01-15-2007, 08:18 PM
i'm looking for a kirby game that was on the SNES platform, i formally can't really request it because i don't really know what it is and i think the soundtrack is already on the site the only thing i remimber about the game is that it had an artist and he had a magical paint brush, and whatever he drew became real, thats all i know

and i would like to reequest the game music of
war gods (N64)
and fighters destiny for the same platform (i belive)
with the artbook of wild arms 2 please

thank you for reading

01-15-2007, 09:01 PM
Kirby for the SNES? Perhaps Kirby's Dream Land 3 or maybe even Kirby's Avalanche (puyo-puyo clone)... could be either one since Paint Roller is a classic villain from the Kirby series and is featured in both those games.

Additionally... the soundtrack for Kirby's Dream Land 3 is indeed already in GH but Avalanche's isn't (not much of a loss since it is made up only of remixed classic Kirby tracks).

01-15-2007, 10:15 PM
thanks a lot, i'll try it out now, your the greatest ^-^

02-01-2007, 07:08 AM
wild arms is in the queue, couldn't find the rest

02-01-2007, 10:57 PM
thanks sarah, you're the best ^-^

04-11-2007, 01:10 PM
I ripped the tracks to Fighters Destiny and Fighter Destiny 2. the downloads are on my site.

06-13-2007, 04:47 AM
AcidGlow. Thank you very much I have searched forever for the Fighter's Destiny soundtrack. You're awesome!

07-13-2007, 09:35 PM
Could I please request a link to the wild arms 2 artbook, too? Not sure if this should be here... but thanks for reading. 8D

04-13-2008, 04:35 PM
But, what about the tracks from War Gods?