01-10-2007, 11:54 PM
Hey guys, I was wondering that when FF VII releases for the PS3 (they said a release of a new FF VII was planned for the PS3 but they had no accurate date however, I heard this from another person who I unfortunatly forgot.) that I was wondering if they will change a few things in it for I know for a fact that ALL FF VII fans don't like the "Cloud & Tifa path" if ya know what I mean. Anyways, I was wondering if they can change the constant "Cloud and Tifa path" so that they would allow spots that some players have ya know, some like the constant "Cloud" as I have already stated, the "Cloud and Aeris path" which is interesting and of course my most desired one: the "Cloud and Yuffie path"! :) So anyways, I hope that they can do this sort of thing because I don't think ALL FF VII fans like JUST WANT the "Cloud and Tifa path" ya know? :D And in case you haven't noticed earlier by "paths" I mean other than Tifa caring for you since after all, not ALL FF VII fans like the constant "Cloud and Tifa path" and with this in mind they may make FF VII for the PS3 all the more better very much!! B)

Just imagine what it would be like ya know, this would be a very good thing to do for people that don't constantly want the constant "Cloud & Tifa path" ya know? :)

And yes, I know the "" is not going to happen like the other paths since Aeris's tragedy occurs but it still can be possible ya know, just add a path that even after Aeris's tragedy Cloud still reveres her very much since it would be on the "Cloud & Aeris path" ya know? :)

Desert Wolf
01-11-2007, 12:05 AM
Sorry but that was only a tech demo and theres no talks of a re-make just yet. Maby they will in the future, who knows.

Swedish Fish
01-11-2007, 12:06 AM
proof plz

01-11-2007, 12:10 AM
One person I saw on a forum said that a remake or new FF VII was planned but he said they did not have an exact date however and I forgot the forum and this person's name since I go to a bunch of forums so I sometimes get confused on which forum was that and when I last posted on one as well but that's about what he said mostly. But still ya know, this would be a very nice idea to put into a PS1 version of FF VII and release it as long with other good new features in it ya know? :D heh heh heh heh

Swedish Fish
01-11-2007, 12:16 AM
Great proof my gullible friend.

BTW - No remake needed. Annoying spin-offs are enough.

01-11-2007, 12:19 AM
We don't know for sure though do we, perhaps they aren't planning on it but you never know that they perhaps will do it ya know? :) And I never said it was real proof, I merely said that it was a rumor. :D

01-11-2007, 12:34 AM
Who cares?
The game was mediocre at best and I'm sure the feedback from the spinoffs will deter SquareEnix from making an awful remake altogether.

01-11-2007, 12:39 AM
Who cares?
The game was mediocre at best and I'm sure the feedback from the spinoffs will deter SquareEnix from making an awful remake altogether.

How? It has been said that it made a major mark in the history of the PS1 ya know? I guess you didn't hear that though so it's ok. :) heh heh heh heh

01-11-2007, 12:40 AM
Sorry, I accidentally double posted, I was trying to get my post down but it was taking unusually long which doesn't happen usually so I accidentally got a double post by clicking the post message button more than once since it was taking unusually long, sorry about that. :)

Swedish Fish
01-11-2007, 12:50 AM
How? It has been said that it made a major mark in the history of the PS1 ya know? I guess you didn't hear that though so it's ok. :) heh heh heh heh

I'll just wait for Prak to come and victimize you.

01-11-2007, 12:53 AM
I'll just wait for Prak to come and victimize you.

Why? All I said was that FF VII was a true PS1 legend, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing but the truth from what I said that FF VII was a legend. :confused:

01-11-2007, 03:37 AM
After the unexpected success of the Final Fantasy III remake for the DS, SquareEnix has expressed increased interest in remaking final fantasy games. Whether this will result in a remake of FFVII is unknown, but due to its insane popularity its probably the most likely candidate (of the second generation at least).

But no, the tech-demo was not an indication that FFVII would be remade in the slightest.

01-11-2007, 04:05 AM
Why? All I said was that FF VII was a true PS1 legend, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing but the truth from what I said that FF VII was a legend. :confused:

That is debatable.
You can't say things like that and expect everyone to agree with you. Believe me they wont

01-11-2007, 04:45 AM
I think FFVII really is a legend...
Whether it's a famous one or an infamous one is another question....XP

About a remake for FFVII--there have been tons of rumors about a remake for PS3 flying around...
But in truth--the President of Square Enix himself said that there was no remake planned currently. So at the moment, news of a remake are mostly just rumors....
If they were planning on making one, they said it would take 5 years minimum just for a graphical update. ><

Popo hater
01-11-2007, 05:07 AM
It -might- happen one day, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Complete is still.. I have no idea,. I lost interest even though I will buy it when it comes out. Haven't heard anything new about that around the hood so I hope it didn't die. A remake would make a lot of green, it would probably help the PS3 if it was an exclusive seeing as how it is not on completely sure footing at the moment. A FF7 remake and MGS4 would make me more sure of it.

01-11-2007, 05:26 AM
Mm, some people have been saying the SquareEnix has been keeping an FFVII remake as a "Backup-plan" or something....
A remake definitely wouldn't do too badly (as long as it isn't completely horrible...).

A PS3 remake, though, is hard to say....
For it to come out at a realistic time, they had to have already started development a while ago.
Though...Nomura did say that he would like to do a remake in the future when they had time....so maybe.....

01-11-2007, 06:27 AM
I sure hope so for they could add so much that is left out in FF VII on the PS1 because I know for a fact that ALL of the FF VII fans don't want JUST the constant "" ya know, some people also want a path where (this is my all-time favorite path even though I totally wish it wish it was in FF VII :) ) Cloud & Yuffie have caring feelings for eachother, so it can be split into three paths: "Cloud & Tifa path", "Cloud & Aeris path" or "Cloud & yuffie path". :) This would be a great idea for anyone who hates the constant love of JUST Cloud & Tifa because I know that some wish for it to be different like I want it to, I would've wanted Cloud to care for Yuffie for it would be one good idea ya know, anyways, just thinking about it makes fans of the game want to start asking for it as well since it would really be a good idea after all plus it would greatly increase the game's story ya know, I just imagine Cloud & Yuffie caring for eachother. :D

01-11-2007, 09:00 AM
Why? All I said was that FF VII was a true PS1 legend, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing but the truth from what I said that FF VII was a legend. :confused:

Where's the proof?

Desert Wolf
01-11-2007, 05:24 PM
Where's the proof?

It remember seeing it somewhere here (www.google.com).

As ive said before, a remake would be a good idea for square cause it would make them a fortune considering how popular the game is.

01-11-2007, 05:26 PM
It remember seeing it somewhere here (www.google.com).

As ive said before, a remake would be a good idea for square cause it would make them a fortune considering how popular the game is.

It's funny how you link to Google, since it isn't exactly the best place to start searching for facts on matters such as this. All you'd get are rumors.

Desert Wolf
01-11-2007, 05:34 PM
Yeah but I couldnt be bothered finding a real site:p

01-11-2007, 07:48 PM
Probably because an official statement doesn't exist.

01-11-2007, 08:56 PM
i once heard(from a PS2 mag) that it is a very UNLIKELY rumour that a remake for PS3 is still posible its very unlikely but who knows it may happen i personaly hope that 1 day it does

01-12-2007, 05:04 AM
i once heard(from a PS2 mag) that it is a very UNLIKELY rumour that a remake for PS3 is still posible its very unlikely but who knows it may happen i personaly hope that 1 day it does

Likewise! I'm praying that it will come true and I also hope they will try and make a remake for the PS1 as well since the PS3 is expensive now and would be a good idea to put out a remake for the PS1 using the best it has to enhance the game even on a PS1 because it would be for the best since it would be a very bad dissapointment if only it was JUST for the PS3 but not for the PS1, all i'm saying is that it would at least make it fair that way because a ton of FF VII fans would also want this as well since a ton of FF VII fans hate the constant and only "Cloud & Tifa path" ya know? Some of us would absolutely love it if it were personally Cloud and Yuffie for this is my wish I have for FF VII ya know? :)

01-12-2007, 07:13 AM
When will that happen?...When people actually have PS3s.
And at the rate that Sony can manufacture and profit from them, you're more likely to see Sony brand toasters than a remake of FFVII.

01-12-2007, 02:11 PM
Holy Jesus, it's been months since I saw someone talking about this so, when I read the title of the thread, I thought for a second this time it was for real so my fanboy side was all "heh ok cool" but then my rational side was "cool? no fucking way, you fucking idiot!" but then my fanboy side replied with "ys way cloud teh best nd seporith" and my rational side went out to have a drink.

In conclusion, leave FFVII alone, both Square-Enix and remake wishers.

01-12-2007, 02:39 PM
...and my rational side went out to have a drink

That was quite comical, because I have a hangover. It's all relative, see?


Oh well.

01-12-2007, 03:35 PM
You gotta stay sober, Jarosik! You are not a prick!

01-14-2007, 10:17 AM
Sorry buddy you have been fooled. No remake for ff7 is anounced. Its just a rumor on the internet that started from the tech demo.

01-14-2007, 02:46 PM
Didn't they do the same thing with FFVIII they made a tech demo for PS2 using a scene from the game.

01-15-2007, 01:27 AM
Didn't they do the same thing with FFVIII they made a tech demo for PS2 using a scene from the game.

Yes, but they never made FFVIII for PS2, so I doubt they'll remake FFVII for PS3.

01-15-2007, 05:42 AM
And then again, there were pictures of a vid of FF6 in 3D for nintendo 64 and again, nothing happended. In fact they changed console

02-04-2007, 10:54 PM
all in all a ff7 remake would be nice, but if it dont happen i wont lose any sleep

02-05-2007, 05:09 AM
There was a rumor a long while back that I remember reading from a notable gaming magazine, but it was just that, a rumor. They have no plans to make nor does it sound like they ever will. If anything, somewhere down the line they changed their minds, it would most likely be on a handheld device anyway.

02-05-2007, 05:29 AM
Unless the remake is as good as Resident Evil remake for GCN, I see no point in it. Maybe they can just enhance the original and launch it on PSP like the FFT anniversary remake.

It will be good though, considering both the Original FF7 and the Greatest Hits ones are so over priced on ebay now.

02-06-2007, 04:05 AM
Unless the remake is as good as Resident Evil remake for GCN, I see no point in it. Maybe they can just enhance the original and launch it on PSP like the FFT anniversary remake.

It will be good though, considering both the Original FF7 and the Greatest Hits ones are so over priced on ebay now.

Indeed! :D

02-06-2007, 02:37 PM
Ive prayed for a remake, but it doesnt seem like ones comin along, lets move on peeps.

02-18-2007, 06:06 AM
eh idk, a remake would be nice to see but it would pretty much be butchering an already extremely successful game and i can gaurentee that even if SE went along with their fans and made that remake people would still be upset and disappointed with the remake for the PS3 and 10 years down the road they would be calling for another remake for whatever playstation we're on at the time.

02-18-2007, 06:18 AM
That's the reason why I don't want anything labelled with the name "Final Fantasy 7", because everytime there is a new thing with FF7 on it, I have to deal with all the fucking fanboys/girls jacking/jilling off to the shit.

02-18-2007, 06:25 AM
I think it's going a little to far. I mean they're doing so many other games based off of one and FF7 is not being ruined because of all the other shit they got out now. FF& was a great game but we don't need to know what Vincent Valentine does when he's not fighting Emerald Weapon or Sephiroth.

02-18-2007, 02:52 PM
Why? All I said was that FF VII was a true PS1 legend

It's a legend in general not just for the PS1, but since it is a classic they are not gonna mess around with it, some fanboys want the remake myself included but another part of me knows they should just leave it alone, they've already milked Final Fantasy VII for all it's worth.

02-18-2007, 03:10 PM
Hey guys, I was wondering that when FF VII releases for the PS3 (they said a release of a new FF VII was planned for the PS3 but they had no accurate date however, I heard this from another person who I unfortunatly forgot.) that I was wondering if they will change a few things in it for I know for a fact that ALL FF VII fans don't like the "Cloud & Tifa path" if ya know what I mean. Anyways, I was wondering if they can change the constant "Cloud and Tifa path" so that they would allow spots that some players have ya know, some like the constant "Cloud" as I have already stated, the "Cloud and Aeris path" which is interesting and of course my most desired one: the "Cloud and Yuffie path"! :) So anyways, I hope that they can do this sort of thing because I don't think ALL FF VII fans like JUST WANT the "Cloud and Tifa path" ya know? :D And in case you haven't noticed earlier by "paths" I mean other than Tifa caring for you since after all, not ALL FF VII fans like the constant "Cloud and Tifa path" and with this in mind they may make FF VII for the PS3 all the more better very much!! B)

Just imagine what it would be like ya know, this would be a very good thing to do for people that don't constantly want the constant "Cloud & Tifa path" ya know? :)

And yes, I know the "" is not going to happen like the other paths since Aeris's tragedy occurs but it still can be possible ya know, just add a path that even after Aeris's tragedy Cloud still reveres her very much since it would be on the "Cloud & Aeris path" ya know? :)
A remake is a remake, that means the same story and the paths that story takes, I dont mind the "cloud and tifa" path, unless you're into necrophilia you might prefere aeris.

They will make a remake if its profitable to do so. I've read on wikipedia they plan on doing FFVII games, and whatever else untill it's 20th anniversary, and this year is its 10th. 10 years ago they'd never have dreamed they could make so much money from FFVII alone nevermind make the game a benchmark for RPGs in its day and 10 years later make even more cash from quite an old game.

02-19-2007, 08:24 PM
A remake is a remake, that means the same story and the paths that story takes, I dont mind the "cloud and tifa" path, unless you're into necrophilia you might prefere aeris.

They will make a remake if its profitable to do so. I've read on wikipedia they plan on doing FFVII games, and whatever else untill it's 20th anniversary, and this year is its 10th. 10 years ago they'd never have dreamed they could make so much money from FFVII alone nevermind make the game a benchmark for RPGs in its day and 10 years later make even more cash from quite an old game.

Wikipedia is a compilation of what's readily available on the Internet and books, and is in no way an accurate representation of what a company intends to do. I know one of the mods and any one of them can edit an entry to say something as obviously wrong as say, "1+1=3".

Yes, companies like Square-Enix are in the business of video games to make money. But let me ask you what you think is more profitable, a group of people who love one game so much that they'd buy anything and everything related to it or an even bigger group of people who'd buy just about every game that looks appealing on the cover?
The answer is in the games that they're releasing.

Square-Enix saw the opportunity to capitalize on the FF7 franchise buyers and the eye candy lovers by releasing "pretty" games with the FF7 label, but slowly they're moving away from that. They see a need to adjust with the times. Let's face it, the original lovers of FF7 are getting older and are moving away from video games and into making money. There's no profit in trying to sell their product to them, so they turn to the younger generation and start to produce visually appealing games that are horribly easy for the experienced gamer.

I could care less if they made anything else with the FF7 label, I just won't buy it.

I disagree that FF7 was used as a benchmark for other RPGs of the time, since development of a game takes years. I am open, however, to any kind of evidence you have that there were games that were based on the formula of FF7 and sold well (aside from anything labelled FF7).

02-20-2007, 03:20 AM
Exactly, wikipedia is a compliation of what's readily available on the internet and books/interviews; from what I remember (cba checking it up right now) SE plan to keep making things to do with FF7 for the next 10 years. Im not trying to say that its accurate representation of a company the size of SE, and I agree with you on how easy wikipedia can be edited, but its taken them around 10 years to finally realise they where really onto something with FF7, I'd say its feasable to say that they do intend to keep things going for FF7. If we look at the chart success of advent children in the UK alone it was an unbelievable success for something based on a video game made 10 years ago! that just does not happen for games yet SE pulled it off. They'd be fools not to continue untill they go blue in the face.

What I say is more profitable is a combination of both. You can see how what SE are at, they make new games, go back to older games and re-release them or make add-ons, and after they saw the success of FFX-2, it opened new doors.

This doesnt mean they stop everything and just make FF7 if thats what you are implying or that they even could do that, there are simply too many people that want new characters, worlds, and games but dont want to let go of the characters and worlds that they already know. Its not complicated to know that milking FF7, one of their most famous pieces of work, is going to make them a lot of money, while still making their cash from other works. If I was the head of that company I'd be milking it myself, I dont blame them, FF7 is a heck of a game and they happened to leave the ending open to interpretations, not to mention killing off one of the most important characters in the game gave it a memorability we still see today through fanboys/girls whinging for Aeris's revival. At the time, they knew fine rightly this would be big, and now they can go back and make cash of it. Fair play to them.

I disagree with what you say about the FF7 audience getting older and moving away from games, it would suprise you how many "older" people who were in their teens playing FF7 and now in their 20s or even 30s, that would give tooth and nail for more FF7 material. Age isnt such a factor with games the size of any Final Fantasy because they dont cater to people who want to load up a game, play it for an hour then turn off the console.

Take a look at Final Fantasy 11 and you'll see a huge portion of players are in their 20s 30s and 40s, I personally play with more people on that game that are older then me then are younger, and I'm going on 21.

Personally I'll buy games about FF7 that interest me or if I have a means of playing it, the whole issue of selling out doesnt bother me, call it shallowness but I'm not complaining ;).

Lastly, I'll agree that calling it a benchmark was a mistake on my part but I wouldnt deny that FF7 opened the doors to RPGs in America. Before then RPGs wherent mainstream unless you lived in Japan. In the UK, the most you came to a long winding game was Mario.

02-20-2007, 04:06 AM
In the UK, the most you came to a long winding game was Mario.

You should have played some more games in your time. There are loads of games that are 'long winding' that were available in the UK before final fantasy 7



Don't forget Terranigma, which was released in Europe before the rest of the world (i think)

02-20-2007, 05:08 AM
I was half joking, to be honest. It took me about a year to beat Zelda 3 on the snes when I was 10 and I still think its a brilliant game.