01-25-2007, 09:47 PM
Hey well i'm new to this forum nd i've been searching the net for G Gundam
but i cant see to find it
i've found torrents but they seem to go so slow
i've been downloading a G Gundam torrent for over 2 months now
nd its only done about 47%
would any1 be kind enough to give me a helping hand to find a faster way to download G Gundam?

(if i posted in the wrong place would a mod please move it)
Thanks in advance...

01-27-2007, 02:52 AM
I've been downloading Gundam Wing (22GBs worth) for the past week and it's only at 3.2%.
It looks like the best way to go is via torrents, just be patient. Unless you have dial-up, then you're screwed.

02-01-2007, 02:57 PM
Either search:

- piratebay.org
- isohunt.com
- boxtorrents.com

to get a set of good G Gundam torrents. You may need to submit a request for more seeders if need be.

PS - G Gundam was the coolest gundam series ever, right under 08th MS Team.

Good luck, mate.

02-01-2007, 07:09 PM
Ah G Gundam, one of the few Gundam that isn't bogged down by the politics rutabagas.

02-01-2007, 07:12 PM
Guys, G Gundam was total shit.

Also, you shouldn't complain about something you're downloading illegally not downloading fast enough. If you want it now, buy the fucking dvds.

End of thread.