03-18-2002, 04:38 AM
I had just heard about this anime yesterday, but now I've seen all but three episodes. (I still need to see 8, 9, and 10.) As far as I know, it came out in the U.S. recently. It has 13 episodes, and that's it. (The ending left no room for continuation.)

For those of you who haven't heard of it. Lain is a cyberpunk anime, but that doesn't even begin to describe the story. The best description of the setting I could give, without writing a 200 page thesis, would be everyone has a computer and everyone's connected. The only description of the story I could give, without writing a 400+ page thesis, is this. If you see it and fail to get it, the chances are that you are insane, if you see it and you do get it, there is no doubt that you are totally nuts, then comes the supernatural.

I found the story very addictive, up to the end. While I haven't described it, that's not because I'm trying not to give away the story. It's simply because I honestly couldn't tell you what it's about. This is one you have to see for youself and interpret.

I'd have to tell you that what I liked the most about it was the opening and closing sequences. They were well done. The visuals were also excellent througout. In addition to a good story(major understatement), the animation quality is among the best I've ever seen. All around, Lain is a very well made anime.

For those of you who have seen, It I'd like know what you think of it, but for those of you who haven't, I'm suggesting you go see it.

03-18-2002, 05:45 AM
Ya seen it a while ago, super good. Im actualy using a lain wallpaper right now. (THAT I MADE!!!)

The story line is realy good, but messed up, in a good way. I guess I will give this anime 8 out of 10 somthing or others. I suggest you get you hands on this no matter the costs....ok dont kill anyone...unless they deserve it...realy badly...

Green Arrow
03-18-2002, 08:23 AM
I have planned to see this but as of yet I have not got a DVD thus I cannot buy and or borrow it from video shops. I mean I would prolly wanna borrow before I bought it incase I thought it sucked and wished that hadn't bought it.

03-18-2002, 11:10 PM
its pertty good i got my screen backround of it too its pertty good anime

03-23-2002, 02:22 AM
Ya seen it a while ago, super good. Im actualy using a lain wallpaper right now. (THAT I MADE!!!)

Whoa!!! Do you have it posted someplace where I can DL it, or will you email it to me^-^? I'd like to see it. (I'll respect your wishes if you wish to keep it to yourself.)

My email address is [email protected]



And no! I won't kill anyone. (no matter how tempting it gets lol)