02-05-2007, 12:38 PM
Hopefully this thread will get more attention than the last one did...

The rules are as follows. Questions are given in multiple-choice A-D with values ranging from 100 to one million gil. Questions start very easy and get progressively harder. Once you reach 1000, you keep it no matter what and the same goes for 32000. If you answer a question and get it wrong, you're out and you drop back to that dollar amount.

Entrants are determined by the fastest finger --- putting four choices in order. First to put it in order wins. After that, that person is in the hot seat. Very important: Only the person in the hot seat can answer questions. If you blurt out a correct answer and you're not in the hot seat, you will be disqualified from all future games and the contestant can use the answer you posted if they so choose.

Your lifelines are:
50-50: Two wrong answers are eliminated
Double Dip: Take two guess at an answer
Phone a Friend: PM somebody of your choosing with the question, who then has 24 hours to respond with an answer, otherwise this lifeline is refunded and ineligible until the next question.
New Question: Replaces the current question with an equally difficult one. Not available until you reach 1,000 Gil
Ask an Expert: Have an Expert answer a question for you. This is not available until you reach 32,000 Gil. Also, I am in need of Experts; so don't hesitate to PM me if you want to be one.

The money ladder: Once you reach a checkpoint, the least you can go home with is that amount.
32,000 (Checkpoint)
1,000 (Checkpoint)

Top Scores:
Agent0042 - 32000 gil
SickHippie - 32000 gil
Without further ado here is the first fastest finger!

Unscramble these characters and put them in numerical game order:

02-05-2007, 05:36 PM
Uh, Nuclear, are you going to leave me high and dry on the game I had open in the other thread?

02-05-2007, 06:56 PM
You got me stumped!

02-06-2007, 09:04 AM
Uh, Nuclear, are you going to leave me high and dry on the game I had open in the other thread?

*Checks previous page* Right, sorry about that. So the current Fastest Finger is on hold to give Balthier a chance to work it out. We'll start from this point:

The way you worked it out confused me. But the correct answer you did get.

So for 16000 gil lets have a shot at this one.

In Final Fantasy VIII in ultemicias Castle there is a room full of painting with Latin names. Can you tell me what the follwing three paintings translate in to. (Ps before anyone starts about how do I speak Latin I have a friend who does and I also checked it against Gamefaqs but I trust Agent enough not to do that) Inandantia, Xiphias and Inaudax Is it

A: Messenger, Watchman, Flood
B: Cowardice, Red Clothes, Fire
C: Flood, Swordfish, Cowardice
D: Judgement, Tree lined road, Red Clothes

Where you used Phone a Friend on Rapture, who didn't reply. So, you can either use other lifeline or take a stab at it.

02-06-2007, 04:46 PM
I used Phone a Friend on Rapture, but I don't know if he responded or not, because it's usually handled by PM, but Gummi Bears never said anything about it. However, in the interest of keeping things moving, and based on what I really think there's a good chance it is, I'm in with C: Flood, Swordfish, Cowardice.

02-06-2007, 06:34 PM
The last one is Tifa, but the others i cant quite get!

02-07-2007, 09:37 AM
Balthier: Keep at it, but remember, don't post while a game's going on, unless you're in the hotseat.

Agent: C is indeed the correct answer, and you move to 16,000 gil. This next question is for 32,000 gil, which is the second checkpoint:

Which of the following types of magic have never been available all in a single game?
A) White, Time, Sword, Blue
B) White, Summon, Arcane, Black
C) Red, Blue, Black, Spirit
D) Black, White, Ninja, Summon

02-07-2007, 05:26 PM
50-50 please. There are two things on that list that don't stand out to me as magic, and one of them seems more like not magic than the other, but I'm just really not sure about this, and I think for now I'd rather use 50-50 than double-dip.

02-08-2007, 10:44 AM
OK, two wrong answers have been eliminated.

A) White, Time, Sword, Blue
B) White, Summon, Arcane, Black

02-10-2007, 05:49 AM
Okay, after a brief clarification, I now feel I can answer this. White, Time, Sword and Blue have all been available in a single game before. Final Fantasy V definitely had all of those as very specific magics. And Final Fantasy IX really had all of those too. So I'm locking in with B) White, Summon, Arcane, Black.

02-11-2007, 01:10 PM
And that is... correct! A) is indeed available in FFV and FFIX, C) can all be found in FF Tactics Advance, and D) are the four types of magic found in FFIV. Arcane magic is only found in FFX-2 (under the name "Arcana") and Aeons cannot be used in that game for storyline reasons.

The next question is for 64,000 gil...

In FFII (NES/GBA, not SNES), which term is needed to access the dungeon which contains the White Mask?

A) Gakka Tolsage
B) Ekmet Teloess
C) Open Sesame
D) Mask

02-11-2007, 07:05 PM
Whoa! No idea. I have never played Final Fantasy II. Couldn't get into the battle system, didn't care for it. Well, this is a safe question in a way, since if I get it wrong, I don't lose anything. But obviously I'd like to continue and to guess at it would basically just be a 1/4 shot. Let's see... lifeline options... you know, I think I'm going to opt for a New Question on this one, because FFII just isn't that popular and I don't see an Ask Google type lifeline available / I don't think a lot of people here would know this either.

02-14-2007, 06:18 AM
When Locke first meets Celes in FFIV, she mentions that he's "a little short for an imperial trooper", a reference to which Star Wars film?

A) The Phantom Menace
B) A New Hope
C) Attack of the Clone
D) The Empire Strikes Back

02-14-2007, 06:44 PM
Wow, Star Wars, huh? Well, I certainly love me some Star Wars, but my knowledge of some of the films is a bit rusty. Okay, well, let's noodle this out. You've listed four films, of the two, two of them of are of the more recent Star Wars vintage --- Episode I: The Phantom Menace and Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Now, when Locke first meets Celes in FFVI (sorry to keep correcting all these mistakes, but I would assume that's what you meant), I would assume the reference would be from one of the earlier vintage Star Wars films because I'm not sure if the newer ones were even out yet when VI came out, and even if they were, I just don't see them as being well-liked enough for Square to reference them. That said, between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, I have no which one it is. As such, I think this is a good time to Double Dip:

B) A New Hope
D) The Empire Strikes Back

If this is wrong, it's been a good run and I still have 32,000 gil, but I feel fairly comfortable with my logic here.

Edit: P.S., out of curiosity, could I have the answer to the question that I switched out, please?

02-15-2007, 09:47 AM
I'm glad my typos weren't enough to confuse you, and the answer is B. A New Hope.

And now, for 125,000 gil:

Which of these statements can be used to recruit Yuffie in FFVII?
A) My name's Clod, what's yours?
B) ...terrified.
C) Wait a minute!
D) Come on, let's hurry.

Oh, and from now on, Ask the Expert is now Ask Google; it was too similar to Phone A Friend.

02-15-2007, 10:17 PM
Hmm. In the words of Yuffie, oh gawd. Okay, I'm a huge Yuffie fan, so I have a pretty good idea about this. But this game gets you thinking, worried about tricks and stuff.

Okay, let's see. A.) --- obviously not, the name's Cloud, among other things. Although "Clod" is an amusing idea. I think that's what I'll name him if I ever decide to play FFVII again. B.) --- I believe the term used was "petrified," not terrified. So that leaves C.) and D.). Ah shoot. I know that it's usually the reverse of what you think, but on this one, I actually think it's C.). Yeah, I shouldn't doubt my instincts. I'm going with C.) Wait a minute! and that's my final answer. If it's wrong, it was a good time anyway.

And no prob on the changed lifeline, I'm actually giving consideration to dumping the Experts lifeline on my Millionaire game because it's becoming harder and harder to work.

02-15-2007, 10:29 PM
I know the answer to the Fastest Finger question, but I have no idea what's going on and if I should answer or not...

02-15-2007, 10:32 PM
It's quite simple, really. There's an active game going on right now --- come back once it's over.

02-15-2007, 10:32 PM
Geez I feel stupid. Thanks Agent and good luck to you!

02-17-2007, 12:45 PM
'Clod' was a mistake too. I seem to be getting stupider by the day... but anyway, back to the questions. Unfortunately, the correct answer was D) Come on, let's hurry. In actuality, most people will never encounter that response, but if you wait until Tifa leads the party in Disc 2, she will answer "Come on, let's hurry" in place of Cloud's "....Let's hurry on". A) is a response than makes Yuffie run away, and B) and C) are variations on Cloud's answers (he actually says "...petrified" and "Wait a second!"). However, you do leave with 32,000 gil, and by your own admission, you've had a good time. =)

So now, we have a Fastest Finger question:

Unscramble these characters and put them in numerical game order (i.e. I through XIII):

02-17-2007, 07:13 PM
I had a feeling "Wait a minute!" might be a trick answer --- never tried obtaining Yuffie with Tifa in the party. Good one! Anyway, yeah, I had fun. Cheers all!

03-22-2007, 09:08 AM
Porom - IV
Tifa - VII
Irvine - VIII
Basch - XII

03-25-2007, 01:28 PM
Whoa, never thought this thread would be revived, at least not in my lifetime. :\ But while we have a willing participant, the show will go on!

First question, for 100 gil:

Which of the following villains is from the Final Fantasy Series?
A) Voldemort
B) Macbeth
C) Sephiroth
D) Bowser

03-25-2007, 06:13 PM
C) Sephiroth!

03-26-2007, 10:35 AM
Correct, and now for 200 gil:

Chocobos are usually bred for:
A) Their eggs
B) Transport
C) Meat
D) Milk

03-26-2007, 11:19 PM
I'm gonna go with B) Transport... I'm sure Chocobo Milk would be interesting, though!

03-27-2007, 02:11 PM
It sure would, but, indeed, most people use chocobos for transport. For 300 Gil:

Final Fantasy IV, when originally released for SNES, was known as:

A) Final Fantasy II
B) Final Fantasy III
C) Final Fantasy Quattro
D) Legacy of Cecil

03-27-2007, 06:11 PM
A) Final Fantasy II - I spent many hours on that one... Quality game... (it should have been called Legacy of Cecil though)...

03-27-2007, 10:34 PM
That is correct, and you seem to be having no trouble with the early questions, though how long will that last?
For 400 Gil:

In Final Fantasy V, which job is not obtained after the first crystal shatters?

A) Thief
B) Black Mage
C) Red Mage
D) White Mage

03-28-2007, 04:25 AM
I'm only about 90% sure, since it's been quite a while since I played V, but I'm pretty sure it's C) Red Mage...

03-28-2007, 08:14 AM
There is good news and bad news. The bad news is... you haven't won 400 gil. :( The good news is...

C) is the correct answer, and you have reached the 500 gil mark! :) I was in a hurry, so I typed in the wrong amount by accident... but enough about this. Just answer the next question correctly, and you have reached your first checkpoint of 1000 gil:

Which of the following items is the odd one out?
A) Ether
B) Turbo Ether
C) Tincture
D) Tonic

03-28-2007, 08:54 AM
Hmmm... Ether and Turbo Ether go together as MP restores... I'm pretty sure Tonic was an HP item... Yeah, I'm gonna go with D) Tonic!

03-28-2007, 02:25 PM
That answer is.. correct! Now, you cannot go home with less than 1000 gil.
Here's where it gets trickier. You're into the second stage now, so there'll be tougher questions. Don't be afraid to use lifelines - they're not much help to you if you get a question wrong from saving them!

For 2000 gil:
In Final Fantasy II (the actual second game), when Guy announces that he can 'speak beaver', who is the fourth member of your party?
A) Minwu
B) Josef
C) Gordon
D) There are only three people in your party at that time.

03-28-2007, 09:19 PM
Well hell... I have no idea at all... It's my own fault for playing that one stoned - I remember loving the game, but don't really remember why... I've got an idea of the answer, but am nowhere near sure... I think I'll take the 50-50 on this one - hopefully something there will jog my memory...

03-29-2007, 12:27 PM
OK, two incorrect options have been removed, leaving one right and one wrong answer.

In Final Fantasy II, when Guy announces that he can 'speak beaver', who is the fourth member of your party?

B) Josef
D) There are only three people in your party at that time.

03-29-2007, 06:50 PM
Okay - then it is B) Josef!

04-01-2007, 01:12 AM
That is... correct! The beaver scene occurs in the Snow Cave, where Josef kicks the bucket to save your party. Moving on, for 4000 gil...

In which of these games does the Ultima Weapon (in monster form), not appear?


04-01-2007, 04:17 AM
C) FFIX - I played that one over and over and over again - no Ultima Weapon, 100% positive!

04-02-2007, 02:50 PM
No, the only appearance of an 'Ultima Weapon' in FFIX, except for the (rather ironic) ultimate weapon for Zidane.

This next question is for 8000 gil:

Which of the following statements is correct? (Ignore compilation of FFVII and X-2 timelines):

A) Lulu is younger than Aeris
B) Eiko is older than Tellah
C) Aeris is younger than Lulu
D) Selphie is older than Garnet

04-03-2007, 10:55 PM
Crap... I had a hectic weekend and am just getting back into the swing of things. Let me think on this one - I be back in a bit...

Okay - I know it's not B... I think it's D, though. Garnet was the typical coming-of-age princess story, and Selphie, while definitely immature, seemed a bit older... I should probably just go look at the manuals, but that wouldn't be as much fun!

04-04-2007, 10:14 AM
Hm. Is that a guess, or just thinking out loud?

04-04-2007, 10:18 AM
It was thinking out loud, but it's the best I can come up with... D) Selphie is older than Garnet...

Final Answer...

04-04-2007, 10:38 AM
Selphie is indeed older than Garnet. B), as you said, is obviously incorrect, and Aeris and Lulu are the same age, the only way both A) and C) can be wrong.

For 16,000 gil:
Which of the following bosses cannot give you a game over without reducing your HP to 0 or petrifying your entire party?
A) Phantom Train (FFVI)
B) Reno (FFVII)
C) Sin (FFX)
D) Demon Wall (FFXII)

04-04-2007, 11:07 AM
Hmmm... The question seems a bit misleading... I thought Phantom Train was the weird train in the forest in FF VI... Reno and Sin get fought multiple times, and I don't remember if they've got special "you are ended" moves or not... Haven't gotten far into XII yet either...

Can I get a different question? No good saving lifelines if I'm going to fail at 8K...

04-09-2007, 06:38 PM
No, seriously... Can I get a new question?

04-11-2007, 03:45 PM
Soory about the wait, but I was putting it off until I could think of a new question, and then we (that is, my family and I) went away for Easter. Anyway, without further ado, another question:

Seymour Guado, in the first battle with him, uses his element spells in which order?
A) Blizzard, Fire, Water, Thunder
B) Blizzard, Thunder, Fire, Water
C) Blizzard, Thunder, Water, Fire
D) Blizzard, Fire, Bio, Thunder

In case you're wondering, the answer to your first question is A) Phantom Train. In your first encounter with Reno, just before the tower goes boom, (I thought it was the only battle where you face Reno alone, instead of Reno and Rude), he occasionally uses Pyramid, which traps one of your party. Although it's cured simply by attacking the character, if all three fall victim to it, it's game over. Sin (the battle with Sin itself, as opposed to its fin or core), will unleash Giga-Graviton if its Overdrive bar fills up, which ends the game even if you have an aeon out. I don't want to spoil the plot of FFXII for you, but the battle with Demon Wall takes place on a bridge. Demon Wall moves forward slowly, and unless you kill it before it reaches the end, game over. Phantom Train, however, can only kill you the normal way (0 HP for all).

04-11-2007, 10:17 PM
Ah - makes sense... Looks like I need to play through VI again...

This one is pretty easy though - it's C) Blizzard, Thunder, Water, Fire.

On a side note, how was your Easter?

04-12-2007, 02:38 AM
My Easter was very good. It was a nice change of pace to be down at the beach, since I've been spending way too much time in front of a computer screen. Back on topic, though, C) is absolutely correct, and after a long delay, you have reached the 16,000 gil mark. This is your last chance to go home with anything less than 32,000 gil...

"I don't want the future. I want the present to stand still. I just want to stay here with you..."
This line was said by which character, to whom?
A) Locke, to Rachel
B) Aeris, to Cloud
C) Rinoa, to Squall
D) Steiner, to Beatrix

04-12-2007, 03:31 AM
C) Rinoa to Squall - in a very Hollywood moment too, I might add...

I wish we had a beach here warm enough to go hang out at... It's still too damn cold up here. One of these weekends I'll actually turn my computer off and go relax with the family without worrying about work and such, but until then.... *sigh*

04-13-2007, 05:10 AM
We're in a drought here at the moment, so that makes it perfect beach weather. Anyway, Rinoa does say that line, and you reach the second and final checkpoint with three lifelines intact - Double Dip, Ask a Friend, and Ask Google. However, from now, the questions will get harder.

For 64,000 gil:
Which set of bosses are not seen in any of the Soul of Chaos dungeons in the GBA remake of FFI?
A) Atomos, Ahriman, Zande, Barbariccia
B) 2-Headed Dragon, Scarmiglione, Omega, Chupon
C) Gilgamesh, Echidna, Rubicante, Phantom Train
D) Death Gaze, Shinryu, Ultros, Cagnazzo

04-13-2007, 07:21 AM
A) Atomos, Ahriman, Zande, Barbariccia... I don't recall a Zande ever showing up in Soul of Chaos (or ever in a FF, IIRC)...

04-14-2007, 02:15 AM
Correct! It is not Zande, but Cerberus who joins the other three bosses originally from FFIII in the Soul of Chaos. Moving on, for a whopping 128,000 gil:

In Final Fantasy XI, which combination of job and race will produce the highest combined base stats for dexterity and agility?
A) Hume Warrior
B) Mithra White Mage
C) Tarutaru Thief
D) Elvaan Monk

04-14-2007, 06:22 AM
Correct! It is not Zande, but Cerberus who joins the other three bosses originally from FFIII in the Soul of Chaos. Moving on, for a whopping 128,000 gil:

In Final Fantasy XI, which combination of job and race will produce the highest combined base stats for dexterity and agility?
A) Hume Warrior
B) Mithra White Mage
C) Tarutaru Thief
D) Elvaan MonkOkay, on this one I have to ask you - is it acceptable to replay the game to figure things out? If not, then I have to use a lifeline...

04-15-2007, 03:04 AM
Okay, on this one I have to ask you - is it acceptable to replay the game to figure things out? If not, then I have to use a lifeline...

Not really. I'm not going to disqualify you for it or anything like that, but I wouldn't recommend it, since you're basically cheating to get the answer, which defeats the purpose of this game.

04-15-2007, 03:56 AM
Not really. I'm not going to disqualify you for it or anything like that, but I wouldn't recommend it, since you're basically cheating to get the answer, which defeats the purpose of this game.That's what I figured... I hadn't really considered it before, but since this is right at the start of one... Well, moot point. Let's do a double dip, eh?

04-15-2007, 10:19 AM
Okay, double dip it is. Please select the two answers you want to have a shot at.

04-15-2007, 10:39 AM
It's either going to be the Thief or the Monk... So, C & D?

04-21-2007, 09:53 AM

04-21-2007, 12:12 PM
Ah yes, I forgot about this thread again. If I don't reply in a couple of days, just bump it and it'll come back on my radar. Anyway, on with the show...

Most unfortunately, the correct answer is B) Mithra White Mage. Though thieves have more in those combined stats, the Mithra's boost in dexterity and agility compared to the other races gives a higher total overall out of those four race/job combinations. However, you do go away with 32,000 gil (figuratively, of course;)). We'll see you back in the Tournament of Champions, if I ever get enough participants in this thread.

Now, it's time for another Fastest Finger Question!

Put these FF monster types in the order of when they were introduced to the FF series.

A) Behemoth
B) Ogre
C) Tonberry
D) Garuda

04-21-2007, 03:06 PM

04-22-2007, 01:12 AM
Unfortunately, Nelzar, that answer is incorrect. You're ineligible until the next FFQ.

04-22-2007, 08:55 PM
Damn... I thought for sure that one of those 2 would have the best of those stats...

05-19-2007, 08:27 AM
B D A C ?

05-19-2007, 10:52 AM

03-16-2008, 06:02 PM

03-16-2008, 06:36 PM

Marshall Lee
03-16-2008, 06:45 PM

wow man that is a forgotten necrobump!


03-16-2008, 08:55 PM
The person who created this thread hasn't been on the Shrine in months. Closed.