01-29-2007, 05:14 AM
hallo I am a gamer like most you and i am trying to find songs or music tracks that are Classic or choral or chant based like One winged Angel or some Chrono tracks. I found the Chroal compilation but i cannot download it.
do you have any recommendations?

My favorite track up to now is One Winged Angel and the Hymn song in FF-X please do recommend anything you may think of. i will tyr to compile a nice list.

i will try to have them as background music in my blog

Cool man
01-29-2007, 04:01 PM
There was a track on the Homeworld soundtrack that was an a capella song, and weirdly enough it was called "Adagio for Strings".

Check it out if you want.

01-30-2007, 03:15 AM
Cowboy Bebop - Space Cowboy
Cowboy Bebop - Green Bird

lots of chanting in space cowboy. green bird is a little lighter in atmosphere

01-30-2007, 05:53 AM
There's an orchestrated version of "Destati" with chorus on the soundtrack to the original Kingdom Hearts, that I think would suit what you're looking for.

Lord Brimstone
01-30-2007, 07:00 AM
Well there are differant variations on this theme here.
If you are going for a metal/choral style try any of the songs from Chaos Legion as well as of course the One-Winged Angel Advent Children mix which is a power metal version of the classic song.
for an epic orchestral choral style there is the Hitman 2 main theme, Apocalpse from Hitman: Blood Money, March of the Empire from Freedom fighters, or Gabriel's War Cry from Dawn of War.
I can come up with alot more suggestions just let me now if you want more traditional/classical choral songset or something a bit more modern with chanting. Oh and if you really want to mess with your head there is "the Dream Oath" from orcestral game concerts 4 which is the opera from ff6 done by an ACUAL orcestra and opera group. (WARNING it 23 minutes long but it is quite good)

01-30-2007, 04:00 PM
tell me more!

i like the song from Berserker, the one at the intro and others.

01-30-2007, 07:28 PM
other songs that are like the ones i like

is eternal flame : @ Chrono Cross

elfen lied: opening song

GITS: intro to movie

macross plus: voices

scars of time : Chrono cross

halo 1: opening

FF VII: opening

FF X: prayer.

Lord Brimstone
01-31-2007, 12:59 AM
Ok I think I have a good estimate of what you are looking for so here's some ideas:
For an ambient feel
Journey to Rome 1 and invictus from Rome Total war
Shrine of contravoversy and Alantis Lost from Ecco: defender of the future
Ashes to Ashes from Eternal Darkness
Path to stonehenge from Dungeon siege
Sal from Sousei no Aquarion (yes I know it's an Anime but it fits the style)
Epic grab you by neck style
Main theme, invasion of the empire, and Freedom fighters form Freedom fighters
Godsgibb from Zenosaga 3
Omega and U-Tic Facility from xenosaga 1
The unsung war from Ace Combat 5
Agnus Dei from Ace Combat 4
and Dawn of War from Warhammer 40,000 dawn of war
These are just some I could think of right away. it also seems you like alot of vocals within your music. What I find strangely amusing is the fact alot of video game songs that people would consider choral music is rather very miminal on the vocals. a good comparison would be between the opening theme to Halo and Liberi Fatali from FF8. Both are considered choral pieces but Liberi has far more vocals and Dialogue than Halo's theme. Thought I would just point that observation out to those interested

01-31-2007, 07:30 AM
I have mp3 cds of the composer Craig Armstrong for when I head out to the backcountry roads for kicks.
I like the Plunkett and MacLeane OST as well as his Piano Works album and World Trade Center OST.

The tracks that I would recommend would be from the Plunkett and MacLeane album. My favorites are Ball, Duel, Love Declared, Escape, and Resolutions.
I particularly like Escape for the deafening soprano vocals and overall body, and while it is short (1:15 to be exact) it's awesome in the background when you're working the clutch and gearbox.

Edit: Yes, I know these songs aren't from games, but they're more enjoyable to listen to than anything else I've heard in a game.

02-02-2007, 03:45 AM
There is a version of escape which is 4.00 minutes long and it rocks. Weather storm is also fantastic form the same author. But i am still loking for songs and composers like those..

A good example are E.S Posthumus..

But back to our games. Unfourtantely games do not have good choir/choral music.

02-02-2007, 06:31 AM
Where is this 4 minute version?
I need it for when I turn Hondas into fried rice.

02-02-2007, 12:20 PM
I know exactly what you're talking about, I love that stuff too! Some recommendations:

Kingdom Hearts - Destati
Gitaroo-Man - possibly "Tainted Lovers," though it's not full choral and more of a fusion-rock style
Viewtiful Joe - THE OMNIPOTENT
Cool Cool Toon - Imperatore
Bully - Final Showdown

Lord Brimstone
02-03-2007, 01:50 AM
Well acually it's not that games don't have any good choir/choral music, it's just very difficult to find.
Jesper Kyd (composer for the Hitman games, Freedom fighters, splinter cell: chaos theory, and others) does use choirs in his pieces specificly the Hungarian Radio Choir and the Budapest symphony orchestra and choir. His music is very unique and well done but he isn't as well known as Nobuo Uematsu or Jeremy Soule.
Speaking of Soule he made some pretty good pieces on Guild Wars and Oblivion though again you might have to sort through since he tends to use the more standard chants and harmonies as opposed to acuall "Singing?" (Would that be the right word here?)
In sifting through the sand I did find some more unique picks you might find intersting.
The Burning Legion and Lament of the Highborne from WoW: the Burning Crusade. Lament of the Highborne especial deserves a listen to because it is a REAL lament song done ether in Latin, Tolkien Elvish, or Blizzard went completely gonzo and has written their own form of Elvish.
A.I. Viola from Z.O.E. the second runner is a nice Vocal piece from a game you wouldn't expect choral pieces to be in. Its got a real GITS feel to it.
From Metal Gear solid there is the Hauntingly Beautiful Song called "The best is yet to come" The vocals are Irish btw.
The last song I'll mention is A duce from Grandia 2.
Well that's it for me right now.
Till next time.

02-09-2007, 07:10 AM
Clive Barker's Undying has a couple good ones.

02-12-2007, 07:33 AM
hmm. i searched albums but i couldn't find

for those intereste search for E-NOMIE, ERA and Magna canta.

as for games. Chrono cross has some nice choral music,

what else? FF of course...

Soul calibur III i think has a nice song. more over i cannot remember

warcraft and HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAIGIC 2 HAs real opera soundtracks

the one at the site is not as good as the original game.

02-14-2007, 09:46 AM
look for Immediate Music
they make (short but good) music for movie trailers
you'll love it

March - Tales of Legendia
Hidden Valley Bunker - Mercenaries PoD
a song of storm and fire - Tsubasa Chronicle
several songs from the God of War OST
the Kugutsuuta series (3 of them) on the GITS innocense OST

Lord Brimstone
02-18-2007, 12:16 AM
And speaking of God of War:
I own the offical soundtrack but I noticed there was quite a few tracks in the game that weren't in the ST that were preety awesome such as the battle chanting as you're scaleing the wall in athens and you can first see the massive battle playing out beyond. Heck, most of the songs you hear in the first stage aren't in the OST and and those were the ones that sold me on perchasing the soundtrack in the first place!
All ranting aside, if you were able to get a game rip of GoW you will find a lot of good chanting songs within it.
BTW anyone knows when the GoW2 music is coming out and if Sony is going to package it with the game like last time?

02-18-2007, 11:59 AM
The small soldiers chant?

03-11-2007, 04:36 PM
Dont forget -
Outcast has some amazing grand choral music.