01-17-2007, 02:27 PM
They KICK ASS I can't wait to see them in concert when they come

if any of you have seen them live is it a good show???

01-17-2007, 02:31 PM
if any of you have seen them live is it a good show???

If i do remember correct, they were at Ozz Fest last year...So yes.

01-17-2007, 02:44 PM
Final Fantasy VII OST - Hold My Thoughts in My Heart

EDIT: Sorry for posting, but I just realized that I posted in the wrong thread.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
01-17-2007, 03:48 PM
I can't get into the vocals and lyrics, but I respect the band's technical musicianship.

Valerie Valens
01-17-2007, 06:01 PM
I have their Sonic Firestorm and Inhuman Rampage album...and while I do enjoy listening to their tracks once in a while, they tend to be too formulaic, musically catatonic, uncreative and redundant.

Also, anyone who says the drummer of Dragonforce is the best ever needs to be shot in the face. Speed is but one small aspect of a drummer's skill and it does not define his skill level.

01-17-2007, 09:41 PM
They're fast, I'll give them that.

But there's nothing new and memorable that they offer.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
01-17-2007, 11:39 PM
Speed is but one small aspect of a drummer's skill and it does not define his skill level.

Same for guitarists, and there's too many people that really screw themselves out of lots of great music because they're too obsessed with only listening to the most complex shit out there, dismissing anyone not a technical master of their instrument.

01-18-2007, 12:20 AM
Yeah i know what all of you are saying and everyone has there own opinion. ^.^
It's not like I'm going to be mad that you say you hate them.

01-18-2007, 02:02 AM
I think Dragonforce is a'ight. I don't have the level of insane adoration for them as some might, but for "Power Metal", it's pretty damned good. (Still doesn't outrank Blind Guardian as the "Power Metal Kings", though. Heh! But it's good enough to enjoy listening to them, and not laugh too much at their lyrical stylings.)

01-18-2007, 05:27 AM
(Still doesn't outrank Blind Guardian as the "Power Metal Kings", though. )

Hmm never heard of them before XD

01-18-2007, 09:10 PM
I really dislike DragonForce

01-19-2007, 01:50 PM
Hmm never heard of them before XD

Check 'em out, sometime. The best BG album I could recommend as an "Intro" course would be "Nightfall on Middle Earth". Warning, though: They come off sometimes as a more Power-Metal-ly version of Queen, so if that puts you off, then no need to investigate a potential headache.

Memento Mori
01-19-2007, 04:38 PM
I have seen them live. They sucked. I have also heard at lesat 5 or 6 songs by them. And they sucked. Why do they suck so much? Because every song is a damn wank-fest, with no care given to the composition of the song. Yes, their lead guitarist is extremely talented, along wtih the rest of the band, but you'd think with their talent level, that they could do much more.

01-20-2007, 06:11 AM
One of my friends had this to say about seeing Dragonforce live.

"I must say that Dragonforce sucks live. They're completely drunk, they fail all the solos, they lost beat, the **** up even during the riffs and it takes freaking 30 seconds to reckon what songs they're actually playing 'cause they can't get two damned notes one after the other correctly."

I personally havent seen them live yet, but since they are performing in the "No Fear music tour" i will get to hear them play a couple songs when they come.

01-20-2007, 07:34 AM
Never seen 'em live before, but they've got a couple good songs, most notably Fury Of The Storm and Revolution Deathsquad. Good old Viking Metal.

01-21-2007, 03:26 AM
I like them a lot, never got to see them live but all my friends in Ireland say they're awesome.

Good old Viking Metal.

Genres of music should not be determined by what the band sings about, it should be determined by how they sing, what instruments they use, and how they use them.

01-21-2007, 07:09 AM
Genres of music should not be determined by what the band sings about

Um, what? Should Gore Metal not be classified as such, even though it almost always involves human physiology or the dismemberment thereof? Likewise, if Dragonforce talks about setting sail for a voyage, standing together through the thick and thin, and conquering lands, why shouldn't I say it's like what a Viking is likely to believe?

it should be determined by how they sing, what instruments they use, and how they use them.

Yeah, Dragonforce uses guitars, drums, a keyboard, and a bass. So does Rammstein. So do 200,000 other bands on this planet. We NEED classifications.

I consider Viking Metal like Yngwie's stuff (he's even got a song called I Am A Viking) music-wise. And Dragonforce plays stuff like Yngwie: very fast. The guitars usually harmonize, as do the vocals, which are in high octaves. The crisp and fine quality of the music also is reminiscent of other bands in the genre, although that's less of a factor.

And besides, I think Viking Metal is cool. I wasn't insulting them on any grounds.

the guy watching you
01-21-2007, 07:57 AM
I like dragonforce until the vocals come up.

01-24-2007, 05:44 AM
Um, what? Should Gore Metal not be classified as such, even though it almost always involves human physiology or the dismemberment thereof? Likewise, if Dragonforce talks about setting sail for a voyage, standing together through the thick and thin, and conquering lands, why shouldn't I say it's like what a Viking is likely to believe?

You make a good point there. I won't argue that. But it still doesn't make it a genre, in my eyes anyway.

Yeah, Dragonforce uses guitars, drums, a keyboard, and a bass. So does Rammstein. So do 200,000 other bands on this planet. We NEED classifications.

I said what Instruments and HOW they use them. Rammstien don not pay as fast as dragonforce. Also they seem...heavier (for lack of a better word). Rammstein also use a synthesizer. Some would classify them as Dance Metal ( I don't know how many people would agree with that, though). While dragonforce fit well into the Power Metal genre.

I consider Viking Metal like Yngwie's stuff (he's even got a song called I Am A Viking) music-wise. And Dragonforce plays stuff like Yngwie: very fast. The guitars usually harmonize, as do the vocals, which are in high octaves. The crisp and fine quality of the music also is reminiscent of other bands in the genre, although that's less of a factor.

Also a good point I guess, I've never heard of Yngwie and I don't listen to much "Viking Metal" or even Power Metal for that matter. So I don't know enough to argue with you there.

And besides, I think Viking Metal is cool. I wasn't insulting them on any grounds.

I wasn't saying you were. I guess I just don't like people classifying music by anything other than the instruments. When you classify it by what they're singing about, its just a step away from classifying music as "Glam Metal" etc.

01-24-2007, 02:25 PM
Friend of mine listens to them.

He's a noob.

01-24-2007, 04:09 PM
I wasn't saying you were. I guess I just don't like people classifying music by anything other than the instruments. When you classify it by what they're singing about, its just a step away from classifying music as "Glam Metal" etc. If you classified things by the instruments they used genres would have no meaning , that is one of the most ridiculous things I have heard in awhile.

edit: Why wouldn't you classify something as glam metal if it indeed incorporated elements of glam and metal?

Valerie Valens
01-24-2007, 04:12 PM
I have seen them live. They sucked. I have also heard at lesat 5 or 6 songs by them. And they sucked. Why do they suck so much? Because every song is a damn wank-fest, with no care given to the composition of the song. Yes, their lead guitarist is extremely talented, along wtih the rest of the band, but you'd think with their talent level, that they could do much more.

That goes to prove that instrumental skill is nothing, NOTHING without creativity.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
01-25-2007, 07:32 AM
Apparently the guitarists can't exactly accurately play the stuff that's on the studio recordings live, anyone know how much truth there is to that?

Top Cat
01-25-2007, 08:24 PM
lads if i play some random notes a bit of the way up my guitar neck at breakneck speeds will this be an approximation of dragonforce y/n/m

also i classify music by what instruments are used personally, the "guitar drum and bass" genre is pretty big though

01-25-2007, 10:44 PM
Apparently the guitarists can't exactly accurately play the stuff that's on the studio recordings live, anyone know how much truth there is to that?

That's not uncommon. It's more difficult to play flawless solos or even just riffs when you're going at breakneck speed, especially when the solos aren't improvised (like Meshuggah, as well as some others). You'd be surprised how tight you can make a studio album sound nowadays. But live, everything you play is what goes through the amps, so if they fuck up, there's no correcting it. That's why bands like Necrophagist deserve the respect they have: because they perform extremely difficult solos and fast rhythms perfectly in time at their live performances.

lads if i play some random notes a bit of the way up my guitar neck at breakneck speeds will this be an approximation of dragonforce y/n/m

lol honestly.....for most of their songs, yeah. you gotta sweep pick and tap a lot, though.

01-26-2007, 01:21 AM
On album they sound good, but they have little variation in their material, so I usually can`t listen to them for more then a few songs at the time. I have seen some instructional videos by them....and they were really bad. It makes we wonder how much they edit in the studio. Take a look for yourselves.


01-26-2007, 03:34 AM
I like them, but I admit most of their tracks seem like remixed versions of the previous one.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
01-26-2007, 04:48 AM
Either that "Betcha Can't Play This" was them on a bad day, they were too fucking drunk, or it's true that they're not really as good as their albums would lead one to believe, most of the solos having a lot of edits and parts comped together in ways they can't exactly pull off.

Here's a parody of that:


And this:



That's not uncommon. It's more difficult to play flawless solos or even just riffs when you're going at breakneck speed, especially when the solos aren't improvised (like Meshuggah, as well as some others). You'd be surprised how tight you can make a studio album sound nowadays. But live, everything you play is what goes through the amps, so if they fuck up, there's no correcting it. That's why bands like Necrophagist deserve the respect they have: because they perform extremely difficult solos and fast rhythms perfectly in time at their live performances.

I understand that perfectly, I just think it's interesting that these guys are getting so much praise for stuff they can't even really do. Sure, they're both a lot better than the average guitarist, but obviously not quite the gods people make them out to be. Oh well, I guess they aren't the only ones that have exaggerated talent. Whatever, as long as people enjoy their albums I guess that's all that matters. It doesn't really bug me, but like I said, it's just interesting.

Oh, and Necrophagist is awesome <3