01-07-2007, 02:31 AM
If you have a TI graphing calculater, you gotta try some of these games.

There are games for all interests,like Wolfenstien,4 Final Fantasys, Age of Culture(Empires), Metroid, Mario, and Zelda.

If your interested try one of the following sites:

01-07-2007, 02:34 AM
i dont have one of these cose i had to learn mathematics

lol burn burn burn

01-07-2007, 02:38 AM
Do you think your funny?

Try learning to spell before you learn math.

01-07-2007, 02:39 AM
Do you think your funny?

Try learning to spell before you learn math.

you are. youare. you're. not "your", silly munchkin! seems i can spell!

01-07-2007, 02:41 AM
Ok so we both have typos I apologize...

Gentleman Ghost
01-07-2007, 03:16 AM
Play games on your Calculator?
Paly gmase on yuor claculatro?

is this true?
is tihs ture/

01-07-2007, 03:27 AM
so long as you have a TI graphing calculater and some sort of link cable. you can get them on those site listed above. but youll need computer software to transfer them to your calc.

get the software from

01-07-2007, 04:03 AM
Do you think your funny?

Try learning to spell before you learn math.

you are. youare. you're. not "your", silly munchkin! seems i can spell!

You got owned.

01-07-2007, 05:57 PM
Anyway back to calcs...

Here are some Final Fantasy screen shots

01-07-2007, 06:41 PM
damn it, I thougt I figured it out...

Someone tell me how to put pictures in a post...

jewess crabcake
01-07-2007, 06:49 PM
click the insert imag link, then post the URL or type in this format.

01-07-2007, 07:28 PM
You are my god... I will sell you my soul for a pack of smarties...

jewess crabcake
01-07-2007, 07:39 PM
... seems a bit excessive.

01-08-2007, 12:49 AM
Excessive and pointless.
While people were doing that sort of stuff in High School, I was busy making programs that I could sell to the idiot Seniors taking the Freshman Algebra course.

01-08-2007, 01:27 AM
Excessive and pointless.
While people were doing that sort of stuff in High School, I was busy making programs that I could sell to the idiot Seniors taking the Freshman Algebra course.

Its really not that hard to program them...
I was doing it within a week of owning one
so dont act so big and bad

01-08-2007, 01:40 AM
so dont act so big and bad

Mr. Pot? There's a Mr. Kettle on the line--seems that you called him black. Seriously, though, ease up on the pretentious prick act. It's quite grating.

01-08-2007, 02:01 AM
I remember programming a text based RPG instead of studying for my final exams, with a battle system based on the game books by Ian Livingstone (wow, the time I pissed away reading those things...). Wasn't for this sort of calculator though; I presume that since this one desplay graphics that whoever programmed it had more than 32 KB to work with...

01-08-2007, 02:54 AM
Its really not that hard to program them...
I was doing it within a week of owning one
so dont act so big and bad

I was doing it before I owned one.
Don't be jealous that I made some cash and you didn't.
FTR, the title should read "Calculator RPGs"...there's on "e" in calculator you idiot.

02-15-2007, 12:17 AM
This is a very good thread. I created the first half of a menu based Final Fantasy VII game for my Ti-83 a long time ago. It was menu based and you basically battled some important characters. I think it included Shinra soldier, Hojo, Jenova, Sepiroth, and a little more.

I recommend these two links...

I have been considering getting a calculator again. I had a Ti-83 and a Ti-89, but both were stolen. Since then I haven't taken any math classes until right now. I have a Ti-36 solar calculator but it's just basically a regular calculator with important math functions. I want to get back into the gaming thing.

Bottom line, what is the top calculator to get? I believe there are 3 different families where there are currently games coming out.

TI-83 / TI-83 PLUS / TI-84 PLUS
TI-85 / TI-86
TI-89 / TI-92 / TI-92 PLUS / VOYAGE 200

Money isn't a factor, I want to get the one that has the most programs and will continue to have the most programs coming up. Please tell me specifically though, I shouldn't bother with Ti-83 and Ti-84 stuff since those will be outdated soon right? Should I bother with the Ti-85 and Ti-86 stuff also? I am leaning torwards the high end Ti-89, Ti-92, and Voyage 200 items. My hope is that those calculators have the most programs coming out for them and have a good amount of backwards compatibility and may be compatible with each other. I am just starting my research today, using the websites you gave me. I was really into this years back, I might get into it again. It's a good way to kill time if I am not at my Playstation 2.


02-15-2007, 12:29 AM
Actually the TI84+ silver is the one I would recomend though, it may not have the best game graphics but its the most user friendly...

I have my own final fantasy here ( You should look at it, and download it when you get your calc, its for the TI83/84. It's about a 45-60 min game but its only my prototype.

02-15-2007, 12:37 AM
Great work! I want to check out your game if I get the calculator! Tell me more.

Please help me out though, I am not sure of the compatibility of the software. There are so many versions of the Ti Calculators. Please tell me the top calculator out for all three calculator families. Ti-83/84 family has the top one as Ti-84 Plus SE right? Ti-85/86 family has the top one as Ti-86 right? The Ti-89/92/Voyage family has the top ones as either Ti-89 Titanium or the Voyage 200 PLT right?

Is it true that the games for the 3 families are not going to be able to played on a calculator from the other 2 families? Currently my only options I believe are Ti-84 Plus SE, Ti-86, Ti-89 Titanium, and Voyage 200 PLT right? I look forward to your response. :)

I'm researching. Apparently, I remember now, there are 2 main cpu's used in all current Ti calculators. There is the Zilog Z80 chip used in the 83/84/85/86 versions and the more advanced MC68000 used in the 89/92/Voyage systems. I am reading that the Ti-84 Plus SE is kind of in the same family as the 85/86 ones, but is the pinnacle of these two families right? As far as the 89/92/Voyage ones, the Ti-89 Titanium and the Voyage 200 PLT are the pinnacles of this family but the Voyage 200 PLT is with a QWERTY keyboard design. Is it true that the Voyage 200 PLT is not permitted on some advanced math tests?

After doing some research, I am leaning torwards buying the Ti-89 Titanium. The Ti-84 Plus SE is using the older Zilog Z80 cpu, and although it is popular and has a ton of games, it is not as powerful as the Ti-89 Titanium. The Ti-86 is in the same family I believe as the Ti-84 Plus SE I believe, but I do not prefer it over the Ti-89 Titanium for the same reasons. As far as the Voyage 200 PLT goes, it is almost the same as the Ti-89 Titanium but has a QWERTY style horizontal key design that I do not prefer, and is not permitted I think in some advanced math competitions, although it has a bigger screen. I believe I prefer the Ti-89 Titanium to it.

After doing some research, I think I have answered my questions and may plan to get the Ti-89 Titanium. My question now is how compatible are the programs in one family of calculators to the programs on another family? Basically I mean this, if I get a Ti-89 Titanium, will I be able to play any basic or assembly programs that were created for the Ti-83/Ti-84/Ti-85/Ti-86 family? Also, will I be able to play any basic or assembly programs that were created for the 92/Voyage calculators? Please reply! :)

02-15-2007, 12:49 AM
i'm not sure on the voyage/82/89 (hell I didn't even know voyage was a TI). but the other two you right, more people chose the 83/84 faimily and I personaly would recomend it.

Is it true that the games for the 3 families are not going to be able to played on a calculator from the other 2 families? Currently my only options I believe are Ti-84 Plus SE, Ti-86, Ti-89 Titanium, and Voyage 200 PLT right? I look forward to your response.

It depends, I've found DOS programs that convert 83/84 to 86 but for the most part no... It unfortunate though I found a an exact replica of FFI for the 89 (I think) and I was mad I coulden't get it... But if I got to buy another calc it would have to be the 84+ silver. The 84+ silver has the same memory as the other calcs you listed or just a slightly smaller RAM... So yeah, go with the 84+ silver.

02-15-2007, 01:06 AM
After doing some research, I think I have answered my questions and may plan to get the Ti-89 Titanium. My question now is how compatible are the programs in one family of calculators to the programs on another family? Basically I mean this, if I get a Ti-89 Titanium, will I be able to play any basic or assembly programs that were created for the Ti-83/Ti-84/Ti-85/Ti-86 family? Also, will I be able to play any basic or assembly programs that were created for the 92/Voyage calculators? Please reply! :)

You may be able to find some BASIC converters on the site but ASM you're shit out of luck...

P.S. you can listen to music on some of the calc models (like the 83/84)

02-15-2007, 01:11 AM
I'm doing more research now. Here's main info. The pinnacle of the Zilog Z80 cpu family is the Ti-84 Plus SE and the pinnacle of the MC68000 family is is a combo of the Ti-89 Titanium(Standard style) and the Voyage 200 PLT(QWERTY keyboard style). The MC68000 family is more powerful, and of the two I prefer the Ti-89 Titanium because of it's style and because it is allowed to be in use during advanced math tests and competitions. Bottom line, if I buy a calculator I will get a Ti-89 Titanium. Also, the programs created on a Ti-89 Titanium are compatible with the programs on a Ti-89, Ti-92, Ti-92 Plus, Voyage 200, and Voyage 200 PLT. The only considerations for noncompatibility are very small and usually require just a recompilation of the program to adjust for small hardware changes between the family of calculators. So basically you can pretty much play on the Ti-89 Titanium all basic and assembly programs created for the other calculators in this MC68000 cpu family, although sometimes you might have to use a calculator tool that recompiles a program for you, although this is very easy.

Ok so now, where do I get games that can be played on Ti-89 Titanium and other Texas Instruments calculators? I know of, but what are the other top sites? I am researching this. Please tell me more! I await your prompt response please. :)

It would be cool if I get both of the calculators that I want. For the Zilog Z80 cpu family I want to get the Ti-84 Plus SE. For the Motorola MC68000 cpu family I want to get the Ti-89 Titanium. My limiting factor is price. I want to research now the prices on these two items.

Ok, I researched at and the Ti-84 Plus SE sells for $123 and the Ti-89 Titanium sells for $142. I can get them on for about $80's something and $90's something respectively also.

02-15-2007, 01:20 AM

But pretty much If you can't find it on then you ain't finding it...

If you wait you can get a discount on back-to-school stuff. I got a 20$ rebate on mine.

02-15-2007, 01:57 AM
So basically is the only signifigant site with games? What are the top rpg's released for the 89/92/Voyage family? What about for the 83/84/85/86 family? Can you recommend some games to me please? :)

I also programmed a cool blackjack game and a fighting game.

02-15-2007, 01:59 AM
nope, sorry, I don't know af any games, just browse on ticalc...

02-16-2007, 02:12 AM
Great! :)

02-16-2007, 02:19 AM
these games you made, they wouldn't happen to be on your computer would they? if so upload the to ticalc... thanks

02-16-2007, 02:25 AM
The games, some are on my computer backed up, some are not on the pc but I have the source code written down. I should finish them up and send them in! My Blackjack game might be completed if I remember, it was cool! Final Fantasy Fight(I think that's the name of my game) is 50% complete I believe, it's great! My "Killer Combat" game I am not sure, but it's great also! I wonder if I did anything else signifigant. I think I had a chronograph and/or timer program also though.

Let me work on them and upload them. :)! How many programs have you made? :)

02-16-2007, 02:35 AM
lets see i've got my final fantasy game i linked you to (my best program), i made a game where you guess what # it will spit out, alot of math programs like quadratic formula, area of a polygon, compound interest, stuff like that, lets see a time program, one where it displays random # and letters, and one that display "bianary code" (not really bianary code)...

these are all for the 83/84

and i have yet to learn ASM so they're all in BASIC...

02-16-2007, 02:47 AM
I should learn the MC68000 Assembly language for my Ti-89 Titanium I might get. I wonder how different the Zilog Z80 Assembly language is for the Ti-84 Plus SE I wonder. :)

Gargh! I'm paying console rpg's, check out my signature. There might not be time for this. Can you post with your info that is like my sig's signature? :)

02-16-2007, 02:56 AM
recently beaten: "dirge of cerberus" x2 (hard mode), "the elder scrolls three:morrowind" (most expansive game ever, not an understatement), "samurai legend musashi", "star ocean 3:till the end of time" (again)

curently playing: the elder scrolls three: morrowind

will play next: FFIII ( i'l borrow it from my girlfriend)

02-16-2007, 03:29 AM
You are playing Elder Scrolls III? I haven't played any Elder Scroll game but I heard they are extremely popular. I seen some footage of Oblivion I don't believe I prefer it's subgenre but I probably will rent it in a few months when I have a Xbox 360. Why don't you play The Elder Scrolls IV? I think the older 6 FF titles should have been released like this...

FF 1/2/3: GBA(This is like a Super Nintendo kinda, so it's a console upgrade kinda)
FF 4/5/6: DS(This is like a Nintendo 64 kinda, so it's a console upgrade kinda).

FF 4/5/6 coming out on GBA isn't as good of an upgrade as I wanted. FF 6 is my favorite game by the way. Also, I didn't do any sidequests in FF VII: DoG after I finished the game. I just hopped in to Final Fantasy XII and got stuck in it, although I originally planned to do more FF VII: DoG stuff. I owned/beat Brave Fencer Musashi, it was fun! I remember having to choose between Brave Fencer Musashi, Parasite Eve, or Xenogears that fall. I should have chosen Xenogears! Now it's 9 years later and we know definetely what the best game was, argh!

Let's talk about Star Ocean. The 3 main guys from Tri-Ace originally worked in the "Wolf Team" developmental team and created Tales of Phantasia, which I enjoyed. They left to form Tri Ace and created the Star Ocean, Radiata Stories, and Valkyrie Profile series of games. They are creating Infinite Undiscovery for Xbox 360 now. I started to play Star Ocean in late spring of last year but stopped because I wasn't too interested in it. So I am not sure if I will like some other games by Tri-Ace though. This is weird because Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria was very popular last fall and Infinite Undiscovery seems cool. So the team for Tales of Phantasia split up. Some people formed Tri-Ace, the other people stayed with the company and created the rest of the Tales series of games. They didn't create Tales of Legendia though, I wonder what else they did. :)

Do you have a lot of time/money/interest in beating the top new games or do you like the top old games? I'm trying to mix them up. I remember spring 2006 when I beat tons of the top Snes rpg's only. Now I'm mixing old with the new, for example I will beat Alundra 1 and Rogue Galaxy soon. What is your thought? :)

02-16-2007, 03:54 AM
You are playing Elder Scrolls III? I haven't played any Elder Scroll game but I heard they are extremely popular. I seen some footage of Oblivion I don't believe I prefer it's subgenre but I probably will rent it in a few months when I have a Xbox 360. Why don't you play The Elder Scrolls IV?

I don't have an Xbox 360 or a high enough computer graphics card for my computer...

Also, I didn't do any sidequests in FF VII: DoG after I finished the game.

there arn't really sidequest in DoC just "extra" missons

Let's talk about Star Ocean. The 3 main guys from Tri-Ace originally worked in the "Wolf Team" developmental team and created Tales of Phantasia, which I enjoyed. They left to form Tri Ace and created the Star Ocean, Radiata Stories, and Valkyrie Profile series of games. They are creating Infinite Undiscovery for Xbox 360 now. I started to play Star Ocean in late spring of last year but stopped because I wasn't too interested in it. So I am not sure if I will like some other games by Tri-Ace though. This is weird because Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria was very popular last fall and Infinite Undiscovery seems cool. So the team for Tales of Phantasia split up. Some people formed Tri-Ace, the other people stayed with the company and created the rest of the Tales series of games. They didn't create Tales of Legendia though, I wonder what else they did.

SO3 is my all-time of favorite game and I really liked radiata stories ( I rented then bought it)

Do you have a lot of time/money/interest in beating the top new games or do you like the top old games? I'm trying to mix them up. I remember spring 2006 when I beat tons of the top Snes rpg's only. Now I'm mixing old with the new, for example I will beat Alundra 1 and Rogue Galaxy soon. What is your thought?

I usually try and get my hands on as many SE titles as i can...

over the summer I played drakengaurd 2 and I was sooooooo obsorbed into that game i beat it twice in one rent...

p.s. you have way to much time on your hands

02-16-2007, 05:42 AM
When I say side quests in FF VII: DoG I mean the extra missions. What do you think of Infinite Undiscovery? Go to the page for it. I like the Square Enix rpg's developed by them, they also release rpg's not developed by them. These include Tri Ace stuff and Full Metal Alchemist and Grandia III, there is more though. I am not sure if I like those as much. I go to school fulltime and work fulltime, it's impossible to have way too much time on my hands. I manage my time extremely well, so I am able to do whatever I want to.

Last night I was watching Bones on Fox, and Monday's 2 episodes that I taped of 24, do you watch those shows? What is your favorite Square(not Enix) subgenre of rpg's...

Final Fantasy(Main stuff), this is mainly one team
FF Tactics, Vagrant Story, FFT Advance, FF XII(yes), FFT(handheld), FFTA2, and FF XII:RW, these are programmed by the same people mainly
Romancing Saga series
Seiken Densetsu/Mana series
Kingdom Hearts series and Final Fantasy XIII/Versus XIII - This is the same team I believe

By the way, I believe the FF XIII/Versus XIII team is coming from the Kingdom Hearts team and the main Final Fantasy team(which doesn't include FF XI, FF VII: DoG, and FF XII). Let me rephrase my question, which team do you like best? I should explain more how there are different teams of producers, directors, scenario writers, character designers, and composers.

By the way, the two most famous guys from Square, Hironobu Sakaguchi(Producer/Director guy, main guy) and Nobuo Uematsu(Composer) have left a couple years ago I believe you know. They work in the Mistwalker(Blue Dragon) company for Xbox 360, but do some Square Enix work also still. How critical is this to the Square Enix company? I mean how bad will it affect them? I think this is a critical loss to the company and it's possible that Mistwalker could overtake Square Enix years down the line, although I don't know if it will happen.

What is your thought? :)