03-19-2002, 01:48 AM
Why is FFVII the best game in the series???

03-19-2002, 02:00 AM
I don't think it was the best, but It was great. The battle system was very good, as well with the level ups and materia, it made it fairly unique. I liked the challenge, but was never fond of the story, as I seemed to get lost every time.

03-19-2002, 05:34 AM
Everything. Everything about ff7 makes it the best game ever. The battle system is simple, and fun, unlike ff8 with the GF's taking forever to attack. The story is also one of the best. The characters are very developed... not quite as developed as Locke in ff6, but good enough. The graphics are only considered okay now, but the FMV's are still very impressive.

Note that I said it's the best, but I didn't say it was my favorite.:p

03-19-2002, 11:24 AM
I agree with megalomania. Everything about FF7 was amazing. I suppose for me the story was the most effective. A lot more detailed than 8. The characters were very well developed. The Materia system was cool too.

Diamond Weapon
03-19-2002, 11:58 AM
The storyline is the best ever, and with the sweet battle system and character developments and the sidequests and the chocobo raising and the gold saucer and the cool weapons and sephiroth and the weapons (as in diamond etc), and the highwind and the undersea element... need I go on?

Neo Xzhan
03-19-2002, 12:38 PM
The battle system rocks as well the magic use, the best thing in the game is the materia it gains exp as u do. The story and the depth of the game is unbeatable, and there is of course Sephiroth.

03-19-2002, 03:09 PM
It was good because the story was excellent the side missions were great and the character inclusion was outstanding overall its the best game ever to be brought out on a computer

Black Mage#1
03-19-2002, 09:25 PM
Almost everything was good but the graphics were ok but does that matter? No. So yeah it was awsome!!

03-19-2002, 10:03 PM
it was the 1st FF i eva played...thats y i love it :)

03-19-2002, 11:18 PM
The thing that keeps me comin back and still playing it is definetly the story. It was like reading a really, really good book.
P.S....... Whoever said that FF7 sucked should burn in....(what's the word I'm looking for? I forgot.:p )

Heavens Cloud
03-20-2002, 12:05 AM
Everything about this game makes it the best!

First of all the awsome storyline that is in my mind the best storyline to ever come out in the history of any game!

Second is the awsome caracters they are like nothing else they are cool and funny and you really get attached to them easily. The way they all seem to fit together and all have awsome backrounds makes them the best characters.

Third is all those fun extras like the Gold Saucer where I have had many hours of fun doing things like battles chocobo races and played games like snowboarding at wonder square. And also chocobo raising its fun to raise your own chocobo and try to get all the different kinds.

Everything about this game is totaly awsome! Except I wish that in the storyline they would have found a way to revive Aeris:(

03-20-2002, 01:48 AM
The story, battle system, materia thing, simply everything!! I thought it was the best 3d rpg when it came out, 2d I'd say 3/6 and 5 :D

03-20-2002, 04:38 AM
I don't think there is a "best"...

03-20-2002, 05:20 AM
i always thought that ff7 was the one that most intrigued me. i liked the storyline. character depth waz excellent. the only thing that i didn't like was the materia. it restricted specialization. anybody could haf been a black mage or white mage or strength major. ........o well, i can't complain. FF7 ROOLZ!

03-21-2002, 10:16 PM
I agree with Ranmu-kun. The story is great and the weapons have excellent defense powers. But I personally think that the materia was okay. When you mixed elemental-lightning, the attack can take away 89hp or above from the enemy.

03-22-2002, 04:02 AM
Just like the back of the game box says "Quite possibly the greatest game ever made..."

It has surppased that. No game will ever beat it, nor its story, nor its bad guy. FF7 is the true king of RPG's.

03-22-2002, 01:29 PM
Everything about it makes it the best game ever, but especially the story. The story was just unbeatable.

Diamond Weapon
03-22-2002, 01:33 PM
FF7 is beaten by nothing. Period. FF8 is a close second IMO by FFIX..ahem..... SUXS!!! Yet to play FFX, not out here yet :(

03-22-2002, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Heavens Cloud
Except I wish that in the storyline they would have found a way to revive Aeris:(

And rain one of the greatest gaming moments ever? Anyway, this isn't the time or place for that descustion.

FF7 is the best IMO. I'm working my way through 6 at the mo, so I won't say if it's better or not until I've finished. 8 was disapointing but 9 was good. Excluding 6, 7 beats them all hands down. True, the graphics are old, but then when it comes to RPGs, no-one should care about the graphics as much as they should the story and battle system (IMO), and 7 has the best of the bunch (again, exclusing 6).

03-23-2002, 12:24 AM
Why of course! Cloud's cool sword! Why can't you just accept that! THat was the WHOLE game darnit! It would be nothing without his big sword! :eye: