01-21-2007, 06:01 AM
I just watch the anime called Shingetsutan Tsukihime after I bought the game Melty Blood Re-Act. I also know that it is based on Tsukihime which it has hentai sequence. But, in anime (non-hentai), I really like the music and mostly fighting. How about you?

01-22-2007, 02:30 AM
Personally, I'd have preferred that they made it closer to the H-game WITH the hentai scenes, since they really left alot out, like Warakia and Sion.

01-23-2007, 01:04 AM
Well, about Warakia, Sion, & Miyako appeared in different episodes while Mech Hisui & Giant Akiha are just a parody characters.

In other words, in hentai version, Len appeared in the Tsukihime while Kouma appeared in Kagetsu Tohya. I'm hoping there will be an anime called Kagetsu Tohya because I want to know more about the happening after the conclusion of the defeat of Shiki TATARI (or I should say, Roa Shiki). This was title in Shigetsutan Tsukihime :(

EDIT: Oh yea, I forgot to mention those 3 characters appeared in Melty Blood. Sorry :D.