01-26-2007, 12:23 AM
Hello people!

Well, before starting, I'm pleased to meet you and hope that I'm not walking out the path with this 1st post ^_-

Okay, so let's start the subject. I'm an Art Historian and I have to make a study on Cities, one of the sub-subject is what I can translate by "the immaginated City" and I figured that I'd be using Final Fantasy VII universe to make this part of my work and -more precisely- Midgar.

As I'm not well, what we could call an expert, I require your help to let me know everything you know about Midgar and Shinra -I'm plainning to speak about Shinra in the study. Pics (not too small though), informations, you can also debate... everything which could be helpful will be more than welcomed !

What else shall I precise ? You can also speak a bit about Advent Children : it's interesting to see what the city has become.
The deadline is May 2006 and though the study will be written in French I figured I could eventually translate it and upload it somewhere so you can read the finished work.

Thanks for reading, I hope that I'll get answers as soon as possible. :D

Mr. Bunniesworth
01-26-2007, 08:09 AM
Forgetting about Final Fantasy VII (and Shinra) as a whole and just looking at Midgar as a living, breathing city, its actually somewhat interesting if you give it some thought. The rich and the poor are quite literally divided by metal; as the rich occupy the upper plate and the poor are metaphorically their sewer, living out hollow lives of doom and gloom in the dank sectors beneath the rich. It is actually quite symbolic of the divide between rich and poor in general.

Adding insult to injury it was also a very synthetic and lifeless city, which was ironically powered by what could be considered the most natural of all substances, the very life-stream of the planet. It just goes to show you there is only so-far technology can take you.

But with a game like Final Fantasy VII, details like this are open to interpretation and most people spend a hell of a lot more time perceiving meaning from things in the game then the developers spent giving things meaning in the first place.

Just for the record, the town you see in Advent Children is not Midgar. Midgar is dead. The town you see is called Edge, and is an improvised settlement built about the ruins of Midgar.

05-26-2007, 09:21 AM
Sounds like the celebrities of Hollywood as well as the real corporate magentes and the U.S. goverment, including Congress & Senate (Shinra & the rich people) and the not so famous and poor people (the slum people).

05-26-2007, 09:34 AM
The deadline is May 2006

You serious?

05-26-2007, 08:25 PM
Mr. Bunniesworth : I didn't say it before ? How lame from me D: *cough* Thank you very much then, your reply gave me an idea about what to do. ^^

Wolf359 : I do not entierely agree with your opinion, the separation between the two categories of people in Midgar is worse than that. Watch Metropolis (by Fritz Lang) and you'll have a better approach ^_-

Barretboy14 : I am. Fortunately, I finished it a while ago. I can upload it, if you want but I'm not sure you guys understand French, do you ?

05-26-2007, 09:27 PM
Here is a list of reasons why I am confused.

I have to make a study on Cities

You're using the future tense here.

I'm plainning to speak about Shinra in the study.

And still, the future tense.

The deadline is May 2006 and though the study will be written in French

Here you're saying it was written last year.

Have you got your tenses confused or have I had one to many nights without sleep recently?

05-26-2007, 09:34 PM
Well the post was in January, so I'm willing to bet he was still in the habit of writing 2006. I know the end of January seems like a long time to be doing that, but maybe so.

05-26-2007, 09:50 PM
Ah, indeed. Well, either it was that or my finger slipped while I was writing, happens a lot~ *shrug*

Anyway, that's something I find rather amusing -even if it's not the subject

05-26-2007, 11:32 PM
Wolf359 : I do not entierely agree with your opinion, the separation between the two categories of people in Midgar is worse than that. Watch Metropolis (by Fritz Lang) and you'll have a better approach ^_- Remember Nixon, Clinton an' Bush? They, along with all politicians, all rich, famous and celebrity people, they're worse than Shinra.

05-27-2007, 12:32 AM
I'd love to give it a glance, so please link us up.