02-02-2007, 03:14 AM
I'm very curious in that Blue Dragon game, considering who all is working on it. But is it really worth dropping 400 bucks on the system?

J. Peterman
02-02-2007, 03:34 AM

Swedish Fish
02-02-2007, 03:41 AM
No. If your thinking about buying a 360 that seriously, then it would b eprobably be in your best interest to look at other games as well. I don't know about Blue Dragon, but I haven't come across a game worth $400+ yet.

02-02-2007, 03:43 AM
400 American currency?
why would it be that much?

But i'd say no, in my opinion anyway it's better to wait until the three major systems have a few games to your liking first.

02-02-2007, 06:46 AM
It depends on how much disposable income you have.

If you have plenty, sure, why not?

02-02-2007, 06:57 AM
There is a pretty solid game line-up for the 360 at present as well as in the furture. I'm getting one in a few weeks for Lost Planet, Dead or Alive, and Enchanted Arms.
I've saved up money just for the 360, I get by just fine by setting aside 5 bucks a day.

02-02-2007, 12:03 PM
I think that all depends on how far the price of the system dropped. Case in point: I love Metroid Prime - the only GameCube game I like. But I waited until the Game Cube was $59 and the game it self was $11 at GameStop.

Hence also the reason why I'm not buying a 360 or Wii any time soon - I'll end up buying them for just 1 game. PS3 on the other hand, I much enjoy Resistance: Fall of Man, My free download of Gran Turismo HD Concept, up coming games like Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, the next WipeOut game, Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid 4, and a variety of other High Def games soon to arrive.

You should look at all 3 systems and ask yourself which one has more games of your liking. If it's the Wii then you might have to wait a little longer due to high demand but it may be worth your wait. Or maybe your into all the same games I am, save up another 3 hundred and go for a PS3. But obviously $400 is an awful lot for just 1 game.

hb smokey
02-02-2007, 12:48 PM
Hence also the reason why I'm not buying a 360 or Wii any time soon - I'll end up buying them for just 1 game. PS3 on the other hand, I much enjoy Resistance: Fall of Man, My free download of Gran Turismo HD Concept, up coming games like Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, the next WipeOut game, Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid 4, and a variety of other High Def games soon to arrive.

But obviously $400 is an awful lot for just 1 game.
You do realize you just made yourself sound very hypocritical by saying you won't buy a Wii or 360 just for a single game, but you got a PS3 for Resistance and a free GT demo?

02-02-2007, 01:45 PM
He's probably implying that the PS3 has enough titles coming down the pike to warrant an immediate purchase, where the 360, Wii, and Game Cube did not.

Neo Xzhan
02-02-2007, 02:16 PM
Meh personally I can wait. I waited long till I got my PS2 and Gamecube. I'm wanting to get a XboX360, but not for a while. The price is going to drop, so when it's at 200 - 175 euros ish, I'll probably buy it. I'd kinda like to get one today and a few games that I'm interested in, but I'm just biding my time.

02-02-2007, 04:20 PM
He's probably implying that the PS3 has enough titles coming down the pike to warrant an immediate purchase, where the 360, Wii, and Game Cube did not.

The Prof. was pointing out that it was hypocritical and fanboyish, considering that the 360 and Wii have just as many - in fact, more - promising titles on the horizon than the PlayStation 3.

I would highly suggest the 360, considering that in addition to Blue Dragon, there are many, many games currently available and coming out in the near future to justify the purchase. It depends on your tastes, of course, but Dead Rising, Gears of War and Oblivion are all worth the price of admission. Considering that in the next year the two contenders for Game of the Year 2007, BioShock and Mass Effect, are both coming out exclusively for the 360, and that Grand Theft Auto IV will be released day-and-date with the PS3 version, there is a lot to look forward to in just 12 months.

All the PS3 is promising is a Japanese release for Final Fantasy XIII. Maybe. Metal Gear Solid 4's Japanese release has been quietly pushed back to 2008; and remember the 6-12 month localisation process.

02-03-2007, 03:08 AM
He's probably implying that the PS3 has enough titles coming down the pike to warrant an immediate purchase, where the 360, Wii, and Game Cube did not.

Exactly. Hence the list of other games I named off. And those were just a few of what I'm interested in. Moto Storm just came out this past week and I'll be picking that one up next week.

The Prof. was pointing out that it was hypocritical and fanboyish, considering that the 360 and Wii have just as many - in fact, more - promising titles on the horizon than the PlayStation 3.

There's nobody more fanboyish around here then the Prof. Everything I suggested was in a positive manor. Even though the Wii is not of my taste or style, "you might have to wait a little longer due to high demand but it may be worth your wait." is still a positive suggestion for a Wii. "You should look at all 3 systems and ask yourself which one has more games of your liking." is also a fair suggestion. I named off about 7 games and "a variety of other High Def games soon to arrive." that I'm into to suggest why my first choice is a PS3, not to imply the other 2 systems suck. To show I would rather play those games on that particular system, but I did not bash any of the Nintendo or 360 games or the systems. You, and especially the Prof., are first to jump on the likes of myself and prejudge just because you are reading what I typed out of context or maybe you guys would rather "hear what you want to hear". They're just video games, guys. We're not leaders of middle eastern countries trying to dominate a whole region. Get over it.

considering that the 360 and Wii have just as many - in fact, more - promising titles on the horizon

That is completely a matter of opinion, not fact.

02-03-2007, 03:33 AM
Exactly. Hence the list of other games I named off. And those were just a few of what I'm interested in. Moto Storm just came out this past week and I'll be picking that one up next week.

If that truly was your intention, your word choice was abominable and did, in fact, alter its meaning.

There's nobody more fanboyish around here then the Prof.

Eh... you give him an even run for his money in that regard. And that's coming from someone who really doesn't care about your little pissing match.

I named off about 7 games and "a variety of other High Def games soon to arrive." that I'm into to suggest why my first choice is a PS3, not to imply the other 2 systems suck.

And why did that matter in the first place? No one had questioned you about that. You simply blurted it out when the topic is about the worthiness of one console, not the way it compares to others. Frankly, putting a plug in for the PS3 where it clearly didn't belong is a very fanboyish thing to do.

That is completely a matter of opinion, not fact.

By that standard, you shouldn't be able to apply ratings to completed games either. Are you honestly going to say that the most terrible games ever made are only terrible to the people that didn't like them and that it's "only their opinion?" Honestly, it's like you never learn anything here, even though you constantly get into these arguments with people who clearly know more on certain issues than you. It's kinda sad.

02-03-2007, 03:51 AM
The 360 IMO is a really good system. Games worth getting the system for are gears of war, oblivion (for the meantime), rainbow six vegas (for the meantime as well). Blue Dragon looks good. Im, definitley going to be picking that up when its released. Oh honorable metions have to be some xblox live arcade games. Castlevania SotN is being released really soon, and geometry wars is addictive as they come. Ghost recon GRAW 2 is coming soon also. I played the demo and that game is beautiful.

As for the ps3, they are losing alot of there exclusive titles. GTA, and maybe metal gear being some games to mention. Alot of the games already out or coming out have been on the 360 for some time now. If you had to choose its obvious to go for the cheaper system in that regard. Why pay more for the system when the games are exaclty the same? Plus the 360s online service is much better (although u do have to pay for it).

J. Peterman
02-03-2007, 04:05 AM
Though, if you really are thinking about getting an XBOX 360, you should probably wait a few months. The 360 is getting a new CPU that uses less power and won't get as hot, so that should at least be something. I'm guessing that if they don't upgrade other aspects of the console that they'll probably lower the price by a $100 for each, but I'm just guessing on this one. They had some $100 rebates/gift cards for purchase of the 360 during Christmas, so you could probably just wait a little while and probably find a similar deal eventually.

But really if you like the game that much and have lots to spend you should buy 15.

02-06-2007, 04:47 PM
Honestly, the only reason I even own an Xbox 360 was for Oblivion. I bought it and quit my job some time later (about a week).

02-06-2007, 10:50 PM
Honestly, the only reason I even own an Xbox 360 was for Oblivion. I bought it and quit my job some time later (about a week).

lol. Now that's gangster.

02-06-2007, 11:14 PM
For me, it would depend on what game. I may get it if the game was Lord of the Rings or Halo 3.

02-07-2007, 03:33 AM
if its halo3 your talking about then yes. otherwise no.

02-07-2007, 06:28 AM
if its halo3 your talking about then yes. otherwise no.

Do you know how to read?

02-07-2007, 07:10 AM
I'm very curious in that Blue Dragon game, considering who all is working on it. But is it really worth dropping 400 bucks on the system?

No. That's all i have to say.

02-07-2007, 10:58 AM

the mutant dude
02-07-2007, 11:16 AM
If it was a case of you knew about the game and really wanted to play it I would advise it for just one game (like I did with the Gamecube for LoZ:WW) as chances are you will find other games on that system that you like. If its just because you're curious about it; try and find someone with a copy before hand (either set up for demo-play in a shop or a friend) and have a go on it to see if you like it.

02-07-2007, 12:10 PM
I'd stick with the 360. Dead Rising, Blue Dragon, Gears of War....

if u wait too long u won't get the same fun I bet.

My theorie:

everyone likes to play retro stuff and some (like me) spend a lot of money for it!
But the gaming experience when u played those games back then and today is totaly different. But still, some retro games are quite good and can fascinate me even today.

I can't say that for modern games. Since most of today games rely on graphics and the zOmG-effects they get boring after a while.

Example: Play Dracula X today and rate it. Then play ie Soldier of Fortune 1 or Blood 2 and u'll see what I mean.

Drac X fascinates me even today, whereas Blood 2 I wouldnt touch in with a 5feet-pole (even though it had awesome graohics back then).

Mr. Bunniesworth
02-07-2007, 05:04 PM
I originally bought a GameCube for one game (Resident Evil Zero), but I found a great many more then I enjoyed after that.

02-08-2007, 07:05 AM
I don't care if my opinion may be bias, but x-box aint worth buying. Simple as that. :P

X-Box 4TL!!!

J. Peterman
02-08-2007, 08:29 AM
I originally bought a GameCube for one game (Resident Evil Zero), but I found a great many more then I enjoyed after that.



02-08-2007, 09:01 AM
Peh! You don't throw gamecubes at people! You club them over the head with it! Jeez!

It's also good for playing =D

02-08-2007, 04:21 PM
lol. Now that's gangster.

That's still the only game I have for the system. O_o
I just recently got a new job. After four months.

02-09-2007, 12:17 PM
I don't care if my opinion may be bias, but x-box aint worth buying. Simple as that. :P

X-Box 4TL!!!

Straight out fanboyism is a bannable offense in this forum; if you're going to be a fanboy, at least back up your ridiculous claims with ludicrous paper-thin evidence.

Stop giving my country a bad name.

02-10-2007, 12:45 AM

1. It's hardly 'your' country

2. I'm not a 'fanboy'. I just hate x-box. Simple as that. Sony and Nintendo are alright though. (Let me put it this way, i'm anti-microsoft)

02-14-2007, 01:13 PM

1. It's hardly 'your' country

2. I'm not a 'fanboy'. I just hate x-box. Simple as that. Sony and Nintendo are alright though. (Let me put it this way, i'm anti-microsoft)

Why is that? lol. The 360 is a good machine IMO. There are some really good games out there. I think the 360 needs a really good rpg soon. I think either blue dragon or mass effect will be just that.

02-14-2007, 10:32 PM
Gears of War, Call of Duty 2/3, Rainbow Six Vegas, Oblivion. <----Why you should own a 360.

02-14-2007, 10:51 PM
Any console will do fine Infact buy all 3! (if you have the money obviously)

02-15-2007, 06:53 AM
The x-box has the occasional good game, but most of the games that sell well on x-box come out on pc anyway.

02-15-2007, 09:33 AM
Of course most good Xbox games come out on the PC; that's because the PC is basically another Microsoft console. With Vista's support of DirectX10 (the PC version of the Xbox 360's XNA) and X360 peripherals, as well as the Games for Windows initiative, it wouldn't surprise me if in the near future every Microsoft Game Studios game came out concurrently on the 360 and the PC.

That doesn't make the Xbox a bad console; if the Xbox never existed, all of those PC ports wouldn't exist because there wouldn't have been a popular game to port. There is also the fact that exclusivity these days is only a matter of time; are you going to say the PlayStation 3 is a bad console because it has Xbox 360 ports?

I don't mind if you have coherent reasons for disliking the Xbox, but your fanboy prattle is annoying. Mainly, and I cannot stress this enough, you are basing your opinion on a piece of hardware, which is completely ridiculous. Every single console has good games and bad games, and disregarding good games on one console simply because of a brand-bias is ridiculous, and just makes you look like a naive victim of advertising.

02-15-2007, 09:53 AM
Peh! You don't throw gamecubes at people! You club them over the head with it! Jeez!

It's also good for playing =D

That makes more sense. The gamecube has a handle which helps when clubbing.

I originally bought a GameCube for one game (Resident Evil Zero), but I found a great many more then I enjoyed after that.

You've always been a good voice of reason.

02-15-2007, 12:24 PM
Gears of War, Call of Duty 2/3, Rainbow Six Vegas, Oblivion. <----Why you should own a 360.

I want to try this.

Final Fantasy XIII and that versus thingy <--- Why you should own a PS3.

It's black... emos wear black <--- Why you should think about it again.

Yellow's a way better colour than black. It's also the happy colour <-- why if you own a ps3... you should get your paintbrushes at the ready!

02-15-2007, 12:44 PM
Coudn't you just get a silver PS3?

02-16-2007, 08:54 AM
Of course most good Xbox games come out on the PC; that's because the PC is basically another Microsoft console. With Vista's support of DirectX10 (the PC version of the Xbox 360's XNA) and X360 peripherals, as well as the Games for Windows initiative, it wouldn't surprise me if in the near future every Microsoft Game Studios game came out concurrently on the 360 and the PC.

That doesn't make the Xbox a bad console; if the Xbox never existed, all of those PC ports wouldn't exist because there wouldn't have been a popular game to port. There is also the fact that exclusivity these days is only a matter of time; are you going to say the PlayStation 3 is a bad console because it has Xbox 360 ports?

I don't mind if you have coherent reasons for disliking the Xbox, but your fanboy prattle is annoying. Mainly, and I cannot stress this enough, you are basing your opinion on a piece of hardware, which is completely ridiculous. Every single console has good games and bad games, and disregarding good games on one console simply because of a brand-bias is ridiculous, and just makes you look like a naive victim of advertising.

What's your point? I can see through ads, doesn't mean i can't be bias. I also fail to see how i'm being a fanboy when all i'm saying is i hate x-box?
Thing is, regardless whether or not it's an x-box port to ps3, i'll still buy it if i see it as a worth-while game. I just find buying an x-box a waste of time. What's the point in wasting money on an x-box when it's good games come out on pc? Regardless of your opinion on the matter, i won't begin to like x-box anyway.
Ok, i'm 15, i'm allowed to be childish if i want.

J. Peterman
02-16-2007, 09:31 AM
That makes more sense. The gamecube has a handle which helps when clubbing.

I find the Nintendo Wii makes for a good frisbee.

02-16-2007, 09:59 AM
I find the Wii makes a great cutting board for meats and veggies.

03-08-2007, 04:12 AM
Well, that's all good.
but make sure you don't feed the fan dwelling leprechauns (living in the back of your Wii) four leaf clovers.
And don't feed your Wii orange juice either, or give it cigarettes.

03-09-2007, 05:07 PM
There's no one game that warrants the purchase of a $300+ console.

Desert Wolf
03-09-2007, 06:04 PM
I dont think any amount of games warrant a 360 purchase.

Music Hunter Jeigan
03-10-2007, 09:19 PM
If you're an avid fan of one console in particular, then one game would probably be all the justification you'd need to get off the ground. Just look at how many people bought SNES' and Genesis' back in the early 90's and started only with their flagship games. That said, I'm not big on the 360, so I wouldn't buy it for one game in particular.

J. Peterman
03-11-2007, 02:18 AM
I dont think any amount of games warrant a 360 purchase.


b/c u can ebay system/games later

03-13-2007, 11:52 PM
I agree with frasier. As soon as a deal where i get 3432532 games for free with an x-box, i'll buy one.

04-09-2007, 11:51 PM
There's no one game that warrants the purchase of a $300+ console.

I agree,

Its foolish to spend hundreds of �, $, � etc on a machine just for one piece of software - fanboy/hateboy or no fanboy/hateboy.

You have to look at the other games on offer (or upcoming) and try to get some first-hand experience with the console you intend to buy.

I bought my 360 almost a year (August 2006) after it came out, at that point, the really good games were out (GRAW, Oblivion) or were right around the corner (Gears, Vegas, Pinata etc), so I there was no "dry spell" of good games.

Same with PS3. IMHO there is almost no reason to buy it right now. The majority of the launch games are 360 ports (or will come out on the 360 as well - plus the cost). But I do try to play my friend's PS3 whenever possible to get a good feel for the console.

I am planning to purchase the Wii within the coming months due to the fun i had trying it out.

04-10-2007, 12:58 AM
I plan to buy a 360 as well for the same game, but there are a lot of other games on this systems that I want. Like Gears of War and Lost Odyssey (if it can come out one day), and I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of other AAA games that I'll be looking forward to.

06-06-2007, 08:29 PM