fastidious percolator
01-30-2007, 01:20 PM
Aw man :swoon:

I've really been getting in to these guys recently, I'm listening to Laser Life now

^_^ I was so glad to hear that, and above all, I went to see them yesterday.

Here are a few pics. ^^

First up was a local band from Antwerp, The White Circle Crime Club, which were undoubtly similar to The Blood Brothers ^_^ When it comes to the experimental vibes, such as the various synth-amps and stuff.
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And then The Blood Brothers <3
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And well, just to say, recently, as in, the last few months, I've revived my love for the hard metalcore music (Such as Norma Jean, Parkway Drive, Comeback Kid, etc.), but The Blood Brothers, are slightly different: they stand out, 'cause of their quite experimental musical rythm. Some see it as chaotic, but I love to hear it, as a cacophonic-melodic orgasm. ^_~ And damn, these guys are soo much more better than live, which is of course, freaking nice. :D
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01-30-2007, 03:09 PM
Very envious, Belgium !

Have you got a setlist? Or can you recall the songs they played?

fastidious percolator
02-01-2007, 10:18 PM
I can only recall a few ones I definitely recognised :D like Laser Life, Crimes, Under Pressure, but one of my mates who was there as well, has written (I think it's all) the songs they've played:

Trash Flavored Trash
Teen Heat
Beautiful Horses
Every Breath Is A Bomb
Camouflage, Camouflage
Under Pressure
This Adultery Is Ripe
1, 2, 3, 4 Guitars
The Shame

The last 'encore' songs were Laser Life, and ultimately, Ambulance vs. Ambulance ^_~ Seriously, if you'd notice these guys performing near you, go go go :D

02-01-2007, 10:36 PM
i only have crimes and a few tracks from burn, piano island, burn. i would love to see them, they are pretty awesome. i'd love to see them but i am pretty bad at knowing when bands are playing here (i.e. in dublin, as nobody plays galway. so we dont get the dublin posters :roll: )

Tidus 66
02-01-2007, 11:01 PM
I envy you Trent :(, also The Blood Brothers are currently free agents, since V2 records was closed

02-05-2007, 09:59 AM
the blood brothers were awful live. against me stole the show when i saw em. at that show, they didnt close with jennifer? and they didnt play cecelia? disappointment.

ps. comeback kid is definitely hardcore, not metalcore. theyre too awesome to be metalcore

Tidus 66
02-05-2007, 10:25 PM
Against Me! are pretty neat, but i'm not sure what to expect from their major label debut, also it's fanbase can be very annoying.

Comeback Kid were actually decent last time i checked

the guy watching you
02-05-2007, 11:41 PM
i have crimes, and think its pretty good.But when i saw them a few months ago,they were pretty bad.