01-29-2007, 05:55 AM
I managed to buy mine from Target.

For those stuggling to get one, use http://wiitracker.com/

That site has an RSS feed, so you can get alerted easily.

www.itrackr.com is cool.

You need a membership, but it is free. Sometimes, for the really rare stuff, they charge $2 for e-mail notifications.

i'm on the web a lot, so I made it my home page to keep an eye on it.

Hope this helps!

hb smokey
01-29-2007, 10:54 AM
Yes I have one. I waited almost 12 hours in line at Walmart. They had 30, and I was number 23 or 24, don't remember which exactly.

01-29-2007, 01:01 PM
No,I don't have a Wii.I will buy one of them, only if a new game of Crash Bandicoot will leave on this console.Because they envisaged a game, but I do not know if it is official.

01-29-2007, 07:37 PM
I have one ^^
It is freakin awsome!

J. Peterman
01-29-2007, 08:02 PM
I bought it because I felt I should wait until Q2 07 to get the Core 2 Duo CPU that I wanted because there are going to be some nice price drops then, and hopefully RAM prices drop to around 60-70 for 1 GB DDR2 from Corsair, but I doubt it. But the mobo I'm looking for should be only around $140 with the CPU around the same and then a PSU I can always get a FAR or just buy some for $50 AR that is pretty good. And then I would need around $150 for a pretty decent video card, or around $400 if I want the 8800 GTX. Around, because it could go a bit less.

But besides the Zelda game there isn't anything I want for the console right now. It's okay, but I'll probably end up getting a PS3 eventually when/if Suikoden comes out and for my third-party multi-platform games that will definitely look better on that. But whatever. Go Pokemon.

01-29-2007, 08:04 PM
I really want one, but at the moment, it's not at the top of my to-buy list.

Inuyasha SIT
01-29-2007, 10:20 PM
i am working on getting one

01-29-2007, 10:37 PM
I will not be getting one. I'm more then pleased with my 60GB PS3 and free online gaming. However I have been helping my friend Angela look for a Wii. No luck so far.

01-29-2007, 10:45 PM
no and I don't intend on buying it.

01-29-2007, 10:46 PM
I will not be getting one. I'm more then pleased with my 60GB PS3 and free online gaming.

That looks suspiciously like an attempt to undermine the Wii by insinuating that it does not offer free online play, which is, of course, completely untrue.

01-29-2007, 10:53 PM
There is no right or wrong console you can say X-box is crap PS3 is crap Wii is crap or think the opposite but at the end of the day you should realise that any critsism against any console means nothing don't bother taking sides enjoy all the consoles like you are supposed to.

01-29-2007, 10:55 PM
There is no right or wrong console you can say X-box is crap PS3 is crap Wii is crap or think the opposite but at the end of the day you should realise that any critsism against any console means nothing don't bother taking sides enjoy all the consoles like you are supposed to.

Hypocrite! How can you enjoy them all when you say this about buying a Wii?

no and I don't intend on buying it.

01-29-2007, 10:55 PM
I don't have one :(. I started saving up for one. Being only 15 and with a job that pays about �30 give or take 10 it could take me a while. There is no way I could afford a PS3 and the XBOX 360 just doesn't appeal to me.

01-29-2007, 10:58 PM
That looks suspiciously like an attempt to undermine the Wii by insinuating that it does not offer free online play, which is, of course, completely untrue.

That looks like a spineless attempt to assume and instigate a discussion that you presume I believe the Wii does not have free online gaming. Thanks for first asking me what I in fact know about Wii's online gaming. When you assume, you make an ass out of me and you.

Hypocrite! How can you enjoy them all when you say this about buying a Wii?

How does that make one a Hypocrite? Sounds like he simply respects everyones taste in video games, just doesn't care to buy a Wii. I personally don't hate the Wii, it's just not my cup-o-tea.

01-29-2007, 11:00 PM

01-29-2007, 11:01 PM
I own a Wii. It is okay.

01-29-2007, 11:01 PM
Hypocrite! How can you enjoy them all when you say this about buying a Wii?

though I did say this I did not say I hate they Nintendo Wii I think it's a smart idea though I am not intending on buying it that is all i meant I don't like picking sides I just said I don't intend on buying it therefore i am not a

01-29-2007, 11:03 PM
though I did say this I did not say I hate they Nintendo Wii I think it's a smart idea though I am not intending on buying it that is all i meant I don't like picking sides I just said I don't intend on buying it therefore i am not a

Which validates my edit in my last post.

01-29-2007, 11:06 PM
You miss my point entirely. I was making fun of his ambiguous word choices, as well as your senseless use of unnecessary descriptors which can be misconstrued as a truly idiotic statement.

Swedish Fish
01-29-2007, 11:08 PM
Have one, and I'm loving it.

01-29-2007, 11:26 PM
I have a Wii.

I like my DS 10x more. :(

J. Peterman
01-29-2007, 11:52 PM


01-30-2007, 12:27 AM
Its a really fun system, my friend has it. I like the 360 more though.

01-30-2007, 02:17 AM
nah, i may have actually gotten one soon after launch if there were any available at the time.
I also nearly got an xbox 360 but not many games looked all that appealing to me, if any.
Now i see the games for it I'm not all that interested in getting one yet.

I got some pretty decent ps2 games recently so I'm quite content waiting until all three systems are out and some more games are available (which will certainly be the decider in which one i get)

01-30-2007, 02:24 AM
You miss my point entirely. I was making fun of his ambiguous word choices, as well as your senseless use of unnecessary descriptors which can be misconstrued as a truly idiotic statement.

That's nice to know, but you have to admit you can and often come off as abrasive sometimes which makes it hard to tell when you are joking around. I will admit maybe I provide too much unnecessary information, but maybe I also wanted to point out one of my favorite features on the PS3.

hb smokey
01-30-2007, 04:20 AM
That's nice to know, but you have to admit you can and often come off as abrasive sometimes which makes it hard to tell when you are joking around. I will admit maybe I provide too much unnecessary information, but maybe I also wanted to point out one of my favorite features on the PS3.
Does one of these favorite features include actually playing PS3 games?

01-30-2007, 04:27 AM
Meh my friend might get one so I'll borrow it from him and try it. Looks really fun with the motion sensor, but PS3 just has better third party games that I like. ie. MGS4 and I bought a PS2 just to play MGS2 lol. Also I did borrow a gamecube from my friend and I ended up returning it to him in a couple days because I couldn't find a game I liked to play on it.

01-30-2007, 04:50 AM
I'm tempted to buy one after seeing Twilight Princess in action, but I'll probably end up going with the gamecube version for now. Maybe when the next Zelda game is released.

01-30-2007, 05:04 AM
Does one of these favorite features include actually playing PS3 games?

Yes. At the moment Resistance Fall of Man. Fight Night Round 3 is pretty kick ass too.

Meh my friend might get one so I'll borrow it from him and try it. Looks really fun with the motion sensor, but PS3 just has better third party games that I like. ie. MGS4 and I bought a PS2 just to play MGS2 lol. Also I did borrow a gamecube from my friend and I ended up returning it to him in a couple days because I couldn't find a game I liked to play on it.

You remind me of me.

01-30-2007, 07:04 AM
I don't want that, maybe if I had $ I buy a PS3

J. Peterman
01-30-2007, 09:49 AM

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
01-30-2007, 12:36 PM
Well, I did get given one from work - but it's not my bag; so I let my six year old cousin have it. It's definitely more up her alley.

01-30-2007, 01:35 PM
i have a wii

(I was actualy going to type something to the effect of "Mii have a Wii" but that's so last week)

hb smokey
01-30-2007, 02:04 PM
I'm tempted to buy one after seeing Twilight Princess in action, but I'll probably end up going with the gamecube version for now. Maybe when the next Zelda game is released.
Don't get the Gamecube version when you can get the Wii version.

Yes. At the moment Resistance Fall of Man. Fight Night Round 3 is pretty kick ass too.
Oh ok, I guess since the PS3 has one game of really nice quality compared to 10 or so that are average, and 5 or so that are just piss-poor awful, that qualifies as a favorite feature.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
01-30-2007, 02:15 PM
Actually, the Gamecube Version with the Codebreaker code to enable to deliberately locked out Progressive Scan, Widescreen mode is the superior choice. It is the original version, afterall. The Wii version is merely a port; you should know that.

hb smokey
01-30-2007, 02:24 PM
Actually, the Gamecube Version with the Codebreaker code to enable to deliberately locked out Progressive Scan, Widescreen mode is the superior choice. It is the original version, afterall. The Wii version is merely a port; you should know that.
Your first sentence made absolutely no sense.

The Wii version is the superior version, you should know that. I'm not even going to try the Gamecube version.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
01-30-2007, 02:29 PM
Okay, here's the breakdown. The Gamecube version is the original developed version. Then, the decision was made to port the game to the Wii. During the port they butchered the controls, mirrored the entire game to make Link right-handed and then for good measure they cut out Progressive Scan mode and 16:9 widescreen support from the Gamecube version to encourage sales of the Wii port. Fortunately, with a device known as a Codebreaker Disc (A game hacker) you can re-enable the superior graphic options in the Gamecube version and play the game as it was originally intended.

hb smokey
01-30-2007, 02:36 PM
Okay, here's the breakdown. The Gamecube version is the original developed version. Then, the decision was made to port the game to the Wii. During the port they butchered the controls, mirrored the entire game to make Link right-handed and then for good measure they cut out Progressive Scan mode and 16:9 widescreen support from the Gamecube version to encourage sales of the Wii port. Fortunately, with a device known as a Codebreaker Disc (A game hacker) you can re-enable the superior graphic options in the Gamecube version and play the game as it was originally intended.
No I know about the hack, I meant that the point you are trying to make is completely moot.

Nintendo fans have never shown much emotion about how well Nintendo games look. Nintendo even doesn't care as much about it than the other big two companies. They didn't need to take out Pro Scan and 16:9 to boost the sales of the Wii Zelda; people were already incredibly stoked about it and were going to buy it regardless of what mode you could play it in. And for the record, 16:9 is a nice little view to have, but it's not something that's a lot better than the original view. I switched back between 16:9 and 4:3 time and time again, and it didn't really look any better or worse.

I don't want to play the game it was originally meant to be played, because I know the traditional controls would not compare to the Wii controls. I don't want to say 'wow, this sure is pretty boring' for a game such as this.

01-30-2007, 02:38 PM
Just for the record, the Gamecube version has consistently been getting higher score than the Wii version overall (according to gamerankings.com anyway). I have no idea what the reason for this is, since the difference between versions isn't so much a issue to me as the cost of buying a Wii (which is fairly low, but after spending what must have been over $1000 AUS recently in games and a DS Lite the thought of shelling out another $400 doesn't thrill me) but it's an interesting turn of events none the less.

That being said, I've been told that the Wii version adds a new dimension to the combat system in TP that makes up for what has thus far been perceived as a lack of originality in the original version. It might be worth turning my attention back to my stack of uncompleted PS2 cRPGs for now and put off buying TP until I can be assed getting the new system.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
01-30-2007, 02:40 PM
I prefer a game to be played in it's original form; not ported to another console with chopped together controls for the sake of 'innovation'. Furthermore, owning a 16:9 HDTV I prefer my games to suit my superior display. It's not a big ask; PS2 games and Xbox games have been doing it for years. Even the PS2 version of RE4 which was a port with inferior graphics; looked better on my HDTV because it was able to be displayed full screen without distortion in progressive scan.

Anyway, I digress; having played and beaten ZTP on Gamecube, and having played around three or four hours on the Wii version I can definitely say which is the superior version.
You'll need to actually play both before you're entitled to a judgement of your own, though~

hb smokey
01-30-2007, 02:42 PM
Just for the record, the Gamecube version has consistently been getting higher score than the Wii version overall (according to gamerankings.com anyway). I have no idea what the reason for this is, since the difference between versions isn't so much a issue to me as the cost of buying a Wii (which is fairly low, but after spending what must have been over $1000 AUS recently in games and a DS Lite the thought of shelling out another $400 doesn't thrill me) but it's an interesting turn of events none the less.

That being said, I've been told that the Wii version adds a new dimension to the combat system in TP that makes up for what has thus far been perceived as a lack of originality in the original version. It might be worth turning my attention back to my stack of uncompleted PS2 cRPGs for now and put off buying TP until I can be assed getting the new system.
Even if you don't think getting a Wii for Zelda is enough to make you get it (which a lot of people say the only thing Wii has right now is Zelda, stupid), you can always download old games. And the past two or three weeks, Nintendo has started to finally release great titles that a ton of people will want to play again. I've spent just as much time fiddling with the plethora of Wii goodies as I have Zelda.

EDIT: I wasn't calling you stupid, just saying it's stupid that I hear a lot of people saying that. And I didn't say you claimed this or that.

01-30-2007, 02:45 PM
which a lot of people say the only thing Wii has right now is Zelda, stupid
I don't recall claiming otherwise =\

EDIT: Fair enough.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
01-30-2007, 02:47 PM
I giggle at the entire Virtual Console idea.
I could pay for games I already paid for when they were $110AU a pop, 15 years ago, or I could just download the entire romset and play it in 720p on my Xbox.

hb smokey
01-30-2007, 02:48 PM
I prefer a game to be played in it's original form; not ported to another console with chopped together controls for the sake of 'innovation'. Furthermore, owning a 16:9 HDTV I prefer my games to suit my superior display. It's not a big ask; PS2 games and Xbox games have been doing it for years. Even the PS2 version of RE4 which was a port with inferior graphics; looked better on my HDTV because it was able to be displayed full screen without distortion in progressive scan.

Anyway, I digress; having played and beaten ZTP on Gamecube, and having played around three or four hours on the Wii version I can definitely say which is the superior version.
You'll need to actually play both before you're entitled to a judgement of your own, though~
I'll take superior form over original form. That's just common sense. Especially when the controls for the Wii version feel so much more intuitive and real than pushing A and B all the time.

You do realize that if you played the Cube version first over the Wii, then when you tried Wii Zelda your expectations are going to be a lot lower since you already know what the game offers?

I played the Gamecube version for three or four hours, and I can tell which one is the superior version. Heck, there should have only been one version released; sadly, Nintendo didn't have the final ideas for the Wii-mote down pat before they started working on Twilight Princess.

I giggle at the entire Virtual Console idea.
I could pay for games I already paid for when they were $110AU a pop, 15 years ago, or I could just download the entire romset and play it in 720p on my Xbox.
Then do you giggle at Xbox Live Marketplace, and the Playstation Store too? They are essentially the same thing, just different names.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
01-30-2007, 02:53 PM
Common sense is to take superior, that's right. Fortunately, the superior form and the original form are one and the same in this case.
Don't spout crap about playing the Cube version 'lowering my expectations'. If anything, it made me even more curious to see how well the WiiMote version would play. Unfortunately; they nerfed it. Fact.
Besides, how good could a game be if it was considered boring once you remove the gimmick? ZTP is an awesomely solid game, and it just happens to be better on Gamecube.

Edit: Well given the games on XBL Marketplace go beyond ports (though some so exist) and cover such brilliant little titles as Assault Heroes, Wik and Geometry Wars; I don't think it's fair to compare the two. 100% old content vs a good healthy mix of old content and new content. See how thats different? PS Store I haven't used; but I only buy Sony consoles to pirate with, so I'd never use the PS Store.

01-30-2007, 10:43 PM
Professor Nintendo Head, Nazi Cinnamon Spider. You both make great points. I personally don't think either of you are wrong. But when it comes to opinion, "truthiness" and who has the better FFShrine name, I have to side with the spider.

01-31-2007, 12:11 AM
During the port they butchered the controls.


That's plain bullshit.
I've played both versions. GCN controls suck huge cock compared to Wii's controls.

But like you I'll just say that and not back it up with any reason.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
01-31-2007, 12:52 AM
Ooohaaaah, attempted burn. However, denied.
The problem as I see it with the ZTP Wii version controls is that everything is gesture based, and not actually 1:1 movement. Riddle me this; what is the point of a motion and context sensitive controller if you're only going to use gestures to emulate button presses? Seems like a waste opportunity to me.

hb smokey
01-31-2007, 05:10 AM
Ooohaaaah, attempted burn. However, denied.
The problem as I see it with the ZTP Wii version controls is that everything is gesture based, and not actually 1:1 movement. Riddle me this; what is the point of a motion and context sensitive controller if you're only going to use gestures to emulate button presses? Seems like a waste opportunity to me.
It's early technology, I didn't expect Nintendo to have full gesture motions to mimic Link's sword actions. And if they did something really similar to exact motions, then you, along with other people would bitch about the game tiring your arms and wrists out.

01-31-2007, 05:59 AM
Ooohaaaah, attempted burn. However, denied.

What? I wanted you to post why you thought it was "ruined"...

The problem as I see it with the ZTP Wii version controls is that everything is gesture based, and not actually 1:1 movement. Riddle me this; what is the point of a motion and context sensitive controller if you're only going to use gestures to emulate button presses? Seems like a waste opportunity to me.

And I still don't see how.

The GCN controls aren't 1:1 movement either but you say they're better. ?_?
Is 1:1 movement the only thing that matters to you? Because the Wii version is a lot closer to that than the GCN will ever be.

Bottom line is easy aiming, more intuitive combat (easier sword spins ftw), and better hotkeyed weapons makes the Wii version vastly superior to the GCN version.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
01-31-2007, 01:23 PM
Basically the gripe I have is that if you're going to use gestures to emulate what could be done with a button press; why bother? The idea of the WiiMote is to do things you CAN'T do with a single button press; and unfortunately everything in the Wii version of ZTP is canned gestures. No 1:1, so why bother? If you're going to emulate a button; just press a button.

01-31-2007, 03:02 PM
Most people who've played the game seem to find the act of swinging the controller more immersive even if it isn't 1:1. If you're not happy, then that's fine, but at least realize that you're in the minority. Also realize that thinking you're the only sane person in the world because you don't think like the rest of us is moronic, so avoid falling into that trap. It only makes you look stupid unless your arguments are strong enough to actually convert others. Which yours aren't.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
02-01-2007, 12:11 AM
Actually, I'm more so in the minority because Nintendo pushed the Wii version of ZTP as the primary product, and kind've slipped the GCN version out the door with little fanfare; after attempting to cripple it graphically. Most everyone here has played the Wii version and very few of you have played the GCN version. The point I wish to make is that ZTP was a game designed for the Gamecube Controller. It's an outstanding piece of work played in it's original form, and it really never needed a Wii release. Nintendo however, needed it to be a Wii release so that they could move consoles; most people agree that the current library of Wii games is a little lacking once you've got Zelda out of the way. The general idea of the Wiimote is a good one, but the control scheme for the Wii port of Zelda was lazy, and uninspired, because all based on canned gestures.

Furthermore, you seem to lack basic understanding as to what an argument for a point of view means. It's never about trying to 'convert others'; and anybody who could think that with a clean conscience is clearly delusional. You can't change the way people think. The point of an argument is to be heard. And given how vehemently you fanboys defend your precious inferior Wii port, it's clear that I've been heard. You just don't like what you hear.

02-01-2007, 12:33 AM
Actually, I'm more so in the minority because Nintendo pushed the Wii version of ZTP as the primary product, and kind've slipped the GCN version out the door with little fanfare; after attempting to cripple it graphically. Most everyone here has played the Wii version and very few of you have played the GCN version. The point I wish to make is that ZTP was a game designed for the Gamecube Controller. It's an outstanding piece of work played in it's original form, and it really never needed a Wii release. Nintendo however, needed it to be a Wii release so that they could move consoles; most people agree that the current library of Wii games is a little lacking once you've got Zelda out of the way. The general idea of the Wiimote is a good one, but the control scheme for the Wii port of Zelda was lazy, and uninspired, because all based on canned gestures.

Furthermore, you seem to lack basic understanding as to what an argument for a point of view means. It's never about trying to 'convert others'; and anybody who could think that with a clean conscience is clearly delusional. You can't change the way people think. The point of an argument is to be heard. And given how vehemently you fanboys defend your precious inferior Wii port, it's clear that I've been heard. You just don't like what you hear.

No, you still haven't explained why you dislike the wiimote's scheme beyond just the gestures. The gestures aren't all of it, and I still want to know how you can back up shittily unresponsive spin attacks and complete lack of aim, as well as only being able to hotkey half of how many items you can on the Wii as being "superior" to what the Wiimote offers.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
02-01-2007, 12:51 AM
The very fact that I was able to beat the game on the Gamecube with only half the amount of hotkeyed items available at any one time indicates to me that it was originally intended to be played that way. Essentially, the Gamecube version is still the original form the game was intended to be played in. Even if you lower the game difficulty with more hoykeyed items in the Wii version, it doesn't make the game any less a port. I had no problems with spin attacks in the Gamecube version, and "impaired aiming" never seemed to be an issue. Again, I beat the game and thoroughly enjoyed it, on the Gamecube. Without the added canned gestures and total lack of proper utilization of the WiiMote in the port.

02-01-2007, 01:05 AM
Sounds to me like you're just trying to justify not wanting to use the Wii version for whatever personal vendetta/reason and not that you actually feel the GCN version is better.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
02-01-2007, 01:07 AM
Or it could be the fact that, you know, I prefer pressing a button instead of having to make a perform a silly little gesture to get the exact same results?
Like I said, if they'd made it 1:1 control, then there'd be a reason to play it on Wii. However, they didn't, and so there's not.

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 02:09 AM
man button presses are cool man i would like to button press swinging that thing man it is good but a button is all good too especially when that button is green and bigger than the red button because we all know red is communism and evil and bad and stuff and if you can destroy the red button good at least i think the little button is red if it isn't and the a is the big man or if b was the attack man this is all getting confusing

Go Angels baseball!

02-01-2007, 02:33 AM
Go Angels baseball!

You really know how to put up an argument. *throws in the towel*

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 04:45 AM


hb smokey
02-01-2007, 05:12 AM
Or it could be the fact that, you know, I prefer pressing a button instead of having to make a perform a silly little gesture to get the exact same results?
Like I said, if they'd made it 1:1 control, then there'd be a reason to play it on Wii. However, they didn't, and so there's not.
The point of video games are supposed to be fun. And with this generation of consoles, we are supposed to become as immersed with the games and characters as much as possible. Like I said, the Wii version doesn't offer exact motions of swinging a sword or whatever, and sure its pre-gestured motions. But it's more immersive and fun than pushing the A button over and over again.

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 05:19 AM
suikoden ii is funner than everything

02-01-2007, 05:36 AM
This is getting recockulous. It's like arguing over what's the right religion. Or which is better; crunchy or soft tacos. WHO CARES? EVERYBODY LOVES TACOS! Nobody is going to win because deep inside, we all love video games. the Nazi and I both agree that we would rather push buttons then wave a wiimote, which is just as parallel as you guys wanting to wave a wiimote over pushing buttons.

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 05:38 AM


02-01-2007, 05:46 AM


Yes, throwing systems is ok. Especially if it's an Atari Jaguar or a Panasonic 3DO. But c'mon, TACOS!

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 05:50 AM









02-01-2007, 05:56 AM
I have an idea for a flash game. Here we go...

Remember the clay pigeon game with duck hunt? I want to play that same game where you shoot Wiis that are tossed in the air. Or how about Paper Boy? I want to play that same game where the Paper Boy throws Wiis.

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 06:00 AM
there is one problem with the duck game i think that a lot of people liked the fact they were killing an animal that is the best part it was a "DUCK HUNT" i remember they had no ducks maybe but it would still have to be duck hunt and with improved graphics they can make a duck version of wii to shoot should be okay imo

as far as paper boy that isn't feasible imo because the wii is about 250 a newspaper about a quarter that is lots more money to spend to break windows and you can throw a newspaper farther less impact but MORE FAR i dunno idea seems to be there but still i mean people can't find a wii right now to see somebody throwing them from a bike and breaking them most likely that would be a bit troublesome riots at nintendo place for sure

02-01-2007, 06:05 AM
You really know how to put up an argument. *throws in the towel*

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 06:07 AM
man i am agreeing with you on the duck hunt just saying a few minor changes but the paper boy i see riots coming so that one you know man change it maybe male it wii-motes instead or better yet you can throw wii system boxes if that is what you meant i am sorry but the box should protect it and give people free wiis which makes them happy some will break but a good majority of them won't if the kid isn't smart and by that i mean keep them all and sell them on ebay

02-01-2007, 06:12 AM
Sorry, there have been so much disagreements with everyone in this thread I reacted out of impulse. I need help. :sad:

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 06:15 AM
you should go buy three wiis and then give one to your mother and then throw the other two at your friends and then laugh at them take the systems before they get up and return them for all your money and then trick them into thinking it is really a ps3 by using a sharpie over the wii it is really simply make it PS3 and then i want to exchange it for a working system this 60GB version is broken and then have a fake thingie that says "PS3 Recalls White Boxed Systems With Sharpie Over Wii Name" and you get everything for free (b/c u returned 1, 250 back, then bought 1 and gave to mommy -250 and then PS3 0 dollars exchange)

02-01-2007, 06:20 AM
Is it the 4th page yet?

Anyway, If I had the money to buy 3 Wiis, I would rather give them out as gifts since I know a few people, sadly to say, who would really like a Wii. If it put a smile on someones face, I'd put my own money in on a Wii. It's like Disney land. Not my cup-O-tea, but I'd take my own kids if I had some.

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 06:27 AM
but what i said gets you 1 to give or something and a ps3 and whatever you know

and man i have that wii system so don't say it is horrible i know it is not the best i would rather be a ps3 owner myself but it is more money and i need to get hd but man it is like one game right now that zelda game that mario game better be good only reason i got it was because the store just got a shipment i always thought that if i didn't like it i could ebay it or something but it is okay i guess the wiimote i never threw at people yet maybe tomorrow and then laugh and run away man i am socrates

02-01-2007, 07:25 AM
Well I was going to get a Wii before I started investigating it, but after I saw what the games looked like and what little there was coming out for it that I actually wanted, I changed my mind, and bought a PS3 instead! I really don't care how I control a character, just so long as I can control it. What matters more to me is what the games look like, and the Ps3 wins hands down, along with the 360. Otherwise what have all the computer advancements been for over the last 6 years? nada

J. Peterman
02-01-2007, 07:26 AM
i agree pretty graphics can make barney game best game ever imo

02-01-2007, 07:38 AM
Well I was going to get a Wii before I started investigating it, but after I saw what the games looked like and what little there was coming out for it that I actually wanted, I changed my mind, and bought a PS3 instead! I really don't care how I control a character, just so long as I can control it. What matters more to me is what the games look like, and the Ps3 wins hands down, along with the 360. Otherwise what have all the computer advancements been for over the last 6 years? nada

If you got Resistance: Fall of Man, we need to team up. My PSN I.D. - ixnine.

02-01-2007, 10:26 PM
the wii versions controls arent as well adapted to the wii as they could be, but it isnt exactly much of a hassle to swing the remote about a bit like a tit. ~shrug~

anyways, yes, i have one and it is easily the best console for playing with friends and that. i hope some better one player games come along soon though. or. well. any. D=

hb smokey
02-02-2007, 12:59 PM
Well I was going to get a Wii before I started investigating it, but after I saw what the games looked like and what little there was coming out for it that I actually wanted, I changed my mind, and bought a PS3 instead! I really don't care how I control a character, just so long as I can control it. What matters more to me is what the games look like, and the Ps3 wins hands down, along with the 360. Otherwise what have all the computer advancements been for over the last 6 years? nada
You've now demonstrated that you are a complete dumbass. Thank you for making it so easy for me to make this judgment.

There are games on the PS3 that look really bad, and maybe even a few that look downright shameful. Don't make me get into how the PS3 games won't ever look as good as the technology can allow it.

Also: Am I the only one that gets sick and tired of Garamonds constant bullshitting and posts that have nothing to do with the topic?

Judge Bergan
02-02-2007, 10:04 PM
Yeah..I'm not getting a wii. Don't see the need to. Going to buy myself a shiny PS3 when it has been out for a while, and when more games come out for it. If anyone wants to have a go at me for buying a PS3..well..pfft. I like it, and that's all that matters.

If SiK likes his PS3 more then the wii..big deal. Just let the guy be.

02-02-2007, 10:44 PM
I like the Wii but it seems like more of a party game that you should play with friends. And when I play it at my one friends house its fun but it seems like it wouldn't be to great by yourself. I'm fine with my 360.

Swedish Fish
02-02-2007, 11:05 PM
That's just because there aren't that many solo games out yet. The 360 has been out for well over a year now, so naturally it would have far more games like that.

02-02-2007, 11:47 PM
You've now demonstrated that you are a complete dumbass. Thank you for making it so easy for me to make this judgment.

There are games on the PS3 that look really bad, and maybe even a few that look downright shameful. Don't make me get into how the PS3 games won't ever look as good as the technology can allow it.

Also: Am I the only one that gets sick and tired of Garamonds constant bullshitting and posts that have nothing to do with the topic?

You just demonstrated that you are either a complete dumbass or are blind altogether. Yes, not all games on the pS3 look absolutely amazing, but the game that looks worst on the PS3 still looks better than the best-looking game on the Wii. If you can't tell that, then too bad for you. Controlling a character doesn't matter to me, it looks more like the Wiimote restricts what a game can do anyway, so back off.

02-03-2007, 12:02 AM
Also: Am I the only one that gets sick and tired of Garamonds constant bullshitting and posts that have nothing to do with the topic?

Yes, you are.

However, you are completley right about SiK's intelligence. Especially from his last post which proves he doesn't understand anything.

J. Peterman
02-03-2007, 12:11 AM
Also: Am I the only one that gets sick and tired of Garamonds constant bullshitting and posts that have nothing to do with the topic?

I am getting sick of him too. He really needs to be stopped.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
02-03-2007, 12:19 AM
I actually more sick of the militant flaming from Professor Nintendo Head XP~

J. Peterman
02-03-2007, 12:27 AM
That's just you, my man. This Garamond has to be stopped, and I've already set the gears in motion to get him at his own game. Dr. Frasier Crane always saves the day.

Swedish Fish
02-03-2007, 12:38 AM
Yes, not all games on the pS3 look absolutely amazing, but the game that looks worst on the PS3 still looks better than the best-looking game on the Wii.

Granted, the games do look better, but they won't be able to get much better. Professor Nintendo Head is right. It costs way too much too produce a game with much better graphics. And even if the cost isn't completely prohibitive, then there's also the issue of whether the game will go over well. A game with stunning graphics that doesn't sell, doesn't make a profit. Any well-run company will see this and realize that going any higher is really not worthwhile.

Controlling a character doesn't matter to me, it looks more like the Wiimote restricts what a game can do anyway, so back off.

haha @ dumbass

02-03-2007, 01:10 AM
Geez you guys it's just my opinion, give me a break. I didn't say the Ps3 is going to kick the Wii's ass, it looks like the Wii is going to give the Ps3 a run for it's money anyway. I just don't like the games on the Wii...

02-03-2007, 02:43 AM
The point is, most of us have our own opinions. Most of us would rather have one system over the other and have made a decent effort to keep from bashing the competition by comparing the games and features pros and cons. However the Prof. has demonstrated how much of a fan boy he is by overly defending his idol Nintendo brand because everyone does not have the same opinion as he. He has also tried to call out our supposed contradiction for whatever reason without first asking us to further explain or given us the benefit of doubt. Most of us have said things like, "I'd rather do this then that" or "I like these games better". In turn we have no choice but to defend our opinions once the Prof. gets involved. Imagine how recockulous he would look if we were comparing muffin flavors. Anyway, if you'll excuse me I'm going to finish watching Groundhogs Day.

02-03-2007, 03:37 AM
If you got Resistance: Fall of Man, we need to team up. My PSN I.D. - ixnine.

I have Resistance, but I don't have a broadband connection yet, I live so far out in the boonies it isn't funny. but I should be able to get it soon, from what I hear, so I'll look you up, LOl.

The point is, most of us have our own opinions. Most of us would rather have one system over the other and have made a decent effort to keep from bashing the competition by comparing the games and features pros and cons. However the Prof. has demonstrated how much of a fan boy he is by overly defending his idol Nintendo brand because everyone does not have the same opinion as he. He has also tried to call out our supposed contradiction for whatever reason without first asking us to further explain or given us the benefit of doubt. Most of us have said things like, "I'd rather do this then that" or "I like these games better". In turn we have no choice but to defend our opinions once the Prof. gets involved. Imagine how recockulous he would look if we were comparing muffin flavors. Anyway, if you'll excuse me I'm going to finish watching Groundhogs Day.

thanks for that, I was beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed. lol

02-03-2007, 03:41 AM
You deserved to be overwhelmed. You did, after all, say some very dumb things. Also, it should be pointed out that no one really takes what Reese's or the professor says on issues like these very seriously since they're both blatantly biased. It's the reactions of everyone else that should tell you how you're doing, and by the look of it, you aren't doing well.

Swedish Fish
02-03-2007, 03:44 AM
Geez you guys it's just my opinion, give me a break. I didn't say the Ps3 is going to kick the Wii's ass, it looks like the Wii is going to give the Ps3 a run for it's money anyway. I just don't like the games on the Wii...

As far as I can tell, you're basing all of your assumptions on graphical power, not gaming quality. An opinion is an opinion, but if you go throwing one as ludicrous and nonsensical as this, you won't last a week.

hb smokey
02-03-2007, 03:52 AM
You just demonstrated that you are either a complete dumbass or are blind altogether. Yes, not all games on the pS3 look absolutely amazing, but the game that looks worst on the PS3 still looks better than the best-looking game on the Wii. If you can't tell that, then too bad for you. Controlling a character doesn't matter to me, it looks more like the Wiimote restricts what a game can do anyway, so back off.
Wait wait, Gundam looks better than Zelda? Please don't even bother to answer that because you'd just be digging yourself a bigger grave. It looks like a really bad PS2 game, not the ultra impressive PS3 game that it should be.

That's all I'll say for now. I love to see how people like you respond, even though it's so predictable.

02-03-2007, 04:03 AM
You deserved to be overwhelmed. You did, after all, say some very dumb things. Also, it should be pointed out that no one really takes what Reese's or the professor says on issues like these very seriously since they're both blatantly biased. It's the reactions of everyone else that should tell you how you're doing, and by the look of it, you aren't doing well.

Yes. I'm very biased. The fact that I own the first 4 generations of Nintendos and a Game Boy Advance (after originally owning a game boy pocket & game boy color) and all 3 generations of PlayStations plus my PSP, and not a 360 because it's out of my budget since I'm more into PS games and classic Nintendo games really makes me biased. And the fact that I've been able to respect everyones opinions and accept that everyone has different tastes in video games is a great reason why everyone should not take me serious and why I'm not doing very well. And to bluntly say he should feel overwhelmed and that he said some really dumb things, maybe you should change your name from Prak to Prick. Try having some manners for once. because with your "annoying tendency to be right all the time", it's only a matter of time before everyone stops taking you seriously.

02-03-2007, 04:10 AM
Maybe people can't take you seriously because you can't spell manners =\
lol just kidding.

02-03-2007, 04:12 AM
Maybe people can't take you seriously because you can't spell manners =\
lol just kidding.

lol. My rage messed me up.

02-03-2007, 04:15 AM
Yes. I'm very biased. The fact that I own the first 4 generations of Nintendos and a Game Boy Advance (after originally owning a game boy pocket & game boy color) and all 3 generations of PlayStations plus my PSP, and not a 360 because it's out of my budget since I'm more into PS games and classic Nintendo games really makes me biased. And the fact that I've been able to respect everyones opinions and accept that everyone has different tastes in video games is a great reason why everyone should not take me serious and why I'm not doing very well. And to bluntly say he should feel overwhelmed and that he said some really dumb things, maybe you should change your name from Prak to Prick. Try having some manors for once. because with your "annoying tendency to be right all the time", it's only a matter of time before everyone stops taking you seriously.

Oh Reesy-poo, you just don't get it. Fanboyism isn't merely about hating everything that isn't the single thing you like. The way you display it is in slightly less offensive, yet nonetheless powerful, ways. For example, you are completely unable to post in a thread about one of the other consoles without posting a random plug for the PS3, as demonstrated in that other thread you're presently arguing in.

Also, you lose massive points for making the tired old Prick joke. I honestly thought I could expect better from you than that.

02-03-2007, 04:24 AM
I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to use the "prick" line since it's obviously one of the most predictable. I'd even like to point out that I've been here long enough to know this. I'd also like to get more into the "fanboyism" subject but I have a few friends I need to meet up with in a few minutes after stopping by the bank. Peace, I'm outta here.

hb smokey
02-03-2007, 04:59 AM
I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to use the "prick" line since it's obviously one of the most predictable. I'd even like to point out that I've been here long enough to know this.
And yet you still made the Prick reference.

02-03-2007, 08:41 AM
And yet you still made the Prick reference.

Yeah so, and this thread was fine until you guys felt it was a great idea to make it into an argument as you do with all the other threads. I can understand if I said Nintendo sucked or "I'm sick of you stupid Nintendo fanboys". But I have yet to find a reasonable reason for you guys to instigate. And you guys questioning our opinions, contradictions and taking what we say out of context got really old a long time ago.

The question is "How many have a Wii?" Well it would be pretty boring if every reply was "I do" and "I don't". Many have answered the question and most with a reason. Well I gave my answer and my reason. My reason was a valid one because it was the only one and it was the truth. You don't have to over analyze it. We all want to be a part of the new gaming generation and I chose my path just as you have chose yours. I'm glad you're into the Nintendo Wii and you enjoy it. But that's as far as it needs to go. I'm not going to question Nintendo's corporation and assume they are evil as you have with Sony. You guys have this big problem with Sony but I don't. They may not be the most trustful company, but they at least provide thousands of jobs for many who need it. You guys need to just kick back and relax.

hb smokey
02-04-2007, 04:10 AM
I'm glad to see that you are still so hilariously ignorant.

02-04-2007, 04:15 AM
I'm glad to see that you are still so hilariously ignorant.

Great comeback.

02-04-2007, 04:16 AM

I don't have a Wii.

hb smokey
02-04-2007, 04:23 AM
Great comeback.
It's the only amount of time I want to waste with you, and I figured the more I wrote, the less you would be able to comprehend. So, more is less. And it's just quite funny that you wrote this big response to me pointing out something obvious, but whatever.

02-04-2007, 04:29 AM
It's the only amount of time I want to waste with you.

These bickering threads are a waste of time.

02-04-2007, 08:27 PM
It's the only amount of time I want to waste with you, and I figured the more I wrote, the less you would be able to comprehend. So, more is less. And it's just quite funny that you wrote this big response to me pointing out something obvious, but whatever.

And yet you wrote this response wasting even more time....

02-05-2007, 03:28 AM
I am not wasting any money on the Wii until I see some games for it that I like. Also, I'm waiting to see if it will go dormant like the gamecube did. Sure few great games and then it's up on the shelf collecting dust.

J. Peterman
02-05-2007, 08:01 AM

I don't have a Wii.

Man, I didn't have one two weeks ago but got one because my brother doesn't want me to get one and it will show him.

02-05-2007, 08:40 AM
Man, I didn't have one two weeks ago but got one because my brother doesn't want me to get one and it will show him.

Haha, he sure is a SUCKER

02-05-2007, 08:52 AM
Man, I didn't have one two weeks ago but got one because my brother doesn't want me to get one and it will show him.

He totally got moded.

02-05-2007, 09:23 AM
Mii have a Wii! Lol, i just had to do that. Although it really isn't all that great, but i had to do it.
Anyway, back to the Wii.
The Wii is the greatest console i've ever played (on first impressions)

PS3 is alright (i haven't actually played it obviously), but it tried to rip off the Wii by doing it's stupid tilty controller a little while before release.

X-Box is t3h suxorz!!!!11one. What i've learnt from experience with X-Box; (which i'm proud to say, isn't much) 95.64% of X-Box players are graphics nerds who don't care about a good game, "If it has good graphics, it must be a good game!" is the theory they use. Now i know some of u might not be graphics nerds, but i just like paying out x-box.
The only good things to come out of x-box:
Halo 2
GTA: Vice City
GTA: San Andreas
DOA series (past #2)

Games on x-box which you can also get on pc:
Halo 2 (i think... i have no idea, but i'm assuming since #1 was on pc)
GTA: Vice City
GTA: San Andreas (Both of which u can get on ps2 as well i think)

Therefore it is pointless to have an x-box! YAY! (except for DOA, past #2)

ANNYWAY, this isn't about how rubbish the x-box is. This is about the Wii, and how head-explodingly awesome it is compared to everything else.

Wii 4tw!

@TonyMontana: Pah! You must be stupid graphics nerd then! I would say x-box lover, but there's a lot of people on playstation who are also graphic nerds. (Note: All insults i make are in fun, i'm not actually insulting you. Just being stupidly annoying)

@Professor Nintendo Head: Ok, why are you called professor Nintendo head if you have a PSP as your avatar?!

02-05-2007, 09:39 AM
@Professor Nintendo Head: Ok, why are you called professor Nintendo head if you have a PSP as your avatar?!

It's an extremely long story involving love, lust, and international intrigue.

02-05-2007, 09:40 AM
Do I smell a new James Bond film?

02-05-2007, 11:05 AM
@Professor Nintendo Head: Ok, why are you called professor Nintendo head if you have a PSP as your avatar?!

Technically it was Ndi's fault - She started it. That's where the love, lust, and international intrigue comes in. I shall set you on your path to find the answer. Your first stop: General Discussion.

J. Peterman
02-05-2007, 11:33 AM
Haha, he sure is a SUCKER

I know he is a sucker. I mean, if he was nice I wouldn't have got it but I get to show him and have a system that is white and has a green light and has a name he really hates with graphical power not as good though it shouldn't make much of a difference for me since I still have a CRT TV that I use to play games on and if I had HD maybe I would care but I don't so I don't so I'm like I don't need super powered stuff to play all those super graphical madness stuff that people are going to be like OH MY THAT IS THE BEST LOOKING BLADE OF GRASS I HAVE EVER SEEN THIS HD GAME IS A MUST HAVE MAN YOU SHOULD SPEND THE MONEY FOR IT I MEAN 600 FOR PS3 1300 FOR HDTV THAT IS WELL WORTH IT FOR THE VISUAL PLEASURE IT WILL BRING TO YOUR HOUSEHOLD

Though I guess I will end up getting a PS3 after its first or second price drop mainly to get all multi-platform sporting games on it and whatever good RPG games come out for it because I know that most of the RPG games should come out on that system though the only one I care about is Suikoden and I mean really I don't like the control scheme of the Wii-mote for Madden and all that so I need the PS3 to continue it and my NBA game so that I can have Greg Oden and Durant on the same team that will be awesome.

i must say i am enjoying twilight princess though and i'm sure i'll get whatever mario kart/mario platformer/fire emblem/zelda/smash bros. game that comes out for the console so even if i don't get anything else it should be good enough i guess

02-06-2007, 07:03 AM
Yeah, I'll probably end up getting a ps3 too. They are pretty good. I have absolutely nothing against Sony, just Microsoft =D. I like the playstation, i just like nintendo better, and like arguing over nintendo or ps because people get all worked up about it.

@ Reese & Musketeers: Oook?? Sounds... strange. I may not look into it. Well thanks for informing me anyway lol.

02-06-2007, 07:36 AM
Yeah, I'll probably end up getting a ps3 too. They are pretty good. I have absolutely nothing against Sony, just Microsoft =D. I like the playstation, i just like nintendo better, and like arguing over nintendo or ps because people get all worked up about it.

@ Reese & Musketeers: Oook?? Sounds... strange. I may not look into it. Well thanks for informing me anyway lol.

Heh? :confused:

02-08-2007, 07:01 AM
What's "Heh?"
Tell me what u don't understand about my post and i'll explain it to you.

06-12-2007, 08:04 AM
I have one, the only justification being SSB

06-12-2007, 09:36 PM
I could rant at this guy, but I may give someone else the pleasure.

06-12-2007, 09:38 PM
What's "Heh?"
Tell me what u don't understand about my post and i'll explain it to you.

Why do you have nothing against Sony?.

What do you have against Microsoft?.

Why is Nintendo better?.

Do you wear jeans?.

Sakura Hylian
06-14-2007, 08:41 PM
We finally got a Wii about a month and a half ago, after stalking a bunch of stores since they came out. It's fun and all, but when you've only got like, 3 actual games, it gets kinda dull. That and sometimes it's hard for me to aim the remote because the position of our TV and the sensor bar, which is bad when you're playing something kinda fast paced.

06-15-2007, 06:36 AM
I have a Wii (since launch day) and I rarely play it. I mostly show off Wii Sports when people come over and that's about it. My last game purchase for it was Super Paper Mario, and I played that maybe twice so far. It's got good games for it, but it's my least played system now. I play more on Xbox 360 and DS because both have the online capabilities. I mostly play online games w/ friends that have these systems every Friday night. Wii doesn't have this yet, even though it has WiFi.

08-26-2007, 11:53 PM
I got one just this summer. And I give props to my cousin and aunt for their support on finding one for me.

08-27-2007, 12:15 AM
don't bring back old threads unless you've got something new/important to contribute