01-25-2007, 08:46 PM
Well, I've made pretty much everything in the game except beating the Dark Aeons. So, I'd like you too see my stats and tell me if I'm ready for some of them:

Tidus-> Weapon:Caladbolg
Armour:Emblem(Break MP Limit;Auto-Phoenix;MP +30%;HP +10%)
Stats->Strength:255;Defence:255;Magic:185;Mag Defence:255;Agility:255;Luck:26;Evasion:170;Accura cy:186;HP:9999;MP:2329

Yuna-> Weapon:Nirvana
Armour:Regen Ring(Auto-Regen;Auto-Shell;Auto-Protect;Auto-Phoenix)
Stats->Strength:173;Defence:131;Magic:185;Mag Defence:216;Agility:213;Luck:23;Evasion:152;Accura cy:111 HP:9999 MP:999

Armour:Genji Bracer(Break HP Limit;HP +10%;HP +30%)
Stats->Same as Yuna except HP:22162

01-25-2007, 09:12 PM
If you really want to have a good chance then get your charecters more HP. Dark aeons do damage levels of 20,000 to 50,000 damage to party members auto phoenix and auto life would help alot also before a dark aeon uses their overdrive then summon one of your aeons and sacrifice it(it's worth it!)

hope this helps you!


01-25-2007, 09:37 PM
What do you think that could be considered a reasonable LVL of HP?

01-25-2007, 09:41 PM
around 30,000 should be enough(at least 22,000) though with the stats you are now you may be able to beat dark valefor and dark ifrit.

01-25-2007, 11:24 PM
As the Master said you need more HP. To get your HP over 9999, you need the Break HP Limit ability, which you can get by using 30 Wings To Discovery. I believe you can get 30 from the chocobo racing mini game in Remiem Temple, but I've never been able to find them elsewhere.

01-26-2007, 04:41 PM
I aldready got them and I think I can't do it again.Any more advice?Which skills do I need to evolve first?

01-26-2007, 07:51 PM
If you really want to defeat the Dark Aeons, you can use Yojimbo's Zanmato, equipping Yuna with a weapon that has 'First Strike' to insure you don't die. That worked on all of them for me, but it is a fairly boring way to beat them and costs millions of gil to pay Yojimbo to do it.

I've been trying to defeat them without the aid of Yojimbo for some time but to no avail, unfortunately.

01-26-2007, 08:50 PM
Yojimbo's a fucking Gangsta, that's why. Just look at my avatar. That nigga's straight pimpin.

01-26-2007, 09:04 PM
To get your HP over 9999, you need the Break HP Limit ability, which you can get by using 30 Wings To Discovery. I believe you can get 30 from the chocobo racing mini game in Remiem Temple, but I've never been able to find them elsewhere.

There's a monster in the arena that drops Wings To Discovery. His name is Shinryu. Make sure you overkill him so you don't have to fight him 30 times. You can also bribe Malboros and Great Malboros for them, but it'll cost quite a bit o' gil.

01-26-2007, 10:54 PM
Cheers for the tip Olde.

01-26-2007, 11:10 PM
If you really want to defeat the Dark Aeons, you can use Yojimbo's Zanmato, equipping Yuna with a weapon that has 'First Strike' to insure you don't die. That worked on all of them for me, but it is a fairly boring way to beat them and costs millions of gil to pay Yojimbo to do it.

I've been trying to defeat them without the aid of Yojimbo for some time but to no avail, unfortunately.

You have the PAL version, right? If so, you must have Ribbon. Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix are also must-haves, and you should have Yuna or Lulu in your party with a fully-powered CW for One MP Cost and Auto-Life. Break HP Limit helps, but isn't compulsory, and if you use it, replace Auto-Phoenix with Auto-Protect. The only Overdrive you should ever use is Attack Reels. With the early Aeons (Valefor, Ifrit, etc.) it's not vital to have maxed stats, around 180-200 will suffice, but the later Aeons require maxed stats.

01-27-2007, 10:56 AM
Do you know where can I find armours with 4 free slots??

PS:I've aldready beaten Dark Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion,Shiva and Magus Sister... :P

01-27-2007, 02:59 PM
You can buy armours with 4 free slots on the airship from Rin as far as I know......

01-28-2007, 11:33 AM
Wantz (Oaka's brother) sells them in Macalania Woods, I think. They're 100,000 gil apiece, but there shouldn't be any problem raising the money at the Monster Arena.

01-28-2007, 04:46 PM
If you need money for the armour then fight mimics in the omega dungeon
if you have the gillionare ability you will earn 100,000 gil a piece.

Neo Xzhan
02-02-2007, 02:06 PM
If you really want to defeat the Dark Aeons, you can use Yojimbo's Zanmato, equipping Yuna with a weapon that has 'First Strike' to insure you don't die. That worked on all of them for me, but it is a fairly boring way to beat them and costs millions of gil to pay Yojimbo to do it.

I've been trying to defeat them without the aid of Yojimbo for some time but to no avail, unfortunately.

Eh Yuna doesn't necesarily have to have first strike. Just make sure Yuna isn't in the current active party and make sure someone who is in the active party has first strike and then just switch members.

As far as Yojimbo goes, I did some research on him and getting him to do Zanmato costs a great deal of money for just winning that fight, and getting him to perform Zanmato on Dark Aeons costs even more because you have to "train" him to do it.

02-15-2007, 01:41 PM
You don't need to have over 9999 hp to do it, you've got prettyhigh stats, keep building them at the arena, i use armours with auto protect, auto phoeinix and auto haste, you can choose the other one. You should be fine with that, and when the aeon is about to use their overdrive, bring out an aeon and DO A NORMAL ATTACK! I've tried using overdrives before, but if you don't kill the aeon in that turn, you give them about 5 turns, in which they proceed to kill your aeon and your party without you having a say in the matter.

02-20-2007, 10:34 PM
Could someone tell me where I can get gillionare ability? a friend of mine told me that rikkus special weapon had it, but i don't know where i can find it ; x

02-20-2007, 10:44 PM
I think you mean her godhand I think you need a password for the airship but I don't know what it is though.

02-20-2007, 10:53 PM
I've got that one,oh, so i need to get the sigil and the crest so i can get that ability right? One more thing, I'm a bit confused.One of them, you get where rikkus home used to be and the other one is at the mini cactuar game or something isn't it? but where can i find that place?

02-21-2007, 10:48 PM
Woot just beat dark bahamut and dark magus sisters (all three at the same time cuz I cant run fast enough) with just rikku and wakka. You don't know how good that feels.

Anyway, to get the two things to power up Rikku's godhand, both are in bikanel desert. In one of the screens of a massive desert, to the far right is the cactuar nation, and there is a cactuar stone south of that. Reading it starts the mini-game. There's plenty of faqs on it, try