.s thank you for the video Naoto Aeron.

02-14-2007, 11:06 PM
More like Super Mario Bros + Metroid Prime, please do continue Milkman for I am eager to see what is next on your list.
p.s thank you for the video Naoto Aeron.

You have to wait. One update on the list a day only >:O

02-14-2007, 11:07 PM
Oh ok I missed that part sorry.

02-15-2007, 01:35 PM
Today is the first of my top 5 LEAST favorite games, which I will slide in before the 20th, 15th, 10th, 5th, and 1st on my favorites list. I have cleverly decided to put these in a different color as to help keep them unconfused from my real list.

5. Mortal Kombat
Super Nintendo

My Experience With the Game / Review

Now, first of all, the newer games are not half bad, but the only reason that this series was ever able to continue selling is because of kids obsession with the fake blood and gore.

It's a horrible game. The hit detection is completely off, with your fists and feet going through the enemy just as many times as they connect. The movements are stiff and the attacks boring and repetitious. This game started a bad trend in fighting games, where instead of mixing attacks together, you would only have to put in button combinations for special attacks. I hate this crap.

The reason anybody plays a Mortal Kombat game is for the Fatalities though. I don't really understand why. They are all basically the same, not very creative, most look really stupid, and, with the exception of a few, they are impossible to remember. You have to sit with a printout of the codes in front of you to be able to do the attacks. It's horrible.

I played this game on the SNES exclusively, so I wont speak for it's other incarnations, but when this game was released, I was in shock at how much attention it was getting despite how bad it was. Anybody who has ever played the game can tell you that you can beat the single player mode by either sweeping or uppercutting over and over again.

Ugh the combat in this game makes me sick at remembering. And the stupid looking characters that are basically just paper cut-outs of people in costume. What a horrible idea.


BAD gameplay. BAD graphics. Stupid kids who love to see fake blood and gore: My opinion of the Mortal Kombat phenomenon.

Youtube Video (

02-15-2007, 02:07 PM
I was no fan of mortal combat it looks boring.

Rabid Monkey
02-15-2007, 02:20 PM
I remember when it came out. At the time I was obsessed with the Street Fighter games. I'd hope that most everyone here (if not everyone) would agree that Street Fighter II really set the standards for fighting games at the time.

Subsequently, Mortal Kombat completely ignored those standards, and started the trend of "violence and blood sell video games", despite having nearly no gameplay at all. What REALLY irks me is that the Mortal Kombat movie was actually better than the Street Fighter counterpart that came out about the same time. It was just another excuse for stupid people to think MK is better.

02-15-2007, 02:23 PM
The mortal combat movie sucked anyway so they can't really use it as an excuse.

02-15-2007, 02:34 PM
RM: I agree about Street Fighter 2 setting the standard. Although I never really liked it much either, it was a whole lot better than Mortal Kombat.

I actually liked the Street Fighter movie better, though to tell you the truth, I can't remember a single thing from either one of them... which is probably a good thing.

02-15-2007, 02:56 PM
Movies made from games have never been very good have they?

02-15-2007, 08:15 PM
Not to mention the ugly precedent they set when they made it "cool" to deliberately misspell shit.

02-16-2007, 12:38 AM
Not to mention the ugly precedent they set when they made it "cool" to deliberately misspell shit.

Definitely! God these kunts who misspell get on my nerves. I want to krack their kraniums open, but instead I usually just korrect them.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-16-2007, 12:54 AM
The Genesis version was a great deal better, but then, Genesis versions of games were often better than their SNES counterparts. :)

How high on your list is God of War?

02-16-2007, 12:57 AM
this thread is gold. i was on the first page and was just about to post, "if you don't have river city ransom on this list, then y-" when i scrolled down further and saw the greatness that is rcr. rcr was the second game i got on the nes. i played the hell out of it too...and it is good alone and better with friends.


02-16-2007, 01:59 AM
The Genesis version was a great deal better, but then, Genesis versions of games were often better than their SNES counterparts. :)

How high on your list is God of War?

It's not on the list at all. It came very close though. Also, I really didn't like the Sega Genesis, and there is not a single Sega game on my list either.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-16-2007, 02:52 AM
Are any of the games on your list likely to be games that I like?

02-16-2007, 05:10 AM
Are any of the games on your list likely to be games that I like?

None of the Legacy of Kain games are on my list.

The only RPG on my list is in the 5 worst games.

You decide.

02-16-2007, 12:36 PM
I think it is FFVII lolz.

02-16-2007, 01:54 PM
20. Super Smash Bros. Melee

The first time I played the original Super Smash Bros. was on my fifteenth birthday. I had a few friends over (only one of which I'm still friends with now) and we had a camper trailer in the back yard at my house. Inside was a small television with my N64 hooked up, and we rented Super Smash Bros and the South Park First-Person Shooter.

We ended up playing Super Smash Bros. MUCH MUCH more than that crappy South Park PoS. The game was crazy fun. Frantic fighting gameplay, that is much more skill based than I originally thought when playing it.

When Super Smash Bros. Melee was released on GC, I was first in line to get it. I bought a couple extra controllers, and me and the friend that I still hang around with sat down and proceeded to kick eachothers ass thoroughly. Melee was a huge improvement on the game. The button layout was better, the gameplay was faster, the items were cooler, the graphics were great, and there were even more characters.

This is a game that is definitely not very fun to play by yourself, but with a group of friends, this becomes one of my favorite multiplayer games of all time.

Youtube Video (

02-17-2007, 07:51 AM
Ive played this game at a friends house. I wish i had a GC, just to play this game!

02-17-2007, 07:54 AM
That seems awfully low on the list for one of your favorite multiplayer games of all time, but I suppose there are tons of fantastic single player games out there.

Definitley one of my top five favorite series, though.

02-17-2007, 11:03 AM
No RPGs in your Top 25?!
This is still a great list so far though, and the Least favourites are even better.

02-17-2007, 02:15 PM
rachet & clank?

02-17-2007, 03:51 PM

02-17-2007, 03:57 PM
That seems awfully low on the list for one of your favorite multiplayer games of all time, but I suppose there are tons of fantastic single player games out there.

It gets knocked down on the list a little because it isn't very fun to play by yourself.

02-17-2007, 04:06 PM
Yeah, I'm with Milkman on that one.

02-17-2007, 05:08 PM
SSBM is my favorite game ever! Glad it made your list.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-17-2007, 05:38 PM
None of the Legacy of Kain games are on my list.

The only RPG on my list is in the 5 worst games.

You decide.

I hope Star Ocean 3 is that RPG on the worst list. I know it's the only one I've ever bought that was too boring for me to finish (and after FFX, that's saying a lot).

SSBM is one of my favorites, or was, for the "not so much fun to play by yourself" thing you mentioned.

I'm thinking of things like Resident Evil 4 and the Ace Combat games and stuff like that.

02-17-2007, 07:20 PM
Definitely! God these kunts who misspell get on my nerves. I want to krack their kraniums open, but instead I usually just korrect them.

Hey! How about, from now on, we refer to Moral Kombat fans, as Kombat Kunts... or not, whichever.

02-17-2007, 07:23 PM
fhust sth tuck cp uunst!

jewess crabcake
02-17-2007, 07:23 PM
Why do people buy a game then don't wait for it to play out SO3 is real fun, especially when you start synthesizing, the story takes off, you just have to be patient.

jewess crabcake
02-17-2007, 07:24 PM
Hey! How about, from now on, we refer to Moral Kombat fans, as Kombat Kunts... or not, whichever.

Was that an error or did you say they ae fighting morality?

double post but I don't give a fuck.

02-17-2007, 07:25 PM
Lolz impatient people miss out alot when they give up on a game just cause it don't load fast enough or some crappy reason like that.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
02-17-2007, 08:47 PM
Why do people buy a game then don't wait for it to play out SO3 is real fun, especially when you start synthesizing, the story takes off, you just have to be patient.

Initially SO3 was kind of fun, I liked the setting. But the story as a whole isn't that good and character development is fucking awful. In fact, not a lot really happens in SO3, most of it is just running around from place to place and eventually it just looses momentum. It's a shame though as SO2 was fantastic.

02-17-2007, 10:27 PM
I hope Star Ocean 3 is that RPG on the worst list. I know it's the only one I've ever bought that was too boring for me to finish (and after FFX, that's saying a lot).

I REALLY didn't like Star Ocean 3 either, and for the same reason. Too fucking boring. I thought the same of Xenosaga.

But neither of those are the RPG that is on my worst of list.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-17-2007, 10:30 PM
I REALLY didn't like Star Ocean 3 either, and for the same reason. Too fucking boring. I thought the same of Xenosaga.

But neither of those are the RPG that is on my worst of list.

Must be an RPG I never played, then, because I can't think of one that's worse than Star Ocean 3 or the Xenosaga games.

02-17-2007, 10:32 PM
Mister Milkman, are there any of the "Streets of Rage" games included on your list? Streets of Rage II is like the best game ever for the Megadrive (Genesis). xD

02-17-2007, 10:57 PM
Why do people buy a game then don't wait for it to play out SO3 is real fun, especially when you start synthesizing, the story takes off, you just have to be patient.

Synthesis sucks cock and I hated every minute of trying to figure it out.

jewess crabcake
02-17-2007, 10:59 PM
You bafoon ^^. It was easy, just get high level synthesisers, and only let them do one project, I lost a hella lot of money letting them keep going only to get a cheap piece of iron.

02-18-2007, 12:03 AM
Mister Milkman, are there any of the "Streets of Rage" games included on your list?


02-18-2007, 12:54 AM
You bafoon ^^. It was easy, just get high level synthesisers, and only let them do one project, I lost a hella lot of money letting them keep going only to get a cheap piece of iron.

Synthesis sucks cock and I hated every minute of trying to figure it out.

jewess crabcake
02-18-2007, 12:59 AM
It's really simple I mean your weapons are going to suck if you don't synthesise.

02-18-2007, 01:13 AM
It wasn't simple at all and was an extreme time waster that didn't give me anything after I wasted tons and tons of money.
I gave up on that, went through the game, hit the terrible plot twist and though (well hey maybe it'll get a little better), played some more, and it continued to suck so I quit.

jewess crabcake
02-18-2007, 01:18 AM
Yeah I as the same way on my first synthesisng thing, Yea you 1: need hire smithers (people that smith not someone in particular), 2: Keep moving around the chars to get a desired price, then only let them do about 1 in the beginning depending on your smithers about 1-3 tries should make something if you don't make something your third time, you don't lose too much. Also look at the expressin on their faces to know wheteher it worked or not.

Atom Narmor
02-18-2007, 05:26 AM

02-18-2007, 11:42 PM
Milkman are they any GTA games or Tomb raider games on either your hated games or your best games?

02-19-2007, 01:02 AM
Milkman are they any GTA games or Tomb raider games on either your hated games or your best games?


Update tomorrow, btw. I'm taking the weekend off for WoW.

02-19-2007, 08:16 PM
19. Half-life

Of course, there were first-person-shooter games before Half-life, but this game is what made the first-person-shooters today the way they are. It's one of the first that allowed you to interact with your environment. It's one of the first to use the concept of mapping weapons to the number keys for quick-swapping. It revolutionized the way you control a first-person-shooter, and everything that has come afterwards has been an imitation.

The many environments in the game, cinematic quality of the story and cutscenes, and ease of control really sucked me into the game the first time I played it. The length of the game kept me entertained for quite a while, and even after finishing the single player mode, there were tons of user-made mods, and the awesome multiplayer.

Youtube Video (

02-19-2007, 09:07 PM
Awesome choice Milkman Half life is one of the best games I have ever played.

02-20-2007, 02:28 PM
18. Age of Empires 2

The first time I played this game was at school, in a computer maintenance class, where we spent most of our time trying to evade the teachers glances and playing Age of Empires, or Counterstrike.

I took much more naturally to this game than I did Starcraft, Command & Conquer, Total Annhialation, or any other real-time strategy game since this. To me, this is the perfect RTS. There is plenty of depth in it, but not so much as you need to read a book to play. There is a good balance between combat and resource management. The combat is fairly balanced as well, so that no civilization is TOO overpowered.

The game is fast paced, very customizable, easy to learn, and consistantly fun to play. Even compared to any newer RTS game that has come out since, this one still holds it own and is my favorite RTS game of all time.

Youtube Video (

02-20-2007, 05:12 PM
Awesome choice Milkman Half life Age of Empires 2 is one of the best games I have ever played.

jewess crabcake
02-20-2007, 06:22 PM
Is the Age of Empires a good series I've heard a lot about is but what's the gameplay like?

02-20-2007, 08:11 PM
Is the Age of Empires a good series I've heard a lot about is but what's the gameplay like?

Do you fucking read? It wouldn't be on this list if it wasn't good. There's a gameplay video in my fucking post.

Fuck off.

02-20-2007, 08:25 PM
Lolz Milkman^^^^ I enjoyed Age of empires never remebered the hours I spent on this game, any total war games on your list Milkman?

02-20-2007, 08:26 PM
Lolz Milkman^^^^ I enjoyed Age of empires never remebered the hours I spent on this game, any total war games on your list Milkman?

No. Like I said, Age of Empires is my favorite RTS of all time. No others appear on the list.

02-20-2007, 08:46 PM
Ok dude keep up the good work.

02-20-2007, 08:50 PM
Age of Empires II is my all time favourte Strategy game. Its just fun (especially when you play it with friends on a local network).

Keep it up Milkman. :)

02-20-2007, 08:51 PM
Didn't think much of the first Age of Empires but the second one is highly loveable and a great choice.

jewess crabcake
02-20-2007, 10:06 PM
No. Like I said, Age of Empires is my favorite RTS of all time. No others appear on the list.

Your personal opinion is not verifiable law, you'd do well to remember that, and you'd do well to take a valium as well.

Also your clip looks terrible.

02-20-2007, 11:50 PM
Your personal opinion is not verifiable law, you'd do well to remember that, and you'd do well to take a valium as well.

Also your clip looks terrible.

Is it your goal to make every sentence you post completely incorrect?


02-21-2007, 02:10 PM
17. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out

One of the very first games I owned on the NES, preceded only by Super Mario Bros., this game spent more time in my console than out, and I have played it more than nearly any other game in existence.

With Mario as the referee, you play as Little Mac, and fight your way from Glass Joe, through Piston Honda, King Hippo, Soda Popzinski, and other colorful characters, eventually making your way to the pre-earbiting, fist-o-cement, Mike Tyson.

God I love this game. The most memorable thing about this game for me was King Hippo, a fat boxer with only one weakness, who if you can knock down, will not get up. The hard part is knocking him down. Me and my dad spent forever playing this game, only to get to King Hippo and not know what to do. I'm talking months here. There was no internet at this time, so couldn't help us. When I finally dodged Mr. Hippo's punch and nailed him in the stomach, followed by the teeth over and again, and the tub of lard fell to the mat, my dad and I literally jumped up and cheered. It's one of the most memorable experiences I have in gaming.

I included two videos with this because I found the original commercial so cheesy fun.

Classic Commercial (

Gameplay Video (

02-21-2007, 08:42 PM
LOLZ @ the story of King hippo.

02-22-2007, 07:41 AM
So you still had your copy of the Mike Tyson version. I heard that after the Mike Tyson rape scandal there was a recall issued forth on the game whereby those who returned the game got the version without Mike Tyson in it... Can't be sure if that is true or not.

Valerie Valens
02-22-2007, 02:08 PM
The last 3 are awesome choices, Half-Life was phenominal, Age of Empires 1&2 were the only RTS games I've ever warmed up to and Mike Tyson's Punch Out was a pretty damn nostalgic trip.

PS : Smarties is a douchebag.

02-22-2007, 02:47 PM
So you still had your copy of the Mike Tyson version. I heard that after the Mike Tyson rape scandal there was a recall issued forth on the game whereby those who returned the game got the version without Mike Tyson in it... Can't be sure if that is true or not.

Yes I still have my copy of Mike Tyson's Punch Out.

And Yes, after the rape thing, the game was reissued as just "Punch-Out" and had this big white guy at the end instead of Mike Tyson. His name was like "Mr. Fantastic" or something. I don't really remember.

I liked the Mike Tyson's version.

02-22-2007, 02:52 PM
16. Super Mario 64

Bringing the most famous gaming icon into the third dimension was a really big deal. Mario has always been a sidescroller, and trying to keep that type of gameplay, but 3d was a hard task to accomplish, but this game did it very well.

I have conflicting feelings about this one, because I dislike that all the new major Mario games are in 3d now. I like side-scrollers, and I miss the old Mario games. However, Mario 64 is frickin awesome.

It was similar to the side scrolling games, but had a feel of it's own, that many many games have copied since. The game was LONG also. 150 stars to collect, with many of the quests much different than any game that had came out previously.

The innovative design, fun gameplay, and seeing Mario in 3d is what sold this game for me. It was the first game I owned on the N64, and I spent a lot of time playing it. Very very fun game, that I wish I still had. I'm not sure what happened to it.... I think I'm going to have to buy it for the DS. Be right back.

Television Commercial (

Gameplay Video (

02-22-2007, 03:17 PM
I have conflicting feelings about this one, because I dislike that all the new major Mario games are in 3d now. I like side-scrollers, and I miss the old Mario games. However, Mario 64 is frickin awesome.

It really depends on your definition of 'major'. The gaming scene is changing; given the extraordinary success of the DS in Japan, many DS releases are considered 'major' console releases over there. Case in point: Dragon Quest IX is coming exclusively to the DS.

Taking that into consideration, New Super Mario Bros. could be considered a new major Mario game; and it would not surprise me if it sold better than Super Mario Sunshine ever did. Although the graphics are still 3D, New Super Mario Bros. is most definitely a 2D side-scroller worthy of the Mario name.

I think that there is room for both iterations of the franchise, both 2D and 3D, to flourish; i'm looking forward to Super Paper Mario on the Wii just as much as I am Super Mario Galaxy. Two very different games, but undoubtedly each as enjoyable as the other.

EDIT: I forgot to mention; Mario 64 is frickin' awesome. Whether it be on 64, DS or Wii VC.

02-22-2007, 03:25 PM
Lee: I agree with everything you say here. I don't consider the New Super Mario Bros a major release, because it's on a handheld. That may be an unfair restriction.

I have New Super Mario Bros., and I thought it was a pretty good game, but entirely too short and too easy. It's still the best pure Mario game since Mario 64 however.

I really love the Paper Mario Games, and "Thousand-Year Door" came extremely close to making it on my list. When I started this list I started putting names of games I loved down on excel, and then ordering them based on which ones I loved more. Thousand year door came out at around 27. I am looking forward to Mario RPG games much much more than Mario Galaxy at the moment.

02-22-2007, 03:31 PM
I'm not sure how much you've read up on Super Paper Mario, but you might be disappointed; although it's using the Paper Mario graphics style, it's apparently much more of a 2D side-scroller. The paper element comes into play when you can turn 'sideways', giving you a view of the cross-section of the level.

Still, it's by the Thousand Year Door dev-team, so anything could happen.

02-23-2007, 01:34 PM
I'm not sure how much you've read up on Super Paper Mario, but you might be disappointed; although it's using the Paper Mario graphics style, it's apparently much more of a 2D side-scroller. The paper element comes into play when you can turn 'sideways', giving you a view of the cross-section of the level.

Still, it's by the Thousand Year Door dev-team, so anything could happen.

I hadn't read anything on it :( I don't keep up with games much anymore.

Still sounds neat though.

02-23-2007, 01:35 PM
4. Final Fantasy X-2

God, just posting that damn picture here brings back horrible memories that I had repressed into my unconscious soon after playing this pile of garbage. This game is by far the worst of any Final Fantasy game I have ever played (including Mystic Quest). It's the worst RPG I have ever played.

I'll admit, that the gameplay is not horrible, but is overshadowed by the bad story and concept. I never was a fan of Final Fantasy X, so I didn't care much for the characters anyways. I always thought if there was going to be an actual sequel to any of the Final Fantasy games, the obvious choice would be VII, not X. Squaresoft disagreed however, and made this game that takes the characters in an unrealistic direction and turns the entire story into a pop ripoff of Charlie's Angels.

I am definitely not the person that this game was designed for, but I wasted my money on it anyways, and it pisses me off. This game will always be Squaresoft's worst, to me.

Youtube Video (

02-23-2007, 03:00 PM
I love you for that post.

Final Fantasy X-2 ruined Final Fantasy X's storyline for me, and I will ever despise it for that.

02-23-2007, 03:24 PM
Mario 64 on the DS sucks.
no analogue = rape
and all other charakters dont belong in the game
the minigames were ok tho

That being said, still the greatest 3d platformgame ever made, get it on your virtual console if ye have a Wii

02-23-2007, 05:55 PM
Milkman said it perfectly.

02-23-2007, 06:16 PM
Yeah, it was absolutely perfect, except for the part where he was totally wrong. Which was, you know, the whole post. Of course, I doubt that this is the right place for a full-blown argument about it.

02-23-2007, 06:29 PM
Haha, Prak, don't get so uptight because I agree with the opposite extreme from your opinion of the game. Like you said this isn't the right place for a full-blown argument so I won't pursue one; plus I don't even have enough knowledge of X-2 to argue against it so.

02-23-2007, 10:34 PM
So that was the RPG on your hated games list, I thought it might of been FFVII.

02-24-2007, 04:29 PM
Yeah, it was absolutely perfect, except for the part where he was totally wrong. Which was, you know, the whole post. Of course, I doubt that this is the right place for a full-blown argument about it.

I wont argue about the game in it's entirety, but I uphold everything I said in the post as fact.

02-24-2007, 04:29 PM
So that was the RPG on your hated games list, I thought it might of been FFVII.

FFVII is a good game, despite the hate it gets these days.

Valerie Valens
02-24-2007, 05:05 PM
This is something I'll have to disagree with you on. To me, FF7 paled horribly in comparison to FF6 and offered little on its own in terms of gameplay and storyline.

02-24-2007, 08:41 PM
FF7 is a better game. FF7 and 6 have flaws but IMO 7 is a better game overall.

02-24-2007, 10:18 PM
I do like FFVII but there are so many FFVII haters I assumed you were one of them Milkman. It's true what they say about FF games you either love them or you hate them.

02-25-2007, 03:31 AM
I reckon it's more like so many people love it there are some people who want to be different so they say they hate the game... but inside they know they have a special place for it.

Valerie Valens
02-25-2007, 01:53 PM
Nah not really, I hated it way before I found an FF7 fandom, and I'm sure I've given my objective reasons why.

02-25-2007, 04:09 PM
So I know this is slightly hypocritical, but debating WHICH FFS IS TEH BEST is best done elsewhere.

This thread is about Loki, and that's just the way he likes it.

Valerie Valens
02-25-2007, 04:19 PM
Actually, you're right. We do have forums dedicated to Final Fantasy, afterall. :P

Desert Wolf
02-25-2007, 04:28 PM
Computer animated girls in bikinis ftw!


02-25-2007, 06:17 PM
This isn't the DOAX thread.

J. Peterman
02-25-2007, 07:56 PM

though whatever i really don't care too much really

02-25-2007, 11:23 PM

though whatever i really don't care too much really

I don't like Suikoden.

02-26-2007, 02:37 PM
15. Pitfall
Atari 2600

Now, while I wasn't alive for the Atari's peak, the NES did not come out until I was six years old. Before that, I played my dad's Atari that he had bought with money from pushing carts, when he was six years younger than I am right now. He had a cardboard box full of games (some multiples for a reason I'm not sure of. I know we had four PacMans).

Anyways, out of all of those games, Pitfall was favorite. I've always been a fan of platformers, and this one started them all. Mario, Sonic, and over half of the original NES library would not have happened if not for this games idea of running and jumping over things.

Occasionally, I'll pull out the Atari 2600, which my dad has since passed down to me, and when I do, I have to play this game a bit. It's fun, it's innovative, and it's pretty damn hard too. This is the only Atari game on my best of list, making it my favorite Atari game ever, and the oldest game on my list as well. I still love it.

Commercial Video (

02-26-2007, 03:47 PM
I like this commercial better. (

02-26-2007, 05:59 PM
Is that Jack Black?

02-26-2007, 07:20 PM
I like this commercial better. (

I almost put that one on there, but it's not the full commercial, and is ruined by the laugh track.

02-27-2007, 01:27 AM
I know, i've been looking for the full one :(

And yes, that is Jack Black's TV debut.

02-27-2007, 01:31 AM
I almost put that one on there, but it's not the full commercial, and is ruined by the laugh track.

I remember seeing this on Leno or something so I'm pretty sure it wasn't a laugh track. I coudl be wrong...
They definitley had more of the commercial though.

02-27-2007, 08:48 PM
14. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

I was never a fan of the Castlevania games on NES and SNES, due to their stiff gameplay, but this game made me a fan of the series for life. Its fluid gameplay, well-integrated RPG elements, and stylish 2-d graphics took the series in an entirely different direction that still continues on the GBA and Nintendo DS Castlevania games released.

This was a mix between Metroid and Castlevania, and the mixture worked very well. Exploring Dracula's castle for power ups, leveling up your character so that when you get to the vampire you are powerful enough to defeat him, and collecting various items and equipment along the way, were consistently fun in this game.

When I first played the game, I thought the voice acting could use a lot of work, but now I think it adds to the B-Movie charm of the game. The only complaint I have about the game is that sometimes the exploring can get tedious when you are looking for where to go next. The map given is good, but sometimes pathways that you have not been are hard to see.

Overall, the game is excellent, and one of the best 2-d side scrollers ever made. It's fun, is really long, and has quite a bit of replay value as well. This is one I always try to recommend to people who haven't played it. I think anybody would enjoy it.

Youtube Video (

02-27-2007, 08:56 PM
lol memories of this game are fresh in my mind now I read this thank you Milkman(even if you think i'm a douchebag) for bringing back those memories.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-27-2007, 09:18 PM
14. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

I was never a fan of the Castlevania games on NES and SNES, due to their stiff gameplay, but this game made me a fan of the series for life. Its fluid gameplay, well-integrated RPG elements, and stylish 2-d graphics took the series in an entirely different direction that still continues on the GBA and Nintendo DS Castlevania games released.

This was a mix between Metroid and Castlevania, and the mixture worked very well. Exploring Dracula's castle for power ups, leveling up your character so that when you get to the vampire you are powerful enough to defeat him, and collecting various items and equipment along the way, were consistently fun in this game.

When I first played the game, I thought the voice acting could use a lot of work, but now I think it adds to the B-Movie charm of the game. The only complaint I have about the game is that sometimes the exploring can get tedious when you are looking for where to go next. The map given is good, but sometimes pathways that you have not been are hard to see.

Overall, the game is excellent, and one of the best 2-d side scrollers ever made. It's fun, is really long, and has quite a bit of replay value as well. This is one I always try to recommend to people who haven't played it. I think anybody would enjoy it.

Youtube Video (


As Richter (

As Alucard (

Hell yes, I loved this game and the speed runs are actually entertaining to watch.

02-27-2007, 09:32 PM
Glad we got to one on my list that you like Odin :)

I've been considering trying to do some speedruns on a few games (some of the Megaman and Mario games), but I really don't think I could do near as good as what has already been done.

Valerie Valens
02-27-2007, 09:50 PM
It would be nice if you would do so anyways.

02-27-2007, 10:03 PM
It would be nice if you would do so anyways.

I might. I dunno.

02-28-2007, 12:25 AM
SotN is a classic game. Great pick!!!

02-28-2007, 02:13 AM
I found the part where he stepped on the floor pedal and drowned the ninja looking things to be really funny... Then he picked up the Shiitake, and I was like "What da fuck?" Drowning ninjas then picking up some mushroom, that was some unintentional humor there.

02-28-2007, 02:18 PM
13. Contra

Why hasn't there been a movie made for this game yet? If there is a game that deserves it, this is it. Sure it steals a bit from Predator, Aliens, and Rambo, but a movie about two guys running around shooting soldiers and aliens with flamethrowers, machineguns, scatterguns, and lasers, before eventually getting to the big momma alien who spits bubbles at them would be pretty frickin cool.

This game is very difficult. When I was growing up playing it, I did not know about the now infamous Contra code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A) which gave you thirty lives instead of the meager three. So I spent months playing this game, before finally finishing it, with the three lives given. Later, there were bunches of kids talking about beating this game at my school, so I was all bummed, because what I did was no real accomplishment. Then I find out about the code to some kid who was bragging about beating the game. "It took you four months to beat the game? I beat it in like an hour. It's not very hard!" he says. "I dunno, I'll make it to the last level without dying," I say, "but then I kept losing all three lives really quick. I really just got lucky when I beat it."

He laughs. "Three lives? YOU don't even know about the code!? What a loser!"

I did feel like a loser at the time. I didn't know about the code. Later I realized, "Hey, I beat the game with only three lives, while he had to use thirty. Plus my penis is a lot bigger as well. I'm frickin awesome."

So there's my Contra story. The scattergun rules, by the way.

Gameplay Video (

02-28-2007, 03:12 PM
Ive played this game so many times. Not on the NES, but with MAME32, more than 9 years ago. I loved this game, you just cant stop playing!

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-28-2007, 04:46 PM
13. Contra

Why hasn't there been a movie made for this game yet? If there is a game that deserves it, this is it. Sure it steals a bit from Predator, Aliens, and Rambo, but a movie about two guys running around shooting soldiers and aliens with flamethrowers, machineguns, scatterguns, and lasers, before eventually getting to the big momma alien who spits bubbles at them would be pretty frickin cool.

This game is very difficult. When I was growing up playing it, I did not know about the now infamous Contra code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A) which gave you thirty lives instead of the meager three. So I spent months playing this game, before finally finishing it, with the three lives given. Later, there were bunches of kids talking about beating this game at my school, so I was all bummed, because what I did was no real accomplishment. Then I find out about the code to some kid who was bragging about beating the game. "It took you four months to beat the game? I beat it in like an hour. It's not very hard!" he says. "I dunno, I'll make it to the last level without dying," I say, "but then I kept losing all three lives really quick. I really just got lucky when I beat it."

He laughs. "Three lives? YOU don't even know about the code!? What a loser!"

I did feel like a loser at the time. I didn't know about the code. Later I realized, "Hey, I beat the game with only three lives, while he had to use thirty. Plus my penis is a lot bigger as well. I'm frickin awesome."

So there's my Contra story. The scattergun rules, by the way.

Gameplay Video (

I hated how the laser could only fire one beam at a time on screen, though.

Oh, and the "normal" powerup. Fuck that shit, lol.

02-28-2007, 04:59 PM
Every time I've played Contra, i've put the controller down after a few minutes, wondering where the hell all the fun went.

I dunno. I guess it may be one of those games you can only enjoy if you've got an emotional investment in it.

02-28-2007, 06:22 PM
I hated how the laser could only fire one beam at a time on screen, though.

Oh, and the "normal" powerup. Fuck that shit, lol.

Yeah the laser sucks. I always skipped everything except the Scattergun.

Lee: Contra is pure fun, condensed into cartridge format. There's something wrong with your brain.

03-01-2007, 03:31 AM
I'd have to agree on that one. Sadly the only versions I have access to are emulated, and for some weird reason it's taken acting as if I've been pressing start repeatedly.

Valerie Valens
03-01-2007, 12:34 PM
I tried playing it once, and was pure awesome! I had no emotional investment in it yet I still enjoyed it.

03-02-2007, 02:44 AM
I just find it funny, when one kid says he beat it without the code, and the other kid calls him a loser for not knowing the code. Milkman's not the only person I know who's had that conversation.

03-02-2007, 02:27 PM
12. Burnout: Revenge

I'm not a huge fan of racing games. In fact this game, and one other that appears higher on my list are the ONLY racing games that I have really enjoyed. However, Burnout is an exception.

I've never played Burnout 1 or 2, but Takedown completely took me by surprise and became not only one of the best racing games I have played, but one of the best games of any genre to be released in years. Then the follow-up Revenge completely blew me away again. It improved upon it's predecessor in every way and I currently play it more than any other game, and have been for the past 2 years since it's release.

The extremely high speeds, awesome effects, incredibly fun gameplay (especially Road Rage), and really cool crashes made me fall in love with the game. The ability to race to your own music, which you can put onto your Xbox hard-drive, and the dozens of cars you can unlock, along with many other things to achieve, continue to keep me interested. Add to that some good online multiplayer, and the game is a frickin masterpiece.

It's the only Xbox game to appear on my list: KOTOR and Splinter Cell nearly made it, but not quite. It's also the newest game to appear on my list, making it the last great game to be released.

Youtube Video (

03-02-2007, 02:54 PM
I've been um-ing and ah-ing about this game for a while; I loved Burnout 3, and was quite miffed when the 360 didn't support it for backwards compatibility. (I traded it in, and a month later, support was added. That will teach me.)

The 360 version of Revenge, unfortunately, cost AU$100, compared to the Xbox version, which I could pick up for AU$30. I know i'm a graphics whore, but I don't really feel like buying last-gen any more if I can help it - even Final Fantasy XII hurts the eyes a little.

Your recommendation James, puts Revenge back on my list. I can pick it up for a more reasonable $65 now, which is bargain price for 360 games over here. I'll just have to wait until the holidays when i've got some more spare money.

03-02-2007, 04:48 PM
12. Burnout: Revenge

I'm not a huge fan of racing games. In fact this game, and one other that appears higher on my list are the ONLY racing games that I have really enjoyed. However, Burnout is an exception.

I've never played Burnout 1 or 2, but Takedown completely took me by surprise and became not only one of the best racing games I have played, but one of the best games of any genre to be released in years. Then the follow-up Revenge completely blew me away again. It improved upon it's predecessor in every way and I currently play it more than any other game, and have been for the past 2 years since it's release.

The extremely high speeds, awesome effects, incredibly fun gameplay (especially Road Rage), and really cool crashes made me fall in love with the game. The ability to race to your own music, which you can put onto your Xbox hard-drive, and the dozens of cars you can unlock, along with many other things to achieve, continue to keep me interested. Add to that some good online multiplayer, and the game is a frickin masterpiece.

It's the only Xbox game to appear on my list: KOTOR and Splinter Cell nearly made it, but not quite. It's also the newest game to appear on my list, making it the last great game to be released.

Youtube Video (

I agree completely and utterly with everything you said. Apart from KOTOR not being on the list, and it being the last great game made (although I don't know exactly when it came out so...).

Oh, and I did play a few earlier burnouts.

03-02-2007, 06:14 PM
I've been um-ing and ah-ing about this game for a while; I loved Burnout 3, and was quite miffed when the 360 didn't support it for backwards compatibility. (I traded it in, and a month later, support was added. That will teach me.)

The 360 version of Revenge, unfortunately, cost AU$100, compared to the Xbox version, which I could pick up for AU$30. I know i'm a graphics whore, but I don't really feel like buying last-gen any more if I can help it - even Final Fantasy XII hurts the eyes a little.

Your recommendation James, puts Revenge back on my list. I can pick it up for a more reasonable $65 now, which is bargain price for 360 games over here. I'll just have to wait until the holidays when i've got some more spare money.

If I had a 360, I would definitely buy the game again. It looks fantastic on the system.

Also: Guys, stop quoting my whole review. It's frickin annoying.

03-03-2007, 07:41 PM
You listed the best racer ever milkman! I think one lap of a burnout race was more action packed then some games in their entirely.

03-06-2007, 04:04 PM
Hey, everyone in this thread can vouch for that statement right there.

03-08-2007, 02:57 AM
For me personally, I can't see how Revenge can be topped (save for Burnout 5, which probably will come out late this year). Definitely my favourite racing game, though.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-13-2007, 03:42 PM
You've seemed to have lost pace in updating your list, Milkman.

03-13-2007, 03:48 PM
Thats a shame it was a good list.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-13-2007, 04:05 PM
Yeah, it was. I haven't agreed with all of it, but I did enjoy reading all the reviews and watching the videos.

03-13-2007, 05:33 PM
I'll finish it, I promise.

I've been real busy with school, and haven't really had time to type up a long post.

I will though.

03-19-2007, 01:02 PM
11. Doom

Okay, here it is. My favorite PC game ever.

All of my friends had PC's before I did, and when my parents did finally buy one, it was a horrible Packard Bell POS from Wal-Mart. It was an antique when we got it, but I was still ecstatic. I could play this 3d Dinosaur game, one called Megarace, and a game where you got to go inside a body and look for viruses or something. Was really awesome.

Then I got bored with the generic games that came with the computer, and went out to Wal-Mart looking for more games. There, I found, what shaped my entire PC gaming history: The MEGAPACK.

The MEGAPACK came with 10 games: The only ones I remember were Wizardry 6 (Which was my first real encounter with an RPG, and is an excellent game), Crime City (Which was my first encounter with a point-and-click adventure game), and Doom.

Doom was the first First-Person Shooter I had ever played, and the only one I would play for years. Wolfenstein 3d would never work on my computer, so Doom was pretty much all there was. I played this game for hours and hours, until the repetitive design, pixilated enemies, and dizzying movements made me sick. Then I'd eat a sammich and play some more.

Despite it's obvious flaws, this was such an innovative game, and an integral one to my experience as a gamer, that I can't help but to put it on this list. I've played it a few times, recently, and I still enjoy it.

Youtube Video (

03-19-2007, 05:55 PM
It's a shame my PS1 verson does not work, would love to play through DOOM again.

05-24-2007, 11:21 PM
Will we ever be able to read the rest of this thread? lol

05-24-2007, 11:53 PM
Will we ever be able to read the rest of this thread? lol

I'll get back to it, I promise.

I got sidetracked by finals in school, and now I'm in the middle of a move. Should be able to get to this in a week or so.

05-25-2007, 02:22 AM
My number one favorite game of all time would have to be Aquaman all the way.=)

05-25-2007, 09:30 PM
My number one favorite game of all time would have to be Aquaman all the way.=)

PFFFT. Yeah and mine is superman 64 lol.