01-25-2007, 07:39 AM
I know that the PSX version of the OST was posted semi-recently, but does anyone have the OST from the N64 version? I am specifically interested in the main menu and first level (Valley of Fire) music.

Thanks in advance!

01-30-2007, 12:36 AM
couldn't find it

01-30-2007, 04:15 AM
Hmm. Well...that's depressing. I appreciate you looking though. :)

12-11-2007, 12:34 AM
damn im looking for this too.thanks for tryin

12-11-2007, 11:10 AM
They have a USF version at USF Central. It's the only version I've seen.

12-11-2007, 11:37 AM
hmm.thatll work.loing as i can find someway to play it i could rip it myself whats a usf file?

12-11-2007, 11:46 AM

Explains better than I can. XD You need a plugin to play the files. A plugin for Winamp is at the bottom of the page.

12-11-2007, 12:09 PM
yea i got it thanks.too bad it doesnt work on the latest winamp, which i of course have since i recently finally updated to high speed.

12-11-2007, 12:54 PM
ok.to anyone looking for this soundtrack.i got the usf files at USF Central (google it) i went to afroementioned link n got the foobar plug in and foobar.install foobar2000 and the plug in to components and itll play the usf files.now ill record with audacity and up it when i get a chance.no ellin how long ill be so plz be patient.If ya in a hurry its simple enough to do. Enjoy = )

Sound Reaper
12-12-2007, 05:21 AM
ok.to anyone looking for this soundtrack.i got the usf files at USF Central (google it) i went to afroementioned link n got the foobar plug in and foobar.install foobar2000 and the plug in to components and itll play the usf files.now ill record with audacity and up it when i get a chance.no ellin how long ill be so plz be patient.If ya in a hurry its simple enough to do. Enjoy = )

Hello there. I'm the creator of the Gauntlet: Dark Legacy Gamerip you may or may not be aware of. I would be more than happy to do this myself as I originally thought nobody was interested in the N64 version. I actually think that it has a well enough variety that it deserves it's own gamerip.

If you give me proper links to Foobar, I'll get THIS ONE done before some of my RadioSEGA projects. (Don't tell them I said that though.)

12-13-2007, 03:41 AM
That would be greatly appreciated thanks.The usf file is found here.www.hcs64.com/usf/
At the bottom youll see the link for the foobar plug in.Foobar itself can be found here, forgot where i found it so i just uploaded the foobar installer itself to here
install the plug in to the components folder of the foobar directory and itll play the usf files. Thanks alot for your help , with my 2 nephews im takin care i just dont have much time.

edit: i found the link to foobar at http://oldapps.com

P.S> your secrets safe with me

Sound Reaper
12-21-2007, 07:26 PM
Hello, just a quick announcement regarding this project. It's currently being put on hold until Project: Medley Rush Adventure is completed. You can get more details here:

If the link needs to be removed for any reason, let me know immediately.

12-30-2007, 04:30 AM
hey thanks for the update its appreciated.take your time.i look forward to when its finally done.hope everything goes well for ya.

Musical Horse
03-28-2008, 08:32 AM
Yo...I'm new round these parts, but a big fan nonetheless. What y'all do is great, and I take my hat off to you, (And I don't take my hat off for just anyone, don't you know).

Anywho, I have but one simple request. I suppose it is possible that it has been made before, but I have a tendency to desire peculiar things. Here is what I've been looking for:

The game is Gauntlet Legends 64...I realize that there is a Gauntlet Legends already, but that wasn't quite right. The one I'm talking about is for the Nintendo 64 (Hence the 64 in the title). The track I want is called the Desecrated Temple. Yes, there is one that's already in GH, but it just doesn't sound right, too funky and screwed up. Not to mention that it is split into two different tracks.

Audio: Barry Leitch, Pablo Buitrago and John Paul...I believe that these three are the ones who made it, if that will help.

If ANYONE knows where I can find this track of music for download, just so that I might end this life-consuming quest of mine, I shall bow down before you, and offer my allegiance as a soldier of fortune. (Or some such thing) I can only hope that this search of mine isn't in vain...

Good hunting everyone...

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10-14-2008, 07:28 PM
Hmm. Well...that's depressing. I appreciate you looking though. :)

here is all gauntlet legends

Thread 44606

your welcome