02-03-2007, 05:26 PM
In terms of atmosphere and story, I'd have to say Final Fantasy VII. The entire world of Final Fantasy VII is actually very dark, depressing and somewhat foreboding. Looking at it now, I never really noticed how dark the game really is.


02-03-2007, 05:37 PM
This is a toss up between IV, IX, and X.

My reasons for choosing FFIV is because the story. Cecil is practically banished by his own king and must save the world from ultimate and sure war. Plus, the excess amount of death from the characters added to this.

I chose Final Fantasy IX for similiar reasons. The world is once again facing a huge war and the chances of avoiding destruction is nearly impossible. Obviously, the characters is what really made the connection for me.

I also chose FFX because who wouldn't? I mean the whole world is engulfed in a never ending sadness. Plus Spira is known for the "Spirial of Death." The connection made with Tidus and Yuna and that whole love story was interesting because the player knew what would happen to Yuna, and the story progressed with much emotion.

Haha, I guess i just kind of felt like typing.

02-04-2007, 01:42 AM
I chose Final Fantasy IX for similiar reasons. The world is once again facing a huge war and the chances of avoiding destruction is nearly impossible. Obviously, the characters is what really made the connection for me.

I agree with you on that to some extend, but as an overall game, FFIX was just too cute to be considered "dark" in any way. I do, however, see your point; the game wasn't exactly a bundle of joy... although, I would hardly classify as "dark," compared to FFVII or FFVI.

Swedish Fish
02-04-2007, 02:10 AM
VII wasn't really dark. The scenery was depressing and the characters weren't happy-go-lucky bunny rabbits, but it didn't have any planets being destroyed, any flying masses of death, or any crazy clowns burning up villages with a massive pillar of death. I would give the title to VI, IX, or X. I haven't gotten too far in IV though, so I can't really say much about that one.

02-04-2007, 03:59 AM
Girls are we talking about a physical lack of light here?

Swedish Fish
02-04-2007, 04:04 AM
I assumed it to be plot and character wise.

02-04-2007, 04:39 AM
I say FFIV , FFVI, FFVII, and FFX.
FFIV cecil is a dark knight on the path of redemption he is questioning himself his king his nation. He loses his best friend to evil several times, ALOT of people die inculding PCs, You have several emotional moments such as Edge's parents and so forth, and it makes you question what is real and what is false. It also doesn't leave all the characters happy at the end Kain is in Remorse over his fall to evil and I can't say the rest without giving spoilers. But in short from start to finish it has a lot of dark stuff in it.

FFVI Kills so MANY people there is no words to describe, you have alot of self-questioning, Insanity and mayham, Betrayal and faliure, and question on goals and their effects on others. It is a question that makes one look with in alot. Kefka? He was normal tell the Magic operation one of the citzens in the empire captial will tell you that. It shows what power can do in all its dark glory.

FFVII is dark not only because of the imagery but the fact the world is nearly dead it gives one a serious case of pariona the first play, Kills alot of people, Destroys simiple childhood dreams, the Corruption of an idol, The death of someone who you grow close to, the shattering of an image of self, Armagedon itself, and my favorite the face off between idol and the worshiper.

FFX is very dark. It is filled with hopelessness through out it, the brittleness of hope, the fears of a mother and father, the hatered of a father, the longing for compassion, the search for honor, the search for the end, the search for a dream, the trap of the spiral of death, the darkside of religion, the horror of slaughter, the failings of humans, the fall of good, and finally the veil of life and afterlife.

Out of them all I think FFX was the darkest because not even the dead get to rest and hate the living and all for what a continuation of death and rebirth that does not but hold on to a dream a 1000 years old where even the bones have been ground to ash.

02-04-2007, 05:43 AM
I assumed it to be plot and character wise.
That's funny, because everything about Zulu's initial post gives me the impression that we are not talking about plot and character-wise and are in fact talking about actual atmosphere and lighting, etc. In which case, I actually kind of agree with Enya's appearance. The overall look and feel of FFVII was "dark." Places like Midgar, or the Northern Cave, many areas, very muted in overall feeling and style.

If we're going by plot / character-wise, yes, I'd agree, X, for reasons already stated.

02-04-2007, 10:30 PM

02-05-2007, 05:21 AM
I kind of assumed we meant theme? I may be wrong, but I'm gonna say either VII or IX in either case than. Both are dark in more ways than one.

02-05-2007, 08:20 PM
Overall, I'd have to go with FFX. As previously stated, Spira being in a "Spiral of Death" is a very morbid description. There is constant death and destruction, with minimal time to rebuild.

I think FFIX has some of the saddest moments, but as for the overall feel of the game, there's still something very playful about it.

02-07-2007, 05:30 AM
Though most of the story of FFX is dark, the end result is a story of hope, love, and sacrifice. It poses the important question: how far would you be willing to go if you had to sacrifice to save the ones you love? yes, the game is dark, but there is never a total feeling of hopelessness. one of the darker Final Fantasies, but not for the typical everybody dying sort of thing like in IV, VI, and VII. the darkness is in the atmosphere of Spira, in the fatalistic attitude of its people. the heaviness of FFX is perhaps one of the reasons that square decided to make X-2, to show how that burden of being caught in a "death spiral" was lifted from Spira. the ending of FFX was just so bittersweet and left a sort of wistful regret. X-2 was needed to alleviate those feelings (and I honestly don't understand why so many people seem to despise that wonderful game. maybe it's just because I'm a chick?). that a game would need a direct sequel to lighten the mood it can leave behind is a pretty good indicator that there is indeed some heavy subject matter involved.

02-07-2007, 05:38 AM
No, I moderate the X-2 section and I'm a guy. The reason people don't like X-2 is they see the little pop-singing thing or whatever and think they're going to get some stupid game and they don't take the time to thoroughly play it and realize what a complex and wonderful game it is.

02-08-2007, 02:30 AM
No, I moderate the X-2 section and I'm a guy. The reason people don't like X-2 is they see the little pop-singing thing or whatever and think they're going to get some stupid game and they don't take the time to thoroughly play it and realize what a complex and wonderful game it is.

your right I enjoyed that quite well and then when I was talking to my friends about how much it blew I was like wtf are you talking about

02-08-2007, 09:05 AM
I don't hate X-2, but I am very disappointed with it. I was expecting a story at least as long as X, and thought the characters, especially Yuna, had been altered to fit the story, not the other way round. Though I guess that would happen in the period between X and X-2.

As for darkest story, I would say either X or IV.

The Anti-Existence
02-08-2007, 12:02 PM
I've said why I don't like X-2 and the reasons can all be summed up in...I just don't want any story...ever made...to consist of someone singing and making everyone who is bloodthirsty stop being bloodthirsty. And don't start up with the whole "it was deeper than that" because, it wasn't. The whole bit with Lenne meant nothing to everyone because...no one knows Lenne. It was just Yuna singing made the New Yevon and the Youth League stop wanting to kill each other and that is lame.

IX is the darkest in a lot of respects but it redeems itself with a lot of light-hearted bits.

02-08-2007, 07:28 PM
The darkest game is FFX. VII has quite a few light hearted undertones, in my opinion.

02-08-2007, 08:23 PM
Nuclear and The Anti --- in my view, you're both wrong, for any number of reasons, but I'm not interested in debating the merits of X-2 here, we're already far enough off-topic on it as it is. If you'd be willing to come by and post at the X-2 section about it, I'd be happy to give your argument a thorough beat-down.

02-08-2007, 08:40 PM
Don't forget about me. =/

02-08-2007, 08:44 PM
:) I haven't forgotten about you, Prak. I was waiting for you to show up.

02-08-2007, 09:06 PM
Nuclear and The Anti --- in my view, you're both wrong, for any number of reasons, but I'm not interested in debating the merits of X-2 here, we're already far enough off-topic on it as it is. If you'd be willing to come by and post at the X-2 section about it, I'd be happy to give your argument a thorough beat-down.

I would be happy to read through that argument if it ever happens. I tried playing X-2 twice, but I couldn't get through it. I still want to try again (even though I feel like I'll be forcing myself to try and like it) because I have seen parts of the game that seem to allude to a storyline. I think my biggest obstacle is the 100% completion because I'm a bit fanatical about finishing EVERYTHING in games.

But anyway, yes, I would like to see arguments as to why X-2 is a great game because maybe it'll guilt me into trying again, lol.