02-03-2007, 04:41 AM
Which one do you think was a better game?

Story wise; The first was more immersive , but the second was a bit more intriguing.

As for the rest of the game, it didn't really seem like they added much to the second one (apart from the influencing your companions thing, which was way better than I thought it would be, but it seemed you would always have to receive light side points to gain influence over someone). Also the first took me way longer to complete.

I think I liked number 1 more, though I'm still relatively undecided.


02-03-2007, 05:55 AM
I liked one better as well look at my Name to tell why. As for the influnce you have it in one to a lesser extent with Juhani. But as for needing Light side points yes on most no on others Kiera, the Probe droid, Hk-47, and Mandolore usually require Dark side choices to gain influnce for them. Some have intresting backgrounds such as Kiera others they cut I think like Hk-47's Replacements quest and oa few others. I felt KotorII was rushed almost I also didn't like the idea that some characters only join based on your Gender Handmadien and Disciple. But oh well i liked how much you can bulid your lightsaber in KotorII they now just need to add actually Designs choices for the handle and I would be happy.

Roth Arkon
02-03-2007, 02:57 PM
I preffered the second.
The first did have more to offer than the sequel, but I just liked the second game better, I preffered the characters and the storyline. And whilst it was a far shorter game than KOTOR 1, I think it wasn't as dragged out.
Exile for the win.

02-04-2007, 03:28 AM
Did anyone get HK-47's full story in the second game (I completed the game before I could) and if so is it worth playing the game again to get it?

02-04-2007, 04:19 AM
KotOR II was unfortunately incomplete; a huge chunk of HK-47's storyline was removed from the narrative.

KotOR I was a superior game in nearly every way; it was complete, balanced, and the story line managed to be Star Wars, even though it was set in the distant past to the movie era. KotOR II was still a great sequel, it just didn't match the high bar set by the original game.

Darth Revan
02-04-2007, 07:03 AM
I have to agree that the first KOTOR was better than the second. The second was rushed, and as said before, was missing a lot of things. The first was complete.

I just hope that the whole KOTOR story arc is rounded off nicely when the third installment is released... though who knows when that will happen.

02-04-2007, 07:48 AM
Bastila(Sp?) and Revan finish their Dang Courting I was ticked that they cut it off like they did in KOTORII. Or for those Female players insert Carth it still works.

Seriously whats the point of doing the romance and giving Bas the good lay we all know she needed then run off? Same goes for the Exile no matter which gender or person you chose. Handmadien,Visas, and Atton were cool espically Atton. Mr. Mical or disciple can rott for all I care hes not worth a dime I am afraid.

the mutant dude
02-05-2007, 11:42 PM
I found there was good things about both. The first one had the more indepth story, and I liked the Character-related sidequests (Bastila's mother, ect) were pretty good.

I liked the additional options that the second one provided in being able to have alternate weaponry at the press of a button, and the influence system (and the ability to make some of you companions Jedi/Dark Jedi). The major downside for me about the second one was, as other posters have mentioned, the cut content.

And for some reason Dantooine (outdoors) in both games always slowed the game up or/and made it choppy. Must have been all the nicely animated grass.

02-17-2007, 04:35 AM
KOTOR I > KOTOR II but the 2nd one is stil a delectible treat.