01-19-2007, 07:01 AM
There has been a lot of controversy as to which band has better guitarists and guitar solos. I personally think that Herman Li and Sam from Dragonforce have some amazing skills although i do think that some of the Children of Bodom solos are slightly better. I guess im torn =\, but i wanna know what others think.

If you are going to get into techincalities then i guess what i am asking is which of the two bands had better composed solos and accompanyments.

Now that i think about it a little more.
In a way it seems like CoB's guitar compositions are a lot more cleanly executed as opposed to Dragonforce's sometimes seeminly slurred rush solos. It also appears that CoB put a lot more thought and differences in their riffs and such. More often i am finding that Dragonforce's guitars do somewhat of the same sort of riffs a lot of the time in the song with changes in rythm only made extremely apparent in the solos. However, i do see that Dragonforce's Herman Li and Sam may have a little bit more experience in their guitar abilities making them able to play some more difficult rythms.

01-19-2007, 01:48 PM
I'm going on Dragonforce for this one, but that's because I have fuck-all zero knowledge about CoB's work, outside of one song I've heard off of a compilation.

Memento Mori
01-19-2007, 04:30 PM
Children of Bodom's been around since like 1993. HOW THE HELL COULD DRAGONFORCE HAVE MORE EXPERIENCE?

Furthermore, Dragonforce and Children of Bodom sound really nothing alike, seeing as you're trying to compare Melodic Death Metal/Symphonic Death Metal and Cheesy Shred-fest Power Metal. (I really hate Dragonforce).

Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper are two of my favorite metal albums of all time.

01-19-2007, 10:02 PM
Im going with CoB. Because the faggotry of DragonForce is overwhelming.

01-20-2007, 06:06 AM
Children of Bodom's been around since like 1993. HOW THE HELL COULD DRAGONFORCE HAVE MORE EXPERIENCE?

Furthermore, Dragonforce and Children of Bodom sound really nothing alike, seeing as you're trying to compare Melodic Death Metal/Symphonic Death Metal and Cheesy Shred-fest Power Metal. (I really hate Dragonforce).

Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper are two of my favorite metal albums of all time.

First of all if you are going to be a techinical bastard i said that they MAY have more experience i didnt say that they did. I guess just from my point of view i saw that SOMETIMES it looks like they know what they are doing a little more. Its just my matter of opinion.

Second of all i wasnt comparing their genres of music together i was talking purely about their guitarists and the solos they present. I only brought it around because some people are in controversy about whos guitarists are generally better at their work. I really like Dragonforce dont get me wrong, but i do think CoB's guitarists are better overall.

01-27-2007, 03:21 AM
Children of Bodom

Swedish Fish
01-27-2007, 03:50 AM
DragonForce is good, no doubt, but Children Of Bodom is the epitome of hyper-speed-death metal.

01-27-2007, 06:19 AM
Children Of Bodom is the epitome of hyper-speed-death metal.

HAHAHA Was that a joke?

Just in case it's not, CoB is NOT hyper-speed-death metal. That rank goes to Spawn of Possession, Nile, Cryptopsy, Vital Remains, Dying Fetus, Decapitated, Suffocation, Gorguts, Atheist, Behemoth, The Crown, Malevolent Creation, Vader and Necrophagist. And that's only the few I can remember right now.

CoB are fast power metal. They are like a 90's version of Iron Maiden, only slightly faster. And the only songs I'm aware that they've covered are Maiden songs too, namely Fear of the Dark, The Trooper, and Aces High.

As for who's better, I say Dragonforce, but let me tell you why: Fury of the Storm. It was actually a tough decision for me, and that song's really was the deciding factor for me. To me, that's their most memorable song, and rightly so. All their other stuff is cheesy, I know, but god, Fury of the Storm is so damn good. I do realize that the guitarists for Dragonforce actually aren't very good, and they're stuck up about being in Dragonforce, but they had the creativity to come up with a fucking masterpiece. As for CoB, none of their songs are really memorable. I saw them live, and while they had decent sound, their stuff was boring as hell. And although Alexi Laiho probably puts more thought in his solos than DF, he's still overrated, and isn't as revolutionary as GuitarWorld and other magazines say he is. Remember, they're just looking for a new idol to put on the cover.

Memento Mori
01-27-2007, 08:36 PM
Children of Bodom is just better music. They aren't trying to be shred-fest virtuosos. That's all Dragonforce is. Just a bunch of shredding with a typical power-metal vocalist. It's neither original nor ground-breaking...

01-27-2007, 09:58 PM
It's neither original nor ground-breaking...

You just mean metal in general here right. I am going to go with that.

edit: oh zing.

Swedish Fish
01-27-2007, 10:01 PM
HAHAHA Was that a joke?

I couldn't come up with a better term. Death Metal really doesn't do their guitars/keyboard justice.

Memento Mori
01-27-2007, 10:04 PM
Hogan: Depends on what bands you're speaking of. Calling Dream Theater or Opeth unoriginal or not ground-breaking is a ridiculous statement.

01-27-2007, 10:54 PM
I know, metal is just my preferred genre to poke fun at.

Memento Mori
01-28-2007, 01:09 AM
Welp, if you want to poke fun at Dragonforce or Cannibal Corpse, I'll jovially join you in the chuckles...

Valerie Valens
01-28-2007, 07:33 AM
You're fucking kidding me, you're comparing Dragonforce to the likes of Children of Bodom? Hello no! I'm voting for Bodom all the way, there just isn't any question of it.

01-29-2007, 05:09 PM
Gay Death Metal band vs over rated unoriginal sonic the hedgehog power metal band.

I choose the latter because death metal is a very boring genre, sludgy rifs and solos all the time with shitty singing just isn't very creative. Neither is 1,000,000,000MPH guitar solos and rifs with decent distortion, but hey, can't blame them for trying, not everyone can outshred Yngwie Malmsteen and the likes of other uber fast guitarists. The remains of the band they are mainly made of was around in 1993 too. Screaming like your having your balls pulled isn't what I call singing.

Valerie Valens
01-30-2007, 08:33 PM
The useage of gay as an insult and MPH to denote song speed. My my my, I never thought I'd see a pretentious metalhead snob who has no idea what he's talking about.


EDIT : Because I feel like it, I had a friend upload a sweet sample of CoB's songs.

02-01-2007, 04:40 AM
My favorite CoB song is Children of Decadence, if you havent heard it yet Joan you should definitely check it out.

I understand not liking a specific genre of music but that in no way justifies TRYING (key word there) to make fun of it. I guarantee that a lot of the musicians in death metal bands are exponentially more skilled than most of the bands in any other genre. As for me i like pretty much every single genre, with country being my least favorite but nonetheless i do listen and like (amazing huh?) a couple songs from the country genre as well as the others.

I think that for the most part Dragonforce has a fanbase similar to that of the one for Final Fantasy VII. I do also think that most people that are supporting Dragonforce's side more havent ever listened to CoB or enough of them at least.

Side note - CoB and Chimaira FTW!

02-01-2007, 08:14 PM
I think both bands are even gayer than the day the first man decided to assrape a friend and am expressing an oppinion in this band versus issue, if anybody doesn't like this then go die in a corner because there's nothing you can do about it. Death Metal is no better than Power Metal, they're both boring genres where real talent is remotely scarce. I haven't the slightest clue to why the entire genre of metal went so far downhill in the 90's, the 80's was such a good era as were the 70's even though Hard Rock was a strong contender to dominate the 70's.

Any band can hit random notes at random speeds and sing like they're having multiple dildos shot into their asses, any band can just be boring and rely on super fast guitar rifs and solos to construct a song. Any band can basically do anything but that doesn't make them good, playing music that is actually half decent and put effort into the music is what makes a band good.

Ennnnnnnnnnnnnd of discussion.

02-01-2007, 10:37 PM
uhhh, no?

Valerie Valens
02-01-2007, 11:55 PM
I think both bands are even gayer than the day the first man decided to assrape a friend and am expressing an oppinion in this band versus issue, if anybody doesn't like this then go die in a corner because there's nothing you can do about it. Death Metal is no better than Power Metal, they're both boring genres where real talent is remotely scarce. I haven't the slightest clue to why the entire genre of metal went so far downhill in the 90's, the 80's was such a good era as were the 70's even though Hard Rock was a strong contender to dominate the 70's.

Any band can hit random notes at random speeds and sing like they're having multiple dildos shot into their asses, any band can just be boring and rely on super fast guitar rifs and solos to construct a song. Any band can basically do anything but that doesn't make them good, playing music that is actually half decent and put effort into the music is what makes a band good.

You, good sir, are spilling vitriol.

02-02-2007, 12:08 AM
If you have ever even listened to bodom or some of the more prominent bands then you would notice right away that their music isnt just hitting notes it is actually very musically thought out. Each note leads into the other in such a way that it would make any musically inclined person sit in dismay. To say they just scream randomly and play random notes and that they do not create good music is like saying that bach and many of the classical artists are a couple of random old guys who threw notes together. Maybe you should take a music theory class sometime so as to avoid making yourself look like a moron. I bet you havent even heard bodom or any other death metal bands save a few songs. Using stereotypes does not make you smarter, keep that in mind.

What are some other good bands comparable to CoB?