03-18-2002, 01:01 PM
Damn what a wuss! That fight with him was so easy, you can't even call it a fight! He didn't counterattack one single time! He didn't do anything! All I had to do was: Meltdown, 3xShiva, 1xQuez, 2xUltima, some normal attacks, and he was down! Is this what I've been levelling up for all the time??? Big dissapointment!

03-18-2002, 01:26 PM
I think he only attacks when the time is under 5 minutes. And when he does I think he can kill in one hit. I've only fought him twice so can't really remember.

03-18-2002, 01:56 PM
He just Zantetsukens you after the time limit has passed... nothing more nothing less, You'll have a nicer challenge fighting 20 tonberries and their king. ;)

Green Arrow
03-18-2002, 02:00 PM
yeah he is qite the easy victim. I only fought him twice and both times he didn't kill me, luckily. I was quitre surprised that he didn't fight back first time and thought it was a glitch. I was sitting there saying "he will hit you soon and when he does your dead" how wrong I was, or was I.

03-18-2002, 04:09 PM
Odin's like that in all the FFs. His attack is insta-kill, so you really don't want him fighting back. :uh?:

Anyone know what "zantetsuken" means in Japanese or why Square calls his attack that? I can understand the Gunge Lance attack in FFVII because his spear was called Gungnir, but what does zantetsuken have to do with Odin? And is there any way to predict when he'll appear? I recently saw him appear in fives battles straight; I thought it was a glitch or something.

03-18-2002, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Tekno
He just Zantetsukens you after the time limit has passed... nothing more nothing less, You'll have a nicer challenge fighting 20 tonberries and their king. ;)

I think I'm just gonna spend some time levelling up. I just took 1 hour to defeat Jumbo Cactuar, cause the first time the coward ran away when his HP was around 3000. Second time I beat him. I don't really want another challenge right away

X Selphie X
03-19-2002, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by Deadmeat

I think I'm just gonna spend some time levelling up. I just took 1 hour to defeat Jumbo Cactuar, cause the first time the coward ran away when his HP was around 3000. Second time I beat him. I don't really want another challenge right away

For a fast easy way to defeat Cacutar is to max out Squall's strength and get his Lionheart. Just use him on every turn(using the Lionheart) and he's toast. Same goes with any other GF's you want to obtain.

03-20-2002, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by X Selphie X

For a fast easy way to defeat Cacutar is to max out Squall's strength and get his Lionheart. Just use him on every turn(using the Lionheart) and he's toast. Same goes with any other GF's you want to obtain.

Well, my tactics on beating the crap outta this huge vegetable:

My caracters were Squall L60 and two others (Rinoa and Irvine, but doesn't really matter) at L35. I started with casting slow and meltdown, then Irvine summoned Leviathan a lot (about 8000 damage each round). Squall summoned Ceberus, and both Squall and Rinoa then used triple water over and over again (1500 per water). Rinoa sometimes used Ultima (2500 damage), but since she didn't have Exp 3x1 where Sqall did, I stopped doing that. And that's about the whole tactic. Cause he was slowed the cactuar only attacked every once in a while, and it was almost everytime a 10.000 neddles, but I had a lot of full-lifes stocked, so that was no prob.