03-18-2002, 03:17 AM
I myself go Cloud X Aeris, all the way. Sure, she may have once liked Zack...but um...he's kinda...::rubs the back of his neck:: dead now..so um....ANYWAY! Aeris falls for Cloud, and towards


where Aeris dies, I believe Cloud takes a liking to her.

What do you think?

Note: Can be any guy and girl from FF7. Not just Cloud, Aeris, Tifa, or Yuffie. Be creative!

03-18-2002, 04:31 AM
Tseng and Elena of course :)

03-18-2002, 04:37 AM
::Laughs:: Well, atleast it's different :)

03-18-2002, 04:40 AM
Hey you said be creative. ;)

03-18-2002, 05:13 AM
Rufus and Scarlet... nah, bad idea

I say Cloud x Tifa.

Call me boring, call me unoriginal, I don't care. Cloud and Tifa forever.:D

03-18-2002, 05:25 AM
i think that zell and rikku are perfect for each other. they are both free spirits, kindred, and funny.

03-18-2002, 02:42 PM
We're talking about FFVII here, Ranma-kun XD XD XD

I'd say.. Aeris and Cloud. Tseng and Elena would also be a cute couple.
I also have some other couples in mind, but I don't think most people would appreciate those.. :uh?:

03-18-2002, 03:18 PM
Probaly Tseng and Elena, since they are the only ones actually 'showing' the relationship ;)
Tifa and Cloud would be cool as well, and Barret and Aeris would be neato xD

03-18-2002, 03:35 PM
yuffie and cait sith:p

03-18-2002, 04:45 PM
Barret and Aeris would be.....interesting. :p

03-18-2002, 04:46 PM
Tifa n Cloud. I know its like the most common or something, but I've wanted those two together since day one.

03-18-2002, 08:43 PM
Yea Clound and Tifa would be the best pair.

Black Mage#1
03-18-2002, 09:48 PM
Cloud + Aeris. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Aeris died, that made Cloud show that he really cared for her so thats why the should be together. awwwwwwwwww.

03-18-2002, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by Black Mage#1
Cloud + Aeris. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Aeris died, that made Cloud show that he really cared for her so thats why the should be together. awwwwwwwwww.

My point exactley.

03-18-2002, 11:40 PM
I still like Elena and Tseng the best. ;)

03-19-2002, 12:42 AM
red and aeris
tyuffy and rufus
Elena and Tseng
scarlet and palmer
cid and sheara (sp)

03-19-2002, 12:51 AM
'Scarlet and Palmer.' O_o

03-19-2002, 01:54 AM
Red and Aeris.....:uh?:


And, don't forget Crimson...you're thoughts are important, so tell us as much as you want :D

03-19-2002, 02:01 AM
Ah, love the banner GL.:)

03-19-2002, 03:02 AM
Yes, I do think LuluRikku did a rather nice job. I wanted to make one of my own, but I'm not much for banner making...but I made my friends FF7 Petition site banner....wasn't too great though...A pic of Cid, Cloud, Aeris, and Barret, and red font entitled:

"Someone must save FF7...


At the time I was only 10 though..err 11...something like that...and I believe it was rather nice. ^^ Anyway, yes, LuLuRikku does kick ass at making sigs..:D

Oh, and note to people reading here...

Just because me and Crimson are going a little off subject doesn't mean you should too. It's like drugs. We're bad people. But you can still be good people! Just keep postin' the subject, and eventually me and Crimson will be back on subject. Thank you ^_^

Neo Xzhan
03-19-2002, 01:06 PM
Cid X Yuffie
Vincent X Elena (would be fun :lol:)
Scralet X Palmer??? :shock:

03-20-2002, 12:54 AM
Definetly Cloud & Tifa. By the way, how can you even think that Cloud evr thought of liking Aeris as more than a friend?
Oh and personaly, I HATED aeris!!!!

03-20-2002, 01:43 AM
Tifa and cloud!!

Angel Aeris
04-17-2002, 03:26 PM
Cloud and Aeris. Since I saw him to fall through the church 's roof, and they introduced each other, I started to hope that they would end up being together. Plus, **********SPOILERS**********
before Aeris died and I saw them looking each other, I hoped it even more. Cloud was so sad when she died. They would have deserved each other. But, I don't mind that Tifa became his girl.

I also would have hoped to see more about Cid and Shera... Cid was so tough and even mean to her.

And... Hm... I would have also be interested to see Vincent and Yuffie to become a couble...

Majin Freeza
04-17-2002, 06:02 PM
Palmer and Shera:D

05-16-2002, 08:11 PM
How about headger and scarlet :D

05-26-2002, 08:45 PM
Vincent and Lucrecia(or something like that)would be nice

can't believe anybody thought of that

05-28-2002, 12:27 AM
Aeris and Cloud, definitley. They deserve eachtoher...


When she died, I think he got real pissed, and he beat up Sephiroth soo good!!! MWAHAHHA. I was soo happy. not that she died.

I personally didn't like Tifa, she kept reminding him about the prmoise. "Remember our promise?" "Remember?" Just be quiet! lol, sorry, thats just how I feel

05-28-2002, 12:38 AM
u guys are way off. tifa and aeris. i know what your thinking. but if u think about it, its really cool

05-28-2002, 12:44 AM
Ummm.... Hojo and Lucrecia?

06-09-2002, 04:31 AM
i say...
Tifa, Aeris, Yuffie, Elena, Scarlet, Shera, and Lucrecia...
like whoa...
(b i g o r g y)

06-09-2002, 07:44 PM
Yea, Tifa and Cloud are the most CoMmOn. But I think Cloud likes Aeris MORE *SPOILER* When she dies at the Forgotten City.

Cloud & Tifa (Aeris)
Rufus & Scarlet
Cid & Sheara
Vincent & Yuffie

Hmmm...thats all I can think of.

06-10-2002, 02:40 AM
yeah, yuffie & vincent would be pretty interesting. but kinda sickening cuz he is way----- older than her. OR cid & yuffie. maybe not tifa with cloud but, with cid or vincent. doesn't really matter to me... whatever makes you happy!!

06-10-2002, 06:31 AM
Hey MUSTY, your right about the to old thing. I guess it didn't cross my mind. It would be a site to see tho.

06-10-2002, 06:49 AM
Esther and Tio :p

07-05-2002, 10:47 AM
Aeris and Cait Sith!
Come on!
But, also, Aeris and Red would make a very cool couple!
And I always thought that Tifa and Barret were married!:eye:

07-16-2002, 07:52 PM
Well at 1st Cloud and Aeris.....and as Cait Sith says...there a perfect match!
Then I think Cloud and Tifa

I also think Yuffie and Don :) heheheheh as Yuffie would say "GROWSNESS!!!!"

07-16-2002, 10:53 PM
well i would have to say Irvine and Selphie but i think their togather?

07-16-2002, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Dante DMC
well i would have to say Irvine and Selphie but i think their togather?

Well I would have to say thats off FF8 :D :) :p :rolleyes: ;) :notgood: :eye: :uh?:

07-22-2002, 08:38 AM
I think Aeris and Sephiroth are the best couple ^^;; But that's just me.

07-22-2002, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Kyoki
I think Aeris and Sephiroth are the best couple ^^;; But that's just me.

I never have, and never will understand the point of Seph X Aeris pairing...for god sakes, he killed the poor girl. Who in the right mind would assume that he loved her?

I don't disrespect opinions, but I myself honestly can't understand...o.o;

And what's with Cait Sith X Aeris, or Red XIII X Aeris. One's an ancient, the other's a toy, and the other is an animal. O.o;; You guys are pretty...um..different. Regarding pairings, of course.

poster formerly known as ian
07-22-2002, 01:11 PM
*SPOILER* (Although, if you're posting in this thread, and havent got this far..:eye: )

Cos I like being different, I reckon that if they had survived Biggs n Jessie 'd make the perfect couple. Same beliefs about the life of the planet, known each other for (presumably) a long time...ok, not many reasons. But they'd look so cute together! What do ya think?

07-22-2002, 06:45 PM
But hey, Sephiroth killed Aeris while he was under the influence of Jenova x.x Perhaps Jenova sensed that Aeris could be a conflict if Seph like fell in love with her. Other then that...Opposites attract ^.^; Eh...And I haven't been into FF7 for a while now, so if I'm not correct on the Jenova thing....sorry x.x;;

Cetra Angel
08-20-2002, 03:10 PM
:D I'm a big Cleris fan! (for those of you who don't speak in fanfic terms, that's Cloud and Aeris)

But I like Sephiroth and Aeris too... Yes it's weird, yes it makes absolutley no sense, but I still like it to think that he killed her so that Cloud couldn't have her :p

and here's an interesting cross FF coupling I found in a fanfic....

Rikku and Vincent o_O

Quistis Trepe
08-24-2002, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Kyoki
I think Aeris and Sephiroth are the best couple ^^;; But that's just me.
<font face= "lucida calligraphy"> I kind of agree. Even though he killed her, maybe he was trying to take her away from Cloud? Vincent...he'd go best with Tifa, IMO, and Cloud.... Yuffie, I guess...:uh?:

And I've also found an interesting FF crossover coupling...

Sephiroth and Lulu O_O

God of HellFIRE
08-24-2002, 09:19 PM
here are the pairs I'd like to see...

Cloud and Tifa (a cool pair since he's the coolest character and she the most beautiful girl)
Sephiroth and Aeris (they are both ANCIENTs... or something)
Barret and Yuffie (he would keep her in order)
Reno and Elena (Idon't know why but I'd like to see them together...)
I'm not seeing more pairs right now so...