01-25-2007, 08:08 PM
whats your best and worse bosses of FFVII
best bosses:
ruby weapon
emerald weapon
Bizaro sephiroth(dunno if spelt right)
Any fight with a turk member

worst bosses:
any fight with JENOVA
first few boss fights (scorpion, big blue thing, retarded minotaur)

01-25-2007, 10:23 PM
For me, none are very memorable. The only two I really remember are Demon Wall and the robot in the Underwater Reactor. Those were really the only challenging storyline bosses (WEAPONs disregarded).

My worst boss.....probably Safer Sephiroth. Annoying choir in the background and the lengthy animation of Supernova.

01-25-2007, 10:51 PM
Demon wall was much tougher than most bosses, most of the bosses are a piece of piss.

Swedish Fish
01-25-2007, 10:55 PM
Most Memorable/Fun: Palmer. Nothing beats a fat guy escaping mutilation via plane propeller, only to be smashed by a truck used by his own corporation.
Worst/Most Annoying Bosses:
All of Sephiroth's forms
Any Jenova battles
All battles involving the Turks (except for Palmer)

01-26-2007, 04:57 AM
Demon wall was much tougher than most bosses, most of the bosses are a piece of piss.

So true. Although if Aeris has her Great Gospel Limit Break by that point, then you can easily make short work of Demon Wall.

Proud Clod in Sector 8 was always a pain in the behind for me, even with Ragnarok equipped - Materia Jammer always screwed me over big time. But it was always satisfying to finally watch it crash and burn, taking out Scarlet and Heidegger with it.

01-26-2007, 10:45 PM
I think i beat every boss on my first go. and i was 6 years old at the time!

01-29-2007, 03:10 AM
best boss = Midgar Zolom. That thing is a badass when you first meet it. My first play-through I refused to get a chocobo and would not cross his swamp until I levelled high enough to whoop his ass. With many levels and a slick combination of materia (and Tranquility status) I managed to kick his ass (and learn Beta), but doing so made the rest of the game stupid easy. Which sucked.

Anyway Worst/Most Annoying Boss = Safer Sephiroth. For the end guy, the "ultimate" battle, that guy was a fucking joke. I mean Sephiroth is such a badass throughout the game, I would expect to get my ass handed to me without beating at LEAST half of the game's optional quests. I think they should have doubled his HP and made that fight Cloud-only (like the Omnislash battle afterwards).

- trix (long time lurker, first time poster)

02-03-2007, 11:34 PM
My favorite fight would be emerald weapon. I dunno why just really like that one.

And I think it's pretty apparent most people though that safer sephiroth sucked. Atleast they gave you a bit of a challenge afterwards.

02-03-2007, 11:57 PM
For me it was Robo scorpion at the begining it was very different from any I had experinced from past FF where I had to watch what the Enemy actually did. I love the last Turk battle I wish they had been that strong at the begining and before hand they just played with you it would fit my idea of them very well if they had.
The Worst boss was all the Jenovas for a space alien she stunk both in design and power. I also disliked the Hojo fight it seemed lack luster from what I expected of Hojo to do.
Most funny was defiently Palmer nothing beats beating on fat people only to watch them get hit by a truck.

Neo Xzhan
02-05-2007, 12:13 PM
For me it was Robo scorpion at the begining it was very different from any I had experinced from past FF where I had to watch what the Enemy actually did.

Regretably, this is pretty much the only boss you had to watch it's movements. The FF games would be more fun in general if they implemented certain strategies as to beating monsters/bosses. Except ususally some bosses have something added to the fight to make it more interesting, it could be done better.

03-19-2007, 03:08 AM
demon wall seriously broke my balls

03-19-2007, 04:10 AM
Demon Wall was a tough son of a bitch the first time, but he's a wanker now. xD

03-19-2007, 04:38 AM
My favourite, and one of my harder bosses in my esperiences was Materia Keeper in Mt. Nible. That prick gave me nightmares (then again I was under leveled).

The worse boss for me was either Palmer or the Janova battles.

03-19-2007, 05:49 AM
I hated the second Jenova fight cause I was still in shock that Aeris died :(

buster blade
03-19-2007, 07:57 AM
the ruby we pond killed me 127 times by the quicksand

03-19-2007, 02:54 PM
My favourite, and one of my harder bosses in my esperiences was Materia Keeper in Mt. Nible. That prick gave me nightmares (then again I was under leveled).
Gosh, I remember that all too well now. It was tough, and it still bothers me. Trine is worth having, so I always have Enemy Skill equipped.

03-19-2007, 07:21 PM
Most Memorable/Fun battle: Palmer. Nothing beats a fat guy escaping mutilation via plane propeller, only to be smashed by a truck used by his own corporation.

Have to admit that one made me laugh

I thought the best boss fight in FFVII was Barret vs. Dyne, because of the fact it was a battle that played a large part in Barret's plot, rather than simply a slug-fest with a random beast, but the most difficult was probably either the Materia Keeper, Rapps (if you do Wutai at say Lv. 30 when you first get the chance) or the Turks the last time you fight them. Although FFVII was ultimately a very easy game, those three always caused me some problems.

By the way, I'm not including any of the optional WEAPONs here, as they're obviously going to be far more difficult than any of the game's compulsory bosses.

03-26-2007, 05:06 AM
Demon Gate is annoying if ur a nub, Lost Number is still very annoying took 2 times to beat him cuz of his gay physical attacks lol, and if u go to Wutia on first disk Godo hes really pathetic took me 3 times to finally kill him and on the third 3 seconds in the fight he put me mini and i killed him from being small and i was unable to beat him when i was bigger... odd

fun boss hmmm everyone when u have meteorain from the start in midgar lol but the Weapons are the best with the AP they give u :P i cant wait im only on frist disc just before demon gate and im gonna own him

03-26-2007, 05:54 AM
On my first playthrough quite a few bosses gave me strife (LOLs); Materia Keeper, Underwater Reactor Robot, and especially Rufus. I kid you not Rufus and his dog owned me so many times when I was new to this game.

Incidentally I had relatively no trouble with bosses like Lost Number and Demon Wall on my first game yet I always seem to have a hard time with them now whenever I play.

03-26-2007, 10:23 AM
This was my first RPG so I was really confused when I first started. I didn't understand the turn based system at all since I was used to Street FIghter and Mech games.

So I died against the retarded Scorpion boss in the beginning like 40 times. I kept hitting him when his tail was up and I didnt know I could use potions. I got the hang of it after a while though.

Lil' Sain
03-26-2007, 10:43 AM
trix rabbit and sean paul would of made sweet boses.


should be:

03-26-2007, 11:21 AM
You're like an unfunny version of Garamond

Lil' Sain
03-27-2007, 12:04 AM
beats my old rep. i like this new one

03-27-2007, 12:28 AM
Demon Gate is annoying if ur a nub, Lost Number is still very annoying took 2 times to beat him cuz of his gay physical attacks lol, and if u go to Wutia on first disk Godo hes really pathetic took me 3 times to finally kill him and on the third 3 seconds in the fight he put me mini and i killed him from being small and i was unable to beat him when i was bigger... odd

fun boss hmmm everyone when u have meteorain from the start in midgar lol but the Weapons are the best with the AP they give u :P i cant wait im only on frist disc just before demon gate and im gonna own him

Thanks for reminding me about Lost Number. I never could beat his blue/purple side, so I always had to make sure my last hit on him before he reached 4000 HP was physical.

To this day I struggle against him. A really good boss.

03-27-2007, 12:39 AM
lost number is a toughy but i found that bio 2 worked really well + some meteorain when switched to the purple side or red side.... but you can go back to kill him any time in the game to you know that right you gotta to get Odin summon and secret character Vincent

Lil' Sain
03-27-2007, 05:53 AM
i killed lost number 2 shots

finishing touch and earth rave

03-28-2007, 01:02 AM
ok ill let you know finishing touch doesnt do damage... it only knows the enemy out of the battle... so ur lieing

Hex Omega
03-28-2007, 02:10 AM
None of the bosses were difficult if you had even a modicum of competence. FF7 is not a difficult game.

Lil' Sain
03-28-2007, 06:05 AM
best boss = Midgar Zolom. That thing is a badass when you first meet it. My first play-through I refused to get a chocobo and would not cross his swamp until I levelled high enough to whoop his ass. With many levels and a slick combination of materia (and Tranquility status) I managed to kick his ass (and learn Beta), but doing so made the rest of the game stupid easy. Which sucked.

Anyway Worst/Most Annoying Boss = Safer Sephiroth. For the end guy, the "ultimate" battle, that guy was a fucking joke. I mean Sephiroth is such a badass throughout the game, I would expect to get my ass handed to me without beating at LEAST half of the game's optional quests. I think they should have doubled his HP and made that fight Cloud-only (like the Omnislash battle afterwards).

- trix (long time lurker, first time poster)

i did the same thing exp i was triyng to do the game with only starting weaps my first tiem though so i didn't kill him til lvl 30ish. plus i had fury

Lil' Sain
03-28-2007, 06:07 AM
ok ill let you know finishing touch doesnt do damage... it only knows the enemy out of the battle... so ur lieing

for the guy who said finsih touch doesn't do damage. it knocks ppl out of hte arena but if there bosses or didn't leave for any reason it will jsut do heavy damage

03-28-2007, 11:28 AM
well wats the point of "heavy damage" when meteorain will double it... since it will only be able to do up to 9999... when meteorain can go over that and actually beat a boss in one move. as an example when i killed demon gate with one meteorain

Lil' Sain
04-01-2007, 05:09 AM
well wats the point of "heavy damage" when meteorain will double it... since it will only be able to do up to 9999... when meteorain can go over that and actually beat a boss in one move. as an example when i killed demon gate with one meteorain

i learned that after.

i killed jonova at the end of disk one with it

05-26-2007, 09:15 AM
Jenova's OK. Rapps the Lessaloploth queen rules, ditto for the blue Stilva Empress known as the Materia Keeper. I don't bother with Ruby WEAPON.

05-27-2007, 03:41 AM
Best Bosses:
Any turk member
Emerald and Diamond Weapon
The Jenova Battle after Aeris death
Scarlet and "Gwafaha"man
Sephiroth(every form)
Ruby(I still haven't beaten him, even now. I'm trying to beat him without using KOTR or Cait Sith's trick)

05-27-2007, 11:53 PM
Emerald Weapon (damn airetam storm or whatever)
Diamond Weapon (pretty epic point of the game)
Proud Clad ( i just really liked it's design)

That boss in Cosmo Canyon...forgot its' name but man it was lame. Phoenix Down/X-potion = DEAD.

Ruby Weapon (Nothing good comes from deserts. This was no exception. OH COOL A WEAPONz! Yea it looked cool but this boss fight was just long and annoying. I used Dazers and beat him down slowly.)

05-27-2007, 11:57 PM
Gi nataki- agreed he was brutal use an x-potion and hes dead... 1 of the most difficult is lost number if ur at low levels and do it when u first reach the shinra mansion... the weapons are rediculous but meh the game is a sinch i got 3 sets of master materia and im chillin havnet played in a couple months

05-28-2007, 12:15 AM
Gi nataki- agreed he was brutal use an x-potion and hes dead... 1 of the most difficult is lost number if ur at low levels and do it when u first reach the shinra mansion... the weapons are rediculous but meh the game is a sinch i got 3 sets of master materia and im chillin havnet played in a couple months
No offense, but it's spelled Gi Nattak.

Argus Zephyrus
05-28-2007, 12:45 AM
The Weapons
Jenova Life - she decimated my team twice with aqualung before I decided to level up a bit.
I purposely fought lost number twice to see its two forms, but I defeated it on the first try each time. I always used the first couple of turns in every boss battle to probe for weaknesses.

Sephiroth- sucked ass every time

I never knew that phoenix downs would kill certain bosses/creatures until that Timber train mission in FFVIII.

05-28-2007, 01:15 AM
I'm going to sound clich�.

Best/Most Memorable Boss(es):
Ruby Weapon
Emerald Weapon
Diamond Weapon

Worst/Least Memorable Boss(es)
Jenova (All forms)
Sephiroth (All forms)

Sephiroth IS a push-over, but despite that he's one of my favorites.

05-28-2007, 05:42 PM
I always liked the fight against Hojo, but I guess that's because at that point, I really wanted him dead XD.

I also liked the Dragon Boss at the end of the Temple of Ancients, but I forgot his name.

I can't think of any that I despised...I usually think of optional FFX Monster Arena bosses when I think of bosses I don't like :p.

05-28-2007, 07:53 PM
I always liked the fight against Hojo, but I guess that's because at that point, I really wanted him dead XD.

I also liked the Dragon Boss at the end of the Temple of Ancients, but I forgot his name.

I can't think of any that I despised...I usually think of optional FFX Monster Arena bosses when I think of bosses I don't like :p.

I'm certain the boss is Red dragon. He is a recurring boss/enemy within the earlier final fantasy games.

06-04-2007, 07:36 PM
Favourite boss - any turks or that water thing from the sea (in the town where you get shiva...oh darn it.
Least favourite - curse that demon wall. Only time i got stuck 1st time through (not including the midgar (golem?) for obvious reasons).

07-24-2007, 02:27 PM
The demon wall, materia keeper,rapps and the two headed monster in gaea's cliff(Schizo?) all gave me problems on my first play through. But personally i found Lost Number quite easy, even if you face it when you first reach Nibelheim.

Anyways the robot which you have to face before the submarine mission always took severel tries to get past no matter how levelled up i was, its really frustrating.

First post BTW. Hey yall.

07-24-2007, 04:36 PM
first time through the bosses that were difficult for me were the 2 gunner bosses you face in the elevator in shinra mansion, jenova-birth, Gi Nattak before i new you could kill him by healing him, Lost number took a couple tries, the Materia Keeper, if you went to wutai in first disc the Rapps and Godo, Demons Gate was annoying, Schizo 2-headed boss fire and ice, the Carry Armor, Diamond Weapon, reno rude and elena, Hojo, and first time every faceing Safer Sepherioth... and obviously the 2 big weapons ruby and emerald.... but now this is all so easy but still this game i play the most :)

07-24-2007, 07:59 PM
I always liked the "harder" bosses, like... the weapons (yeah I know, nothing originally) and demon wall, as well as that... robot (underwater) and the materiakeeper... thing.... and shizo. Because they actually killed me often enogh to be recognizable. All the others were just ... random encounters with lot's of HP's. .
Besids the funny ones with actuall meaning and "story" like... Palmer. And the Turks, Rufus... and so on :)

Well the worst one for me actualy was Gi Nattak, after I heard that you can kill him with an elixer or xPotion or something similar. That INSTANTLY took all the fun out of this boss. I like playing SAVE but this was to much.

Fatalis Prime
07-25-2007, 03:25 AM
None of the bosses were difficult if you had even a modicum of competence. FF7 is not a difficult game.

Agreed, so I'd have to say Emerald and Ruby Weapon. They required a strategy beyond "hold down X".

07-27-2007, 03:14 AM
x is cancel in ff7, fatalis prime.

i am midway through my second play through of the game, and about to enter the temple of the ancients. the only bosses that provided me with any difficulty whatsoever were the demon gate and safer sephiroth, in that i lost to them the first time i tried. different materia combinations and some levelling up made them as piss as the rest.

mind you i havent tried emerald and ruby yet... and in that, i agree with you, fatalis prime. ill definitely be trying them this time around.

best boss then? i guess palmer, because it made me genuinly LOL. great character; or the turks; or the proud clod, just to see those cunts gyaha and kyahaha die. sephiroth was a little disappointing; its convention that the good guys will win the final battle, but ultimately it was a jenova enhanced mako bathed mentally deranged hero, an immortal vampire type with a bunch of powerful beasts within him, the last in a race of warrior beasts, and then 4 normal guys and girls and a fucking toy who beat a fucking demi-god, in the seat of his power. and the first time i played the 3rd disc, without any levelling up or anything, at level 60, i made it to safer sephiroth without using any strategies or having any problems, before safer wiped me out with a couple of shadow flares and super novas. a bit lame.

08-02-2007, 10:44 PM
rudy dragon and demon wall in the temple of the ancients piss me off

08-09-2007, 02:32 AM
It would have to be the Ruby weapon hands down basically the only thing i have trouble beating

08-11-2007, 12:34 AM
that thing/emerald weapon also piss me off

silver rose
08-13-2007, 06:39 PM
favourite boss/es:last fight with the Turks,bizzaro Sephiroth
least favourite:that wall deamon(forgot his name)

08-14-2007, 11:59 AM
in the firs time I played:
Demons gate: Low level characters, no time materia and every of my attacks damage <1000(exept bahamut).
Safer sephiroth:I survived only by the Phoenix(I did'nt had the final attack or other cool stuff)

Best was propably exiting fight with Carry armor.

Ruby & Emerald weapon: Most robust creatures ever! It takes me so much of time to level up my characters so I always breed Gold Chocobo first -_-'

Best: All Jenova fights, especially final Jenova. Pretty creature with most pretty music. Easy to kill but still my favourite. And absolute mysterious when we are looking for all jenova parts and compare them with main Jenova in tale.