03-17-2002, 10:30 PM
i myself thought that basically aeris came with holys help or something like that and destroyed everything that was unhelpful to this world but didnt destroy them painfully just took tehre lives but left things that didnt harm the world I.E redxii and at the end when red has kids he shows them were his adventure started and what made him the man he is today its kinda sad though that he looks at were his dead friends used to be since theres no humans left since they all were supposovly bad but that wouldnt make sense for cloud but he cant just be god so he had to go too along with the rest of the humans.. anyone get what im saying?

03-18-2002, 12:54 AM
Well, that's a nice idea of what could have happened....but to me..-

Holy was too late, as meteor was soon crushing the Earth. The heroes hadn't any idea of what to do, and were in a panic. Suddenly, the lifestream came seaping through the earth, and tore meteor apart. The earth was saved, and everyone lived happily ever after. The sighting of Aeris remains a mystery.

500 years later, everyone but RedXIII that had stopped meteor was now dead. Red continued to live on with his children, as he looked down to see the earth was still the same way it was 500 years ago.

My opinion.

03-18-2002, 01:34 AM
i agree w/ GL. 'nuff said.

03-18-2002, 03:38 PM
call me dumb, but what i never understood was this:

if red is the last of his does he have children?

03-18-2002, 07:16 PM
Nature finds its way... No, I'm getting carried away. I'm guessing it's probably what they call asexual reproduction in biology. Didn't know that some animals can reproduce asexually, did you?;)

03-18-2002, 10:02 PM
yeah, like insects and stuff. but not mammals. and im pretty sure red is a mammal.

i dont like science anyway :p

03-19-2002, 01:16 AM
Well you never really know if Red XII is a mammal or not....

03-19-2002, 01:22 AM
*starts to wonder if Red is a mammal or.....something else* ....................Ehm, moving on.

03-19-2002, 02:01 AM
Well, you heard Hojo...who the hell knows WHAT Red is.....but in my pairings post, this dude keeps saying one of the best pairings is Red and, I know Red remains a mystery, but Aeris is definitley NOT a mammal. :D

04-06-2002, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by Garnets Lover
Well, you heard Hojo...who the hell knows WHAT Red is.....but in my pairings post, this dude keeps saying one of the best pairings is Red and, I know Red remains a mystery, but Aeris is definitley NOT a mammal. :D

Let's hope you were being sarcastic with the Aeris not being a mammal... either that or you really need to read up on your biology.

And yes, Red XIII is indeed a mammal - he had a FATHER and a MOTHER, and he has fur, obviously male of gender, and he has the "supposed" ability to reproduce with Aeris (who is definately a mammal). Let it be noted, however, that there'd be no way Red XIII could ever reproduce with Aeris (and, theoretically, there shouldn't have been a way for Gast to reproduce with Ifalna, because species cannot breed outside of one another [yes yes I know there are exceptions, but this is the general rule and besides, the offspring of extra-species reproduction are always sterile and lack sexual drive - which Aeris had plenty of]).

Hojo is an idiot.