03-17-2002, 03:40 AM
Who do you all think is the hardest boss out of all the bosses in the 3 final fantasy games for psx???????????Why?

I own all three games and i've beaten all the bosses and I just want to see if you feal like a i do

I think that Omega Weapon (FF8) is the hardest. It took me about 4-5 times to kill him where it only took me 2 times to beat emerald weapon (FF7) and I beat all the bosses in FF9 in one try

03-17-2002, 05:07 AM
well, i have all of them, and iv beaten all of them.:D and i think that they are all easy. but the most frustrating would be Ruby weapon, he took the longest. but they all took about, 20-40 min.


03-17-2002, 02:04 PM
I'd say that Omega was the hardest. Without any way of making your self invincible, hes basically impossible. Ruby would come second, and third Ozma.

03-17-2002, 03:19 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I actually found Ultima Weapon in FF8 harder than Omega, for the simple reason of his high speed and randomness of attacks. Ultima Weapon could use Light Pillar at any time, and if your speed stat isn't high enough he gets 2-3 attacks to your one. At least Omega was slower and had an order to his attacks, so I could defeat him with Duel/Renzokuken before he even got to use Terra Break.

Ozma in FF9 was also quite hard and took me 3-4 attempts. Ozma is also quite fast and counter-attacks a lot, and is especially annoying when he uses Meteor and then Curse as two attacks in a row, which kills you most of the time, especially with the randomness of Meteor's damage.

I didn't really find the weapons in FF7 that hard. Emerald took me 2 attempts; after I realised that I could stop him from using Aire Tam Storm by destroying the eyes as soon as they appear (I didn't know about the materia thing at the time, I just assumed it did 9999 damage to everyone, so I just had to stop him using it). I managed to beat Ruby first attempt; I went into the battle with one character dead, and I had one character removed. Then I had one character constantly summoning KOtR and the other healing with Megalixirs, as throughout the whole battle Ruby only seemed to use Ultima.

So yeah, I think the hardest bosses I've fought are Ozma and Ultima Weapon in FF8. :)

03-17-2002, 04:12 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Meltigemini
[B]<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I actually found Ultima Weapon in FF8 harder than Omega, for the simple reason of his high speed and randomness of attacks. Ultima Weapon could use Light Pillar at any time, and if your speed stat isn't high enough he gets 2-3 attacks to your one. At least Omega was slower and had an order to his attacks, so I could defeat him with Duel/Renzokuken before he even got to use Terra Break.

But you can kill Ultima in 1 hit and just use full life to counter Light piller. A single deul or renzokuken can kill him easily. How was ultima harder? I can't see that possible as Omega has 10 time the hp, and can kill ur whole party? Anyway its just an opinion.

03-17-2002, 07:16 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Well it's probably just that the first time I fought Ultima Weapon I was not prepared for the battle at all, and I seemed to concentrate more on healing than attacking; and the first time I fought it my speed stat was so low that it could get up to 3 attacks to my one, meaning that it had enough time to use Light Pillar on everyone before I even had time to revive. Well now I find it quite easy, considering I've got better at the Duel now.

Omega does have more HP, but is slower and has an order to his attacks. Even at level 100, you only need to use 3 Duels to kill Omega if you're fast enough, and as long as you have 9999HP and defence against instant death there is plenty of time to attack with these limit breaks before it uses Terra Break. Well yeah, thinking about it, Ultima isn't really harder than Omega...

03-29-2002, 05:01 PM
I would have to say Ruby Weapon and Emerald Weapon they both were very hard to beat. 2nd would have to be Omega Weapon, and 3rd would be Ozma.

03-30-2002, 11:06 AM
Naaah, they were easy compared to when i first started FF7 and it took me about 35 tries to beat the Scorpion Guard cause the game tells you to attack when the tail's up (a bad mistake) and i kept dying.

03-30-2002, 01:26 PM
<font color="4422BB"> Omega. i beat Ruby and Emerald in under 8 minutes a piece </font>

03-30-2002, 05:36 PM
I havent got that far in any of the ff's so i'd say That plant guy in FF9 ant the end of disk 2. Or for ff8- i cant remember

03-31-2002, 02:56 AM
for me :
1st:Ruby weapon(FFVII) : it was such an annoying boss >_<
2nd:Omega weapon(FFVIII) : Big, hard plus timeless.
3rd:Ozma(FFIX) : ....i beat him/her under 3 minutes.

Neo Xzhan
04-18-2002, 09:11 AM
The hardest boss on FF7 would b Bizarro Sephiroth (without the KOTR summon) he just keeps healing and regenerating himself.

The hardest boss in FF8 would b Omega weapon, it took me about 5 times to get him.

The hardest boss in FF9 would be Ozma.

the one
04-20-2002, 05:58 PM
i thought ozma in ff9 was quite easy as i was expecting sumthin majorly hard coz on a site i read it woz the strongest boss in the game.i defeated him first time without having to meet all the 'frienldy creatures' so i could my attacks,but i do have to say in ff8 the hardest woz omega.

the one
04-20-2002, 05:59 PM
i thought ozma in ff9 was quite easy as i was expecting sumthin majorly hard coz on a site i read it woz the strongest boss in the game.i defeated him first time without having to meet all the 'frienldy creatures' so i could my attacks,but i do have to say in ff8 the hardest woz omega.:rolleyes:

sorry bout that double post mistake

04-23-2002, 08:26 PM
I'll hang my head in shame and say that the Materia Keeper and Carry Armour (both 7) are the only bosses to kill me on any of 7, 8 an 9. Atma from 6 is the only other one so far.

04-23-2002, 10:24 PM
Materia Keeper and Red Dragon(I'm lvl. 27 and stuck on it)

04-24-2002, 05:58 AM
FF7- Sephiroth.

FF8- Ultimecia and beasts.

FF9- Don't know...

Divine Strike
04-27-2002, 05:55 AM
FF7-...would be Ruby Weapon if you did not use Knights of the Round or Quadra magic.......or mime

FF8-...Omega Weapon if you don't use a cheap strategy involving Invincibility or aura's.

FF9-...Ozma if you don't use auto-life...

See all of the bosses are easy but they all can be very hard if you give yourself certain handicaps.

04-27-2002, 11:41 PM
I'd have to say:
1. Ruby Weapon
2. Emerald Weapon
3. Ozma

05-11-2002, 12:47 PM
pathetic old me thinks that lifa tree is hardest unless u casr life on it....

Nanaki XIII
05-12-2002, 03:08 AM
Ruby Weapon. Omega Weapon is easy because of invincibility items. I really dont think they should of had them.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-12-2002, 06:38 AM
Bah, what hard bosses in FF 7-9? I have yet to've seen a game over screen in those three.