Siew Theen
03-18-2002, 07:34 AM
Hello,can anyone tell me what is Pocket Station?Where can I have it?I really need to know ,so I can save my Chocobo World.Thanks...

03-18-2002, 01:50 PM
The pocket station is a 'mini console' such as uhmm that pok�mon thingy but only from Sony this time.
You should try some online sites such as Ebay or if you want to order it, because I doubt that the pocket station has released near you if you dun even know what it is. :)
Chocobo world isn't that vital though to your quest..
hope this helps =D

03-18-2002, 05:40 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Yeah, the pocketstation was never released outside of Japan, so many people will never have played the chocoboworld game (including me). However, the mini-game was included in the PC version, so you would be able to play it if you had that. The pocketstation was probably just another way of Square + Sony trying to make as much money as possible, as some people would buy the pocketstation just to see the Chocobo World. There are some items that can only be obtained in Chocobo World, but apparently it takes time to obtain them anyway...

03-23-2002, 02:48 AM
It's a playstation that fits in your pocket. Ingenius huh? Imagine trying to lug the regular sized playstation around to your friends house to play all your favorite games just because he dropped his down the stairs and broke it. With the pocket station you can carry it anywhere, even play it in class when your teacher isn't looking, well, um... but seriously, it is a small device, sort of like a PDA (Personal Data Assistant) which allows you to play certain types of games and minigames otherwise unavailable to the playstation. The only problem is that it is only available in Japan. Maybe one day, we'll get it here, but until then, you may have to go without or try to import it.

$quall Leonhart
03-23-2002, 03:10 AM
Pocket Station? Never heard of that! Sounds great. i wanne have a pocket station:) Class is boring so it whould be perfect for me at school:D Hope the pocket Station comes to Norway!!

03-23-2002, 03:46 AM
Pocket station is really dumb, but if you want to play chocobo world get the PC FF8, but really its a dumb game, as well with the rest, they arn't very good.

Moomba chick
03-23-2002, 04:00 AM
:eye: yeah, it's like a gameboy, only a playstation, different... you can only get them if you import them from japan.

03-24-2002, 02:45 PM
a pocket station is like a dreamcast memory card you can save a game on it a play it where ever you want (but it is very low quality graphics)

with a pocket station your chicobo can evole and level up which makes it learn new moves (harder moves) so when you summon it on the actually game on the psx or pc your chicobo doesn't use choco fire (which is crap a misly 200 hp lose)

03-25-2002, 09:15 PM
The pocketstation is REALLY helpful for me (since I play Dance Dance Revolution and the arcade version of it supports use of the Pocketstation) and it helps me through some Japanese imported games I have (Metal Gear Solid Intergal uses this as a bonus thing... it also has a minigame for it.)

The Pocketstation is a mini PDA device (a little bigger than a memory card) that can save, load, and if it has a program, plays games. Think of it as a VMU (Dreamcast) for the PSX. You can send data to another person by the infared device located on the top of the PDA. It consumes the same type of battery that the Dreamcast uses. This is only recommended if you want to get the most out of FF8 or SaGa Frontier 2 or if you have imported games. Otherwise, don't think about getting one, it's just an expensive 15 block memory card to the US folks... but to those that has access to many different games in Japan... it's more than that (As I have pointed out, DDR and MGS:I)

03-25-2002, 10:14 PM
I saw a pocket station at my video gam estore, it was an american one too. 0.0 Costed $50. Screw that.