03-18-2002, 07:09 AM
I heard that a complementary FF7 bonus video was released! Is that true? If it is where can I download it?

03-18-2002, 01:59 PM
No, It isn't true.. Sorry to disappoint you with this news.

03-18-2002, 08:42 PM
No I don't think so. Never heard anything about it.

03-19-2002, 12:44 AM
well maby a fan made it but that is the only thing I can think of

03-11-2008, 05:14 AM
I believe what you are thinking of is the collectors video.

look here:

Neo Xzhan
03-11-2008, 09:03 AM
Oh my fucking god. What the hell is wrong with you people? Seriously, FUCKING STOP REVIVING OLD THREADS.

On top of that, you made your first post to revive a 5 year old thread, you should be banned in my opinion.