01-31-2007, 03:08 PM
This Day at my time 31 January 2007 is 10th Years Final Fantasy VII Released in Japan

Ever since the early 2000s, this rumor has already been going around. Everyone and their orphan's moogle-doll was talking about a possible remake of Final Fantasy VII. When the PS2 was released, who wouldn't want their favorite FF title enhanced with the back-then-next-gen?

Another window opens and the PS3 is out. FFVII running on the Cell Processor, you ask? Well, there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, that are dreamt of in your philosophy. Especially with the 10th year anniversary of FFVII looming just ahead (January 31 - that's tomorrow!), online forums have been ablaze again with this age-old rumor. Is Square really going to release a next-gen FFVII? Will they announce something during the anniversary?

Some of us have probably grown sick of this rumor (same thing goes with the bit about being able to resurrect Aeris), and a lot have speculated that the supposed "game in the works" would be using the Unreal Engine 3.

Regardless, the fact remains that most of us have been clamoring for a remake. Personally though, I'd take this with a grain of salt. Appealing though the idea is to me (let's see them make a game with Advent Children graphics!), I'll believe it when I see it. The rumor does get tiring after a while, but if Square Enix is going to make an announcement soon, all we can do for now is wait...

What do you expect from SE specially Final Fantasy VIII ???, A Remake Games with PS3 graphics power ??

01-31-2007, 06:50 PM
I very much doubt they'll remake it. They've milked it dry what with AC, DoC and Crisis Core.

A remake would take about 5 years if they started right now, this would also mean postponing Kingdom Hearts 3 and FFXIII.

01-31-2007, 07:52 PM
I very much doubt they'll remake it. They've milked it dry what with AC, DoC and Crisis Core.

A remake would take about 5 years if they started right now, this would also mean postponing Kingdom Hearts 3 and FFXIII.


If there was a remake, I'd expect no more than upgraded graphics and more cunts blubbering fanboy phrases.

Swedish Fish
01-31-2007, 10:37 PM
Vivi Fire put it in a nutshell. The likelihood of it being remade is minimal at this point. It would probably be more lucrative to put more time and effort into an all new project anyway.

The Destroyer X
01-31-2007, 11:10 PM
Yeah Everyone was excited when they saw the tech demo (including me) but I have come to realise that (as most of you have said) it simply won't happen, of course it's not impossible but it's very unlikely.

02-02-2007, 11:11 PM
I hope they don't remake it. They'd probably make too many changes, possibly even going as far as to make actual plot changes, which would ruin the game.

I am quite happy with FFVII the way it is, and don't want to see it changed. Not even better graphics or anything.

Just wish my copy actually worked these days :rolleyes:

02-02-2007, 11:17 PM
I used to love this game A LOT, but I must admit that a lot of the passion I had for this game have vanished. I wasn't too keen on Advent Children, and when I finally saw, I couldn't believe how they raped Final Fantasy VII. A remake? Sure, I'd by it.

J. Peterman
02-03-2007, 12:16 AM

02-03-2007, 12:29 AM
Cast back into the fires of Mount Doom!

02-03-2007, 03:09 AM
Indeed. And may it be forgotten quickly so that its vile influence will stop corrupting other games.

02-03-2007, 03:53 AM
Indeed. And may it be forgotten quickly so that its vile influence will stop corrupting other games.

Lol. I hope its actually remade for the psp. I play more games on the go so Ill be able to finish it lol. If made for the psp it wouldnt take so long to remake.

02-03-2007, 07:21 AM
A port is more feasible for SquareEnix.

02-03-2007, 12:19 PM
It will be released with Duke Nukem Forever :D

02-03-2007, 05:52 PM
Honestly, I think SE doesn't give a rat's ass about the "10th Anniversary."

02-03-2007, 08:41 PM
At least not the 10th anniversary of a single game.
I'm pretty sure they have something for their employees for their 10x or 5x anniversaries, unless they're complete douchebags and don't give a rat's ass about their workers.

02-03-2007, 10:08 PM
Hmm possible who knows not I.
But as for a remake I would buy it simiply because I like the game and I want to see it with good graphics. At the time of its making the Graphics were good but now's better if we don't go there. So yeah if they make the Nice Movie/Demo they had floating around, the one where Cloud jumps out of the train in true splendor, into a real remake I would get it.

02-03-2007, 10:11 PM


02-03-2007, 10:52 PM
Love that pic

Pimp Daddy McSnake
02-03-2007, 11:10 PM
omfg it's been 10 years already? What have I done with my life. olol

02-03-2007, 11:20 PM
Wow ten years, and I've only beaten it once. I feel a failure. I really hope they port it to the ps3 or something. A graphics upgrade would make this game even more enjoyable in my opinion. As long as they didn't change anything else.

02-04-2007, 01:29 AM
Wow ten years, and I've only beaten it once. I feel a failure.

Even more of a failure if you look at your name.

I really hope they port it to the ps3 or something. A graphics upgrade would make this game even more enjoyable in my opinion. As long as they didn't change anything else.

Yet another whore who thinks better graphics are king in making games better and more enjoyable. This is even worse when you look at how many times he's beaten FF7.

02-04-2007, 01:45 AM
Yet another whore who thinks better graphics are king in making games better and more enjoyable.
That's a little harsh, but I agree with you. Good graphics doesn't, and shouldn't, make a game, but it can however be a redeeming factor if a game completely sucks on every other level.

02-04-2007, 02:57 AM
I resurrected Aeris in FFVII.

02-04-2007, 04:22 AM
Did you feed her a bacon sandwich like I did?

02-04-2007, 04:23 AM
Bacon sandwich? No, I used baloney, although I noted she had lost Great Gospel. I'll try bacon next time. Thanks!

02-04-2007, 04:25 AM
Oh man, you have to give her bacon and she keeps Great Gospel. Someone told me though, and I don't know if it's true, if you feed her beef with mustard sandwiches she learnes a new Level 5 Limit Break.

02-04-2007, 04:32 AM
Oh I see. I read about that but I have no idea how to get the ingredients. They said there's a new kind of Weapon guarding them. It's supposed to be hardest boss in the game.

02-04-2007, 06:02 AM

That's a little harsh, but I agree with you. Good graphics doesn't, and shouldn't, make a game, but it can however be a redeeming factor if a game completely sucks on every other level.

I agree--
How technologically advanced graphics are shouldn't matter so much to people....
I think "Good Graphics" are graphics that fit with the game, rather than graphics that are "advanced" or "state-of-the-art".

02-04-2007, 07:04 AM
I agree--
How technologically advanced graphics are shouldn't matter so much to people....
I think "Good Graphics" are graphics that fit with the game, rather than graphics that are "advanced" or "state-of-the-art".

I agree with you whole-heartedly.

02-04-2007, 07:18 AM
Yet everyone pulls for "state-of-the-art" graphics because the whole gaming business is bcoming more based around casual gamers.
I believe this to be true with the exception of the Nintendo Wii, not Nintendo as a whole, but definately with the Wii.
I would elaborate but I am already tired of typing.

By the way Jarosik, it is the Honey Ham that brings an extra limit break, but you need the Red Chocobo and all of the 1/35 soldiers.

02-04-2007, 07:37 AM
Is it true about the limit break or are you pulling?
I have always wondered about the 1/35 soldiers so a use would be nice for them but I always thought they were just there as a joke item like tissue or was it toliet paper? Anyway if is true I would want to see even if was just a silly thing for the enjoyment of it.
But I seriously think you are pulling my leg.

As for Graphics it is true they don't make a game nor should they ever but it is not true they don't matter. Wild Arms good Complex Plot for the time horrible graphics. It was nice for the players when the Remake kept most of the orignal plot with only a touch up here or there which made it better and had very nice graphics. I seriously can't play my orignal Copy of Wild arms because of the Horrible graphics, I mean they look like Hashbro toys for crying out loud, now because of later good graphic RPGs. So while Graphics don't make a game they don't hurt.

02-04-2007, 06:01 PM
I never said the graphics make the game, and yes I realize my name and all that. I have played the game many times, just only completed it once. As for what I meant about the graphics was that the amazingness of the game can only be amplified by having incredible graphics. I point out Advent Children. I realize this is not a game but the graphics were amazing and the characters really came to life visually for me in that movie and I mean that a graphical update can only help the game, assuming they change nothing else, where as bad graphics can hurt a game no matter how amazing it is. Not saying that the graphics hurt FF7, just that it would be nice to see where the game could go with AC level quality.

02-04-2007, 06:29 PM
it would'nt take 5 years because they have almost everything they want from the psone version, but might make it sloppy because they'll probably have a small team working on it a a side project.

Anyone played Sonic genesis on the GBA?

02-04-2007, 09:13 PM
Tetsuya Nomura for his part explained that once the development of Kingdom Hearts II was completed, he would move on to a new project. He ruled out that this new project would be a remake of Final Fantasy VII, and simply put he would not work on a remake or sequel. The success of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and the possibility to display the world of Final Fantasy VII with today's technology, gave him a boost of confidence.

We received word as soon as our boys made it back that Square Enix wanted to make it clear that there will not be a Final Fantasy VII remake for PS3. Repeat, there will not be a remake. But, there will be a new Final Fantasy game for the system somewhere down the line. We'll have info on that as it happens.

These kind of kill the idea off.

02-04-2007, 09:16 PM
Well done Vivi, now can we all get on with out lives.

02-05-2007, 05:10 AM
Yea, I never thought it was going to actually happen, just a nice thought is all.

02-14-2007, 07:19 PM
How many fucking remake topics are we going to have? I think I've posted that passage from IGN in all of them.

Someone needs to pin a topic with the title "Proof that there will never be a FF7 remake".

02-15-2007, 10:03 AM
It's not just here that every FFVII thread turns into a "remake of FFVII" thread. They're fucking everywhere.

02-15-2007, 11:11 AM


This pic is wrong, Sephy's masamume does not draw blood.

resurrected Aeris in FFVII. no you didn't

02-15-2007, 03:05 PM
S-E are not saying there will NEVER be a FFVII sequel. They're just saying that they don't have plans to make one AT THIS POINT.

For all I know, they might turn to the Wii to make a remake of it. After all, they say it is cheap to develop for this system, and they are releasing all their FFs on the GBA and DS...

My only complaint about FFVII is the lack of any analog controls. Isometric 3D view + D-pad = press up to go in a up-left direction... = sucks.

And of course, some non-blocky graphics would be welcome.

02-15-2007, 03:09 PM
S-E are not saying there will NEVER be a FFVII sequel. They're just saying that they don't have plans to make one AT THIS POINT.
Good point like a FFIX charecter said:
"The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainy"

02-16-2007, 06:19 AM
This pic is wrong, Sephy's masamume does not draw blood.

I am pretty sure that if you stab anyone, with any sword, there will be blood. Just because it is "Sephy's" does not make it any different. The reason there is no blood in the actual game is due to the fact that an M rated Final Fantasy game is totally unecessary.

02-16-2007, 06:23 AM
I am pretty sure that if you stab anyone, with any sword, there will be blood. Just because it is "Sephy's" does not make it any different. The reason there is no blood in the actual game is due to the fact that an M rated Final Fantasy game is totally unecessary.


You put a hole in someone, they bleed. It's a fact of life.

02-16-2007, 10:58 PM
I heard that the Masamume dosn't draw blood but after watching AC I have found it not to be true.
p.s what if you stabed someone in the eye? woudn't puss come out?

02-18-2007, 01:35 AM
SE puts some blood in some games. Like FFX for instance. Recall Anima's summoning scene in Luca. She had blood coming out of her eyes. That's why FFX was rated "T for Violence and Blood". SE just doesn't want to put so much blood in their games because FF games are meant to be rated T, and it's targeted for teenagers.

And... there would be no remake for FFVII. It's already good as a PS1 game. So just leave it alone and be happy for it.

02-18-2007, 03:20 AM
SE puts some blood in some games. Like FFX for instance. Recall Anima's summoning scene in Luca. She had blood coming out of her eyes. That's why FFX was rated "T for Violence and Blood". SE just doesn't want to put so much blood in their games because FF games are meant to be rated T, and it's targeted for teenagers.

And... there would be no remake for FFVII. It's already good as a PS1 game. So just leave it alone and be happy for it.

Yea, what's the sense in taking an already extremely successful game and remaking it just because people want to hear voice overs and want to see better graphics. You want that then go watch Advent Children. We all know that if there was a remake to FFVII then people would still complain and want a remak of that another 10 years down the road.

02-18-2007, 04:07 AM
I am pretty sure that if you stab anyone, with any sword, there will be blood. Just because it is "Sephy's" does not make it any different. The reason there is no blood in the actual game is due to the fact that an M rated Final Fantasy game is totally unecessary.

Also technical limitations, not with the psone hardware but with the computers they used to make their fmv movies.

this was before they invested shitloads of money into the technology to make the spirit's within.

02-18-2007, 04:13 AM
And The Spirits Within didn't exactly go far at all even with the best technology being used for it's development.

02-18-2007, 06:44 AM
The Spirits Within achieved a lot for the time it was made. Even PIXAR are not beyond their level.

Their studio was bought back by Sony and we see the result with today's Spiderman and the movei Superman (the CGI Superman was by Sony althought it's a Time Warner movie.).

02-18-2007, 03:18 PM
Oh man, you have to give her bacon and she keeps Great Gospel. Someone told me though, and I don't know if it's true, if you feed her beef with mustard sandwiches she learnes a new Level 5 Limit Break.

Liar, its a ham and cheese sandwich, she revives as a ghost and has a new limit break, apparently shes invinicble too considering shes a ghosty.

As far as a remake goes itll happen if they think they can make money from it (i.e more then they spent making it), and by the looks of things it probably will happen in a few years time. I wont be complaining. I'd rather see a remake of FFVIII though, the game would just have more to benefit from better graphics.

02-18-2007, 04:50 PM
That would be a good game to remake. they should make it for PS2 though so at least everyone can afford to play it.

02-19-2007, 02:40 AM
The Spirits Within achieved a lot for the time it was made. Even PIXAR are not beyond their level.

Their studio was bought back by Sony and we see the result with today's Spiderman and the movei Superman (the CGI Superman was by Sony althought it's a Time Warner movie.).

Although Pixar was not up to their level in graphics hardware, they made up for it in the quality of their story. The Spirits Within was just one big chase scene with a twist throw in here and there, nothing really entertaining.

02-19-2007, 04:18 AM
Although Pixar was not up to their level in graphics hardware, they made up for it in the quality of their story. The Spirits Within was just one big chase scene with a twist throw in here and there, nothing really entertaining.

The story may not have achieved much, but we were talking about the technical aspect of it. Not the story. And besides, whether or not the story was good and achieved a lot or not is completely subjective.

02-19-2007, 06:51 AM
The story may not have achieved much, but we were talking about the technical aspect of it. Not the story. And besides, whether or not the story was good and achieved a lot or not is completely subjective.

So you're basically saying that people didn't go and see the movie because it was the most graphically advanced movie at the time?

02-19-2007, 11:34 AM
Wow, I really wonder how you can come up with this kind of conclusion.

02-19-2007, 08:10 PM
Wow, I really wonder how you can come up with this kind of conclusion.

Think about it, most people watch movies for multiple reasons, but the more overwhelming reasons are for the story and visual effects. That's literally what a movie is, it's a graphical and audible experience of a story. If there's no story, then there really isn't much outside of visual and sound effects. Since the movie flopped, this is due to the fact that most people obviously didn't find reason enough to go and watch it, it wasn't a success.

The justification behind my statement was that there really was no story (whether or not you want to admit that is up to you), and seeing as what most people DIDN'T do was watch this technically advanced movie that was nothing more than eye candy.

02-21-2007, 11:05 AM
He wasn't talking about the story of Spirits Within. He was talking about how Pixar did not match Spirits Within in terms of graphics. Not the story. That means you came to a wrong conclusion.

And whether or not the story was good IS subjective. There are people who like that movie, even though there are a lot more who don't.

02-21-2007, 09:36 PM
He wasn't talking about the story of Spirits Within. He was talking about how Pixar did not match Spirits Within in terms of graphics. Not the story. That means you came to a wrong conclusion.

And whether or not the story was good IS subjective. There are people who like that movie, even though there are a lot more who don't.

Yes, whether or not the story was good is subjective, but saying that Pixar was behind graphically isn't a valid argument either. There's no proof that they weren't capable of producing a graphically superior movie.

I believe the last movie Pixar produced was Monsters Inc. It's a children's movie, so it wouldn't play to a child's interests to make the most realistic environments and characters the overwhelming aspect of the movie. They used humor, mild peril, and vivid colors to appeal to their target audience.

02-21-2007, 10:07 PM
It's really hard to argue whether Pixar could produce a movie that was visually better. This is because we don't know what software and hardware each company is using to create the animation. I was able to attend a Pixar presentation in NYC about the creation of their animated movies and I saw the Pixar-specific adjustments they made to their software.

I'm sure each franchise has their own patented company software (which I'm sure is more awesome than anything you could ever be exposed to in a university computer graphics class) that could give them an edge. Personally, I would love to get my hands on their cutting edge advancements.

As for movie storytelling skills, Pixar trumps SE...easily.

02-22-2007, 07:13 AM
z.zetsumei: It may not be possible to know if they could and can do something as good as FFSW. But when I see anything from PIXAR and compare it to FFSW, I just don't see them playing in the same league. And back when FFSW was released, I can't think of anything that came close to achieve this dept of details and realism. Even todays CGI aren't really any better than this.

02-22-2007, 07:56 AM
z.zetsumei: It may not be possible to know if they could and can do something as good as FFSW. But when I see anything from PIXAR and compare it to FFSW, I just don't see them playing in the same league. And back when FFSW was released, I can't think of anything that came close to achieve this dept of details and realism. Even todays CGI aren't really any better than this.

You really need to put together a good gaming rig. Oblivion running at full quality on crossfired x1900xtx cards and a decent CPU with 1.5 gigs of ram easily outclasses FFSW, and the scenery isn't even pre-rendered. But what the hell does it matter how good the "details and realism" are when the movie itself was a flop?

02-22-2007, 10:43 AM
So 10 Years Of FFVII
That Brings The grand Total To:
A Month Of Begrudged Enjoyment
A Release Of The Sequel Which Was By No Means Better
Several More Releases With Many Low Points, Many Fans Want More FFVII
A Shoddy Movie Based on FF
An FFVII Movie Released After Square Hadnt Learned From Previous Mistakes
Several Spin Off Titles, Many Character Cross Overs All Hideous
And Now Its Ten Years Later

Squaresoft Youve Had Ten Years Of Flogging This Over-Hyped Dead Horse Of A Product Hopefully You Never Dredge It Up Again And Start Working On Some Quality Stand Alone Titles.

When Square Wants To Sell Out Yet Again Because Theyve Lost Money Making Terrible Movies And Bad Spin Off Titles Theyll Bring FFVII Out Of Its Grave And Re-release It On Whatever Console Until The End of Time No Matter How Badly It has Stagnated And the Same Goes For All FF Titles Because The Sheer Fact Is: If Square Slaps A Title On A Game That Says 'Final Fantasy' People Will Buy Millions Of Copies Regardless Of Quality Or Content.

02-22-2007, 03:39 PM
z.zetsumei: Oblivion's real time graphics don't come anywhere close the pre-rendered CGI from FFSW. You're being totally delusional here.


02-22-2007, 08:02 PM
z.zetsumei: Oblivion's real time graphics don't come anywhere close the pre-rendered CGI from FFSW. You're being totally delusional here.


I think I need not imply that the quality of graphics is also subjective.

But have you ever heard of
Clicky (

Compare those images with FFSW. Those images were created with programs that are available to the general public.

02-22-2007, 08:09 PM
yeah, they're great work. I still think FFSW is beyond their level.
I've yet to see any CGI humans that look as real as those in FFSW.
You might argue that the CGI Superman from Superman Returns looks just as good if not better... Sony did it, using the studio they bought from Square-Picture. :P

02-22-2007, 08:16 PM
Hynad, one thing you're not really taking into account is that fact that CG is still animation, and it is always apparent, even in movies like FF:TSW where it tries to look realistic. Most studios prefer to go with a cartoonish style because that's simply what's expected of animation. However, if you look past that and pay attention to other things such as fluidity of motion and environmental effects, Pixar's works are definitely superior.

02-22-2007, 08:24 PM
Gollum () > Spirits Within ()

I'd wager you could find more people that look like Gollum and you could of any character from SW.

02-22-2007, 08:26 PM
I don't see that being true. Both animation studios use motion sensors to create realistic animations. How can it be superior when it's animated from real movements? A realistic movements can't get any better if it's taken from motion sensors.

02-22-2007, 08:29 PM
I don't see that being true. Both animation studios use motion sensors to create realistic animations. How can it be superior when it's animated from real movements? A realistic movements can't get any better if it's taken from motion sensors.

There are different methods of motion capture, such as point-based capture vs. density. Just because they're similar, doesn't mean they're equal.

02-22-2007, 09:02 PM
sure, and there's probably a lot of ways to make a 30 fps animation.

Clearly, saying the animation was not on par with the PIXAR one sounds like you're willing to do anything to say the movie was bad.

Keep it going, this is totally juvenile. Just because you think it wasn't an Oscar winning movie, doesn't mean it didn't achieve anything. Only bad faith would make you say that.

02-22-2007, 09:38 PM
Just so we're clear on this, in case any of that last post was directed at me, I'm one of the most outspoken advocates of Spirits Within that you'll find.

02-22-2007, 09:52 PM
no, obviously, it was directed to the obnoxious z.zetsumei.

02-22-2007, 09:54 PM
I don't see him being obnoxious. He's been perfectly reasonable for the entire discussion.

02-22-2007, 10:09 PM
maybe obnoxious is not the right word. But I can't help but think he wants to turn this debate into some kind of "I'm right, you're wrong" argument. When I said PIXAR didn't do anything that came close to FFSW back then, he replied that we don't have the proof they could make something as good. The point is not if they could, it's about if they DID. And they didn't.

02-22-2007, 10:15 PM
And what about my point about other aspects besides character detail? You didn't even reply to it, so you're hardly in a position to claim that Pixar is inferior.

02-22-2007, 10:19 PM
I said I don't think the animation is any better in PIXAR movies or FFSW. I think they are both equally good as far as animation and fluidity go.

It's the realism and details that I feel is not as good in PIXAR's movies. This argument started when someone said FFSW didn't achieve anything. Which is quite wrong.

02-23-2007, 03:22 AM
going back to that ten years of ffVII thing... i dont know what you ppl are on but ffVII was made in 1998 and it is now 2007 so that would make it about 9 years. so in your face =P

02-23-2007, 03:58 AM
going back to that ten years of ffVII thing... i dont know what you ppl are on but ffVII was made in 1998 and it is now 2007 so that would make it about 9 years. so in your face =P

It was made in 1997,'re failing even on FF7 fanboy terms. (

Also, Hynad, take a look at what Prak posted about the benefit of making animated films in the way that they did. They were making children's movies, and needed to target their audience in the best ways possible. In the case of movies, it's in the character design and how it would appeal to the minds of young children.
And bad faith wouldn't make me say that Spirits Within didn't accomplish much, it's fact. It didn't win any awards, even though it was strongly advocated by Roger Ebert, and Square Pictures lost over 100 million USD, which caused their bankruptcy.

Here's something to think about:

While many of the critics of the film cited problems with the story or complained of one-dimensional characters, others focused on the failings of the animation itself. While the rendering is intended to be photorealistic, the characters' motions and expressions can be seen as stiff and unexpressive compared to real human motion. This is most notable in the "doll-eyed stare" of the characters, but also in the rigid poses and gaits of the characters and the lack of deformation in skin and tissue accompanying character motion such as speech and grasping. The modeling of lighting on skin and hair (which in reality are subtly translucent) is also limited, giving the characters a "painted statue" look. As a result, the film is often cited as an example of animation that falls into the uncanny valley, perhaps most famously by critic Roger Ebert.

02-23-2007, 05:02 AM
Yeah, that's the kind of response you'll get from most people. Because although Square Pictures tried to do what no one had tried to do, and as close to photo realistic humans the CGI achieved, the human eye is hard to fool.

I still think it was a great achievement. If it wasn't then the studio wouldn't have worked on the Matrix CGI SFX (even it really was noticeable) or on the CGI Superman from Singer's movie (which was a lot harder to notice most of the time).

02-23-2007, 10:44 AM
It's the realism and details that I feel is not as good in PIXAR's movies. This argument started when someone said FFSW didn't achieve anything. Which is quite wrong.

Pixar isn't going for that kind of realism and detail. Since Pixar never aimed to do something in the same style as FFSW, I don't think you can say that Pixar never reached their level.

Also, the CGI in FFSW wasn't flawless by any means (as zetsumei mentioned already)although that was their first project. I think the quality of CGI improved in say, Superman but FFSW was a first step.

Whatever the case is, it is unfair to compare Pixar and FFSW studio.

Happy ten year anniversary FF VII. Although I agree with everyone about its plotholes and shittiness, I still love it. Dedicated 300 hours of my 9 year old gaming skillzors to it. Still kill Sephiroth every now and then to see Cloud swing his awesomely ridiculous sword at retarded speeds. I love it =D!

02-23-2007, 11:30 PM
going back to that ten years of ffVII thing... i dont know what you ppl are on but ffVII was made in 1998 and it is now 2007 so that would make it about 9 years. so in your face =P


02-28-2007, 01:27 AM
last time i checked the pc version was made in 1998 seeing as last time i watched the begining it said 1998 and that was last night

02-28-2007, 01:42 AM
Last time I checked the Playstation versioin was released before the PC version. Since the Playstation version was released in 1997, FF7 was released in 1997. There's no escaping that fact, moron.

02-28-2007, 04:54 AM
major lols on this one z.zetsumei.

Some fans are just not as well informed as others I guess. The funny thing about them is that they try to teach us something and prove us wrong.

02-28-2007, 08:12 AM
I just love the fact that "Cloud Strife" is in his forum name and yet he doesn't know when it was released.

02-28-2007, 09:47 AM
FFVII wasn't released in the US until September 1997, though; shouldn't we wait until later this year before we have one of these threads?

02-28-2007, 07:21 PM
are all the members on this forum residents of the US?

no? I thought so.

02-28-2007, 07:25 PM
last time i checked the pc version was made in 1998 seeing as last time i watched the begining it said 1998 and that was last night

You may not notice but no one cares, STFU!!! and GTFO!!!!

02-28-2007, 07:42 PM
FFVII wasn't released in the US until September 1997, though; shouldn't we wait until later this year before we have one of these threads?

But it was released FIRST in Japan on 31 January 1997. So it was released more than 10 years ago, the OP stated this already.

03-01-2007, 09:37 AM
are all the members on this forum residents of the US?

no? I thought so.

It was released even later in Europe. I just figured the majority of people here are Americans, and I've never seen a Japanese person on this forum.

03-02-2007, 12:54 AM
It was released even later in Europe. I just figured the majority of people here are Americans, and I've never seen a Japanese person on this forum.

But that doesn't negate the fact that it was first released in 1997 :P

03-02-2007, 05:08 AM
You may not notice but no one cares, STFU!!! and GTFO!!!!
no u.

Hex Omega
03-02-2007, 11:50 AM

You may not notice but no one cares, STFU!!! and GTFO!!!!

did that guy run up and punch your sacred mother or something?

also, lol @ at you telling someone that no-one cares, then writing a "review"(i use that term very, very loosely btw) of a game thats over 10 years old. gg.

Valerie Valens
03-02-2007, 03:23 PM
I say FF7 CAN be remade and salvaged ONLY if they do it like Namco did with Tales of Destiny. Everything rewritten, including the combat system, ESPECIALLY the combat system.

03-02-2007, 10:47 PM
What kind of combat system do you suggest Joan? like KH's combat?
or FFXII's?

03-03-2007, 04:29 AM
I say FF7 CAN be remade and salvaged ONLY if they do it like Namco did with Tales of Destiny. Everything rewritten, including the combat system, ESPECIALLY the combat system.

The combat wasnt so bad. Regular FF battle just with materia added. Nothing too different.

Vincent Von Doom
03-03-2007, 02:11 PM
i wonder why everyone wants a remake final fantasy VII... whats the point.. its going to be the same storyline, same heroes, and the same villians.. its not going to have its originality that it has/had.. its not going to touch people hearts as it did or still does today when aeris died by sephiroth's pork sword of doom.. i'm not saying its a bad thing if it does happen.. it would be great to have it on the ps3 but nothing should be changed...

03-03-2007, 03:23 PM
reamaking it would be ruining an already good thing so whats the point?

03-03-2007, 03:52 PM
The combat wasnt so bad. Regular FF battle just with materia added. Nothing too different.

I was going to say the same thing. I don't understand why the combat system is often attacked when it is virtually the same as in FFIX and FFVIII, as well as most of the early titles.

Also, Joan, let it die. It's had its day in the sun years ago, and since then they've wrung several spin-offs from it. They've milked it dry surely? Also, changing everything would mean alienating the fanboys, and surely Square can't afford to lose a demographic that size?

03-03-2007, 04:02 PM
How is VII's combat system the same as IX's?

In IX everyone had set roles (e.g Freya was a Dragoon, she could not cast magic but could use special dragoon abilities e.g Lancer). Abilites could be learned from weapons and equipment and because only certain characters could use certain equipment, only certain characters could use some abilities (e.g Steiner and Shock, Eiko and Phoenix).

I think a lot of the criticisms come from the fact that characters in VII can be carbon clones of each other. Anyone can equip and use Materia, theres no real difference between the characters in combat except their Limit Breaks and weapons.

Valerie Valens
03-03-2007, 04:19 PM
The combat wasnt so bad. Regular FF battle just with materia added. Nothing too different.

That's exactly what's wrong, it was BORING...painfully boring! Add that to the fact that Materia allows people to be carbon copies of each other instead of unique.

I was going to say the same thing. I don't understand why the combat system is often attacked when it is virtually the same as in FFIX and FFVIII, as well as most of the early titles.

Also, Joan, let it die. It's had its day in the sun years ago, and since then they've wrung several spin-offs from it. They've milked it dry surely? Also, changing everything would mean alienating the fanboys, and surely Square can't afford to lose a demographic that size?

Square hasn't exactly been known for their smart decisions. ;)

Also :

Tales of Destiny (1998) (
Tales of Destiny Remake (Nov 2006) (

03-03-2007, 04:23 PM
That's exactly what's wrong, it was BORING...painfully boring! Add that to the fact that Materia allows people to be carbon copies of each other instead of unique.

Square hasn't exactly been known for their smart decisions. ;)

Its not the only FF game that has been like this. In FFX each character can be made out to be the same. FF12 is painfully easy to make each character the same.

03-03-2007, 04:26 PM
You can also make people unique with Materia. The same 'carbon copy' argument could really be applied to many Final Fantasies. FFVIII, FFX, and now FFXII could all be accused of the same thing, but all those FFs do allow you to make each character individual too, if you so wish. You could make a thief, blue mage, white mage, black mage, tank, etc. with the Materia system. Some people actually prefer each character to be balanced (though I'm not one of those)

Personally while I'm no great fan of the Materia system it worked well enough and was a reasonable effort to try and please gamers at both ends of the 'spectrum' (see my thread entitled 'Let's discuss ability systems in FF!)

Valerie Valens
03-03-2007, 04:37 PM
I don't disagree with your examples, however, argument still applies.

03-03-2007, 08:54 PM
I just dont know why everyone points it out as a problem in FF7 when it isnt the only FF game to do so.

03-03-2007, 09:21 PM
FF7 is hated alot on this forum (which is strange since it is a FF forum) I do like FF7, but when so many people disagre with you theres no point arguing.

03-03-2007, 10:20 PM
Its not the only FF game that has been like this. In FFX each character can be made out to be the same. FF12 is painfully easy to make each character the same.

I don't know about FFXII, but FFX cannot be compared to FFVII in this regard. The Standard Sphere Grid (which most people would use on the first playthrough) has each character follow their own job path. They do end up as identical, but that's only after your characters' stats are maxed, which takes a very long time to do. It is possible to configure your team to be identical, but that takes insane powerlevelling (7x as much). In FFVII, however, the game didn't even try to make you have a variety of characters, just pumped you with Materia and let you build your army of clones.

Oh, and welcome back, you cunt.

03-03-2007, 10:22 PM
Wow thanks it's nice to know people are kind enough to welcome back old freinds. :)

03-03-2007, 10:45 PM
I don't know about FFXII, but FFX cannot be compared to FFVII in this regard. The Standard Sphere Grid (which most people would use on the first playthrough) has each character follow their own job path. They do end up as identical, but that's only after your characters' stats are maxed, which takes a very long time to do. It is possible to configure your team to be identical, but that takes insane powerlevelling (7x as much). In FFVII, however, the game didn't even try to make you have a variety of characters, just pumped you with Materia and let you build your army of clones.

Oh, and welcome back, you cunt.

Incidentally, I pointed out in my thread in the General section that this isn't necessarily a wekness of FFVII. I agree that the Materia system is perhaps configured towards the more advanced gamer, but it allowed you to do what you wanted with your characters, same as X really. There's no stopping you choosing the Expert Sphere Grid there, just as there's no stopping you equipping Steal and Throw to make a thief-type character, Cure and Summons to make a White Mage, Fire/Ice/Bolt etc to make a Black Mage and Enemy Skill to make a Blue Mage in FFVII.

03-03-2007, 11:12 PM
Incidentally, I pointed out in my thread in the General section that this isn't necessarily a wekness of FFVII. I agree that the Materia system is perhaps configured towards the more advanced gamer, but it allowed you to do what you wanted with your characters, same as X really. There's no stopping you choosing the Expert Sphere Grid there, just as there's no stopping you equipping Steal and Throw to make a thief-type character, Cure and Summons to make a White Mage, Fire/Ice/Bolt etc to make a Black Mage and Enemy Skill to make a Blue Mage in FFVII.

The Expert Sphere Grid still requires some powerlevelling to change your character, since everybody still starts in their general area. It's not the same as VII because Cloud and co. needed no extra levelling to be configured to anything you want. Due to the nature of the Sphere Grid, you need to do several hours' worth of levelling to make any changes to your characters' fighting style.

03-03-2007, 11:15 PM
The Materia System also needs you to power level if you want to have everything for everyone. I wonder how many people here ended up with 3 Knights of the Round Materia without any cheats. But of course, people will forget about that and will prefer to complain.

03-03-2007, 11:30 PM
But to have anything for anyone in FFVII, you need just equip the appropriate Materia. Herein lies the difference.

03-03-2007, 11:49 PM
and to have everything for everyone in FFX you only need to level up.
If you want everything for everyone in FFVII, you need a copy of each materia for everyone, and you need to level the materias. Since some of the Materias come in only one copy, you need to level them up a lot if you want every of you characters to be clones of each others.

And FFVI was the same. You could end up having everything for every one. Only some of them has particular abilities, just like FFVII have different limit breaks for each characters. Aeris was a healer for example. But you won't hear much people complain about FFVI, it was so god like no one would dare find a fault in it... *yawn.

03-04-2007, 03:11 AM
and to have everything for everyone in FFX you only need to level up.
If you want everything for everyone in FFVII, you need a copy of each materia for everyone, and you need to level the materias. Since some of the Materias come in only one copy, you need to level them up a lot if you want every of you characters to be clones of each others.

And FFVI was the same. You could end up having everything for every one. Only some of them has particular abilities, just like FFVII have different limit breaks for each characters. Aeris was a healer for example. But you won't hear much people complain about FFVI, it was so god like no one would dare find a fault in it... *yawn.

Thats what I always say. Its a problem in FF7 bt not in any other game? Hmmmmm

Dot Centaur
03-04-2007, 10:53 AM
Happy 10th anniversary FFVII ^^.

Yeah for over a year now I've heard stories about a remake. Whether they make one or not, I won't be too crazy about it. "Better Graphics" to me are just over rated. I wouldn't mind trying it though just to see, but I doubt I'd ever buy it.

03-04-2007, 01:18 PM
and to have everything for everyone in FFX you only need to level up.
If you want everything for everyone in FFVII, you need a copy of each materia for everyone, and you need to level the materias. Since some of the Materias come in only one copy, you need to level them up a lot if you want every of you characters to be clones of each others.

And FFVI was the same. You could end up having everything for every one. Only some of them has particular abilities, just like FFVII have different limit breaks for each characters. Aeris was a healer for example. But you won't hear much people complain about FFVI, it was so god like no one would dare find a fault in it... *yawn.

That's all well and good, but I'm not talking about omnipotency for everyone. I mean giving your characters a second function. For example; Say I have my two warriors, Tidus and Cloud. I want both of them to learn some black magic to increasing their versatility. Tidus fights 100,000 random battles to attain enough Sphere Levels to reach Lulu's grid, and Cloud goes to the menu, and equips Fire, Ice, and Bolt materia. Which one of those is easier? That's the main problem people have with FFVII's battle system; the characters lack any individuality in battle, even the Limit Breaks were mostly identical, except for Aeris, who isn't even playable after Disc 1.

03-04-2007, 03:19 PM
Well, 100,000 battles is exxaggerating a bit.......

I'd say more like 500 to 1,000, if that. Depends what point in the game you're at, etc.

And you have to level up Materia to make it useful late on in the game. Equipping Fire, Ice and Bolt materia will give Cloud some Black Magic ability, but in order for that to be of any remote use in battle after about Lv. 20, he'd have to spend arguably just as many battles getting the Materia to Fire2/3/Ice2/3/Bolt2/3.

Anyway, let's just get one thing straight. I'm certainly not defending FFVII as a game in comparison to FFX. I'm just pointing out that the materia system and combat system is no worse than a lot of other FFs, yet it's constantly quoted as a weakness of FFVII, when it isn't any different from a lot of other games in the series. Which is why that argument always baffles me.

03-04-2007, 06:48 PM
i would love to see a remake but cnt really see it happenin

03-04-2007, 06:52 PM
I could see it happening but it would be a pointless effort and they would be ruining an already good thing.